StartsWithIgnoreCase - Gremlin Graph DB query - mongodb

I am trying to get all the data from GraphDB which starts with certain characters along with ignore case. I am able to write a query that will return me the list which starts with some characters but I am not able to perform any ignore-case operation in that query.
Any help will be appreciated.
Current Query which I am using -
g.V().hasLabel('Product').has('name', TextP.startingwith('Acc'))

Gremlin does not provide the ability to do a case-insensitive search like you want. You will need to normalize your name field (i.e. make it all lower case) prior to saving it to perform this sort of search using the startingWith predicate.


Meteor Mongodb first object array not selectable with dot notation

I have tried and tried on Meteor and on Robomongo (Mongodb) to select objects with dot notation.
I would like to be able to filter team.0.wageringStats.wageringStraightSpread objects (sometimes subjects can be fields or arrays - thats another issue)
In the first image I can select team.wageringStats.wageringStraightSpread and get back all the subOjects of team (team has siblings not shown in images)
The second image I tried team.0.wageringStats.wageringStraightSpread and I get no fields.
Lastly i tried team.[0].wageringStats.wageringStraightSpread and
team[0].wageringStats.wageringStraightSpread and get the same result : 0 fields
I am at a loss and would like some help. Thank you
I am not sure what you are trying to do now? Because in your first command, you already have a list of team that match your criteria and then, put it into the loop of meteor to process. Why do you need to find only the first one ? By the way, in order to select the nth of the result set in mongodb, you will need something like skip and limit
(in skip, you need to pass the offset you need to reach to)
Also, if you only care about the first one, findOne is the one you need to do the query
Be aware that the syntax of mongodb and meteor for querying is a bit different

Solr: Query for documents whose from-to date range contains the user input

I would like to store and query documents that contain a from-to date range, where the range represents an interval when the document has been valid.
Typical use cases in lucene/solr documentation address the opposite problem: Querying for documents that contain a single timestamp and this timestamp is contained in a date range provided as query parameter. (createdate:[1976-03-06T23:59:59.999Z TO *])
I want to use the edismax parser.
I have found the ms() function, which seems to me to be designed for boosting score only, not to eliminate non-matching results entirely.
I have found the article Spatial Search Tricks for People Who Don't Have Spatial Data, where the problem described by me is said to be Easy... (Find People Alive On May 25, 1977).
Is there any simpler way to express something like
date_from_query:[valid_from_field TO valid_to_field] than using the spacial approach?
The most direct approach is to create the bounds yourself:
valid_from_field:[* TO date_from_query] AND valid_to_field:[date_from_query TO *]
.. which would give you documents where the valid_from_field is earlier than the date you're querying, and the valid_to_field is later than the date you're querying, in effect, extracting the interval contained between valid_from_field and valid_to_field. This assumes that neither field is multi valued.
I'd probably add it as a filter query, since you don't need any scoring from it, and you probably want to allow other search queries at the same time.

How to display score of Hibernate Search query results

Hibernate Search allows to sort search results on relevance. Is it possible to obtain and display (e.g. in a jsp view) this information using Lucene query?
A Query in Hibernate Search can return Projections rather than the simple list of matching entities.
A projection result essentially means each result is an array containing the sequence of projections you asked for. Normally this is used to extract text from a specific field, so to not need loading the data from the database, but there are Projection constants to return also the Score value or the Explanation of the scoring.
query.setProjection( ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.EXPLANATION, ProjectionConstants.THIS );
See also the Reference documentation on projections explaining this and more.

REST interface and leading zeroes

I'm using Mongo's simple REST interface to query data in my collection.
One field I'm searching on is a mixture of numeric and character data, e.g. 000107011JXK
If I do the following query:
... Mongo removes leading zeroes and only searches on the numerical part of the criteria (e.g. 107011) which obviously does not bring back the required results.
Is there any way I can get around this issue?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.

mongodb computed field based on another query

I have a mongodb query, and I want to add a computed field. The computed field is based on where or not the item is in the results of another query. So my query returns the columns a,b,c,d, and then column e should be based on whether or not the current row would be matched by another query.
Is there an efficient way to do this in mongo? I'm not really sure how to do this one...
There is no way currently to execute a function as you describe within the database when returning a document via standard functions such as find. It's been requested by the community, but the general request is to operate only on a single document.
There are calculated fields using $project in the aggregation framework. But, they only operate on the current document in the pipeline. So, they can't summarize other queries.
You'll need to likely build your e value as part of your data access layer.