My Facebook App's icon isn't appearing when sharing - facebook

I have a Facebook App (Page Tab, Website and Canvas) and since it's gone live I've updated the App Icon (1024x1024) but whenever someone shares the Canvas URL you still this:
How can I update this icon from Facebook's default image?
As I say, I've already updated the App Icon on the App Details page ( Is there somewhere else that I need to update the Canvas icon?

The answer was simple, and had nothing to do with the App Icon. Even though the user is sharing the Canvas URL, Facebook constructs the share data like it does for any website.
The issue was merely caching. I ran the Canvas URL through the Object Debugger (previous known as Linter) and it worked fine.


Can't share link due to privacy settings?

I've set up an app on facebook, and it is now live. Everything is working as expected and I can use the FB JS SDK to trigger a feed popup dialog, which also works great.
The problem is when I try to trigger a share popup dialog. In the dialog it states:
Some people may not be able to see this attachment because of its privacy settings.
The link itself is pretty simple, and is in the form of:{app_id}&link={redirect url - same url as the app}&picture={some jpg - same domain as app}&name={name}&caption={caption}&description={description}
I've looked over all the settings of the app, it's a page app not a canvas app, and nothing seems to be out of place. What should I do?

Publishing action for Canvas (iframe) apps

I've provided my canvas app with all required for publishing actions to Facebook. After I publish an action I have a message like "John made an action over {SomeObject}" in my timeline. Everything works OK but the {SomeObject} i click opens in a window, not in facebook iframe where my app usually works. The URL of this link is rendered like this:{my_app_id}&method=permissions.request&redirect_uri={my_object_url}&response_type=code&display=page&auth_referral=1&fb_private_mode_enc={some_text_string}
What should i do to make my clicked object open in facebook iframe, not window? Can i somehow change display=page to display=iframe in this URL?
I've been having this problem too - I'd like to be able to direct a user straight to my canvas app. Added to this, unless the meta in {my_object_url}'s HTML lines up with what Facebook expects to see, the link resolves to a "this app is having a problem" dialog.
A possible workaround for you, not so much a 100% answer: allow the redirect, but in the meta of the page being redirected to, do an HTML refresh back to the app canvas? This would redirect users back to the app.
If you needed to direct them to a specific page of the app, you could use an app_data signed request addition to the canvas-redirect URL.
Hope this helps. Not a silver bullet though.

Links in iFrame tabs won't work in Facebook application in Timeline

I had links that worked before timeline, and since we moved to timeline, they don't. We are using the Facebook iFrame for our content.
What is going on? When we click on the link, it seems like something is blocking the browser from changing the page.
Edit : I'm still investigating that problem; One thing I should mention is that only links that go to another Facebook App don't work. The ones that go to something else than Facebook (A blog, Twitter and Linkedin) work fine.
TommyBs Wrote:
Is the target of the links the same frame? I find sometimes that facebook doesn't let you redirect to an iframe of facebook. E.g - Make sure you either set the link to target="_top" or make sure it is a full url of an app and not the app on facebook. Otherwise you're basically loading an iframe of facebook, with an iframe of your app within the existing iframe
Yup, putting a target="_top" on my links worked. Thanks!

Facebook Page Tab/Facebook Canvas App/Fan Page

This all sounds confusing;
I have a Facebook Canvas App with the same name as the Fan Page. I would like to add an iFrame tab to the Fan Page to promote and link to the Canvas App. My question is do I have to create a new app for the iFrame tab, or do I open my app settings for the canvas app and add settings for a page tab as well in there. Facebook don;t seem to have much documentation and they are changing things for app profiles soon, so I want to make sure I keep my fans of the page.
Thanks in advance.
Basically it goes like this.
You have an iFrame app.
The iFrame app has a canvas which is where you load your html for your app from your webserver with whatever language you want (.NET, PHP etc)
Then you can add this iFrame app to your page.
When you go to
You will be shown the app by itself. When you add it to your page and load it via the tab on the menu of your page it will show you the app within the space on your page (an iframe).
You can use code to detect whether you are on a page or not to display different things.

Canvas Settings

Where do I find the canvas settings for a Facebook app. I didn't create the application I was hired to fix a couple bugs, but I can't seem to find these GUI screen shots for Canvas settings that everyone is posting.
I need to update the Canvas URL from https:// to http://
Go to application page, click on Edit app button, then in App settings section press edit link and you will see Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL fields.