How can I look up a spray-json formatter by the runtime type of a value? - scala

The traditional way to use spray-json seems to be to bind all your models to appropriate JsonFormats (built-in or custom) at compile time, with the formats all as implicits. Is there a way instead to look the formatters up at runtime? I'm trying to marshal a heterogeneous list of values, and the only ways I'm seeing to do it are
Write an explicit lookup (e.g. using pattern matching) that hard-codes which fomratter to use for which value type, or
Something insane using reflection to find all the implicits
I'm pretty new to Scala and spray-json both, so I worry I'm missing some simpler approach.
More context: I'm trying to write a custom serializer that writes out only a specified subset of (lazy) object fields. I'm looping over the list of specified fields (field names) at runtime and getting the values by reflection (actually it's more complicated than that, but close enough), and now for each one I need to find a JsonFormat that can serialize it.


How to find max date from stream in scala using CompareTo?

I am new to Scala and trying to explore how I can use Java functionalities with Scala.
I am having stream of LocalDate which is a Java class and I am trying to find maximum date out of my list.
var processedResult : Stream[LocalDate] =List(javaList)
.map { s => {
//some processing
LocalDate.parse(str, formatter)
I know we can do easily by using .compare() and .compareTo() in Java but I am not sure how do I use the same thing over here.
Also, I have no idea how Ordering works in Scala when it comes to sorting.
Can anyone suggest how can get this done?
First of all, a lot of minor details that I will point out since it seems you are pretty new to the language and I expect those to help you with your learning path.
First, avoid var at all costs, especially when learning.
While mutability has its place and is not always wrong, forcing you to avoid it while learning will help you. Particularly, avoid it when it doesn't provide any value; like in this case.
Second, this List(javaList) doesn't do what you think it does. It creates a single element Scala List whose unique element is a Java List. What you probably want is to transform that Java List into a Scala one, for that you can use the CollectionConverters.
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ // This works if you are in 2.13
// if you are in 2.12 or lower use: import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val scalaList = javaList.asScala.toList
Third, not sure why you want to use a Scala Stream, a Stream is for infinite or very large collections where you want all the transformations to be made lazily and only produce elements as they are consumed (also, btw, it was deprecated in 2.13 in favour of LazyList).
Maybe, you are confused because in Java you need a "Stream" to apply functional operations like map? If so, note that in Scala all collections provide the same rich API.
Fourth, Ordering is a Typeclass which is a functional pattern for Polymorphism. On its own, this is a very broad question so I won't answer it here, but I hope the two links provide insight.
The TL;DR; is simple, it is just that an Ordering for a type T knows how to order (sort) elements of type T. Thus operations like max will work for any collection of any type if, and only if, the compiler can prove the existence of an Ordering for that type if it can then it will pass such value implicitly to the method call for you; again the implicits topic is very broad and deserves its own question.
Now for your particular question, you can just call max or maxOption in the List or Stream and that is all.
Note that max will throw if the List is empty, whereas maxOption returns an Option which will be empty (None) for an empty input; idiomatic Scala favour the latter over the former.
If you really want to use compareTo then you can provide your own Ordering.
scalaList.maxOption(Ordering.fromLessThan[LocalDate]((d1, d2) => d1.compareTo(d2) < 0))
Ordering[A] is a type class which defines how to compare 2 elements of type A. So to compare LocalDates you need Ordering[LocalDate] instance.
LocalDate extends Comparable in Java and Scala conveniently provides instances for Comparables so when you invoke:
in REPL you'll see that Scala is able to provide you the instance without you needing to do anything (you could take a look at the list of methods provided by this typeclass).
Since you have and Ordering in implicit scope which types matches the Stream's type (e.g. Stream[LocalDate] needs Ordering[LocalDate]) you can call .max method... and that's it.
val processedResult : Stream[LocalDate] = ...
val newestDate: LocalDate = processedResult.max

How to Find Available Implicit Conversions for a Given Type in Scala

I am writing an autocompleter (i.e., code completion like in Eclipse or IntelliJ) for a domain specific language that is a subset of Scala. Users frequently use implicit conversions to hide the more advanced features of Scala like options or Scalaz disjunctions.
I am looking for a way, either at compile time or runtime, to acquire a list of implicit conversions available for a receiver (i.e., for the ‘x’ in ‘val y =’). So, I have two specific questions:
Is there some library that, given the type of a receiver, can find all the implicit conversions that the compiler could use to turn that receiver into another type?*
How is the identification of available implicit conversions actually done by the Scala compiler? I am not sure where in the source to look to find it; some documentation about how the compiler does this or the location in the source where it does it would also be very helpful.
*: As you might have guessed, I plan to use the resulting list to get all the available fields and methods of all the types the given variable could be implicitly converted to so that the autocompleter can suggest them all to users. If there’s an even more direct way to do that, that would be great too.

Scala Anorm - how use it properly

Scala's play framework claims that Anorm, and writing your own SQL is better that ORM's. One of the reasons is that you anyway most often want only transfer data between database and frontend as json. However, most tutorials, and even Play documentation give examples of parsing sql's returned values into case classes, in order to parse it again into json. We still have an object relational mapping anyway, or am I missing a point?
In my database there exists a table with 33 columns. Declaring a case class takes me 33 lines, declaring a parser with ~ operator, takes another 33. Using case statement to create an Object, another 66! Seriously, what am I doing wrong? Is there any shortcut? In django the same thing takes only 33 lines.
If you're using Anorm within a Play application, then the mapping into a Json object of your case class (assuming it has fairly normal apply and unapply functions defined for it, which most do) should be pretty much as simple as defining an implicit which uses the >2.10 macro based Json-inception all you actually need is a definition like this:
implicit val myCaseFormats = Json.format[MyCaseClass]
where 'MyCaseClass' is the name of your case type. You could even bake this into the parser combinator you use for de-serialising row-sets back from the database...that would dramatically clean up your code and cut down the amount of code you have to write.
See here for details on the Json macros:
I use this quite extensively in a pretty large code-base and it does make things quite clean.
In terms of your parsers for Anorm, remember that you don't have to produce a case-class instance as a result of a can actually return anything you like, which could just be an indexed sequence of your column values (if you're using something like Shapeless to allow for mixed-type lists etc...) or some other structure.
You do hav macro support in Anorm as well so the the parsers for your case classes can be one liners like this:
import norm.{Macro, Rowset}
val parser = Macro.namedParser[MyCaseClass]
If you want to do something custom, (such as parse direct to JsValue) then you have the flexibility to just hand-craft a more crafty parser.

Why is String different than Int,Boolean,Byte... in scala?

Because I know a little bit Java I was trying to use in every Scala Code some Java types like java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Character, java.lang.Boolean ... and so on. Now people told me "No! For everything in Scala there is an own type, the Java stuff will work - but you should always prefer the Scala types and objects".
Ok now I see, there is everything in Scala that is in Java. Not sure why it is better to use for example Scala Boolean instead of Java Boolean, but fine. If I look at the types I see scala.Boolean, scala.Int, scala.Byte ... and then I look at String but its not scala.String, (well its not even java.lang.String confuse) its just a String. But I thought I should use everything that comes direct from scala. Maybe I do not understand scala correctly, could somebody explain it please?
First, 'well its not even java.lang.String' statement is not quite correct. Plain String name comes from type alias defined in Predef object:
type String = java.lang.String
and insides of Predef are imported in every Scala source, hence you use String instead of full java.lang.String, but in fact they are the same.
java.lang.String is very special class treated by JVM in special way. As #pagoda_5b said, it is declared as final, it is not possible to extend it (and this is good in fact), so Scala library provides a wrapper (RichString) with additional operations and an implicit conversion String -> RichString available by default.
However, there is slightly different situation with Integer, Character, Boolean etc. You see, even though String is treated specially by JVM, it still a plain class whose instances are plain objects. Semantically it is not different from, say, List class.
There is another situation with primitive types. Java int, char, boolean types are not classes, and values of these types are not objects. But Scala is fully object-oriented language, there are no primitive types. It would be possible to use java.lang.{Integer,Boolean,...} everywhere where you need corresponding types, but this would be awfully inefficient because of boxing.
Because of this Scala needed a way to present Java primitive types in object-oriented setting, and so scala.{Int,Boolean,...} classes were introduced. These types are treated specially via Scala compiler - scalac generates code working with primitives when it encounters one of these classes. They also extend AnyVal class, which prevents you from using null as a value for these types. This approach solves the problem with efficiency, leaves java.lang.{Integer,Boolean,...} classes available where you really need boxing, and also provides elegant way to use primitives of another host system (e.g. .NET runtime).
I'm just guessing here
If you look at the docs, you can see that the scala version of primitives gives you all the expected operators that works on numeric types, or boolean types, and sensible conversions, without resorting to boxing-unboxing as for java.lang wrappers.
I think this choice was made to give uniform and natural access to what was expected of primitive types, while at the same time making them Objects as any other scala type.
I suppose that java.lang.String required a different approach, being an Object already, and final in its implementation. So the "path of least pain" was to create an implicit Rich wrapper around it to get missing operations on String, while leaving the rest untouched.
To see it another way, java.lang.String was already good enough as-is, being immutable and what-else.
It's worth mentioning that the other "primitive" types in scala have their own Rich wrappers that provides additional sensible operations.

Scala Case Class Map Expansion

In groovy one can do:
class Foo {
Integer a,b
Map map = [a:1,b:2]
def foo = new Foo(map) // map expanded, object created
I understand that Scala is not in any sense of the word, Groovy, but am wondering if map expansion in this context is supported
Simplistically, I tried and failed with:
case class Foo(a:Int, b:Int)
val map = Map("a"-> 1, "b"-> 2)
Foo(map: _*) // no dice, always applied to first property
A related thread that shows possible solutions to the problem.
Now, from what I've been able to dig up, as of Scala 2.9.1 at least, reflection in regard to case classes is basically a no-op. The net effect then appears to be that one is forced into some form of manual object creation, which, given the power of Scala, is somewhat ironic.
I should mention that the use case involves the servlet request parameters map. Specifically, using Lift, Play, Spray, Scalatra, etc., I would like to take the sanitized params map (filtered via routing layer) and bind it to a target case class instance without needing to manually create the object, nor specify its types. This would require "reliable" reflection and implicits like "str2Date" to handle type conversion errors.
Perhaps in 2.10 with the new reflection library, implementing the above will be cake. Only 2 months into Scala, so just scratching the surface; I do not see any straightforward way to pull this off right now (for seasoned Scala developers, maybe doable)
Well, the good news is that Scala's Product interface, implemented by all case classes, actually doesn't make this very hard to do. I'm the author of a Scala serialization library called Salat that supplies some utilities for using pickled Scala signatures to get typed field information - check out some of the utilities in the salat-util package.
Actually, I think this is something that Salat should do - what a good idea.
Re: D.C. Sobral's point about the impossibility of verifying params at compile time - point taken, but in practice this should work at runtime just like deserializing anything else with no guarantees about structure, like JSON or a Mongo DBObject. Also, Salat has utilities to leverage default args where supplied.
This is not possible, because it is impossible to verify at compile time that all parameters were passed in that map.