Selenium-Webdriver JAVA:- i am getting error ""org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: no such element""" but Appointment Icon is present - dom

I want to verify the tool tip but getting error no such element. I have confirmed that element is exist.
Java Code:
String toolTipTextAppointment = driver
HTML Code:
<td nowrap="nowrap" style="border:0px;">
<a class="" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="showPopupActivity('Meetings','activityPopupFormAraContent',440,600);">
<img style="border: 6px none;" title="Appointment" src="themes/AutoAccelerator/images/calender_icon.gif"/>


you have used findElement("")) but you passed xpath in it that is why it is not working
String toolTipTextAppointment = driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/table/tbody/tr/td/a/img")).getAttribute("title");

The problem is visibility. There are two different concepts, existence and visibility (reachable to click or see).
You need to check if the element is visible, not sure about the syntax as I use the clojure library (clj-webdriver) but as far as I know should be shomething like this
Take into account that the driver will find hidden element but they are not visible. In this particular case you may need to scroll down the page to make the element visible, I suggest retrieve its e.location and use the coordinates with a javascript snippet
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("window.scrollTo(" + e.location + ")");
Then the element will be visible and you will be able to interact with it, I usually have this code embedded in a helper function as it's a quite common issue.
Disclaimer: code is just an orientation, I don't know the syntax as I don't use Java. Hope it helps


Netsuite : HTML/Email Sublist of Transaction not looping correctly

I am looping the transaction.item to get the stockcodes which perfectly works like a charm.
But when I tried to get the links for individual item, it populates all of the td tag, the link should exist ONLY on stockcode 100132 but instead the rest of the items get the links too. Also I did double check the databse if there were any links for the rest of stockcodes. It only exist on stockcode 100132.
This is definitely weird and doesnt make any sense to me. Here's my code for the list
<#list transaction.item as sdsitem>
<tr style="text-align: center">
<td class="th-border stockcode">${sdsitem.item}</td>
<td class="th-border sdslink">
<#if (sdsitem.item.custitemabco_sds_email_link)??>
<a href="${sdsitem.item.custitemabco_sds_email_link}"
target="_blank">Link only exists on stockcode 100132</a>
Thank you so much for those who will give a time to help me. I'm a beginner at Netsuite, and will really appreciate the answer. God bless!
I think the problem you're seeing can be answered by Suite Answer 98056. When an item is referenced on a transaction (Purchase/Sales/Work/Transfer Order etc), the fields that are found on the item record can not be directly accessed by using a dot to drill through the item.
Instead, you will need to create a new Transaction Item Field that is sourced from the item record, and the field name you're looking at using i.e. custitemabco_sds_email_link.

Katalon IDE generated script gives error in eclipse

I am using Katalon IDE for generating a script.
As my application has a signout button on top right, when I click it, IDE will generate
xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-space(.)='S'])[3]/following::span[3]
When running this in Eclipse this line gives an error. On inspecting this element I found this:
<td id="titlebar_hyperlink_8-co_0" role="presentation"
nowrap="nowrap" align="left" class=" verticalSpacer"
<span id="titlebar_hyperlink_8-lbsignout" align="left"
ctype="label" tabindex="0" targetid=
"titlebar_hyperlink_8-lbsignout" mxevent="click" accesskey="S"
class="text powerwhite anchor" style="display:block;cursor:pointer;"
title="Sign Out ALT+S" hotkey="83"><img id="titlebar_hyperlink_8-
lbsignout_image" src="btn_signout.gif" class="pwimg" border="0"
alt="Sign Out ALT+S"><span><span></span><span class="text hl
hlak">S</span><span>ign Out</span></span></span></td>
I'm new to selenium and all its related stuff. I would appreciate any kind of help on this. Thanks, Stack Overflow Community.
inspecting Signout element
Try changing the xpath to
'.//*[#title="Sign Out ALT+S"]'
You want to uniquely locate an element. Usually, you would try with the id, but the id of your element seems dynamic so it might not work in every case.
* - this means any element, and inside of the brackets [ ] you put the attribute you want to find the element by. I chose title because it will probably be unique on a given page.
I recommend this cheatsheet for xpath reference.

Locators combination

I am working on protractor to test the AngularJs application. Here I came across one scenario where I want to click on image for different users. But the id for image is same for all (say 10) users. So I found one more element that is one unique number allocated to each user. The code for 2 different users are:
img id="searchPatientImgAdmittedM" class="img-circle picwidth" ng-click="getPatientVitalLabPharmacy(patient.patientId._id)" onclick="ShowHide(this)" src="icons/male.png" alt="" role="button" tabindex="0"
span class="clearfloat ng-binding">12339/span
img id="searchPatientImgAdmittedM" class="img-circle picwidth" ng-click="getPatientVitalLabPharmacy(patient.patientId._id)" onclick="ShowHide(this)" src="icons/male.png" alt="" role="button" tabindex="0"
span class="clearfloat ng-binding">8841/span
The full HTML code
<div class="col-md-10 col-sm-9 col-xs-9 skin-font-color paddingTop7">
<span class="skin-font-color">
<span class="name clearfloat ng-binding">KRISHA</span>
<span class="clearfloat ng-binding">12348</span>
<img id="searchPatientImgAdmittedF" class="img-circle picwidth" ng-click="getPatientVitalLabPharmacy(patient.patientId._id)" onclick="ShowHide(this)" src="icons/femaleImages.jpg" alt="" role="button" tabindex="0">
I tried to do :
// or
How can I make combination of locators to click on this users. Only image part is clickable.
Thanks four your additions.
Now you're trying to click on a sister-element. There are several approaches to do so.
The one I'm usually using is:
//equal to
This evaluates first the identifiable tag with the unique number, then climbs up to its parent element, then from there gets the img-element with the ID.
The $() selector
The cssContainingText() selector
Another option would be to use isElementPresent(), which evaluates the existence of a child-element. However, the code is (from my point of view) more complex and I don't see, how cssContainingText() could be used there, so I don't try to do it here.
Thanks for your quick help in solving my issue. I want to add here that I found the answer to my problem and now I am able to click on the particular user I want from the list of many users. The code I am using is :
This is finding the child element first and then the parent element.The id was all same for all the users so it was not taking that and so I used only xpath along with unique number.
Thanks again for the help.

New to jquery. Starts with selector breaks the code. what's is wrong?

Thanks for the help. I'm trying to use a jQuery selector to watch for a click on a group of elements, that start with particular characters. I have come up with the following code, but I must be missing something. If I hard code the ID (ie. $("#test_1")...), the code works:
<div id="content">
<div id="parentcontainer">
<div id="test_1"></div>
$("#parentcontainer").click(function(){alert("parent clicked");});
$("#btnaddelement").click(function(){alert("Add Button Clicked");});
alert("Child Clicked");});
You are selecting on $("[name^='test_']") which will give you elements who have a name attribute that start with test_. You need to select on $("[id^='test_']") for elements with an id that start with test_. That is one example of what you are getting with your hard-coded success of $('#test_1') -- an element whose id attribute is test_1.
Also, be aware if you are not already that xpath is the language used for selectors, so you can do all kinds of incredible selection if you become familiar with it.
Yes, you missed something. Change the div's attribute id to name will work
<div name="test_1"></div>
Actually, class was used more frequently.
And there are an opinion I want to improve the code.
Try to use the jquery's $(document).ready instead of DOM's load. Because load will wait for all the sources to be loaded compeletely before the js code can be executed, for example, all the photos are downloading ok.
I hope this help!

jquery .html() returning null in ie7

On click li element i am getting the current element value and appending it into another div dynamically.Its working fine in all browsers.But returning null in IE7.I don`t the reason that why its happening?Please can any one give me a solution for this..Part of the code only i pasted here.
Sample code:
////////////.//This line returning null in IE7./////////////////
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
(tab_lastid_val value can be a 1 or 2 or 3.Clixked li element value comes here)
<div class="pagelink">
<div id="pagelink_a">
/******** all li element are clickable***********/
<li id="pagelinkli_1"><a>Google</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_2"><a>Chrome</a></li>
<li id="pagelinkli_3"><a>Firefox</a></li>
try this:
code is not tested but i think it should work.
Given your html layout, your parent div is .pagelink not #pagelink_a , so replace your following line:
$('#pagelink_a #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
for this one:
$('.pagelink #pagelinkli_'+tab_lastid_val).html()
Just use
The # tag identifies an ID which only a single element may have. There is no need to have anything preceding it. You also labeled the previous class as id, which is wrong. I don't know how your other browsers managed to get anything.
Although bit off topic, it may be better to actually drop IE7 support entirely. Due to small user base and decreasing popularity, it may be costing you more money by support it than to not support it.
Try instead of html() , and try append().
For example
$('#ID').append('Your content');