Builtin Octopus deploy repository - nuget

We're using Teamcity CI for build and Octopus Deploy for deployment.
We want to use Builtin Octopus deploy repository for storing Artifacts instead of teamcity repo. What are the differeneces between them?
Can you help me evaluate the built in Octopus repository. Pro/Cons, any complications you might be facing.

One of the key differences is that TeamCity can be used as an externally accessible NuGet server, but Octopus Deploy can't expose any packages it knows about. If you're building components in TeamCity that are exposed as NuGet packages and reused within applications then Octopus Deploy won't be able to handle that scenario.
If you're just building applications and exposing them for Octopus Deploy then my advice would be to push them to Octopus Deploy to manage, otherwise you end up duplicating on disk space as there'll be a copy of the package in TeamCity and a copy of the package in Octopus Deploy once it has downloaded it from the TeamCity NuGet feed.
Hope this helps.

The inbuilt Octopus Deploy repository allows you to automatically create and deploy a release as soon as it is packaged and published (usually during a server build). This is great if you want to schedule nightly builds so that your development/test/integration environment is always update to date.
External package repositories cannot be used to automatically create
releases, only the built-in package repository is supported.
It also maintains packages through a retention policy so you don't have to worry about running out of disk space.
We use two NuGet repositories. One for application packages deployed through Octopus Deploy, and one for shared packaged reusable components using NuGet.Server.


push NuGet packages to TeamCity NuGet server

I have turned on TeamCity's NuGet Server and I want to push in common packages (i.e. from public sources such as NuGet.org) because the build server cannot see outside our company, so restoring packages on the build server from NuGet.org is not possible.
I cannot see how to push these packages on to our TeamCity server. I've seen various answers suggesting to use a package build still or some other means of publishing from within a build, but this is not appropriate for my use case.
If I try to publish from a command line it complains that it cannot find an API key (where do I get that from?) and it won't allow me to enter my credentials (I assume my team city login would be it) as it tells me "Cannot prompt for input in non-interactive mode." (I didn't set that mode and I can't see how to turn that off).
So, how do I push/publish an adhoc package that I obtained elsewhere into team city?
I believe that the nuget functionality provided by TeamCity is an API added on top of TeamCity's builtin artifact functionality.
There are a number of consequences of that:
When a build configuration is executed that produces any .nupkg files that are marked as artifacts, they will be available on the Teamcity nuget feed.
As with all other artifacts nupkgs published in TeamCity are subject to Teamcity's general artifact retention rules.
Access rules for nuget packages are the same as access to the TeamCity projects.
There is however as far as I know no implementation in the Teamcity Nuget API for pushing packages to it. The general practice for storing original or generated packages is to use a stand alone nuget server or service like a normal file share, a Nuget.Core based server, proget or myget.org.
If you end up with many packages of your own I've heard people reporting that Teamcity becomes quite slow when the clients are resolving the packages.
Update 2:
The last years I've adopted the notion of separating build artifact packages into the two categories library package and deployment package. A separate package repository can be used for both types but a repository such as the one available in for instance Octopus deploy should only be used for deployment packages.
Update 3:
Microsoft have a page for a number of nuget server options.

Accessing a file from a different version of the same NuGet package during Octopus deployment

We use Octopus Deploy 3.2.16 to deploy a NuGet package to an Azure Cloud Service.
From our Deploy.ps1 file, we need to identify the newest NuGet package published in this feed.
For example, we have this scenario:
Day 1: we deploy v1.0.0
Day 2: we deploy v.1.0.1
Day 3: we re-deploy v1.0.0
When we re-deploying v1.0.0 on Day3, the Deploy.ps1 Powershell script that gets executed during deployment needs to identify the highest-version NuGet package in the current feed (I.E. "v1.0.1"), then retrieve and use a certain file from this package (I.E. "Library.dll")
Any suggestion on how can this be done?
I recommend handling this at the packaging level so the deployment of v1.0.0 with a different version of Library.dll is treated as a completely new release.
A critical part of deployment automation is knowing what is being deployed and dynamically chaning the dependencies will make your deployments highly volatile as the same version will not contain the same artefacts.
In most cases the adjusted package of v1.0.0 with the updated dependency would need to be tracked through the deployment pipeline just like any other release, whereas if you dynamically changed the artefacts, it could surprisingly have a different dependency on an environment just because a new version is flowing behind it.

Can I use my OctopusDeploy built-in Package Repository in Manage NuGet Packages?

I have a working Octopus Deploy server which has a library of packages I built.
I have an assembly which depends on one of the assemblies which I have deployed in Octopus Deploy and which is currently in that repository. I tried adding it as a package source in NuGet Package Manager, with my repository's URL (something like:
It will not populate the list Manage NuGet Packages of Visual Studio 2013, although the Microsoft and .NET and the nugget.org will populate.
Documentation doesn't appear to address this at OctopusDeploy.com. Is this something that can be done, or does my organization need to make an external NuGet feed?
Octopus Server provides a write-only repository and it can't be consumed by other NuGet clients.
There are many options available to you depending on your budget / hardware
NuGet Gallery
Octopus built in package repository is not mean't to be consumed by others.
The nuget packages there, are built specifically for Octopus. They have different structure. These packages are meant to be unpacked directly to a specific location, and run by either Windows service or IIS.
Also, from docs:
It is important to understand that the Octopus server provides a
write-only repository; intended for hosting application packages only
. Packages that are pushed to the Octopus server can't be consumed by
other NuGet clients like Visual Studio. If you need a NuGet feed for
sharing libraries between your development projects, a separate NuGet
repository is required.
We host internal nuget server ourselves, which works very nicely.

Deploy using artifact from artifactory

Is there a way in Bamboo to deploy artifacts from artifactory rather than only local published artifacts? I've found the Artifactory Plugin but as far as I could see, it only allows for deploying stuff into artifactory.
I'm using Bamboo 5.4.2
You can use your build server to deploy from Artifactory to your application server, that's a very detoured way to go. You already uploaded all the binaries to Artifactory why would you want to download them to the build server again?
You have number of ways to get the needed files to your application server right from Artifactory, without involving the CI server, and the selection depends on how complicated your requirements are. If all you need is to get the latest version of some artifact from Artifactory to app server, tools like LiveRebel are a great match. If you need to do more, e.g. deploy on sophisticated topology of clustered environment with sharded data schema upgrade without downtime, you might need something more free-style like Puppet, Chef, Ansible, or Salt.
In any way, Artifactory Properties and the REST API to work with them are your best friend. Using properties in your REST queries for artifacts allows expressing queries like "Give me all the artifacts that were produced by certain Bamboo build, but only those, which were staged, have the QA level of 'production' and matching the target deployment target".

How to make Octopus deploy choose package version in multiple environment?

We are building packages for multiple deployment environments using TeamCity server and OctoPack. The problem is that tentacle agent chooses the latest by number version of the package, so it's the same (latest) package that is deployed on all environments. Here's the summary of our setup:
Environments DEV and STAGE;
Deployment to DEV is triggered from Git "dev" branch;
Deployment to STAGE is triggered from Git "stage" branch;
OctoPack is configured to generate packages MyProduct.1.0.0.dev-%build_counter% for DEV build configuration;
OctoPack is configured to generated packages MyProduct.1.0.0.%build_counter% for STAGE build configuration;
TeamCity is configured to expose OctoPack artefacts (NuGet packages) via its NuGet feed;
Octopus project is configured to deploy packages with NuGet Id MyProduct from TeamCity NuGet feed.
So what happens is that since DEV builds are run more frequently, they have larger %build_counter%, and STAGE doesn't get a chance to get a deployment of its own packages - Octopus tentacle preferes packages with 1.0.0.dev-* suffix.
This must be fairly common scenario, but I haven't found a simple way to solve it.
There are some parts that are not documented here: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Octopus-Tools. But if you look at https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Octopus-Tools/blob/master/source/OctopusTools/Commands/CreateReleaseCommand.cs it is possible to figure out what you can do.
I think the tools is backward compatible, but not 100 % sure about that.
When you are using the octo tools, which I expect that you use, you can set the version (also called releasenumber now) option to specify the release number. If you doesn't specify anything else it will take the latest package so what you want to do is set the packageversion (also called defaultpackageversion now) that should be used for the release.
I think that should do it. If it doesn't, what are you using to create the release?
Example of what we are using from our TeamCity when using octo tools which we have added to the environment path on the build agents:
create-release --server=%conf.OctoServerApi% --project=%conf.OctoProject% --version=%env.OctopusPackageVersion% --deployto=%conf.OctoDeployEnv% --packageversion=%env.OctoPackPackageVersion% --apiKey=%conf.OctoApiKey% --waitfordeployment %conf.OctoExtraParams%
The documentation for 2.0 is much better: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=360596
Inspired by Tomas Jansson's answer, simply adding the following to Additional command line arguments in the OctopusDeploy: Create release build step (TeamCity v9) worked for me: