SmartFox Client maintained until the app is closed - smartfoxserver

I have searched all over the net for this but couldn't find any..I want to use a single smartfox client obj and its connection until the user logs out on its own..
I tried this approach..
public class SfsClient extends Application {
private SmartFox sfsClient = new SmartFox(true);
public SmartFox getSfsClient() {
return sfsClient;
public void setSfsClient(SmartFox sfsClient) {
this.sfsClient = sfsClient;
If i call the sfsclient.connect(h,p) method in the getsfsclient method...the various responses which i want in the different activities in my app..are all acquired in my main activity Extension Response handler..
Say for example..I have Class A as Main and Class B as other activity..
Response for the processes done in Class B should b acquired in Class B Extension Resp..but they are coming in the Extension Resp of Class A..plz help..Thanks in advance..


NotImplementedException for Rest resources in spring boot

I am developing a Rest Spring boot application and I have my code as:
public class Initializer extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(Initializer.class);
Interface which has CRUD methods
Many classes which implements the interface
Controller classes
An exception handler class with #ControllerAdvice, a method inside it with #ExceptionHandler(NotImplementedException.class){ //message }
I have certain resources with me say a,b,c,d.
As of now I have implemented only a and b, and thus I want to throw a custom NotImplementedException if the client tries to access c and d.
I want to know where should I throw this exception, do i have to use anything like ResourceHandlers, if yes, how to use it and what configurations needed?
1 - Controller advice class must extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler
2 - Override the original method which handles the exception. In your case:
public ResponseEntity<Object> handleHttpRequestMethodNotSupported (HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException ex, HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status, WebRequest request)
3 - Do what you want to do inside the method you've overriden the handler with.
That's all.

Calling services from other application in the cluster

Is it possible to call services or actors from one application to another in a Service Fabric Cluster ? When I tryed (using ActorProxy.Create with the proper Uri), I got a "No MethodDispatcher is found for interface"
Yes, it is possible. As long as you have the right Uri to the Service (or ActorService) and you have access to the assembly with the interface defining your service or actor the it should not be much different than calling the Service/Actor from within the same application. It you have enabled security for your service then you have to setup the certificates for the exchange as well.
If I have a simple service defined as:
public interface ICalloutService : IService
Task<string> SayHelloAsync();
internal sealed class CalloutService : StatelessService, ICalloutService
public CalloutService(StatelessServiceContext context)
: base(context) { }
protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners()
yield return new ServiceInstanceListener(this.CreateServiceRemotingListener);
public Task<string> SayHelloAsync()
return Task.FromResult("hello");
and a simple actor:
public interface ICalloutActor : IActor
Task<string> SayHelloAsync();
internal class CalloutActor : Actor, ICalloutActor
public CalloutActor(ActorService actorService, ActorId actorId)
: base(actorService, actorId) {}
public Task<string> SayHelloAsync()
return Task.FromResult("hello");
running in a application like this:
Then you can call it from another application within the same cluster:
// Call the service
var calloutServiceUri = new Uri(#"fabric:/ServiceFabric.SO.Answer._41655575/CalloutService");
var calloutService = ServiceProxy.Create<ICalloutService>(calloutServiceUri);
var serviceHello = await calloutService.SayHelloAsync();
// Call the actor
var calloutActorServiceUri = new Uri(#"fabric:/ServiceFabric.SO.Answer._41655575/CalloutActorService");
var calloutActor = ActorProxy.Create<ICalloutActor>(new ActorId(DateTime.Now.Millisecond), calloutActorServiceUri);
var actorHello = await calloutActor.SayHelloAsync();
You can find the right Uri in the Service Fabric Explorer if you click the service and look at the name. By default the Uri of a service is: fabric:/{applicationName}/{serviceName}.
The only tricky part is how do you get the interface from the external service to your calling service? You could simply reference the built .exe for the service you wish to call or you could package the assembly containing the interface as a NuGet package and put on a private feed.
If you don't do this and you instead just share the code between your Visual Studio solutions the Service Fabric will think these are two different interfaces, even if they share the exact same signature. If you do it for a Service you get an NotImplementedException saying "Interface id '{xxxxxxxx}' is not implemented by object '{service}'" and if you do it for an Actor you get an KeyNotfoundException saying "No MethodDispatcher is found for interface id '-{xxxxxxxxxx}'".
So, to fix your problem, make sure you reference the same assembly that is in the application you want to call in the external application that is calling.

Access to application class in Broadcast Receiver

I want to check internet connection in Broadcast Receiver; And set result (A boolean flag) to a global variable, to use it on whole application, in if conditions; That if internet is disconnected, set a status imageview in main activity, to red image, and if connected, set it to green.
I followed this topic. But there is no getApplication() in Broadcast Receiver; And iI should use getApplicationContext() instead.
On another side, this topic:
when writing code in a broadcast receiver, which is not a context but
is given a context in its onReceive method, you can only call
getApplicationContext(). Which also means that you are not guaranteed
to have access to your application in a BroadcastReceiver.
What are the concerns?
How can I access to my application class in broadcast Receiver?
Is there better solution to check internet connection, set global variable and change my status imageview?
You can access your Application class in BroadCastReceiver by using its context,
public void onReceive(final Context context, Intent intent) {
MyApplication mApplication = ((MyApplication)context.getApplicationContext());
Maybe it will help somebody. If using own application class:
public class App extends Application {
private static App sInstance;
public static App get() {
return sInstance;
public void onCreate() {
sInstance = this;
Then you can use App.get() in your broadcast receiver.
According to onCreate() docs it will be called before receiver calls.
Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created.

Load a ListBox content dynamically on page load

I'm currently working on a simple GWT project. One of the things I'd like to do is that when the page loads I can dynamically populate the contents of a ListBox based on certain criteria. I actually don't see any handlers for a ListBox to handle the initial render event but I see change handlers.
How does one populate a ListBox contents with data from the server side on pageload with GWT?
Right now I have a class that implements EntryPoint that has a
final ListBox fooList = new ListBox();
I also have a set of beans but I also have a class implementing RemoteService. Since I can't seem to get direct calls to my user defined packages directly in the EntryPoint (which makes sense) how do I populate that ListBox with server side content on initial page load? Right now I'm using a List but I figure if I cant get that to work I can get a DB call to work...
I've tried things in the EntryPoint like:
for (String name : FOOS) {
fooList.addItem(name, name);
However FOOS would derive from a server side data and the EntryPoint is supposed to be largerly limited to what can compile to JS! I can't get user defined classes to be recognized on that side as that string is the result of a set of user defined classes.
I also tried creating a method in the class implementing RemoteService that returns a ListBox. This also didn't compile when I tried to call this method. Perhaps I don't fully understand how to call methods in a RemoteService service implementing class.
I've searched a lot and I can't find anything that clearly explains the fundamentals on this. My background is much more ASP.NET and JSPs so perhaps I'm missing something.
I'm using GWT 2.6 is that is relevant.
The usual procedure is the following:
Create a bean class for the data you want to transmit between client and server. Let's call it MyBean.
Place MyBean in the shared package of your project.
This class has to implement either Serializable or IsSerializable, otherwise GWT will complain that it doesn't know how to transmit it.
Create your RemoteService that contains the method you want to use to transmit MyBean from/to the server.
Once you get your data on the client using an AsyncCallback and your RemoteService, fill the ListBox using your beans, e.g. by calling MyBean#getName() or MyBean#toString().
I based my example on the GWT sample project ( I named it example), just replace the classes and it should work :
public class Example implements EntryPoint {
* Create a remote service proxy to talk to the server-side Greeting
* service.
private final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT
* This is the entry point method.
public void onModuleLoad() {
final ListBox listBox = new ListBox();
greetingService.getSomeEntries(new AsyncCallback<String[]>() {
public void onSuccess(String[] result) {
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
This is our EntryPoint, it creates a listbox and calls the server with a AsyncCallback to get some dynamic data. If the call is successfull (onSuccess), the data is written into the listbox.
The GreetingService interface define the synchronous methods, it is implemented in the GreetingServiceImpl class :
public interface GreetingService extends RemoteService {
String[] getSomeEntries() ;
The asynchronous counterpart is the GreetingServiceAsync interface, we used it before to call the server :
public interface GreetingServiceAsync {
void getSomeEntries(AsyncCallback<String[]> callback) ;
The GreetingServiceImpl class is located on the server. Here you could call for example a database:
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
GreetingService {
public String[] getSomeEntries() {
String[] entries = { "Entry 1","Entry 2","Entry 3" };
return entries;
Now if you want to use some Bean/Pojo between the server and client, replace the String[] in each class/interface with the object name, put the class in the shared package and consider that it implements Serializable/IsSerializable.

GWT - binding activityMapper with GIN not working

I´m trying to do my first steps with GWT/GIN.
I´ve downloaded the hellomvp example from google and followed this tutorial to get started with gin.
My problem is about this line in the configure-method of the HelloGinModule-class:
In my point of view it should bind my class "AppActivityMapper" as the active ActityManager.
But in fact the class constructor (or any method of the class) is never called, so the fired events are not caught.
The class AppActivityMapper looks like this:
public class AppActivityMapper implements ActivityMapper {
Provider<HelloActivity> helloActivityProvider;
Provider<GoodbyeActivity> goodbyeActivityProvider;
public AppActivityMapper(final Provider<HelloActivity> helloActivityProvider, final Provider<GoodbyeActivity> goodbyeActivityProvider) {
this.helloActivityProvider = helloActivityProvider;
this.goodbyeActivityProvider = goodbyeActivityProvider;
public Activity getActivity(Place place) {
if (place instanceof HelloPlace) {
return helloActivityProvider.get();
} else if (place instanceof GoodbyePlace) {
return goodbyeActivityProvider.get();
return null;
In my example this code from my View-Class is called after clicking on a link:
presenter.goTo(new GoodbyePlace(name));
The event is fired to the event bus. But nothing happens.
Thanks in advance
You have defined an activity mapper somewhere in you GIN. But activity mapper have to be used in activity manager. Where do you create activity manager which will use your AppActivityMapper?
The most logical thing is to keep activity manager out of the gin. E.g. in your ginjector you will have a method:
interface MyInjector extends Ginjector {
... //other methods
ActivityMapper getActivityMapper();
Than , when you create ginjector instance, you can create a manager and put correct activity mapper into it. for example:
MyInjector injector = GWT.create(MyInjector.class);
ActivityManager manager = new ActivityManager(injector.getActivityMapper(), injector.getEventBus());
If you have multiple managers and mappers, may be it will be better to extend ActivityManager class (so you can inject stuff into its constructor). Another solution is to use #Provides to initialize ActivityManager.