how to use the name of the input file in sed replace - sed

i have several files in which i want to replace a certain word with the name of the file itself..
for example i have 2 files named test1.txt and test2.txt
both files are equal and look like
with the sed i want to replace the word temp with the name of the file itself
so after the sed operation i have 2 different files
test1.txt , which looks like :
test2.txt, which looks like :
so my question ... how do i use the actual name of the input file itself as part of the replace command?
sed "s/temp/ ??filename??/ ??? " *.txt
thanks for your suggestions

I'm not sure you can reference the filename using sed although I could be wrong. You would probably use a shell hack. A better aproach to substitute all occurrences of temp with the filename would be the following awk script:
$ awk '{gsub(/temp/,FILENAME)}1' file

use awk, awk has FILENAME variable:
awk '{sub(/temp/,FILENAME)}7' yourfile

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {$NF=FILENAME}1' file
The difference between this and the sub() solutions is that this will work even if the word "temp" exists elsewhere in your file, e.g. if "bla1" contains the word "temperature".
If you need to strip ".txt" from the file name as it appears from your posted desired output, tweak it to:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {t=FILENAME; sub(/\.txt$/,"",t); $NF=t}1' file
You can probably edit FILENAME itself but I find it best not to mess with the builtin variables if you don't have to.

You could do it with a little bit of bash to help you out, if that's available.
find . -name "test*.txt" -type f | awk -F '/' '{print $2;}' | while read file; do sed -i "s|temp|$file|" ./$file; done
That's a kind of hacky adaptation of a script I have to do something similar. It can undoubtedly be shortened.

no sed internal variable for the file name so you need some previous batch command for a generic process
for FileName in MyFileShellFilter
cat <> ${FileName} | sed "s|,temp$|,${FileName}|"
just be carrefull with file name used, they normaly don't have \ but could have & that are s// special meaning. I use | as separator to allow / in file name but for this reason, no unescaped | are allowed in file name (normaly not)

with xargs:
printf "%s\n" *.txt | xargs -I FILE -L 1 sed 's/temp/FILE/' FILE
The filename cannot have: newlines, slashes, ampersand, single quote.


How to do a custom "grep" in linux terminal

Suppose I have file which contains only a text like below:
Test transition to drned-internal-asr9k-rt24711
load drned-internal-asr9k-rt24711
Now on the terminal if I do
cat filename | grep load
I would get output something like
load drned-internal-asr9k-rt24711
But how can I modify my grep command to get output as
i.e. remove "load " and add ".txt" at the end. So how to do that??
May be not the best solution but :
cat | grep load | cut -c4- | sed 's/$/.txt/'
cut -c4- will delete the 4 first characters
sed 's/$/.txt/' will add the ".txt" at the end of output
This can be achieved with the following:
sed -nr 's/.*load\s+(.*)/\1.txt/p' file.txt
This matches anything after load (plus one or more spaces) and returns it, adding .txt on the end.
awk '{for(i=1;i<NF;i++){if(tolower($i)~/^load$/){print $(i+1) ".txt"}}}' file.txt
This matches next column after load and append .txt to it in output.

How to Find & Replace a String Within Files with Find / Grep / Sed

I have a folder of 500 *.INI files that I need to manually edit. Within each INI file, I have the line Source =. I would like that line to become Source = C:\software\{filename}.
For instance, a dx4.ini file would need to be fixed to become: Source = C:\software\dx4
Is there a quick way to do this with Find, Grep, or Sed functions?
You can try with sed
For example
Input file contents:
Source =
some lines..
newstring='Source = C:\software\dx4'
oldstring='Source ='
echo `sed "s/$oldstring/$newstring/g" file.txt` > file.txt
After running the above commands
Source = C:\software\dx4
some lines..
If you want to edit a file in a script, I think ed is the way to go. Combined with a shell for loop:
for file in *.INI; do
base=$(basename "$file" .INI)
ed -s "$file" <<EOF
/^Source =/s/=/= C:\\\\software\\\\$base/
(This does assume that filenames will not have newlines or ampersands in their names)
With GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match(), gensub(), and "inplace" editing:
awk -i inplace '
match($0,/(.*Source = C:\\software\\){filename}(.*)/,a) {
fname = gensub(/\..*/,"",1,FILENAME)
$0 = a[1] fname a[2]
1' *.INI
The above assumes you're running in a UNIX environment though your use of the term folder instead of directory and that path starting with C: and containing backslashes makes me suspicious. If you're on Windows then save the part between the 2 's (exclusive) in a file named foo.awk and execute it as awk -i inplace foo.awk *.INI or however it is you normally execute commands like this in Windows.
find *.ini -type -f > stack
while read line
sed -i s"#Source =#Source = C:\\software\\dx4#" "${line}"
done < stack
Assuming that a} You have sed with "-i" (the insert flag, which AFAIK is not always portable) and b} sed doesn't crap itself about a double escape sequence, I think that will work.

Inserting the filename before the first line of a text file

I'm trying to add the filename of a text file into the first line of a the same text file. for example if the file name is called test1.txt, then the first line when you open the file should be test1.
below is what I've done so for, the only problem i have is that the word "$file" is being written to the file not the file name. any help is appreciated.
for file in *.txt; do
sed -i '1 i\$file' $file;
awk 'sub("$", "\r")' "$file" > "$file"1;
mv "$file"1 "$file";
Without concise, testable sample input and expected output it's an untested guess but it SOUNDS like all you need is:
awk -i inplace -v ORS='\r\n' 'FNR==1{print FILENAME}1' *
No shell loop or multiple commands required.
The above uses GNU awk for inplace editing and I'm assuming the sub() in your code was intended to add a \r at the end of every line.
I've just started learning more about sed and awk and put this into a file called insert.sed and sourced it and passed it a file name:
sed -i '1s/^./'$1'\'$'\n/g' $1
In trying it, it seems to work okay:
rent$ cat x.txt
<<< Who are you?
rent$ source insert.sed x.txt
rent$ cat x.txt
<< Who are you?
It is cutting off the first character of the first line so I'd have to fix that otherwise it does add the file name to first line.
I'm sure there's better ways of doing it.
If you want test1 on first line, with gnu sed
sed -i '1{x;s/.*/fich=$(ps -p $PPID -o args=);fich=${fich##*\\} };echo ${fich%%.*}/e;G}' test1.txt

What is the purpose of the "-" in sh script line: ext="$(echo $ext | sed 's/\./\\./' -)"

I am porting a sh script that was apparently written using GNU implementation of sed to BSD implementation of sed. The exact line in the script with the original comment are:
# escape dot in file extension to grep it
ext="$(echo $ext | sed 's/\./\\./' -)"
I am able to reproduce a results with the following (obviously I am not exhausting all possibilities values for ext) :
ext=.h; ext="$(echo $ext | sed 's/\./\\./' -)"; echo [$ext]
Using GNU's implementation of sed the following is returned:
Using BSD's implementation of sed the following is returned:
sed: -: No such file or directory
Executing ext=.h; ext="$(echo $ext | sed 's/\./\\./')"; echo [$ext] returns [\.h] for both implementation of sed.
I have looked at both GNU and BSD's sed's man page have not found anything about the trailing "-". Googling for sed with a "-" is not very fruitful either.
Is the "-" a typo?
Is the "-" needed for some an unexpected value of $ext?
Is the issue not with sed, but rather with sh?
Can someone direct me to what I should be looking at, or even better, explain what the purpose of the "-" is?
On my system, that syntax isn't documented in the man page, but it is in the
'info' page:
If you do not specify INPUTFILE, or if INPUTFILE is -',sed'
filters the contents of the standard input.
Given that particular usage, I think you could leave off the '-' and it should
still work.
You got your specific question answered BUT your script is all wrong. Take a look at this:
# escape dot in file extension to grep it
ext="$(echo $ext | sed 's/\./\\./')"
The main problems with that are:
You're not quoting your variable ($ext) so it will go through file name expansion plus if it contains spaces will be passed to echo as multiple arguments instead of 1. Do this instead:
ext="$(echo "$ext" | sed 's/\./\\./')"
You're using an external command (sed) and a pipe to do something the shell can do trivially itself. Do this instead:
Worst of all: You're escaping the RE meta-character (.) in your variable so you can pass it to grep to do an RE search on it as if it were a string - that doesn't make any sense and becomes intractable in the general case where your variable could contain any combination of RE metacharacters. Just do a string search instead of an RE search and you don't need to escape anything. Don't do either of the above substitution commands and then do either of these instead of grep "$ext" file:
grep -F "$ext" file
fgrep "$ext" file
awk -v ext="$ext" 'index($0,ext)' file

Unix - Split to N files using regexp to name destination file

How do I split a file to N files using as a filename the first 2 chars on the line.
Ex input file:
BA23201202Other Text
BA23202202More Text.
Should generate 3 files:
BA23201202Other Text
BA23202202More Text.
I'm thinking of using a sed script similar to this
/^(..)/w \1
But what that really does is create a file named '\1' instead of the capture group.
Any ideas?
$ awk '{fname=substr($0, 0, 2); print >>fname}' input.txt
$ while read line; do echo "$line" >>"${line:0:2}"; done <input.txt
The first thing you need to do is determine all of your file names:
filenames=$(sed 's/\(..\).*/\1/' listOfStrings.txt | sort | uniq)
Then, loop through those filenames
for filename in $filenames
sed -n '/^$filename/ p' listOfStrings.txt > $filename.txt
I have not tested this, but I think it should work.
This might work for you:
sed 's/\(..\).*/echo "&" >>\1.txt/' file | sh
or if you have GNU sed:
sed 's/\(..\).*/echo "&" >>\1.txt/e' file