Atlassian Bamboo deployment Plan with Artifactory-artifacts - deployment

Is there a way to make a deployment plan use artifacts from Artifactory rather than only shared artifacts from build plans in Bamboo?
I could only find the Artifactory Plugin for Bamboo, but that doesn't seem like it does, what I need.


JFrog Artifactory with VS, APIs, and DBs

Can JFrog Artifactory be used to store deployment artifacts for promotion, for applications developed with Visual Studio ?
Also, can JFrog Artifactory be used for API deployment and DataBase deployment?
If the requirement is to have the .NET projects perform build and store artifacts from Visual Studio against the Artifactory, please follow the instructions here. Additionally, if the query regarding API deployment is around the programmatic access against the Artifactory instance, please refer to Artifactory REST API wiki.

Builtin Octopus deploy repository

We're using Teamcity CI for build and Octopus Deploy for deployment.
We want to use Builtin Octopus deploy repository for storing Artifacts instead of teamcity repo. What are the differeneces between them?
Can you help me evaluate the built in Octopus repository. Pro/Cons, any complications you might be facing.
One of the key differences is that TeamCity can be used as an externally accessible NuGet server, but Octopus Deploy can't expose any packages it knows about. If you're building components in TeamCity that are exposed as NuGet packages and reused within applications then Octopus Deploy won't be able to handle that scenario.
If you're just building applications and exposing them for Octopus Deploy then my advice would be to push them to Octopus Deploy to manage, otherwise you end up duplicating on disk space as there'll be a copy of the package in TeamCity and a copy of the package in Octopus Deploy once it has downloaded it from the TeamCity NuGet feed.
Hope this helps.
The inbuilt Octopus Deploy repository allows you to automatically create and deploy a release as soon as it is packaged and published (usually during a server build). This is great if you want to schedule nightly builds so that your development/test/integration environment is always update to date.
External package repositories cannot be used to automatically create
releases, only the built-in package repository is supported.
It also maintains packages through a retention policy so you don't have to worry about running out of disk space.
We use two NuGet repositories. One for application packages deployed through Octopus Deploy, and one for shared packaged reusable components using NuGet.Server.

Sugested way of working - Jenkins promotions or artifactory releases will deploy a war

We have a jenkins Job that package a WAR snapshot on every commit on SVN.
We also use the Release plugin that generate a versioned WAR on artifactory.
example:web:1.1-SNAPSHOT >> 1.1
We want include the deployment task on the jenkins work flow. On different project we also work with the promote plugin.
We are not sure which is the better approach for work with the automated deployment task, based on the number of future problems that we could found.
The first solution planned is :
Use the release plugin for generate a release stagging.
Use the promotion plugin for authorize the automated deployment.
This promotion launch a different job that download the last available WAR file from artifactory and deploy it.
We have discused if we can do it on the same "promotion action" or found a different solution.
Which solution is the most common for those cases? How we can restrict the accidental deployment of unauthorized versions?
Don't deploy the latest version, since you'll unintentionally deploy the wrong version, sooner or later. Use parameterized builds to deploy a particular version. The deploy-to-artifactory job sets the parameter and uses the parameterized trigger plugin to kick off all deploy-to-machine jobs.
You may want to parameterize all jobs in the pipeline after the deploy-to-artifactory job. I think there are other plugins that put the parameter into an entire pipeline, but I can't see them at the moment. There is a wide range of plugins that you can leverage in this workflow to suit your needs, such as the BuildResultTrigger plugin and the Build Flow plugin. And matrix builds are great for deploying to a range of machines, OSes, etc.

Deploy using artifact from artifactory

Is there a way in Bamboo to deploy artifacts from artifactory rather than only local published artifacts? I've found the Artifactory Plugin but as far as I could see, it only allows for deploying stuff into artifactory.
I'm using Bamboo 5.4.2
You can use your build server to deploy from Artifactory to your application server, that's a very detoured way to go. You already uploaded all the binaries to Artifactory why would you want to download them to the build server again?
You have number of ways to get the needed files to your application server right from Artifactory, without involving the CI server, and the selection depends on how complicated your requirements are. If all you need is to get the latest version of some artifact from Artifactory to app server, tools like LiveRebel are a great match. If you need to do more, e.g. deploy on sophisticated topology of clustered environment with sharded data schema upgrade without downtime, you might need something more free-style like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, or Salt.
In any way, Artifactory Properties and the REST API to work with them are your best friend. Using properties in your REST queries for artifacts allows expressing queries like "Give me all the artifacts that were produced by certain Bamboo build, but only those, which were staged, have the QA level of 'production' and matching the target deployment target".

Bamboo Deployment project to Artifactoy

I've been researching this for a while but can't find an answer.
I use Bamboo 5.3 with Artifactory plugin 1.6.2. I have a build project that generates a .war and two .zips. I also have a Bamboo Deployment project that creates releases with these three files and deploys to DEV, QA and so on.
For a build project I am able to use the artifactory plugin, that's fine. The problem is that I end up with a lot of artifacts if I publish all the builds. I would like to publish to Artifactory only the files from the releases, so that is happens less often, and that the people would see only the 3-4 releases tries, not the 150 builds.
My issue is that when creating my Deployment tasks (like download, copy, call ssh script...) there is no 'Artifactory Generic Deploy', like in the build project tasks.
I see there is a new Bamboo 5.4 with some improvement around the deployment process, maybe this could help?
Support for deployment task from Bamboo to Artifactory will be available starting with version 1.8.0 of the Artifactory plugin.
Here is the Jira issue.
I faced a similar issue. Hopefully the next release of the artifactory plugin will integrate with deployment projects.
If you are willing to use Maven to broker the deployment, deploy-file can get the job done.
In the deployment project, after your artifact download task add a Maven 3.x task for each artifact you want to send.
You'll need to specify a build JDK and for environment variables I'm using MAVEN_OPTS="-DskipTests=true -XX:MaxPermSize=4096m"
For the actual maven command:
Hope this helps!
The artifactory API is pretty usable for this purpose. You can deploy directly using curl in a shell script.
See for the details.