I have never setup up a queueing system before. I decided to give it a shot. It seems the queueing system is working perfectly. However, it doesn't seem the data is being sent correctly. Here is my code.
$comment = new Comment(Input::all());
$comment->user_id = $user->id;
if ($comment->isSaved())
$voters = $comment->argument->voters->unique()->toArray();
'comment' => $comment->load('argument', 'user')->toArray(),
'voters' => $voters
return Response::json(['success' => true, 'comment' => $comment->load('user')->toArray()]);
The class that handles this looks like this:
class NewComment {
public function fire($job, $data)
$comment = $data['comment'];
$voters = $data['voters'];
foreach ($voters as $voter)
if ($voter['id'] != $comment['user_id'])
$mailer = new NewCommentMailer($voter, $comment);
This works beautifully on my local server using the synchronous queue driver. However, on my production server, I'm using Beanstalkd. The queue is firing like it is supposed to. However, I'm getting an error like this:
[2013-12-19 10:25:02] production.ERROR: exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Undefined index: voters' in /var/www/mywebsite/app/queues/NewComment.php:10
If I print out the $data variable passed into the NewComment queue handler, I get this:
[2013-12-19 10:28:05] production.INFO: {"comment":{"incrementing":true,"timestamps":true,"exists":true}} [] []
I have no clue why this is happening. Anyone have an idea how to fix this.
So $voters apparently isn't being put into the queue as part of the payload. I'd build the payload array outside of the Queue::push() function, log the contents, and see exactly what is being put in.
I've found if you aren't getting something out that you expect, chances are, it's not being put in like you expect either.
While you are at it, make sure that the beanstalkd system hasn't got old data stuck in it that is incorrect. You could add a timestamp into the payload to help make sure it's the latest data, and arrange to delete or bury any jobs that don't have the appropriate information - checked before you start to process them. Just looking at a count of items in the beanstalkd tubes should make it plain if there are stuck jobs.
I've not done anything with Laravel, but I have written many tasks for other Beanstalkd and SQS-backed systems, and the hard part is when the job fails, and you have to figure out what went wrong, and how to avoid just redoing the same failure over and over again.
What I ended up doing was sticking with simple numbers. I only stored the comment's ID on the queue and then did all the processing in my queue handler class. That was the easiest way to do it.
You will get data as expected in the handler by wrapping the data in an array:
array('comment' => $comment->load('argument', 'user')->toArray(),
'voters' => $voters
Can anyone please help me with this code , what is the use of "boost::asio::async_write" function here
Does it sends acknowledgment back to the client ?
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred)
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer(data_, bytes_transferred),
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;
It looks like this is from an "echo server" example. async_write writes the contents of boost::asio::buffer(data_, bytes_transferred) to the socket.
Since we're inside handle_read we can guess that this function itself is the completion handler for a likely async_read call that filled that data_ buffer. Since we use the exact number of bytes reported back by async_read (bytes_transferred) and there's no visible manipulation on data_, we can assume that this simply sends the exact message (or data in general) received to socket_. If socket_ was also the endpoint in the async_read this is the definition of an echo server.
I am working on a solution where I am using vertx 3.8.4 and vertx-mysql-client 3.9.0 for asynchronous database calls.
Here is the scenario that I have been trying to resolve, in a proper reactive manner.
I have some mastertable records which are in inactive state.
I run a query and get the list of records from the database.
This I did like this :
Future<List<Master>> locationMasters = getInactiveMasterTableRecords ();
locationMasters.onSuccess (locationMasterList -> {
if (locationMasterList.size () > 0) {
uploadTargetingDataForAllInactiveLocations(vertx, amazonS3Utility,
Now in uploadTargetingDataForAllInactiveLocations method, i have a list of items.
What I have to do is, I need to iterate over this list, for each item, I need to download a file from aws, parse the file and insert those data to db.
I understand the way to do it using CompositeFuture.
Can someone from vertx dev community help me with this or with some documentation available ?
I did not find good contents on this by googling.
I'm answering this as I was searching for something similar and I ended up spending some time before finding an answer and hopefully this might be useful to someone else in future.
I believe you want to use CompositeFuture in vertx only if you want to synchronize multiple actions. That means that you either want an action to execute in the case that either all your other actions on which your composite future is built upon succeed or at least one of the action on which your composite future is built upon succeed.
In the first case I would use CompositeFuture.all(List<Future> futures) and in the second case I would use CompositeFuture.any(List<Future> futures).
As per your question, below is a sample code where a list of item, for each item we run an asynchronous operation (namely downloadAnProcessFile()) which returns a Future and we want to execute an action doAction() in the case that all the async actions succeeded:
List<Future> futures = new ArrayList<>();
locationMasterList.forEach(elem -> {
Promise<Void> promise = Promise.promise();
Future<Boolean> processStatus = downloadAndProcessFile(); // doesn't need to be boolean
processStatus.onComplete(asyncProcessStatus -> {
if (asyncProcessStatus.succeeded()){
// eventually do stuff with the result
} else {
promise.fail("Error while processing file whatever");
CompositeFuture.all(futures).onComplete(compositeAsync -> {
if (compositeAsync.succeeded()){
doAction(); // <-- here do what you want to do when all future complete
} else {
// at least 1 future failed
This solution is probably not perfect and I suppose can be improved but this is what I found works for me. Hopefully will work for someone else.
I am quite an unexperienced spray/scala developer, I am trying to properly use spray.io LruCache. I am trying to achieve something very simple. I have a kafka consumer, when it reads something from its topic I want it to put the value it reads to cache.
Then in one of the routings I want to read this value, the value is of type string, what I have at the moment looks as follows:
object MyCache {
val cache: Cache[String] = LruCache(
maxCapacity = 10000,
initialCapacity = 100,
timeToLive = Duration.Inf,
timeToIdle = Duration(24, TimeUnit.HOURS)
to put something into cache i use following code:
def message() = Future { new String(singleMessage.message()) }
MyCache.cache(key, message)
Then in one of the routings I am trying to get something from the cache:
val res = MyCache.cache.get(keyHash)
The problem is the type of res is Option[Future[String]], it is quite hard and ugly to access the real value in this case. Could someone please tell me how I can simplify my code to make it better and more readable ?
Thanks in advance.
Don't try to get the value out of the Future. Instead call map on the Future to arrange for work to be done on the value when the Future is completed, and then complete the request with that result (which is itself a Future). It should look something like this:
path("foo") {
complete(MyCache.cache.get(keyHash) map (optMsg => ...))
Also, if singleMessage.message does not do I/O or otherwise block, then rather than creating the Future like you are
Future { new String(singleMessage.message) }
it would be more efficient to do it like so:
Future.successful(new String(singleMessage.message))
The latter just creates an already completed Future, bypassing the use of an ExecutionContext to evaluate the function.
If singleMessage.message does do I/O, then ideally you would do that I/O with some library (like Spray client, if it's an HTTP request) that returns a Future (rather than using Future { ... } to create another thread which will block).
I ran into bizzare problem. I register receiving a message as follows:
Messenger.Default.Register<CreatedPatientMessage>(this, x =>
CurrentViewModel = targetLeftViewModel;
and send a message like below
Messenger.Default.Send<CreatedPatientMessage>(new CreatedPatientMessage());
Unfortunately it never reaches that message. I made sure it is registered before message is sent. What weird is, that if I remove below line
CurrentViewModel = targetLeftViewModel;
and paste something like
var name = "";
and set breakpoint on it, it stops there, otherwise it does not.
It took a while but I came up with solution. I registered receiving message in constructor as follows:
public Patient(BaseViewModel targetLeftViewModel, BaseViewModel targetRightViewModel)
this.TargetRightViewModel = targetRightViewModel;
Messenger.Default.Register<CreatedPatientMessage>(this, x =>
CurrentViewModel = TargetRightViewModel;
Above definition works but when you change body responsible for receiving message to this:
CurrentViewModel = targetRightViewModel
It will not. It turns out, that parameter sending to constructor is then removed from memory and when a need to use it occurs it cannot be retrieved and I guess that is why it never reached that. When I saved it in property (TargetRightViewModel), in order to save its value, it works as expected.
I have a bunch of events coming in and I have to execute ALL of them without a loss, but I want to make sure that they are buffered and consumed at the appropriate time slots. Anyone have a solution?
I can't find any operators in Rx that can do that without the loss of the events (Throttle - looses events). I've also considered Buffered, Delay, etc... Can't find a good solution.
I've tried to put a timer in the middle, but somehow it doesn't work at all:
item =>
// Process item
public static IObservable<T> IntervalThrottle<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan dueTime)
return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
return source.Subscribe(x =>
new Timer(state =>
o.OnNext((T)state), x, dueTime, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));
}, o.OnError, o.OnCompleted);
The question is not 100% clear so I'm making some presumptions.
Observable.Delay is not what you want because that will create a delay from when each event arrives, rather than creating even time intervals for processing.
Observable.Buffer is not what you want because that will cause all events in each given interval to be passed to you, rather than one at a time.
So I believe you're looking for a solution that creates some sort of metronome that ticks away, and gives you an event per tick. This can be naively constructed using Observable.Interval for the metronome and Zip for connecting it to your source:
var source = GetInitSequence();
var trigger = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
var triggeredSource = source.Zip(trigger, (s,_) => s);
triggeredSource.Subscribe(item => Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now));
This will trigger every 5 seconds (in the example above), and give you the original items in sequence.
The only problem with this solution is that if you don't have any more source elements for (say) 10 seconds, when the source elements arrive they will be immediately sent out since some of the 'trigger' events are sitting there waiting for them. Marble diagram for that scenario:
source: -a-b-c----------------------d-e-f-g
trigger: ----o----o----o----o----o----o----o
result: ----a----b----c-------------d-e-f-g
This is a very reasonable issue. There are two questions here already that tackle it:
Rx IObservable buffering to smooth out bursts of events
A way to push buffered events in even intervals
The solution provided is a main Drain extension method and secondary Buffered extension. I've modified these to be far simpler (no need for Drain, just use Concat). Usage is:
var bufferedSource = source.StepInterval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
The extension method StepInterval:
public static IObservable<T> StepInterval<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan minDelay)
return source.Select(x =>
I know this could just be too simple, but would this work?
var intervaled = source.Do(x => { Thread.Sleep(100); });
Basically this just puts a minimum delay between values. Too simplistic?
Along the lines of Enigmativity's answer, if all you want to do is just Delay all of the values by a TimeSpan, I cant see why Delay is not the operator you want
.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) //ideally pass an IScheduler here
item =>
// Process item
How about Observable.Buffer? This should return all the events in the 1s window as a single event.
var xs = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
var bufferdStream = xs.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
bufferdStream.Subscribe(item => { Console.WriteLine("Number of events in window: {0}", item.Count); });
It might be what you're asking isnt that clear. What is your code supposed to do? It looks like you're just delaying by creating a timer for each event. It also breaks the semantics of the observable as the next and complete could occur before the next.
Note this is also only as accurate at the timer used. Typically the timers are accurate to at most 16ms.
your example becomes, and item contains all the events in the window:
item =>
// Process item