Set a variable in iReport/Jaspersoft Studio - jasper-reports

I have a report using many variables to calculate a rolling inventory over 16 months. The users are requesting some difficult calculations in the rollover amount (or carryover) such as only carryover amounts > 0, but only for some categories(groups), and then add the carryover from one category to the carryover in another category. I have most of the issues worked out, but I need to set a variable for the carryover ONLY when the group ="XXX", and maintain that variable value even when the group changes. I can easily set the variable to change over categories (groups) $F{group1}=="XXX"?QTY_ON_HAND - QTY_ORDERED:0.0, but when the group changes to "YYY" and then to "ZZZ" the value of the variable changes to 0. I need to use the value of the variable when it is in the "XXX" group as part of the calculation when it gets to group "ZZZ", but if it resets to 0 at that time, it is useless. I have also tried setting the variable = $V{rollover_amount} and have tried that changing the Calculation Type, Reset Type, and Increment Types to no avail.
I have the Calculation set to "No Calculation", Increment and Reset types set to "None"
I am using Jaspersoft Studio 5.5, but the same would apply to iReport Designer.

I see two potential approaches.
1) It looks like you've already started by creating the calculation by using conditional logic in the Variable Expression property. Continue with this approach. Try resetting the variable to itself when the group condition fails. Something like:
$F{group1} == "XXX" ? {do what you need to do} : $F{group1}
2) Use a JasperReport Scriptlet and manage the logic outside the report.


How can I achieve IF ALL ELSE, in Decision Table?

Drools 5.4
I have a decision table that sets values in the BlueReport object based on Channel Name attribute. Everything works, except if a Channel name contains an unknown channel for which we don't have mappings, we need to set the values to indicate this condition. The picture below should illustrate this more clearly, I'm sure. Here is what we want:
How can we achieve the "ALL OTHERS" default condition?!
I've evolved my spreadsheet rules to this now:
In this version of DT above, I have left B15 blank, and then I have added a new condition on C15 which checks the auditRule field for presence of string variable "DIV". I don't know if I have the right syntax for it in C9?! The ruleAudit field is update everytime there is a match for Channel Name (F11 - F15). Therefore, absence of DIV rule name, would indicate that there is no match to any of the patterns on B11 - B14. What do you think?!
Add a new condition column again with declaration for blueReport and set this condition
channel_name!=$1 || channel_name!=$2 ||channel_name!=$3 || channel_name!=$4
New Condition's value field must be empty for the first four records except these values like ChannelName1,ChannelName2,ChannelName3,ChannelName4 in "ALL OTHERS" row. Though this isn't the standard solution try this workaround to check
I think the post can help you. It means you should not only declare sequential in the RuleSet, but also declare PRIORITY in RuleTable that the rules will be called according to the value of PRIORITY.

BIRT report parameter multiple selection value "All"

I have a problem with creating default value of 'All values' for a cascading parameter group last parameter. Actually I don't neccesary need that value to be default, but that would be preferable.
I have tried where I create additional data set with the needed value and additional data set with value All which uses different scripted data source, and another data set with computed column with full outer join, that column uses this code
if(row["userName"]==null ){
and in the last cascaded parameter JDSuser which I need that All value I have added default value (All users).
In the data set with one value All in open I have script
in fetch
if( ii > 0 ){
return false;
row["All"] = "(All Users)";
return true;
and in the query data set, in beforeOpen script in if statement I have
if( params["JDSuser"].value!=null && params["JDSuser"].value[0] != "(All Users)" ){
This is used if I haven't selected All users value, and this works, though if I select All Users, it retrieves me no data.
I'm creating from this source example actuate link for example rptdesign download
If someone could give me some help, I would be very grateful.
The way you generate "(All values)" item in your selection list seems to me over complicated but if i understood correctly your case this part is working fine, the problem is not in the definition of the cascading parameter but the way it is used in the main dataset of the report.
Furthermore we have to assume we speak about the same query & beforeOpen script involved in this topic. No data are returned because if we don't do anything special when this item "All values" has been selected, then those filters are still active:
and in ( 'sample grupa' )
and userbase.userName in ( 'sample' )
There are a couple of options to handle this. An elegant one is to declare a dataset parameter linked to your report parameter "JDSuser", and use a clause "OR" such:
and in ( 'sample grupa' )
and (?='(All users)' OR userbase.userName in ( 'sample' ))
Notice this question mark, which represents a dataset parameter in your query. It is not intrusive: the beforeOpen script doesn't have to be changed. You probably need to do something similar with the other filter, but you don't provide any information related to this. One more thing, in order to avoid bad surpises may be you should choose as value something more simple without brackets such "_allitems", and set "(All items)" as label.
Please refer to this topic for more informations about handling optional parameters. See a live example of optional parameters in a cascading group here.

iReport - Concatenating two variables with different evaluation time

I have two variables
$V{from} has evaluation value set to Now and
$V{to} has evaluation value set to Group.
Both seems to be working fine.
Now I need to append them. Currently I have $V{fromTo} which has expression $V{from} + "-" + $V{to}. Its evaluation time value is Group. What I want is just to simply append the current values of the two first mentioned variables. The current expression gives me the result (e.g. from = 1, to = 45)
Seems like the expression is taking the value of $V{from} evaluated during group execution time also. Any idea how to do this?
(Note, requirement does not allow me to just simply drag the two fields, i badly needed to store it in one variable)
I had the same problem. I solved setting Evaluation Time to Auto in my Text Field.

Database-field with false as value sent over XSD to Crystal Reports is evaluated as true

The application I work on is using a Crystal Reports to present reports to the user. I am using Visual 2010, but the report was created by a previous employee some years back using Visual2005.
The basic setup is that the client application make a request to the server that uses a xsd that define the data-set it sends back. Generally this work like expected, but I am having some problems with evaluating booleans.
A recent task consider of adding the dataset with a field name TrueWeekday that control if certain numbers should be printed out or not depending on if a date is a regular weekday or have some special local meaning that might affect the sampled data. The data is always used in some formulas so I can not exclude it from the dataset.
My first attempt involved defining the new field as a boolean and in the formula for the report I wrote
if {Header.TrueWeekday} then
This had the result that no matter if the value in TrueWeekday was false or true the flow was presented. I debuged the server to verify that the variable indeed got the expected value so the problem happened in the Crystal Reports or in the transfer of data to Crystal Reports.
To solve this particular problem within the timeconstraints of the task I changed the field to the type string and wrote
if {Header.TrueWeekday} = "false" then
This worked like a charm.
My problem here is not urgent since I have a working solution, but I am worried that this problem might create more subtle dataintrigity problems.
What might be the cause of this and how do I solve it?
Header.TrueWeekday is probably being passed as a string so that when you do if {Header.TrueWeekday} its testing a string as a boolean in which case if the string contains anything it evaluates to true and thus causes your problem
Work in a different project made me realize that .Net is probably serializing the boolean as the text string true/false. If then Crystal Reports does sloppy import and only check
input != 0
you will get the result that both true and false map to true after the transfer.

Crystal Reports - Default Parameters

In Crystal reports, you can define default values for the report parameters.
For example, I might have a date range and set a default start of 12/01/2008 and a default end of 12/31/2008.
Is it possible to modify these defaults at runtime? For example:
1 - Default to the first and last days of the current month?
2 - Default to the first and last days of a proprietary company fiscal calendar? (i.e., look it up in a database)
3 - First & Last days of the current year?
You get the point. Is this possible? I'd even be open to a solution that involved running an external application to reach into the reports and modify them, if anyone knows how to do that.
To answer the question posed by Philippe Grondier, most of these reports are run from inside an application. I was hoping for something simpler than manipulating the crystal object at runtime; I have my hands full right now with figuring out other parts of that API. I might take a look in the future, though.
Are you planning to run your crystal report from the crystal reports interface or as an add-in embedded in another program (you can for example use the Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Runtime Support - craxdrt.dll - in VB code) ? In this last case, it is possible to manipulate every object of the report before launching it. Objects such as parameters can then be updated according to your needs.
As a simple example of such runtime update, my report printing routine will allways check if there is a field named "printedBy" in the report. In case this field is found, its value will be settled to the the domain name of the user that requests the report and will be printed out.
At an higher level, you can even reshape the report SQL string to add specific filters that can be inherited from your code. By doing so you might not even need parameters anymore: let your code add the filtering values 'on the fly'
EDIT: some code examples:
(m_rapport is a object, ActiveSession is my current session object)
If m_rapport.ParameterFields.Count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To m_rapport.ParameterFields.Count
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_DateDebutPeriode}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue CDate(DateValue(sessionActive.dateDebutPeriode))
End If
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_DateFinPeriode}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue CDate(DateValue(sessionActive.dateFinPeriode))
End If
If m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).Name = "{?PUB_id_Personne}" Then
m_rapport.ParameterFields(i).AddCurrentValue StringFromGUID(clientActif.id_Personne)
End If
Next i
I also have another function to change report's datasource at runtime, so that reports can be executed on different servers/locations.
Read my posting Crystal Reports: Named-Date-Range Parameters. Maybe you'll be able to leverage this technique for your purposes.