EntityDeploySplit error - Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll missing - entity-framework

After a clean Windows reformat and installing Visual Studio 2013, trying to build a project with database-first Entity Framework edmx files yields the following error:
The "EntityDeploySplit" task could not be loaded from the assembly
C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll. Could
not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\Program Files
(x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll' or one
of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly
and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a
public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.
Is there some way to install this separately? What is this assembly included with by default?
UPDATE: This also manifests itself when looking for the EntityClean task. I'm inclined to think that it checks the bin first, since another developer who was running it fine tried a clean / rebuild and then this started showing up.

I found the accepted answer to be a little confusing, below are the steps that worked for me.
Open C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets in notepad.
Alter the UsingTask elements to:
<UsingTask TaskName="EntityDeploySplit"
AssemblyFile="Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="EntityDeploy"
AssemblyFile="Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="EntityDeploySetLogicalNames"
AssemblyFile="Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="EntityClean"
AssemblyFile="Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll" />

I ran into this problem and was able to fix it as I have described below. Your paths and variables may be different.
I found that when my project builds it points to this target file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\Bin\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets
That target file appears to just be a placeholder. There is an Import element, in that file, that points to $(MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets which runs the target file located at that path. I searched registry and found that MSBuildFrameworkToolsPath is a registry entry with the value of C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\
I went to the targets file that was referenced and search for the UsingTask element that was specified in my exception. Inside the UsingTask element, the AssemblyFile attribute was pointed to $(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll. I searched the registry and found that the MSBuildBinPath registry entry was pointed to c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\
I'm not sure why it was pointed to that, maybe a Framework or Visual Studio installation didn't clean it up. Finally, I changed all my UsingTask elements' AssemblyFile attributes to:
I used the same variable that was in the MSBuild Bin target file.
Hope this helps.

I give a lot of credit to Andy Mahaffey for his answer, without it I would not have found what I did.
I followed along his line of research but didn't like the idea of just changing the UsingTasks' attributes. I opened up the "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets" file and I found the first thing it says after the opening Project element is this comment:
<!-- This .targets file can be used by updating Microsoft.Common.targets to
include the line below (as the last import element just before the end project tag)
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets')"/>
I followed it's suggestion and presto, problems solved.
I hope this helps!
Paste the line below as the last element before the tag in the following file. C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.Data.Entity.targets')"/>

In my case, I had accidentally created two copies of one of my .edmx files, one in a subfolder, where I didn't notice it. Once I deleted the extra one, everything was fine.


'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.' on Visual Studio Code

wondering if you could assist. Really challenging in determining a solution to this from my research.
Ive downloaded Visual Studio code two weeks ago and has come across an error once I try to debug a file. The file appears to open but once I run the debugger it shows accordingly:
'${workspaceFolder}' can not be resolved. Please open a folder.
Can't seem to find or replicate a similar solution. I've also tried to reinstall Visual Studio code (no easy feat). I'm trying to at least understand the problem and its source.
The file is a .js file that I've been working on, running a simple function. It is not meant to operate in tandem with a larger workspace/program.
In VScode go to file --> Add folder to workspace and select the folder where the program files are located.
If you are using the latest Visual Studio 1.44, make sure to upgrade to 1.44.2.
The issue microsoft/vscode issue 94725 has been resolved.
It featured the same error message:
After some investigation the problem is the following for the workspace configuration our debug extensions appends the following attribute
And the configuration resolver properly tries to resolve this and complains because the scope of the folder is not specified.
In a multi root workspace scope has to be specified, otherwise the resolver does not know against which folder to resolve the variables.
Proposed fix: the node extension which adds this attribute should scope it if it sees that we are in a multi root folder.
So instead of ${workspaceFolder} use ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder}.
This is fixed in commit ae97613.
Replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceFolder} in your *.code-workspace file. (from [here][1])
By the way, same goes to ${workspaceRoot}, you can replace it with ${FOLDER_NAME:workspaceRoot}.
Any more folder variables ca be fixed with this FOLDER_NAME: prefix? My workspaces did not use them so far.
Worked for me in Version: 1.44.2.
I know this question is very old already and the answers may have been correct but none worked for me on vscode v1.57.1 at the time of this comment on 30.06.2021
I had to replace ${workspaceFolder} with ${workspaceFolder:my-folder-name} in my *.code-workspace file
Ref: Variables scoped per workspace folder
I recently had this problem and so did I read the answers above but being a beginner I was unable to solve it .In my answer I don't have exactly what you should do but I will show what worked for me.
Go to the explorer and you will see there is no folder added.
Browse for .vscode folder and select it.
Issue solved {this atleast worked for me.It**(.vscode)** had .json extension file in it}.
I was having the same issue, but I solved it this way:
1- open VS Code as administrator
2- open the sheet
3- debugging with no problem :)
enter image description here
I just create a file.json that they can debug.

.NET Core 2 application reference NuGet package with static files

I have a .NET Core 2 application and I'm trying to reference a NuGet package which contains static files and have them copied to my application similarly to how the "content" directory worked in the past.
According to the following https://blog.nuget.org/20160126/nuget-contentFiles-demystified.html this looks to be supported under a "contentFiles" directory.
I've found the following package which looks to support the new schema:
And added a reference to it by adding the following to my .csproj file:
<PackageReference Include="ContentFilesExample" Version="1.0.2" />
Now when I run dotnet restore it doesn't copy anything to my application. I've been searching through the GitHub issues but it's hard to follow what is outdated and what is supported.
I'd appreciate it if someone could let me know if this is supported and what I could possibly be doing wrong. If it's not supported please could you point me in the direction of the correct GitHub issue to follow. Thanks
With PackageReference, the files are never copied over to the project. Rather the content files live in the global packages folder as immutable entities. You can still refer to these files as if these were expanded in your project.
If you use Visual Studio 2017, you can see these as refs as shown below. You can refer to .csproj.nuget.g.props file in the obj directory to find out the details of the files refs/links.
Have you looked at NuGet pkg Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles (2.0.0) ?

Is it possible to rename a file during copy with Nuspec files node

I am currently working on changing our codebase to use Nuget. As part of the process the copying of ressources to the output directory should be moved from postbuild events in the projects to the files tag in the .nuspec file.
For the particular project the ressource was called Resources.resx and is renamed to something more specific during the copy (yes I know great programming - not mine and not my place to change it).
Is it possible to change the filename using the file node in nuspec or do I need to keep a postbuild in this case?
My attemp of renaming it with the target property fails:
< file src="foo/bar.resx" target="foo/foobar.resx"/>
creates the following output:
I found a familiar problem on github but it was rejected due to being posted on a dead branch and not trying to rename a file but change its type.
Thanks for the help
This functionality is not built into NuGet. The only conceivable way to do this would be to implement a powershell script (install.ps1) that would handle the rename of both the file and the csproj.
Late to the party, but this looks like it could work:
From: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/nuspec
Renaming a content file in the package
Source file:
.nuspec entry:
<file src="ie\css\style.css" target="Content\css\ie.css" />
Packaged result:
I found this post (https://stackoverflow.com/a/45601252/182888) where it says:
Note: The File extension in src and target must match or the specified target will be treated like a directory.
So keep that in mind or it might trip you up.

MSTest.exe not copying all needed project DLLs?

I'm trying to get MSTest.exe to run, and it seems like testcontainer isn't being read properly; while my tests all run successfully in all config environments within Visual Studio.
the command I'm using is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" /nologo /usestderr /testSettings:"C:\temp\MyProject\Sources\MyProject\Local.testsettings" /searchpathroot:"C:\temp\MyProject\Binaries" /resultsfileroot:"C:\temp\MyProject\TestResults" /testcontainer:"C:\temp\MyProject\Binaries\MyProject.Services.Server.UnitTests.dll"
The project references within testcontainer project look like this:
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Services\MyProject.Services.Server\MyProject.Services.Server.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\SvcConfiguration\MyProject.ServiceConfiguration.Interfaces\MyProject.ServiceConfiguration.Interfaces.csproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\SvcConfiguration\MyProject.ServiceConfiguration.Services\MyProject.ServiceConfiguration.Services.csproj">
Neither the ServiceConfiguration.Interfaces nor the ServiceConfiguration.Services DLL is placed into the Out folder in TestResults.
The project GUIDs do match between the references and the referenced projects.
Is there something that I'm missing in the command line?
mstest.exe will not coy all referenced dll's.
See a blog post on this at https://web.archive.org/web/20111221110459/http://www.dotnetthoughts.net/2011/11/22/mstest-exe-does-not-deploy-all-items/
You can specify exactly what files are copied to the test directory using a test settings file. You can create multiple test settings files in Visual Studio, so you can have one for running from VS, another for running from MSTest, another for server CI builds, and so on. See here for more information: Create Test Settings to Run Automated Tests from Visual Studio
Use the /testsettings:<filename> option to specify it on the command line.
What seems to confuse people at first is that, by default, MSTest's "current directory" is not the MSTest launch directory, but the Out folder of the test results.
As mentioned previously, MSTest does not correctly infer all used assemblies, if you don't have a direct reference, it will not copy the assembly. That said, Visual Studio has similar behaviour in its build too, so a lot of people work around this by adding bogus code references - a terrible solution - I don't recommend it.
However, native DLLs are even more problematic, and I have found that explicitly copying them in the test configuration (test settings) works for them, just as for managed assemblies.
Whether it goes to Out or the build area depends on different factors, however, for the situations where it still doesn't work, you can use a DeploymentItem "hack", or, tweak your runsettings file.
Try looking at this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33344573/2537017

Why is the designer creating two .Designer.cs files when updating model from database?

Like the question says: In Visual Studio, when in the Model.edmx, when I Update Model from Database... after adding a few new database fields, it's creating an almost duplicate Model1.Designer.cs file that is causing conflicts with the original Model.Designer.cs.
I can delete the new Model1.Designer.cs file, but then the newly added fields aren't available.
Is there a solution to this (other than deleting and recreating the model)?
It sounds like you might have deleted and recreated the model (or something similar) but left the original designer file in the directory. Then when you added a new model it had to use Model1 instead of Model as the designer file name. Have you tried excluding the Model.Designer.cs file and leaving it working with the Model1.Designer.cs file instead?
Okay, looking at the project file for a project of ours with a model in, I can see the following potentially relevant sections:
<Compile Include="Domain\Model.Designer.vb">
I believe this one tells the project that the code file is part of the project, and should be a subnode of the file model.edmx, and be regenerated when it changes.
We also have this section:
<EntityDeploy Include="Domain\Model.edmx">
Not sure which of these controls the generated file name, but you could try hand editing your project file to see if it makes a difference. I'd say you'd need to change both at the same time, rather than just one.
I can recreate this (and do by mistake now and then): it occurs trying to save the database diagram (edmx file) while running a project such that Visual Studio cannot write to the various files and generates ones with new names. There may be other ways to recreate it by making the files unavailable for writing. The project will keep working, it just creates a problem for version control and I imagine some deployment models.
[projectname]Model1.Designer.cs, [projectname]Model2.Designer.vb, etc. files alongside [projectname]Model.Designer.cs, [projectname]Model.Designer.vb files
extra enitity files in form of [entityname]1.vb, [entityname]1.cs such as Person1.vb
project file has references to redundant files such as:
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.Designer.vb" />
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel1.Designer.vb">
project file has reference with Model1.Designer, Model2.Designer etc such as:
<EntityDeploy Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.edmx">
Project file has references to multiple entities or entities with 1.vb or 1.cs in the filename.
<Compile Include="Models\Entities\Person1.vb" />
Project may build and run correctly, but new files may not be in version control.
Close Visual Studio
Make a backup of the project folder.
Fix the files:
Go to the folder in the project with the data context files such as Designer.vb, Designer.cs, [projectname]Model.Designer.vb, [projectname]Model.edmx
Keep the most recently modified version of the duplicate files and delete all others.
Rename those files to remove the 1s, 2s, etc from the filenames
For example, if [projectname]Model1.Designer.vb, [projectname]Model2.Designer.vb, [projectname]Model.Designer.vb exist and [projectname]Model2.Designer.vb has the most recent modified date, delete the other to and rename [projectname]Model2.Designer.vb to [projectname]Model.Designer.vb.
Do the same with any other files that have duplicates or 1.vb, 1.cs appended to them.
Fix the project file. Open up the project file with your favorite xml or text editor and fix the following references. (A search for "1.", "Model1", "2.", "Model2." will find these also.)
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.Designer.vb" />
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel1.Designer.vb">
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.Designer.vb">
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\Person1.vb">
<Compile Include="Models\DataContexts\Person1.vb">
<EntityDeploy Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.edmx">
<EntityDeploy Include="Models\DataContexts\FooModel.edmx">
Open up visual studio and all should be well.
This happened to me today, and I solved it by:
Close the edmx editor pane if you have it open.
In the solution explorer, delete the offending designer file.
Save all
Rename the edmx file to a different name (such as 2.edmx)
Save all
Open the edmx file and save it to regenerate the designer file.
In the solution explorer, rename the edmx file back to its original name.
I had the same problem, the model was generating a second designer.cs file. This was after working through a whole bunch of issues with my installation of vs2010 related to the designer (somehow vs2010 lost the references to a bunch of DLL's related to the Data Entity Model designer requiring rededits and reinstalls).
Taking Kevin's advice, I edited the project file manually to point to my preferred file and it worked. The designer stopped recreating the second file.
If you are using any version control utils like SVN, the easiest way to fix it is to compare working copy with previous revisions and revert one line in .csproj where designer name changed to that with '1' suffix.
This has been reported to Microsoft, but they haven't been able to reproduce it.
See https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/532800/msdatasetgenerator-create-another-designer1-cs-file-for-my-typed-dataset
Had the same issue, and none of the older answers worked for me. The extra designer kept re-appearing.
My Cause (in the .csproj):
<Compile Include="DAL\MyDataSet.cs">
<Compile Include="DAL\MyDataSet.cs">
The extra SubType caused MSDataSetGenerator to run twice each time. After removing the subtype, you will still need to delete any other erroneously generated MyDataSet1.Designer.cs entries. See Kevin's post for a couple of examples.