Is there more efficient way to downscale an iPad application that doesn't use .xib or .storyboard to iPhone scale? - iphone

I'm starting an investigation into downscaling an iPad application to fit into the form factor of the iPhone. The main problem is that this project does NOT use .storyboards or .xib files with the exception of a custom UIInputView.
My main question revolves around layout (obviously). Since all of the frame values are in the code, what is the best (shortest) way to allow for multiple different frames based on the total frame size?
I know this is very easy in a storyboard, but due to multiple developers and the use of SVN, we had to forgo the use of them during initial development.
I'm not seeing many resources on some google queries on the subject, most developers are going from iPhone -> iPad and not the reverse.
I know about this code:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
But I don't want to have do this for 500+ places in code where we set somethings' frame.
Would it be more efficient to extract all of the frame definitions to a class for retrieving device specific frame sizes?
Some additional notes, We're not using anything iPad specific other than popovers. The entire interface is mostly nested UIViews on one main UIViewController.

This is exactly one of the types of things that Auto Layout was meant to solve. Behind the scences, everything is using Auto Layout now, but if you have a lot of hardcoded constant values for sizes, you're in for a lot of work to actually take advantage of its new features.
If you want to avoid storyboards/xibs, I suggest considering refactoring your code not to use static sizes via frames/bounds (i.e. a lot of initWithFrame calls), but rather use Visual Format Language where ever you can, and dropping down to full on NSLayoutConstraints as needed.
You'll want to read and understand this: Working with Auto Layout Programmatically
With VFL, you can express virtually all of your sizes and positions as relative values. Where you cannot, you can pass in metrics to your VFL calls with the values that need to be explicitly set for iPad v. iPhone (where relative, calculated values do not work).


From iPhone app to Universal app, user interface considerations

As I say in the title, I'm developing an iPhone app. I use nib files, I don't use any storyboard, and I know that for iPad I'll need to replace some of the controls I currently use for iPhone, since, for instance, in iPad is more suitable to use popovers in some places, and some other considerations. But I'm not sure if I'd need to create a separate nib file targeted for iPad per each nib file I have now for iPhone, or it should be just the convenient thing but not needed, or I can keep just one nib file if views are for example scroll views or table views, and just resizing things would be enough...
What I want is some guidelines to avoid redundant files and work when creating an iPad version of an existing iPhone version, and what the best practices are, since I donĀ“t find how to handle this, programmatically speaking, neither in Apple's docs nor in posts...
Thanks in advance
EDIT. A question about dealing with icons and images: let's say I have an image view that is 50x50 in iPhone. I have two .png images for the iPhone version of this image: 50x50 and 100x100 for retina display. Let's say I need this image to be 80x80 in iPad. What should be the best way to deal with this: having 4 versions of the image (50x50, 100x100, 80x80, 160x160)? or just having the greatest versions (the 80x80 and 160x160 for iPad), and just resizing them to be smaller for iPhone? In general, what is the best practice about this, having one image file per each size you need, or just having the greater you need and fitting it to smaller sizes?
At xib files you should use the AutoLayout with constraints. That was introduced in ios6.
The key and the war with patience and time it will be setting up correctly those constraints.
One xib can be used to iPhone and iPad too, not needed 2 separate files in this way. As speed of development the 2 file are faster to develop, at least for me...
You can usually get away with not re-implementing a lot of .nib files to be iPad specific and just reuse your pre-existing ones. I have a lot of projects that do this.
That said... you usually have to reimplement the top level container .nib to be iPad specific and you really need to think about where you can take advantage of the larger screen size on iPad and adapt or create new .nibs as you see fit. While you're in any .nib... consider updating it to use AutoLayout if you can!!!
Using child view controllers (UIViewController has had childViewController since iOS 5.0) and other libs like for example SGBDrillDownController (you can find it in might be things to take a look at.
On your images question... If the images scale well and don't get too anti-aliased looking when you go from largest to smallest rendition then going that route can make your life a lot easier. I have found however that to get a decent looking image it is best to use scalable vector art and then create a separate rendition for each size needed. Getting the best possible graphics possible is certainly a key to success.

Rendering a preview of a UIView in another UIView

I have a very intriguing obstacle to overcome. I am trying to display the live contents of a UIView in another, separate UIView.
What I am trying to accomplish is very similar to Mission Control in Mac OS X. In Mission Control, there are large views in the center, displaying the desktop or an application. Above that, there are small views that can be reorganized. These small views display a live preview of their corresponding app. The preview is instant, and the framerate is exact. Ultimately, I am trying to recreate this effect, as cheaply as possible.
I have tried many possible solutions, and the one shown here is as close as I have gotten. It works, however the - (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)ctx method isn't called on every change. My solution was to call [cloneView setNeedsDisplay] using a CADisplayLink, so it is called on every screen refresh. It is very near my goal, but the framerate is extremely low. I think that [CALayer renderInContext:] is much too slow.
If it is possible to have two CALayers render the same source, that would be golden. However, I am not sure how to approach this. Luckily, this is simply a concept app and isn't destined for the App Store, so I can make use of the private APIs. I have looked into IOSurface and Quartz contexts, but I haven't been able to solve this puzzle so far. Any input would be greatly appreciated!
iOS and OSX are actually mostly the same underneath at the lowest level. (However, when you get higher up the stack iOS is actually largely more advanced than OSX as it is newer and had a fresh start)
However, in this case they both use the same thing (I believe). You'll notice something about Mission Control. It isolates "windows" rather than views. On iOS each UIWindow has a ".contentID" property and CALayerHost can use to make the render server share the render context between the 2 of them (2 layers that is).
So my advice is to make your views separate UIWindows and get native mirroring for free-(ish). (In my experience the CALayerHost takes over the target layers place with the render server and so if both the CALayerHost and the window are visible the window won't be anymore, only the layer host will be (which the way they are used on OSX and iOS isn't a problem).)
So if you are after true mirroring, 2 copies of it, you'll need to resort to the sort of thing you were thinking about.
1 Option for this is to create a UIView subclass that uses
this UIView private method to get an IOSurface for a target view and then using a CADisplayLink once per second get and draw the surface.
Another option which may work (I'm not sure as I don't know your setup or desired effect) is possibly just to use a CAReplicatorLayer which displays a mirror of a CALayer using the same backing store (very fast and efficient + public stable API).
Sorry I couldn't give you a fixed, "this is the answer reply", but hopefully I've given you enough ideas and possibilities to get started.
I've also included some links to things you might find useful to read.
What's the magic behind CAReplicatorLayer?

ios 6 Storyboards and Custom Layouts based on orientation

Been trying to find some tips on suggested approach for this and not having much luck.
All I'm looking for is to know what is the best approach to handle custom layouts for portrait/landscape modes.
I've seen some posts say in the storyboard add 2 views to the same ViewController and show/hide based on orientation change while some people suggest to use a totally separate ViewController for each orientation.
Which of this is the preferred method. I'm just starting my application, So I'd rather go for the widely accepted method than have to deal with complications later on.
Apple documentation still keeps talking about nib files and not storyboards in this aspect, so not being of much help.
My main focus is performance (I'm fine with having to code stuff instead of depend on the graphical interface for it). separate ViewControllers seem to keep the code in a clean way however if that involves populating views / clearing them every time orientation changes, seems kind of expensive(not sure if it is relevant).
Also if each scene in the application has 2 layouts then managing them I'm not sure how much of a pain it's going to be when the application grows big.
Please point me in a suitable approach for my case,
am not concerned about backwards compatibility. Just worried about the latest Xcode and ios6 if it matters for the decision
I would say this really depends on the level of customization of the UI in portrait vs landscape. A large number of implementations I have done can be handled by either autoresizing/autolayout when switching orientation, or simply moving the elements yourself when the UI is rotated and the callbacks are fired. Moving the elements around should not be an expensive operation at all as it is a very common occurrence (again this depends on the complexity of your UI though).

Choosing between the two - Interface Builder OR creating via code

When I started with IPhone development I preferred using Interface builder for creating views in my application. With time I considered the option of creating the application via code which I really feel comfortable working with.
Now, when I know both ways to create my user interface, I have doubts which way to follow. I keep thinking where to use IB and where to use code. How can I figure out before starting with my application, which way should I create my UI?
There are a number of factors that can influence your choice. It can come down to personal taste, but there are some advantages to using Interface Builder.
The first thing to recognize is that UI design is inherently a visual task. Interface Builder can allow you to create and modify a UI much faster than you can in code. Rather than endlessly tweaking CGRect values in code, then recompiling, testing, and repeating this process, you can instead get direct visual feedback about your changes. This means you can refine and polish the UI much more efficiently, and even test out radically different layouts without too much time or effort.
Another important point is that if you can create and layout a control in Interface Builder, that means there is less code in your view controller. Less code is always a good thing (less bugs, easier to maintain, ...).
So I believe you should try to define as much of the layout and properties in Interface Builder as you can. This can be hard for people who prefer "full control" over things. Many years ago, visual GUI editors were renowned for doing the wrong thing, and developers often shunned their use over doing everything by hand. But Interface Builder is pretty good at what it does, and you can easily dive into code when you need to.
The situations where you would create controls purely in code are when you need to dynamically create a number of objects, for example thumbnail buttons for a photo gallery, or if you have custom layout requirements.
For example, if you have a label whose height is dynamic at runtime, and you want to layout a bunch of controls underneath it (taking its height into consideration), that can only be done in code (UPDATE: iOS 6's Auto-layout can do this now). You can either create and layout everything in code, or you can still create the controls using Interface Builder and just give them arbitrary positions in the XIB which are modified when you lay them out in code. It's not uncommon to see this in some of my XIBs:
The buttons along the top can be created and layed out fully in IB, but the image views below need their images and positions to be calculated at runtime. So we just give them arbitrary positions in the XIB. Some might find this ugly, but it saves time and effort on writing code to create the image views and set up their properties. Again, less code is a good thing.
Other times you may want to use code is setting certain explicit properties. Let's say you have an image view which needs to receive touch events because it has some gesture recognizers added to it. You need to set the "User Interaction Enabled" property to TRUE. It can be better to do this in code because the requirement is more visible and you can leave appropriate comments as to why you are setting the property. It's also harder to 'lose' the setting like you can in interface builder if you need to delete and recreate a bunch of views.
I think for many applications that use the stock UI, Interface Builder is a great tool to rapidly get things up and linked with the underlying code. Also, it really stresses the paradigm of the View being separated from the Controller as you really can't push code into places where it shouldn't be.
That being said, I use it less and less the more I learn about how to rapidly code interfaces due to the fact that they may need to be more flexible or need a variable number of UI elements based on the Model behind it.
Use interface builder as per your requirement. It's depend on you that how you manage things. See creating a custom cell using interface builder is much easier to update at a later stage while using code you have to do a lot of changes if layout changes. Also you can visualize the view before running the actual app but in code you cannot you just have to assume.There are both prons and cons of both things.

Pros and cons of using XIBs and doing views programmatically

I want to decide if it is better to use XIBs or to designs my views completely using code.
So far I have read that when you design your views on interface builder they are pre-built, so even if they use more memory the user feels everything is faster.
People say doing everything using code is harder but I find it to be just as easy, so I want to know if anyone has experienced some real speed gains when using nibs.
What have been your experiences, advice, etc?
You should be able to do both -- there are times when building a view programmatically is better/easier, and times when using a .xib is better/easier. Even if you only ever do things one way, you'll run into code that does it the other, and you'll need to be able to deal with that.
If you don't know how to use IB, then building your views in code is certainly easier. That is why you should learn to use IB. Once you understand IB, it's way, way faster to put together most of the view-based UI your app will likely need. IB helps you line things up, center objects, align base lines, connect controls to their targets and actions, etc. I think it's safe to say that everyone who uses IB effectively experiences "real speed gains when using nibs."
You should know how to use both. Performance differences between the two are negligible and should not be the reason that you choose one or the other.
Many people who are new to iOS development have the misconception that nibs (.xib files) are inferior to programmatically creating your UI and that if you use IB you're not a good iOS developer. That view is 100% wrong. IB is created by Apple and in use by Apple's developers to create their own Mac OS X and iOS apps. If IB (as a tool) is good enough to be used by some of the best developers in the world, it's probably good enough for most of us.
In practice I have found that a combination of the two usually fits the bill.
In my own apps I find that .xibs are great for laying out the basics of your views quickly and they allow you to iterate very quickly while giving you a preview of what your view will look like. It's also much easier to use auto layout in a .xib file.
Then when you need to do more advanced things like add fancy animations or move views around that is what IBOutlets are for. Anything that you put into a nib can be referenced through an IBOutlet. This allows you do then programmatically make your view come to life.
Lastly, you should fully understand what a nib (.xib) is doing automagically for you. You should understand what happens when a .xib's objects are unfrozen. There are many resources on the internet to understand .xib files better.
Also, learn how to use .xibs in an encapsulated way. For example, .xibs are crazy useful for things like prototype cells and they allow you to keep your code base modular (much more so than storyboards). Also, you will require less UI code in your view controllers.
Lastly, I always say that people should think of IB/.xibs like jQuery. It's going to save you a lot of time but the best developers still know how to do everything in javascript if they have to.
Good luck and have fun!
TL;DR version
Performance is not a consideration when deciding to use .xibs or not.
Use .xibs because they give you a preview of the view you are creating and they allow you to quickly iterate
In practice most apps will use a combination of both. You will programmatically add animations or move views around but the .xibs will be a starting point
Understand fully what happens when the objects in a .xib are unfrozen
You'll be more productive but be sure you fully understand what is happening behind the scenes.
I would always use XIB files unless there was a reason not to. This allows your views to be maintained easily in the future.
Some reasons for creating the views programmatically might be:
A control needs to be resized,
repositioned or otherwise altered
depending on something else
need to be added or removed
There may be more reasons but there are not too many.
If you programmatically create views when there is no need you make it a lot more difficult for other developers to try to figure out what the view will look like and to change it.
If you build your views programmatically, you have control over the loading of elements. e.g. you could use lazy loading, and load secondary buttons, subviews, etc. a fraction of a second after the more important elements, allowing the key parts of the UI to come up faster. You could even animate some elements into position.
If you use IB, you get guides as to proper element spacings and positioning, but you could always copy the coordinates from IB into code if you aren't changing the design that often.
For simple UI elements, you will end up with more lines of code to maintain if you create them programatically.
IB and NIBs do a lot to optimise loading/unloading of views, but it is largely oriented to minimising memory usage vs. perceived speed for the user. For example, lazy loading if anything might make the app UI slightly slower, but it should make memory usage lower. This in turn could make overall app performance better on a large application, and is very much encouraged, but it's difficult to define "performance" in a narrow way. It's also difficult to say when you should or should not use IB - there will be some times you're much better off doing it in code.
One often overlooked element to the IB or not debate is development speed, especially if you have multiple developers. On a larger team/project you'll probably have some developer(s) who specialise more in the infrastructure, business logic etc. of the app and some developer(s) who specialise more in the UI. In this case, use of IB will make it easier for them to work independently, which should make overall development more efficient.
I view IB as a core part of the development platform for iOS development. It's not the right solution in every situation but not knowing how to use IB will be a real limiting factor.