How to use the console within Sublime Text - plugins

I'm using Sublime Text 2 to code my programs, and want to run the console within it to compile and run them. Is there any way to embed the console command line inside Sublime Text 2? Is it already there?
I'm using both Windows and Linux.

I think you can try creating a custom Build System. Tools --> Build System --> New Build System... This is a simple build script for the C programming language:
"cmd" : ["gcc", "$file", "-o", "$file_base_name"],
"cmd" : ["$file_base_name"],
"selector" : "source.c",
"shell" : true,
"working_dir" : "$file_path"
Change the current build system to the new one in Tools. When you press CTRL + b it will compile your code and run your executable file. A few syntaxes and options that you can use: There are definitely many more other options that you can declare in the build system. A very useful one is file_regex.

Terminus is a recent plugin, highly under development. It's the best cross-platform console in Sublime Text that I have seen yet.

Will Bond created an excellent plugin for called "Terminal" for calling the terminal at project or file levels.
There are also several plugins available that compile at the click of a button:
"C# Compile & Run"
"Type​Script Compiler"
...and so on, depending on your programming language.
I recommend browsing Will's "Package Control" page if you are not happy with this terminal plugin.


VSCode Settings: Python > Data Science category missing

I love VSCode, and one of my favorite features randomly disappeared this week with the new version of VSCode. In Settings, under Python, there used to be a "Data Science" category where I could turn on "Python > Data Science: Send Selection To Interactive Window". This is no longer an option for me, and the Data Science category is completely missing for me. Does anyone know how to turn this feature back on?
Helpful information:
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Python extension; it's currently on version 2020.11.358366026
My default language is set to Python
My interpretter is Python 3.7.4 64-bit ('base': conda)
I can right click and "Run Current File in Interactive Window" but not highlight specific rows like I could before to run them in python interactive.

VSCode plugin VSCode-PHP-Format not working

I start using vscode less than a month. Please forgive me if this is a dump question.
OS: OS X 10.11.3
VSCode: 0.10.6
Plugin: VSCode-PHP-Format (download via git clone)
Extension path: ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format
I restarted VSCode, open php files, but do not see "Format Code" on the right click menu.
Any idea how to debug this? Right now I don't even know if the plugin load correctly.
With tips from Tobiah Zarlez, I found the "Toggle Developer Tools" in VSCode.
It is shown in the console the plugin cannot find js-beautify.
Inside ~/.vscode/extensions/VSCode-PHP-Format, run
npm install
It will pull in js-beautify. Then restart VSCode.
I am on my phone and not able to double check to see if it is there, but I'd recommend installing from the visual studio marketplace to insure the plug in is installed correctly. You can do so by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+P and typing "install extension"
Beyond that, a quick glance at the code the plug in should be activated when you open a php file... but since this is a third party plugin, I can't speak to if it actually works or not.
(Again, on phone so can't test)
What you could do is modify the extension.js file to add a "console.log ("hello world")" to the activate function. Them check the log to see if the plug in is installed correctly.
I saw you weren't the only person to complain about the plug in not working though. If I were you, I would continue to try and contact the creator

Sublime Text 3 has integrated terminal?

I normally use the WebStorm IDE for Node.js and FE JavaScript development. However I was thinking of using Sublime Text 3 since I am running out of computing power on a crappy old Macbook Pro and ST3 should be lighter on memory and CPU.
However, my one hangup is that ST3 doesn't seem to have a command line terminal integration possible. I find this to be a very useful feature that's available in Eclipse and WebStorm.
I did some Googling and I don't see any great terminal integration plugins for ST3, is there such a thing or not?
Here is WebStorm with the terminal integrated:
Terminus does this. Supports both Unix and Windows. Works great. 👍
In View (on Windows)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Tab (View)
In Panel (on Unix)
Ctrl + Shift + P --> Terminus: Open Default Shell in Panel
Type exit to exit and close the terminal opened in a panel.
I installed the Sublime package TerminalView that can show a terminal window within Sublime in a separate tab.
It works with MacOS or Linux but is no longer actively supported.
Open the command palette (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac, Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows) and find Package Control: Install Package
Search for TerminalView and hit Return to install.
The terminal windows has a few flaws (at least on macOS) as it seems to conflict with Sublime's keyboard shortcuts. I however use it only to automatically run unit tests when the edited program code changes. Therefore it works just fine. In that case it works best if I show the terminal window below the text editor. You can do so in the menu View > Layout > Rows: 2.
In sublime 3,
ctrl + shift + p search Package Control: Install Package
Search and install TerminalView
to set shortcuts,
go to Preferences -> Key Bindings
on right side Pane paste this,
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "terminal_view_open" }
Now ctrl+shift+t is your shortcuts
I prefer Terminus and it's the first cross platform terminal for Sublime Text. Check this video it might help you
I tried Sublime package - TerminalView, quickly realized I couldn't copy paste things. Tried on MacOS.
Terminus( ) looks good to me, it has two options
(i) opens in a tab(view)
(ii) opens also in a panel. (which I prefer most)
The below original answer is now outdated; see below answer by Svish.
I was wondering the same thing a while back, and I believe the answer is: no.
There's no good terminal integration in ST3, except, maybe, for Terminal, which simply takes you to the terminal from any given project folder.
Works ok, but not sure how much it really saves.
No way to have it in the ST3 window AFAIK.

Launch terminal from eclipse

I recently switched to Eclipse (Helios) for my programming needs, and I like it very much.
There is just on thing that is driving me crazy, how can I launch (compile and run) my code into the native mac osx terminal.
I tried creating an "external tools configuration", but that just starts the terminal without outputting the application.
What I do now is right-click on the binary in the Project Explorer and then "Open With" and then "Other" and then I pick the terminal app from the list. But this solution is driving me nuts.
Please help.
It's all about defining the External Tool correctly.
For example, the following should work if your selected file is a Unix executable.
Open a new External Tool configuration.
Set the location to /usr/bin/open
Set Working directory as ${selected_resource_loc}
Set the arguments to -a /Applications/Utilities/ ${selected_resource_loc}
When you run make sure you select "src"
This should work. You could improve it further. You could even write an AppleScript that would do that and run it using osascript.

Eclipse - Running programs not in the native eclipse console

I'm currently writing some ncurses code and the native Eclipse (3.2.2) console can't display its graphics. I'd instead like to run the program through xterm. What I want is to be able to start xterm and run from there. I'd prefer to not get involved with any plugins or that jazz. Just something simple.
So I have the answer and it was pretty simple...
Run -> External Tools -> External Tools -> New Launch Config...
Then select location of your terminal emulator. /usr/bin/gnome-terminal in my case.
after that set the appropriate arguments. "-e ~/ncurses/start" in my case.
Then make sure you aren't allocating a console by unchecking that option in the "Common" tab.
Annon add to his question:
its a pain to keep switching back and forth from eclipse and the terminal. I'm looking for a way to just hit something like"F5" and have it run my ncurses program in a new xterm terminal process
The simplest way to do that is to report the command line into an external tool configuration, and point eclipse to use a shell (like described in this program)
In the argument, you will add the command line eclipse execute (command line which can be retrieved as mentioned in the second part of this answer below).
Of course, replace 'cmd.exe' by the shell of your choice, and try not setting the 'Allocate Console' checkbox in the Common tab of that external launcher.
To launch through a xterm, without eclipse involved (not what you are asking for, just keep here for archive)
You can launch your program through Eclipse (Run Configurations), and observe through a 'ps' command the exact Java command line used.
Or launch it in debug mode, and right click the task in Debug view and open Properties. It will show the command line, as documented here.
Then launch that command line directly in your console (Eclipse being not involved at all at this point).