What's the best way to append a StrBuf to a StrBuf? - fantom

I have a series of StrBuf objects and want to know the most efficient way to concatenate them together.
There's the add() method but the docs say, "Add x.toStr to the end of this buffer". If I'm doing this over and over and over again, I'd imagine that StrBuf.toStr() is not that performant.
(I know the real answer is to just use the one StrBuf, but humour me here!)
Looking at the Java source, under the hood StrBuf uses a Java StringBuilder which uses a char array as it's internal buffer. So #Adrian, yeah, it's important to have a large initial buffer.
As far as StrBuf.toStr() is concerned, a new Java String is created using Arrays.copyOfRange() - which is reasonable but unnecessary given there's an append(StringBuffer sb) method.

Not really - there are no optimizations in StrBuf for that case. You seeing performance issues with what you have today?
Generally for our APIs we would pass around the OutStream instance from StrBuf.out and not the actual StrBuf instance. Not sure if that helps your case or not.

I suppose you could create a new StrBuf with a big enough capacity:
Int capacity
The number of characters this buffer can hold without allocating more memory.
new make(Int capacity := 16)
Create with initial capacity (defaults to 16)


Why is HashSet<int> much slower than HashSet<String> in dart?

I noticed a HashSet<int> performing very slowly when working on a Flutter project. I had about 20,000 integers in a Set, and checking set.contains() took a very long time. But when I use toString() to convert all items to string, it performed 1000x faster.
I then tried to create a minimal reproducible code with 10 million random integers, but I couldn't reproduce the issue. Turns out, something special about these data caused the extreme slowness. I've attached a test code (and data) at the end of this question.
How to reproduce:
First, click "add int" button to add 14790 integers to a set. Then click "query int" (runs set.contains(123)) and "query string" (runs set.contains('123')). Observe that: 1. both operations are super slow; 2. the int version is slower than the string version. Picture:
Then click "clear items", then "add string" to add the toString() version of the data. Then click "query int" and "query string" again, notice how much faster it becomes. Picture:
Lastly, click both "add int" and "add string" to create a mixed set (with twice the entries). Observe that the querying times dropped in half for the int version, as if the faster strings helped "dilute" the problem. Picture:
I've had several friends running the same test code on various machines (intel i5, apple M1, snapdragon), timings are different but the conclusions are the same.
What's not the answer here:
Here are some things I considered, but they couldn't explain what's happening with some more tests.
Maybe int needs boxing, whereas string is already an object?
That's probably not the issue here. With 1 million randomly generated values, ints performed faster than strings.
string is immutable so their hash value could be cached?
I don't know if they are cached, but this doesn't explain the results observed with 1 million randomly generated values.
int hash resulted in a lot of collisions?
I tried to print out .hashCode for all ints and strings in the data set, and verified they are all unique.
Test code:
The full test code with data is too long for StackOverflow, I've put it here https://pastebin.com/raw/4fm2hKQB instead.
So yeah, I'm lost, if anyone could help me understand what's going on that'll be greatly appreciated!
I commented on the issue in the Dart repo. For completeness I will mention the 'answer' part of the comment here.
The implementations of HashSet and LinkedHashSet make the assumption that the key.hashCode values are 'good' hash codes that are reasonably distributed over a range of integers so that the lower N bits do not collide or nearly collide to 'bunch up' in the hash-table. Unfortunately int.hashCode does not have this property as it is effectively the identity function.
Things go wrong when the lower bits of all the keys are the same (or have only a few of the possible values) so taking the lower N bits gives the same effective hash code value. This is just the power-of-two version of the % 1000 example mentioned by #ch271828n.
#ch271828n mentions using a different hashCode. This is probably the best short-term solution. Use LinkedHashSet(hashCode: dispersedHashCode) with something like this:
int dispersedHashCode(e) { // untested!
int hash = e.hashCode;
// Odd number with 30%-50% of the bits set in an irregular pattern.
hash *= 0x1736B4D29;
hash += hash >>> 20;
// maybe do it again to let bits higher that 20 influence the low bits.
return hash;
Something like this would ideally be built into the core library hashed structures. This might take a long time since, realistically, a performance issue with a simple work-around will be likely be prioritized behind security bugs, incorrect behaviour bugs, performance issues with no work-around, and new features that enable customers to do things that are otherwise impossible to difficult to do.
A completely different approach would be to use an ordered Set like SplayTreeSet.
I am also considering hash collision problem.
int hash resulted in a lot of collisions?
I tried to print out .hashCode for all ints and strings in the data set, and verified they are all unique.
Well, "all unique" does not mean "there is no collision". For a hash set, the number of bins are much less than the number of hashcode. For example, suppose you have a hash set with 1000 bins, and the mapping from hashCode to bin index is a simple bin index := hashCode % 1000, and suppose your data has hashCode like 0, 1000, 2000, 3000 etc. In this artificial case, your data has all unique hashCode, but they all fall into the first bin out of the 1000 bins. Huge collision!
A simple approach to debug whether it is the problem of hashcode: Re-run the program with LinkedHashSet(hashCode: (e) => some_other_hash_approach(e), equals: ...). By using such a new hash set, you can test on other hashCode generating functions. If some hashCode generating functions do not result in the same extremely slow speed, it is highly because of the original hashCode function which causes collision.
In addition, you can even use the same hashCode method for both the int and the String case. Then you guarantee that both cases have exactly the same collision behavior. Then it is easy to see whether collision is the cause, or is unrelated.
Another debug approach: Look at the C++ source code of LinkedHashSet, and see what algorithms it uses to assign data to bins. Then check whether collision as mentioned above happens or not.
A third debug method: Compile the pure-Dart program into an executable, and use profilers like perf to run it. Then you can see which code is hottest and consume most of the time. You may need debug symbols of Dart's native C++ code, which should be fetchable.

How to reduce the size of javacard applet

I wrote an applet which has 19 KB size on disk. It has three classes. The first one is extended from Applet, the second one has static functions and third one is a class that i create an instance from it in my applet.
I have three questions:
Is there any way to find out how much size is taken by my applet instance in my javacard?
Is there any tool to reduce the size of a javacard applet (.cap file)?
Can you explain rules that help me to reduce my applet size?
Is there any way to find out how much size is taken by my applet instance in my javacard?
(AFAIK) There is no official way to do that (in GlobalPlatform / Java Card).
You can estimate the real memory usage from the difference in free memory before applet loading and after installation (and most likely after personalization -- as you probably will create some objects during the personalization). Some ways to find out free memory information are:
Using JCSystem.getAvailableMemory() (see here) which gives information for all memory types (if implemented).
Using Extended Card Resources Information tag retrievable with GET DATA (see TS 102 226) (if implemented).
Using proprietary command (ask you vendor).
You can have a look inside your .cap file and see the sizes of the parts that are loaded into the card -- this one is surely VERY INACCURATE as card OS is free to deal with the content at its own discretion.
I remember JCOP Tools have some special eclipse view which shows various statistics for the current applet -- might be informative as well.
The Reference Implementation offers an option to get some resource consumption statistics -- might be useful as well (I have never used this, though).
Is there any tool to reduce the size of a javacard applet (.cap file)?
I used ProGuard in the past to improve applet performance (which in fact increased applet size as I used it mostly for method inlining) -- but it should work to reduce the applet size as well (e.g. eliminate dead code -- see shrinking options). There are many different optimizations as well -- just have a look, but do not expect miracles.
Can you explain rules that help me to reduce my applet size?
I would emphasize good design and proper code re-use, but there are definitely many resources regarding generic optimization techniques -- I don't know any Java Card specific ones -- can't help here :(
If you have more applets loaded into a single card you might place common code into a shared library.
Some additional (random) notes:
It might be more practical to just get a card with a larger memory.
Free memory information given by the card might be inaccurate.
I wonder you have problems with your applet size as usually there are problems with transient memory size (AFAIK).
Your applet might be simply leaking memory and thus use more and more memory.
Do not sacrifice security for lesser applet size!
Good luck!
To answer your 3rd Question
3.Can you explain rules that help me to reduce my applet size?
Some basic Guidelines are :
Keep the number of methods minimum as you know we have very limited resources for smart cards and method calling is an overhead so with minimum method calls,performance of the card will increase.Avoid using get/set methods.Recursive calls should also be avoided as the stack size in most of the cards is around 200 Bytes.
Avoid using more than 3 parameters for virtual methods and 4 for static methods. This way, the compiler will use a number or bytecode shortcuts, which reduces code size.
To work on temporary data, one can use APDU buffer or transient arrays as writing on EEPROM is about 1,000 times slower than writing on RAM.
Inheritance is also an overhead in javacard particularly when the hierarchy is complex.
Accessing array elements is also an overhead to card.So, in situations where there is repeated accessing of an array element try to store the element in a local variable and use it.
Instead of doing this:
if (arr[index1] == 1) do this;
if (arr[index1] == 2) do this;
if (arr[index1] == 3) do this;
Do this:
temp = arr[index1];
if (temp == 1) do this;
if (temp == 2) do this;
if (temp == 3) do this;
Replace nested if-else statements with equivalent switch statements as switch executes faster and takes less memory.

Performance of immutable set implementations in Scala

I have recently been diving into Scala and (perhaps predictably) have spent quite a bit of time studying the immutable collections API in the Scala standard library.
I am writing an application that necessarily does many +/- operations on large sets. For this reason, I want to ensure that the implementation I choose is a so-called "persistent" data structure so that I avoid doing copy-on-write. I saw this answer by Martin Odersky, but it didn't really clear up the issue for me.
I wrote the following test code to compare the performance of ListSet and HashSet for add operations:
import scala.collection.immutable._
object TestListSet extends App {
var set = new ListSet[Int]
for(i <- 0 to 100000) {
set += i
object TestHashSet extends App {
var set = new HashSet[Int]
for(i <- 0 to 100000) {
set += i
Here is a rough runtime measurement of the HashSet:
$ time scala TestHashSet
real 0m0.955s
user 0m1.192s
sys 0m0.147s
And ListSet:
$ time scala TestListSet
real 0m30.516s
user 0m30.612s
sys 0m0.168s
Cons on a singly linked list is a constant-time operation, but this performance looks linear or worse. Is this performance hit related to the need to check each element of the set for object equality to conform to the no-duplicates invariant of Set? If this is the case, I realize it's not related to "persistence".
As for official documentation, all I could find was the following page, but it seems incomplete: Scala 2.8 Collections API -- Performance Characteristics. Since ListSet seems initially to be a good choice for its memory footprint, maybe there should be some information about its performance in the API docs.
An old question but also a good example of conclusions being drawn on the wrong foundation.
Connor, basically you're trying to do a microbenchmark. That is generally not recommended and damn hard to do properly.
Why? Because the JVM is doing many other things than executing the code in your examples. It's loading classes, doing garbage collection, compiling bytecode to native code, etc. All dynamically and based on different metrics sampled at runtime.
So you cannot conclude anything about the performance of the two collections with the above test code. For example, what you could actually be measuring could be the compilation time of the += method of HashSet and garbage collection times of ListSet. So it's a comparison between apples and pears.
To do a micro benchmark properly, you should:
Warm up the JVM: Load all classes, ensure all code paths in the benchmark are run and hot spots in the code are compiled (e.g. the += method).
Run the benchmark and ensure neither the GC or the compiler runs during the test (use the JVM flags -XX:-PrintCompilation and -XX:-PrintGC). If either runs during the test, discard the result.
Repeat step 2 and sample 10-15 good measurements. Calculate variance and standard deviation.
Evaluate: If the mean of each benchmark +/- 3 std do not overlap, then you can draw a conclusion about which is faster. Otherwise, it's a blurry result (depending on the amount of overlap).
I can recommend reading Oracle's recommendations for doing micro benchmarks and a great article about benchmark pitfalls by Brian Goetz.
Also, if you want to use a good tool, which does all the above for you, try Caliper by Google.
The key line from the ListSet source is (within subclass Node):
override def +(e: A): ListSet[A] = if (contains(e)) this else new Node(e)
where you can see that an item is added only if it is not already contained. So adding to the set is O(n). You can generally assume that XMap has similar performance characteristics to XSet, and ListMap is listed as linear time all the way along. This is why, and it is how a set is supposed to behave.
P.S. In the TestHashSet case you're measuring startup time. It's way more than 30x faster.
Since a set has to have with no duplicates, before adding an element, a Set must check to see if it already contains the element. This search in a list that has no guarantee of an element's position will be O(N) linear time. The same general idea applies to its remove operation.
With a HashSet, the class defines a function that picks a location for any element in O(1), which makes the contains(element) method much quicker, at the expense of taking up more space to decrease the chance of element location collisions.

What makes NSdata advantageous?

I've been looking through the apple documentation for the NSdata class, and I didn't really find it too enlightening. I know how to use the class but I don't really understand the gravity of the advantages that it may or may not provide. I know its a simple question but perhaps it would be good to have such information as a reference.
Advantages over what? Certainly, it's useful to represent an arbitrary block of data as an object just as it's useful to represent a string, a number, or a value as an object. Memory management becomes simpler and is consistent with memory management for all other objects, and there are a number of useful methods defined.
Say you want to read a binary file into memory. We won't worry about the reasons why -- there are as many reasons as there are data file formats. You'll have to:
Check the size of the file
Allocate a block of memory of the proper size
Open the file
Read the contents into memory
Close the file
Remember to free the memory when you're done with it (a condition that can sometimes be tricky to detect)
(Optional) Worry about whether the block of memory has been modified
With NSData, you can just create a new instance from a path or URL and not have to think about the rest.

Asking if an object is invalid

I am trying to determine if an object is valid. The program has (at least) two threads and one of the threads might invalidate the object by removing it from an NSMutableArray. I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
You can't. The only way to check if the memory your object pointer has still represents a valid object is to dereference it, but dereferencing an "invalid" object (by which I assume you mean one that has been dealloced) will result in either accessing the memory of a new object that has been allocated in the same location, garbage data that may or may not be identical to a normal object, or an unmapped memory page that will result in an immediate EXEC_BAD_ACCESS.
Any time you are holding a reference to an object you might use in the future you must retain it. If you don't you have not shown any interest or ownership in the object and the system may throw it away at any time.
Using objective C accessors and properties instead of directly setting ivars and using retain/release simplifies doing the right thing quite a bit.
Multi-threaded programming is hard. Hard does not begin to capture how difficult it is. This is the kind of hard in which a general, useable, 'reasonably qualified' way of deterministically adding two different numbers together that are being mutated and shared by multiple threads in bounded time without the use of any special assistance from the CPU in the form of atomic instructions would be a major breakthrough and the thesis of your PhD. A deity of your choice would publicly thank you for your contribution to humanity. Just for adding two numbers together. Actually, multi-threaded programming is even harder than that.
Take a look at: Technical Note TN2059
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications. It covers this topic in general, and outlines some of the non-obvious pitfalls that await you.
You say
I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
The easiest way is to hold on to the index of the object in the NSMutableArray and then do the following
if( myObject == [myArray objectAtIndex: myObjectIndex] ) {
// everything is good !
else {
// my object is not what I think it is anymore
There are clear problem with this approach however
insertion, and deletion will stuff you up
The approach is not thread safe since the array can be changed while you are reading it
I really recomend using a different way to share this array between the two threads. Does it have to be mutable? If it doesn't then make it immutable and then you no longer have to worry about the threading issues.
If it does, then you really have to reconsider your approach. Hopefully someone can give an cocoa way of doing this in a thread safe way as I don't have the experience.