How can I display greek symbols in Matlab GUI - matlab

How can I use the degree symbol when writing a GUI in Matlab? I can use ^\circ when plotting but this does not work when writing a GUI.
This is my GUI so far:
directory = 'Data';
SiteName = 'AAA';
done = false;
spcFrac = 2; %number of spaces = char;
num2delim = 20;
defSlt = 'aTemp';
loader = 'on';
fclose all;
outputOptions = {'Air temperature','aTemp'};
defaults = {'',''};
% long names for outputs
names = {'latitude (deg N)','altitude (m)'};
lines = [4,5];
[~,b] = sortrows(outputOptions); vL = length(b);
outN = cell(vL,1);outA = outN;outUn = outN;
for k = 1:length(b)
outUn{k}= outputOptions{b(k),1};
outN{k} = outputOptions{b(k),1};
outA{k} = outputOptions{b(k),2};
indx = strcmp(defSlt,outA);
slt{1} = outN{indx};
txt = outA{indx};
outN(indx) = [];
close all
bckColor = [.85 .85 .85];
figDims = [150 150 400 300];
lM = 15;
tM = 20;
rM = 15;
bM = 15;
pnS = 12;
bgPw = 180;
bgPh = 120;
btnH = 25;
txtH = 20;
txtW = 40;
txtS = 5;
spc = 9;
radioW = 150;
radioH = 20;
bigPanels(1,:) = [lM figDims(4)-bgPh-tM bgPw bgPh];
bigPanels(2,:) = bigPanels(1,:); bigPanels(2,1) = bigPanels(2,1)+pnS+bgPw;
filePanel = [bigPanels(2,1)+bgPw+pnS*2 bM+pnS+btnH ...
figDims(3)-bgPw*2-lM-pnS*3-rM figDims(4)-tM-pnS-btnH-bM];
btns(1,:) = [lM bigPanels(1,2)-spc-btnH bgPw btnH];
btns(2,:) = [bigPanels(2,1) bigPanels(1,2)-spc-btnH bgPw btnH];
btns(3,:) = [filePanel(1)+filePanel(3)-bgPw bM bgPw btnH];
btns(4,:) = [filePanel(1) bM radioW radioH];
numTxtIn = numel(defaults);
rowsTxt = ceil(numTxtIn/2);
for p = 1:rowsTxt
txtBoxL(p,:) = [lM bM+(p-1)*(pnS+txtH) txtW txtH];
txtBoxR(p,:) = [lM+pnS+bgPw bM+(p-1)*(pnS+txtH) txtW txtH ];
diaL(p,:) = [lM+txtW+txtS -txtS+bM+(p-1)*(pnS+txtH) txtBoxR(p,1)-...
lM-txtW-pnS txtH ];
diaR(p,:) = [txtBoxR(p,1)+txtW+txtS -txtS+bM+(p-1)*(pnS+txtH) ...
txtBoxR(p,1)-lM-txtW-pnS txtH ];
S.fh = figure('units','pixels',...
'name','Configuration File','Color',bckColor);
'Title','Output options','FontSize',10);
setpixelposition(outFrame,[lM-spc btns(1,2)-spc ...
bgPw+spc*2 bgPh+btnH+spc*3+pnS]);
'Title','Output selections','FontSize',10);
setpixelposition(slcFrame,[bigPanels(2,1)-spc btns(1,2)-spc ...
bgPw+spc*2 bgPh+btnH+spc*3+pnS]);
'Title','User parameters','FontSize',10);
setpixelposition(ParamFrame,[btns(1,1)-spc ...
bM-spc bgPw*2+pnS+spc*2 btns(1,2)-2*spc-2]);
for lm = 1:rowsTxt
indr = rowsTxt-lm+1;
S.outT(1,indr) = uicontrol('style','edit',...
S.outT(2,indr) = uicontrol('style','edit',...
S.outD(1,indr) = uicontrol('style','text',...
S.outD(2,indr) = uicontrol('style','text',...
Here I would like to change degN into the degree symbol ^\circ does not work.

Depending on the symbols you want to use, you can use either extended ascii or unicode symbols. So, for instance, ^\circ is Alt+0176 which gives you ° (numbers must be typed on keypad and the zero is necessary). µ is Alt+0181, etc. If that doesn't work, you can also programmatically use char(). So char(176) will give you the degree sign.
I should add that the Alt+0XXX construct is a MS Windows (it's worked as far back as 95 AFAIK) shortcut. I am certain-ish that there are similar keyboard shortcuts for MacOS and your favorite flavor of *nix. The char command works everywhere.
From your example code above, you just need to change the definition of names:
names = {'latitude (°N)','altitude (m)'};
names = {['latitude (' char(179) 'N)'],'altitude (m)'};


how can I save edited uitable?

Within a function I've programmatically created an editable uitable with a plot. Whenever the cell values change, the plot updates. I'd like to set the new edited table as the output. My code so far:
function outputTable = begrenzung()
t = table(Drehzahl, Drehmoment, 'RowNames',{'Startpunkt' 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'Endpunkt'});
fig = uifigure;
fig.Position(3:4) = [822 360];
uit = uitable(fig,'ColumnEditable',true);
uit.Data = t;
uit.FontSize = 10;
uit.FontWeight = 'bold';
uit.ColumnEditable = true;
uit.Position(3) = 375;
ax = uiaxes(fig);
ax.Position(1) = 415;
ax.YLabel.String = 'Drehmoment [Nm]';
ax.XLabel.String = 'Drehzahl [rpm]';
x = t{:,1};
y = t{:,2};
ax.XLim = [0 45];
ax.YLim = [0 2000];
ax.Title.String = 'Feld der gefahrenen Punkte';
uit.CellEditCallback = #updatePlot;
function outputTable = updatePlot(src,event)
How can I save the updated uitable after each value-change?
I have found a solution, even though this might not be the elegant way:
function [outputTable] = begrenzung()
t = table(Drehzahl, Drehmoment,...
'RowNames',{'Startpunkt' 'P1' 'P2' 'P3' 'P4' 'Endpunkt'});
fig = uifigure;
fig.Position(3:4) = [822 360];
uit = uitable(fig);
uit.Data = t;
uit.FontSize = 10;
uit.FontWeight = 'bold';
uit.ColumnEditable = true;
uit.Position(3) = 375;
ax = uiaxes(fig);
ax.Position(1) = 415;
ax.YLabel.String = 'Drehmoment [Nm]';
ax.XLabel.String = 'Drehzahl [rpm]';
x = t{:,1};
y = t{:,2};
ax.XLim = [0 45];
ax.YLim = [0 2000];
ax.Title.String = 'Feld der gefahrenen Punkte';
uit.CellEditCallback = #updatePlot;
function [test] = updatePlot(src,event)
outputTable = uit.Data;
outputTable = uit.Data;
this way, my Output is the changed table

How can it be that a function is outputing a vector with 38 elements and Simulink takes it as one element?

In the Simulink model below my interpreted function output is a vector with 38 elements. I have two functions that have the same outputs one of them works perfectly (desiredtrajectory_sim.m) but the other one doesn't (desiredtrajectory.m).
Any suggestions. thanks
Here is the Simulink model
function [desired_state] = desiredtrajectory_sim(in)
t = in(1);
Sf = [ 1; 2; pi/4];
dSf = [0;0;0];
Pf = [ 0.1*t; 0; 0.5*sin(0.03*pi*t) + 2; 0; 0.01*pi*t ; 0];
dPf = [ 0.1; 0; 0.5*0.03*pi*cos(0.03*pi*t); 0; 0.01*pi; 0];
pf = Sf(1); qf = Sf(2); betaf = Sf(3);
xf = Pf(1); yf = Pf(2); zf = Pf(3);
phif = Pf(4); thetaf = Pf(5); psif = Pf(6);
rf = sqrt(pf^2 + qf^2 - 2*pf*qf*cos(betaf));
h1 = sqrt(0.5*(pf^2 + qf^2 - 0.5*rf^2));
h2 = sqrt(0.5*(rf^2 + pf^2 - 0.5*qf^2));
h3 = sqrt(0.5*(qf^2 + rf^2 - 0.5*pf^2));
alpha1 = acos((4*(h1^2+h2^2)-9*pf^2)/(8*h1*h2));
alpha2 = acos((4*(h1^2+h3^2)-9*qf^2)/(8*h1*h3));
Rot = RPYtoRot_ZXY(phif, thetaf, psif);
r1 = Rot*[2/3*h1;0;0];
r2 = Rot*[2/3*h2*cos(alpha1);2/3*h2*sin(alpha1);0];
r3 = Rot*[2/3*h3*cos(alpha2);-2/3*h3*sin(alpha2);0];
pos_des1 = [xf;yf;zf] + r1;
pos_des2 = [xf;yf;zf] + r2;
pos_des3 = [xf;yf;zf] + r3;
omega = [0 -sin(psif) cos(thetaf)*cos(psif);...
0 -cos(psif) cos(thetaf)*sin(psif);...
1 0 -sin(thetaf)]*dPf(4:6);
vel_des1 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r1);
vel_des2 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r2);
vel_des3 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r3);
acc_des = [0;0;0];
desired_state1 = [pos_des1;vel_des1;acc_des];
desired_state2 = [pos_des2;vel_des2;acc_des];
desired_state3 = [pos_des3;vel_des3;acc_des];
desired_state = [desired_state1;desired_state2;desired_state3; psif; 0; Pf;
Here is the Simulink block and the error message
As you can notice the bus gives just one element compared to the previous one which gives 38 elements, although they have the same output.
function [desired_state] = desiredtrajectory(in)%(t, pos)
tm= in(1)
pos = in(2:10);
syms t xf yf zf phif thetaf psif pf qf betaf
rf = sqrt(pf^2+qf^2-2*pf*qf*cos(betaf));
h1 = sqrt(0.5*(pf^2+qf^2-0.5*rf^2));
h2 = sqrt(0.5*(rf^2+pf^2-0.5*qf^2));
h3 = sqrt(0.5*(qf^2+rf^2-0.5*pf^2));
alf1 = acos((4*(h1^2+h2^2)-9*pf^2)/(8*h1*h2));
alf2 = acos((4*(h1^2+h3^2)-9*qf^2)/(8*h1*h3));
Rot = RPYtoRot_ZXY(phif, thetaf, psif);
eps = [Rot*[2/3;0;0]+[xf;yf;zf]
X = [ xf yf zf phif thetaf psif pf qf betaf];
Sf = [ 1; 2; pi/4];
dSf = [0;0;0];
Pf = [ 0.1*t; 0; 0.5*sin(0.03*pi*t) + 2; 0; 0.01*pi*t ; 0];
dPf = [ 0.1; 0; 0.5*0.03*pi*cos(0.03*pi*t); 0; 0.01*pi; 0];
qd = [Pf; Sf];
qddot = [dPf; dSf];
jac = jacobian(eps,X);
pf = Sf(1); qf = Sf(2); betaf = Sf(3);
xf = Pf(1); yf = Pf(2); zf = Pf(3);
phif = Pf(4); thetaf = Pf(5); psif = Pf(6);
atan2((2*z1/3-z2/3-z3/3),(2*y1/3-y2/3-y3/3)); ...
-atan2((2*z1/3-z2/3-z3/3),(2*x1/3-x2/3-x3/3)); ...
qsf=[sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2); ...
sqrt((x1-x3)^2+(y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2); ...
q = [qpf;qsf];
pos_des = eval(eps);
pos_des =subs(pos_des,t,tm);
jacval = eval(jac);
qd = eval(qd);%subs(qd,t,tm);
q = eval(q);
qe = qd - q;
qddot = eval(qddot);%subs(qddot,t,tm);
qrefdot = qddot + kappa*qe;
vel_des = jacval*qrefdot;
vel_des = subs(vel_des,t,tm);
acc_des = zeros(3,1);
yaw = 0;
yawdot = 0;
% =================== Your code ends here ===================
desired_state1 = [pos_des(1:3);vel_des(1:3);acc_des];
desired_state2 = [pos_des(4:6);vel_des(4:6);acc_des];
desired_state3 = [pos_des(7:9);vel_des(7:9);acc_des];
Pf = subs(Pf,t,tm);
Sf = subs(Sf,t,tm);
format short
desired_state = vpa([desired_state1;desired_state2;desired_state3; psif; 0;
Pf; Sf])
The second image shows that the output of the second function is a scalar - the dimension at the output of the block is 1 - not 38 as you believe it is.
That is, your functions do not give the same output as you believe they do.
The error is because the Selector blocks expect their inputs to be dimension 38, and they are not.
To determine why what you believe is happening is not actually what is happening, you could use the editor to set a break point in the m-code, run the model, then step through the code to determine why it gives a scalar output when you expect it to do otherwise.
Another approach would be to run your functions from the MATLAB Command Line with fake input data. Something like
tmp = desiredtrajectory(randn(10,1))
would be appropriate here.
The answer is that desiredtrajectory outputs desired_state, which is a symbolic variable. Yes it contains a 38 element vector, but Simulink treats the object itself is a scalar.
The real problem though is that you can't propagate a symbolic variable down a Simulink signal. You need the output to be a numeric vector.
One way to overcome this is to put the line
desired_state = double(desired_state);
at the end of your file to cast the symbolic object to a double, which will have 38 elements.
(However it's not clear why you are using symbolic math in the first place, and I'd suggest it would be better, and is certainly more efficient, if you didn't use it.)

In my code error is Index Exceeds Matrix Dimension

my code gives an error and that is Index exceeds matrix dimensions.It runs perfectly for nsample=10 but when I use nsamples=other value it gives error.
The error starts from line 108 that means when dataright(1:20) =
output(1:20);but it runs when I used dataright(1:10) = output(1:10).
function icall(block)
function setup(block)
block.NumInputPorts = 0;
block.NumOutputPorts = 4;
block.OutputPort(1).SamplingMode = 'sample';
%% Setup functional port to default
%% Setup output port
block.SampleTimes = [0 1];
block.SimStateCompliance = 'DefaultSimState';
block.RegBlockMethod('Start', #Start);
block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', #Outputs); % Required
block.RegBlockMethod('Update', #Update);
block.RegBlockMethod('Terminate', #Terminate); % Required
block.RegBlockMethod('SetInputPortSamplingMode', #SetInpPortFrameData);
block.RegBlockMethod('PostPropagationSetup', #DoPostPropSetup);
function DoPostPropSetup(block)
% Setup Dwork
block.NumDworks = 4;
block.Dwork(1).Name = 'Nothing';
block.Dwork(1).Dimensions = 1;
block.Dwork(1).DatatypeID = 0;
block.Dwork(1).Complexity = 'Real';
block.Dwork(1).UsedAsDiscState = false;
block.Dwork(2).Name = 'Nothing1';
block.Dwork(2).Dimensions = 1;
block.Dwork(2).DatatypeID = 0;
block.Dwork(2).Complexity = 'Real';
block.Dwork(2).UsedAsDiscState = false;
block.Dwork(3).Name = 'Nothing2';
block.Dwork(3).Dimensions = 1;
block.Dwork(3).DatatypeID = 0;
block.Dwork(3).Complexity = 'Real';
block.Dwork(3).UsedAsDiscState = false;
block.Dwork(4).Name = 'Nothing3';
block.Dwork(4).Dimensions = 1;
block.Dwork(4).DatatypeID = 0;
block.Dwork(4).Complexity = 'Real';
block.Dwork(4).UsedAsDiscState = false;
function Start(block)
fullpathToDll = 'Z:\Farha\2015_02_26_photometer_Datenlogger\PC-Software\CGMultChan.dll';
fullpathToHeader = 'Z:\Farha\2015_02_26_photometer_Datenlogger\PC-Software\CGMultChan.h';
loadlibrary(fullpathToDll, fullpathToHeader);
libfunctions ('CGMultChan');
serialPort = 'COM1';
IP = calllib('CGMultChan', 'CGMultChan_Connect', ''); %Connect to Data Loger
if (IP == 0)
out = instrfind('Port', 'COM1');
%Open Serial COM Port
s = serial(serialPort);
set(s, 'BaudRate', 57600, 'DataBits', 8, 'Parity', 'none', 'StopBits', 1, 'FlowControl', 'none', 'Terminator', 'CR');
set(s, 'Timeout', 20);
TI_ms = calllib('CGMultChan', 'CGMultChan_SetIntTime', .02 * 100);
block.Dwork(1).Data = 1;
block.Dwork(2).Data = 2;
block.Dwork(3).Data = 3;
block.Dwork(4).Data = 5;
function Outputs(block)
block.OutputPort(1).Data = block.Dwork(1).Data; %+ %block.InputPort(1).Data;
block.OutputPort(2).Data = block.Dwork(2).Data;
block.OutputPort(3).Data = block.Dwork(3).Data;
block.OutputPort(4).Data = block.Dwork(4).Data;
count = 0;
function Update(block)
nsamples = 20
count = 0
while (count < nsamples)
BufferSize = 16;
pBuffer = libpointer('singlePtr', zeros(BufferSize, 1));
data2 = calllib('CGMultChan', 'CGMultChan_MeasureAll', pBuffer); %Measurement
output = pBuffer.Value
count = count + 1;
time(count) = toc; %Extract Elapsed Time
dataright(count) = output(1)
dataup(count) = output(2)
databack(count) = output(3)
datafront(count) = output(5)
dataright(1:20) = output(1:20);
dataup(1:20) = output(1:20);
databack(1:20) = output(1:20);
datafront(1:20) = output(1:20);
block.Dwork(1).Data = double(dataright(1));
block.Dwork(2).Data = double(dataup(2));
block.Dwork(3).Data = double(databack(3));
block.Dwork(4).Data = double(datafront(5));
%end Update
function SetInpPortFrameData(block, idx, fd)
block.InputPort(idx).SamplingMode = fd;
for i = 1:block.NumOutputPorts
block.OutputPort(i).SamplingMode = fd;
function Terminate(block)
serialPort = 'COM1';
s = serial(serialPort);
clear pBuffer;
calllib('CGMultChan', 'CGMultChan_Disconnect'); %Disconnect from Data Logger
This is a Level 2 S function code which generates simulink block. It connects a data logger with computer. That means its an object oriented code. I solved the problem changing the buffer size pbuffer=500. So that matrix size of data output is increased.

Putting permuted data into LibSVM precomputed kernel

I'm doing quite simple SVM classification at the moment. I use a precomputed kernel in LibSVM with RBF and DTW.
When I compute the similarity (kernel-) matrix, everything seems to work very fine ... until I permute my data, before I compute the kernel matrix.
An SVM is of course invariant to permutations of input-data. In the below Matlab-code, the line marked with '<- !!!!!!!!!!' decides about the classification accuracy (not permuted: 100% -- permuted: 0% to 100%, dependant on the seed of rng). But why does permuting the file-string-array (named fileList) make any difference? What am I doing wrong? Have I misunderstood the concept of 'permutation invariance' or is it a problem with my Matlab-code?
My csv-files are formatted as: LABEL, val1, val2, ..., valN and all the csv-files are stored in the folder dirName. So the string array contains the entries '10_0.csv 10_1.csv .... 11_7.csv, 11_8.csv' (not permuted) or some other order when permuted.
I also tried to permute the vector of sample serial numbers, too, but that makes no difference.
function [SimilarityMatrixTrain, SimilarityMatrixTest, trainLabels, testLabels, PermSimilarityMatrixTrain, PermSimilarityMatrixTest, permTrainLabels, permTestLabels] = computeDistanceMatrix(dirName, verificationClass, trainFrac)
fileList = getAllFiles(dirName);
fileList = fileList(1:36);
trainLabels = [];
testLabels = [];
trainFiles = {};
testFiles = {};
permTrainLabels = [];
permTestLabels = [];
permTrainFiles = {};
permTestFiles = {};
n = 0;
sigma = 0.01;
trainFiles = fileList(1:2:end);
testFiles = fileList(2:2:end);
permTrain = randperm(length(trainFiles))
%rng(3); <- !!!!!!!!!!!
permTest = randperm(length(testFiles));
permTrainFiles = trainFiles(permTrain)
permTestFiles = testFiles(permTest);
noTrain = size(trainFiles);
noTest = size(testFiles);
SimilarityMatrixTrain = eye(noTrain);
PermSimilarityMatrixTrain = (noTrain);
SimilarityMatrixTest = eye(noTest);
PermSimilarityMatrixTest = eye(noTest);
for i = 1 : noTrain
x = csvread(trainFiles{i});
label = x(1);
trainLabels = [trainLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTrain
y = csvread(trainFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma));
SimilarityMatrixTrain(i, j) = rbfValue;
SimilarityMatrixTrain = [(1:size(SimilarityMatrixTrain, 1))', SimilarityMatrixTrain];
for i = 1 : noTest
x = csvread(testFiles{i});
label = x(1);
testLabels = [testLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTest
y = csvread(testFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma));
SimilarityMatrixTest(i, j) = rbfValue;
SimilarityMatrixTest = [(1:size(SimilarityMatrixTest, 1))', SimilarityMatrixTest];
for i = 1 : noTrain
x = csvread(permTrainFiles{i});
label = x(1);
permTrainLabels = [permTrainLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTrain
y = csvread(permTrainFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma));
PermSimilarityMatrixTrain(i, j) = rbfValue;
PermSimilarityMatrixTrain = [(1:size(PermSimilarityMatrixTrain, 1))', PermSimilarityMatrixTrain];
for i = 1 : noTest
x = csvread(permTestFiles{i});
label = x(1);
permTestLabels = [permTestLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTest
y = csvread(permTestFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma));
PermSimilarityMatrixTest(i, j) = rbfValue;
PermSimilarityMatrixTest = [(1:size(PermSimilarityMatrixTest, 1))', PermSimilarityMatrixTest];
mdlU = svmtrain(trainLabels', SimilarityMatrixTrain, '-t 4 -c 0.5');
mdlP = svmtrain(permTrainLabels', PermSimilarityMatrixTrain, '-t 4 -c 0.5');
[pclassU, xU, yU] = svmpredict(testLabels', SimilarityMatrixTest, mdlU);
[pclassP, xP, yP] = svmpredict(permTestLabels', PermSimilarityMatrixTest, mdlP);
I'd be very thankful for any answer!
after cleaning up the code and letting a colleague of mine have a look on it, we/he finally found the bug. Of course, I have to compute the testing matrix from the training and testing samples (to let the SVM predict the testing data by using the sum over the product of alpha-values of the training vectors (they are zero for non support vectors)). Hope this clarifies the problem for any of you. To make it more clear, see my revised code below. But, as for example in using precomputed kernels with libsvm, there one with sharp eyes can also see the computation of the testing matrix with train and test vectors, too. Feel free to put comments or/and answers to this post if you have any further remarks/questions/tips!
function [tacc, testacc, mdl, SimilarityMatrixTrain, SimilarityMatrixTest, trainLabels, testLabels] = computeSimilarityMatrix(dirName)
fileList = getAllFiles(dirName);
fileList = fileList(1:72);
trainLabels = [];
testLabels = [];
trainFiles = {};
testFiles = {};
n = 0;
sigma = 0.01;
trainFiles = fileList(1:2:end);
testFiles = fileList(2:5:end);
noTrain = size(trainFiles);
noTest = size(testFiles);
permTrain = randperm(noTrain(1));
permTest = randperm(noTest(1));
trainFiles = trainFiles(permTrain);
testFiles = testFiles(permTest);
for i = 1 : noTrain(1)
x = csvread(trainFiles{i});
label = x(1);
trainlabel = label;
trainLabels = [trainLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTrain(1)
y = csvread(trainFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma.^2));
SimilarityMatrixTrain(i, j) = rbfValue;
SimilarityMatrixTrain = [(1:size(SimilarityMatrixTrain, 1))', SimilarityMatrixTrain];
for i = 1 : noTest(1)
x = csvread(testFiles{i});
label = x(1);
testlabel = label;
testLabels = [testLabels, label];
for j = 1 : noTrain(1)
y = csvread(trainFiles{j});
dtwDistance = dtwWrapper(x(2:end), y(2:end));
rbfValue = exp((dtwDistance.^2)./(-2*sigma.^2));
SimilarityMatrixTest(i, j) = rbfValue;
SimilarityMatrixTest = [(1:size(SimilarityMatrixTest, 1))', SimilarityMatrixTest];
mdlU = svmtrain(trainLabels', SimilarityMatrixTrain, '-t 4 -c 1000 -q');
fprintf('TEST: '); [pclassU, xU, yU] = svmpredict(testLabels', SimilarityMatrixTest, mdlU);
fprintf('TRAIN: ');[pclassT, xT, yT] = svmpredict(trainLabels', SimilarityMatrixTrain, mdlU);
tacc = xT(1);
testacc = xU(1);
mdl = mdlU;

Finding the total value underneath a 3d line plot

So I have 3D filled line plots created in MATLAB using the following code:
for k = 1: P
for j = 1: L
X22 = linspace(0,b*1000,N+1);
Y22 = Yijk(j,:,k);
n = length(X22);
Z22 = contact_force(j,:,k);
Xp2 = zeros(2*n,1);
Yp2 = zeros(2*n,1);
Xp2(1:n) = X22;
Xp2(n+1:2*n) = X22(n:-1:1);
Yp2(1:n) = Y22;
Yp2(n+1:2*n) = Y22(n:-1:1);
Zp2(1:n) = 0;
Zp2(n+1:2*n) = Z22(n:-1:1);
hold on
hold off
title(['Contact force at fraction '...
num2str(-1*((k-P)/P)) ' of base pitch'])
Which creates the following image :
I want to find what the total value for each blue line is, how would I do this?
Summing the area under the curve:
sumZ = 0;
for k = 1: P
for j = 1: L
X22 = linspace(0,b*1000,N+1);
Y22 = Yijk(j,:,k);
n = length(X22);
Z22 = contact_force(j,:,k);
Xp2 = zeros(2*n,1);
Yp2 = zeros(2*n,1);
Xp2(1:n) = X22;
Xp2(n+1:2*n) = X22(n:-1:1);
Yp2(1:n) = Y22;
Yp2(n+1:2*n) = Y22(n:-1:1);
Zp2(1:n) = 0;
Zp2(n+1:2*n) = Z22(n:-1:1);
sumZ = sumZ+Zp2;
hold on
hold off
title(['Contact force at fraction '...
num2str(-1*((k-P)/P)) ' of base pitch'])