REST interface and leading zeroes - mongodb

I'm using Mongo's simple REST interface to query data in my collection.
One field I'm searching on is a mixture of numeric and character data, e.g. 000107011JXK
If I do the following query:
... Mongo removes leading zeroes and only searches on the numerical part of the criteria (e.g. 107011) which obviously does not bring back the required results.
Is there any way I can get around this issue?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.


StartsWithIgnoreCase - Gremlin Graph DB query

I am trying to get all the data from GraphDB which starts with certain characters along with ignore case. I am able to write a query that will return me the list which starts with some characters but I am not able to perform any ignore-case operation in that query.
Any help will be appreciated.
Current Query which I am using -
g.V().hasLabel('Product').has('name', TextP.startingwith('Acc'))
Gremlin does not provide the ability to do a case-insensitive search like you want. You will need to normalize your name field (i.e. make it all lower case) prior to saving it to perform this sort of search using the startingWith predicate.

How to ignore hyphens in mongodb docs values

Hi my problem is that I have a collection with data, in the data I have values string with hyphens between words
example: "item:'e-commerce'"
my question is if there any options to set mongo to ignore the hyphens when I query string,
example to query: value to search "e commerce" and the result should be "item:'e-commerce'", the worst solution is to do Normalization to the collections without hyphens.
Normalizing this field sounds like the way to go here.
Another (likely bad) tack would be using a collation that set alternate to "shifted" so that you ignore all whitespace & punctuation while doing comparisons.

Solr: Query for documents whose from-to date range contains the user input

I would like to store and query documents that contain a from-to date range, where the range represents an interval when the document has been valid.
Typical use cases in lucene/solr documentation address the opposite problem: Querying for documents that contain a single timestamp and this timestamp is contained in a date range provided as query parameter. (createdate:[1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z TO *])
I want to use the edismax parser.
I have found the ms() function, which seems to me to be designed for boosting score only, not to eliminate non-matching results entirely.
I have found the article Spatial Search Tricks for People Who Don't Have Spatial Data, where the problem described by me is said to be Easy... (Find People Alive On May 25, 1977).
Is there any simpler way to express something like
date_from_query:[valid_from_field TO valid_to_field] than using the spacial approach?
The most direct approach is to create the bounds yourself:
valid_from_field:[* TO date_from_query] AND valid_to_field:[date_from_query TO *]
.. which would give you documents where the valid_from_field is earlier than the date you're querying, and the valid_to_field is later than the date you're querying, in effect, extracting the interval contained between valid_from_field and valid_to_field. This assumes that neither field is multi valued.
I'd probably add it as a filter query, since you don't need any scoring from it, and you probably want to allow other search queries at the same time.

How can I filter by the length of an embedded document in MongoDB?

For example given the BlogPost/Comments schema here:
How would I find all posts with more than five comments? I have tried something along the lines of
But I'm getting tripped up with the syntax
MongoDb doesn't support range queries with size operator (Link). They recommend you to create a separate field to contain the size of the list that you increment yourself.
You cannot use $size to find a range of sizes (for example: arrays with more than 1 element). If you need to query for a range, create an extra size field that you increment when you add elements.
Note that for some queries, it may be feasible to just list all the counts you want in or excluded using (n)or conditions.
In your example, the following query will give all documents with more than 5 comments (using standard mongodb syntax, not mongoose):
db.col.find({"comments":{"$exists"=>true}, "$nor":[{"comments":{"$size"=>4}}, {"comments":{"$size"=>3}}, {"comments":{"$size"=>2}}, {"comments":{"$size"=>1}}, {"comments":{"$size"=>0}}]})
Obviously, this is very repetitive, so it only makes sense for small boundaries, if at all. Keeping a separate count variable, as recommended in the mongodb docs, is usually the better solution.
It's slow, but you could also use the $where clause:
db.Blog.find({$where:"this.comments.length > 5"}).exec(...);

Can Kinosearch do mathematical comparisons on numbers like "greater-than"?

I am using Perl's KinoSearch module to index a bunch of text.
Some of the text has numeric fields associated with each word. For example, the word "Pizza" in the index may have a dollar field value like "5.50" (dollars).
How can I write a query in KinoSearch that will find all words that have a dollar value greater than 5?
I'm not even sure if a full-text search engine can do this kind of thing. It seems more like a SQL query.
After a bunch of searching (heh, heh), I found this in the docs: RangeQuery
I may be able to make that work. But it appears the new required classes are not part of the standard release, yet.