What is the use of boost::asio::async_write function - sockets

Can anyone please help me with this code , what is the use of "boost::asio::async_write" function here
Does it sends acknowledgment back to the client ?
void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& error,
size_t bytes_transferred)
if (!error)
boost::asio::buffer(data_, bytes_transferred),
boost::bind(&session::handle_write, this,
delete this;

It looks like this is from an "echo server" example. async_write writes the contents of boost::asio::buffer(data_, bytes_transferred) to the socket.
Since we're inside handle_read we can guess that this function itself is the completion handler for a likely async_read call that filled that data_ buffer. Since we use the exact number of bytes reported back by async_read (bytes_transferred) and there's no visible manipulation on data_, we can assume that this simply sends the exact message (or data in general) received to socket_. If socket_ was also the endpoint in the async_read this is the definition of an echo server.


STM32 HAL UART receive by interrupt cleaning buffer

I'm working on an application where I process commands of fixed length received via UART.
I'm also using FreeRTOS and the task that handles the incoming commands is suspended until the uart interrupt handler is called, so my code is like this
void USART1_IRQHandler()
void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart){
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1, uart_rx_buf, CMD_LEN);
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart){
BaseType_t higherTaskReady = pdFALSE;
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1, uart_rx_buf, CMD_LEN); //restart interrupt handler
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR(uart_mutex, &higherTaskReady);
portYIELD_FROM_ISR( higherTaskReady); //Relase the semaphore
I am using the ErrorCallBack in case if an overflow occurs. Now I successfully catch every correct command, even if they are issued char by char.
However, I'm trying to make the system more error-proof by considering the case where more characters are received than expected.
The command length is 4 but if I receive, for example, 5 chars, then the first 4 is processed normally but when another command is received it starts from the last unprocessed char, so another 3 chars are needed until I can correctly process the commands again.
Luckily, the ErrorCallback is called whenever I receive more than 4 chars, so I know when it happens, but I need a robust way of cleaning the UART buffer so the previous chars are gone.
One solution I can think of is using UART receive 1 char at a time until it can't receive anymore, but is there a better way to simply flush the buffer?
Yes, the problem is the lack of delimiter, because every byte can can carry a value to be processed from 0 to 255. So, how can you detect the inconsistency?
My solution is a checksum byte in the protocol. If the checksum fails, a blocking-mode UART_Receive function is called in order to put the rest of the data from the "system-buffer" to a "disposable-buffer". In my example the fix size of the protocol is 6, I use the UART6 and I have a global variable RxBuffer. Here is the code:
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle)
if(UartHandle->Instance==USART6) {
if(your_checksum_is_ok) {
// You can process the incoming data
} else {
char TempBuffer;
HAL_StatusTypeDef hal_status;
do {
hal_status = HAL_UART_Receive(&huart6, (uint8_t*)&TempBuffer, 1, 10);
} while(hal_status != HAL_TIMEOUT);
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart6, (uint8_t*)RxBuffer, 6);
void HAL_UART_ErrorCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *UartHandle) {
if(UartHandle->Instance==USART6) {
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart6, (uint8_t*)RxBuffer, 6);

Winsock: DisconnectEx with IO Completion port

NB: the OP confirms in the comment thread that the problem was due to a typo, not shown in the posted code.
I was expecting to get a notification using GetQueuedCompletionStatus after scheduling an overlapped disconnect with DisconnectEx. I never get one - is this by design? If I specify a manual reset event in the OVERLAPPED structure this is signalled to indicate that the disconnect is complete, but GetQueuedCompletionStatus never returns.
My call to DisconnectEx looks a bit like this (note that context has an operator LPOVERLAPPED and ol is the first element in the structure):
context.ol.hEvent = hEvent;
BOOL result = DisconnectEx(context.socket, context, TF_REUSE_SOCKET, 0);
if (result)
// we completed synchronously:
ProcessCompletion(0, context, 0);
int error = WSAGetLastError();
if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
throw ServerSocketException("DisconnectEx failed");
WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE);
std::cout << "disconnected - event signalled\n";
I added the WaitForSingleObject when I found that GetQueuedCompletionStatus didn't return. What is the correct way to detect DisconnectEx completing? I want to use the socket again in a call to AcceptEx.
It appears that this was because of a typo on the OP's part.
(Posting an answer so other people don't have to read the comment thread...)

Async sockets in D

Okay this is my first question here on Stack Overflow, so bare over with it if I'm not asking properly.
Basically I'm trying to code some asynchronous sockets using std.socket, but I'm not sure if I've understood the concept correct. I've only ever worked with asynchronous sockets in C# and in D it seem to be on a much lower level. I've researched a lot and looked up a lot of code, documentation etc. both for D and C/C++ to get an understanding, however I'm not sure if I understand the concept correctly and if any of you have some examples. I tried looking at splat, but it's very outdated and vibe seems to be too complex just for a simple asynchronous socket wrapper.
If I understood correctly there is no poll() function in std.socket so you'd have to use SocketSet with a single socket on select() to poll the status of the socket right?
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket and if it has a success (value > 0) then I can call receive() which will return 0 for disconnection else the received value, but I'd have to keep doing this until the expected bytes are received.
Of course the socket is set to nonblocked!
Is that correct?
Here is the code I've made up so far.
while (true)
auto events = cast(AsyncObject[int])ASYNC_EVENTS_READ;
foreach (asyncObject; events)
int poll = pollRecv(asyncObject.socket.m_socket);
switch (poll)
case 0:
throw new SocketException("The socket had a time out!");
if (poll <= -1)
throw new SocketException("The socket was interrupted!");
int recvGetSize = (asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer.length - asyncObject.socket.readSize);
ubyte[] recvBuffer = new ubyte[recvGetSize];
int recv = asyncObject.socket.m_socket.receive(recvBuffer);
if (recv == 0)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
asyncObject.socket.m_readBuffer ~= recvBuffer;
asyncObject.socket.readSize += recv;
if (asyncObject.socket.readSize == asyncObject.socket.expectedReadSize)
removeAsyncObject(asyncObject.event_id, true);
So basically how I'd go about handling the sockets is polling to get the read status of the socket
Not quite right. Usually, the idea is to build an event loop around select, so that your application is idle as long as there are no network or timer events that need to be handled. With polling, you'd have to check for new events continuously or on a timer, which leads to wasted CPU cycles, and events getting handled a bit later than they occur.
In the event loop, you populate the SocketSets with sockets whose events you are interested in. If you want to be notified of new received data on a socket, it goes to the "readable" set. If you have data to send, the socket should be in the "writable" set. And all sockets should be on the "error" set.
select will then block (sleep) until an event comes in, and fill the SocketSets with the sockets which have actionable events. Your application can then respond to them appropriately: receive data for readable sockets, send queued data for writable sockets, and perform cleanup for errored sockets.
Here's my D implementation of non-fiber event-based networking: ae.net.asockets.

Android InputStream

I am learning android but I can't get past the InputStream.read().
This is just a socket test - the server sends back two bytes when it receives a connection and I know that this working fine. All I want to do is read these values. The b = data.read reads both values in turn but then hangs, it never returns the -1 value which is what expect it to. Also it does not throw an exception.
Any ideas?
protected void startLongRunningOperation() {
// Fire off a thread to do some work that we shouldn't do directly in the UI thread
Thread t = new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
Log.d("Socket", "try connect ");
Socket sock = new Socket("", 5001);
Log.d("socket", "connected");
InputStream data = sock.getInputStream();
int b = 0;
while (b != -1) {
b = data.read();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Socket", e.toString());
Reaching the end of the stream is a special state. It doesn't happen just because there is nothing left to read. If the stream is still open, but there's nothing to be read, it will "hang" (or block) as you've noticed until a byte comes across.
To do what you want, the server either needs to close/end the stream, or you need to use:
while (data.available() > 0) {
When the number of available bytes is zero, there's nothing sitting in the stream buffer to be read.
On the other hand, if you know that there should only ever be two bytes to read, and that's the end of your data, then just read the two bytes and move on (i.e. don't use a while loop). The reason to use a while loop here would only be if you weren't sure how many total bytes to expect.

How to flush the socket using boost

I am implementing a server that sends xml to clients using boost. The problem I am facing is that the buffer doesn't get sent immediately and accumulates to a point then sends the whole thing. This cause a problem on my client side, when it parses the xml, it may have incomplete xml tag (incomplete message). Is there a way in boost to flush out the socket whenever it needs to send out a message? Below is server's write code.
ClientConnection::handle_write(const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (!error)
m_push_message_queue.pop_front ();
if (!m_push_message_queue.empty () && !m_disconnected)
boost::bind(&ClientConnection::handle_write, this,
std::err << "Error writting out message...\n";
m_disconnected = true;
m_server->DisconnectedClient (this);
Typically when creating applications using TCP byte streams the sender sends a fixed length header so the receiver knows how many bytes to expect. Then the receiver reads that many bytes and parses the resulting buffer into an XML object.
I assume you are using TCP connection. TCP is stream type, so you can't assume your packet will come in one big packet. You need to fix your communication design, by sending size length first like San Miller answer, or sending flag or delimiter after all xml data has been sent.
Assuming you are definitely going to have some data on the socket you want to clear, you could do something like this:
void fulsh_socket()
boost::asio::streambuf b;
boost::asio::streambuf::mutable_buffers_type bufs = b.prepare(BUFFER_SIZE);
std::size_t bytes = socket_.receive(bufs); // !!! This will block until some data becomes available
boost::asio::socket_base::bytes_readable command(true);
bufs = b.prepare(BUFFER_SIZE);
bytes = socket_.receive(bufs);
socket_.io_control(command); // reset for bytes pending
where socket_ is a member variable.