How can it be that a function is outputing a vector with 38 elements and Simulink takes it as one element? - matlab

In the Simulink model below my interpreted function output is a vector with 38 elements. I have two functions that have the same outputs one of them works perfectly (desiredtrajectory_sim.m) but the other one doesn't (desiredtrajectory.m).
Any suggestions. thanks
Here is the Simulink model
function [desired_state] = desiredtrajectory_sim(in)
t = in(1);
Sf = [ 1; 2; pi/4];
dSf = [0;0;0];
Pf = [ 0.1*t; 0; 0.5*sin(0.03*pi*t) + 2; 0; 0.01*pi*t ; 0];
dPf = [ 0.1; 0; 0.5*0.03*pi*cos(0.03*pi*t); 0; 0.01*pi; 0];
pf = Sf(1); qf = Sf(2); betaf = Sf(3);
xf = Pf(1); yf = Pf(2); zf = Pf(3);
phif = Pf(4); thetaf = Pf(5); psif = Pf(6);
rf = sqrt(pf^2 + qf^2 - 2*pf*qf*cos(betaf));
h1 = sqrt(0.5*(pf^2 + qf^2 - 0.5*rf^2));
h2 = sqrt(0.5*(rf^2 + pf^2 - 0.5*qf^2));
h3 = sqrt(0.5*(qf^2 + rf^2 - 0.5*pf^2));
alpha1 = acos((4*(h1^2+h2^2)-9*pf^2)/(8*h1*h2));
alpha2 = acos((4*(h1^2+h3^2)-9*qf^2)/(8*h1*h3));
Rot = RPYtoRot_ZXY(phif, thetaf, psif);
r1 = Rot*[2/3*h1;0;0];
r2 = Rot*[2/3*h2*cos(alpha1);2/3*h2*sin(alpha1);0];
r3 = Rot*[2/3*h3*cos(alpha2);-2/3*h3*sin(alpha2);0];
pos_des1 = [xf;yf;zf] + r1;
pos_des2 = [xf;yf;zf] + r2;
pos_des3 = [xf;yf;zf] + r3;
omega = [0 -sin(psif) cos(thetaf)*cos(psif);...
0 -cos(psif) cos(thetaf)*sin(psif);...
1 0 -sin(thetaf)]*dPf(4:6);
vel_des1 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r1);
vel_des2 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r2);
vel_des3 = dPf(1:3) + cross(omega, r3);
acc_des = [0;0;0];
desired_state1 = [pos_des1;vel_des1;acc_des];
desired_state2 = [pos_des2;vel_des2;acc_des];
desired_state3 = [pos_des3;vel_des3;acc_des];
desired_state = [desired_state1;desired_state2;desired_state3; psif; 0; Pf;
Here is the Simulink block and the error message
As you can notice the bus gives just one element compared to the previous one which gives 38 elements, although they have the same output.
function [desired_state] = desiredtrajectory(in)%(t, pos)
tm= in(1)
pos = in(2:10);
syms t xf yf zf phif thetaf psif pf qf betaf
rf = sqrt(pf^2+qf^2-2*pf*qf*cos(betaf));
h1 = sqrt(0.5*(pf^2+qf^2-0.5*rf^2));
h2 = sqrt(0.5*(rf^2+pf^2-0.5*qf^2));
h3 = sqrt(0.5*(qf^2+rf^2-0.5*pf^2));
alf1 = acos((4*(h1^2+h2^2)-9*pf^2)/(8*h1*h2));
alf2 = acos((4*(h1^2+h3^2)-9*qf^2)/(8*h1*h3));
Rot = RPYtoRot_ZXY(phif, thetaf, psif);
eps = [Rot*[2/3;0;0]+[xf;yf;zf]
X = [ xf yf zf phif thetaf psif pf qf betaf];
Sf = [ 1; 2; pi/4];
dSf = [0;0;0];
Pf = [ 0.1*t; 0; 0.5*sin(0.03*pi*t) + 2; 0; 0.01*pi*t ; 0];
dPf = [ 0.1; 0; 0.5*0.03*pi*cos(0.03*pi*t); 0; 0.01*pi; 0];
qd = [Pf; Sf];
qddot = [dPf; dSf];
jac = jacobian(eps,X);
pf = Sf(1); qf = Sf(2); betaf = Sf(3);
xf = Pf(1); yf = Pf(2); zf = Pf(3);
phif = Pf(4); thetaf = Pf(5); psif = Pf(6);
atan2((2*z1/3-z2/3-z3/3),(2*y1/3-y2/3-y3/3)); ...
-atan2((2*z1/3-z2/3-z3/3),(2*x1/3-x2/3-x3/3)); ...
qsf=[sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2+(z1-z2)^2); ...
sqrt((x1-x3)^2+(y1-y3)^2+(z1-z3)^2); ...
q = [qpf;qsf];
pos_des = eval(eps);
pos_des =subs(pos_des,t,tm);
jacval = eval(jac);
qd = eval(qd);%subs(qd,t,tm);
q = eval(q);
qe = qd - q;
qddot = eval(qddot);%subs(qddot,t,tm);
qrefdot = qddot + kappa*qe;
vel_des = jacval*qrefdot;
vel_des = subs(vel_des,t,tm);
acc_des = zeros(3,1);
yaw = 0;
yawdot = 0;
% =================== Your code ends here ===================
desired_state1 = [pos_des(1:3);vel_des(1:3);acc_des];
desired_state2 = [pos_des(4:6);vel_des(4:6);acc_des];
desired_state3 = [pos_des(7:9);vel_des(7:9);acc_des];
Pf = subs(Pf,t,tm);
Sf = subs(Sf,t,tm);
format short
desired_state = vpa([desired_state1;desired_state2;desired_state3; psif; 0;
Pf; Sf])

The second image shows that the output of the second function is a scalar - the dimension at the output of the block is 1 - not 38 as you believe it is.
That is, your functions do not give the same output as you believe they do.
The error is because the Selector blocks expect their inputs to be dimension 38, and they are not.
To determine why what you believe is happening is not actually what is happening, you could use the editor to set a break point in the m-code, run the model, then step through the code to determine why it gives a scalar output when you expect it to do otherwise.
Another approach would be to run your functions from the MATLAB Command Line with fake input data. Something like
tmp = desiredtrajectory(randn(10,1))
would be appropriate here.
The answer is that desiredtrajectory outputs desired_state, which is a symbolic variable. Yes it contains a 38 element vector, but Simulink treats the object itself is a scalar.
The real problem though is that you can't propagate a symbolic variable down a Simulink signal. You need the output to be a numeric vector.
One way to overcome this is to put the line
desired_state = double(desired_state);
at the end of your file to cast the symbolic object to a double, which will have 38 elements.
(However it's not clear why you are using symbolic math in the first place, and I'd suggest it would be better, and is certainly more efficient, if you didn't use it.)


Swapping fragments of matrices Matlab

I wrote a program implementing Gaussian Elimination with Complete Pivoting:
function x = gecp(A,b)
x = b;
n = length(A);
p = 1:n;
l = b;
for k = 1:n
[i,j] = find(A(k:n,k:n)==max(abs(A(k:n,k:n)),[],'all'));
i = i+k-1;
j = j+k-1;
[A(k,:),A(i,:)] = deal(A(i,:),A(k,:));
[A(:,j),A(:,k)] = deal(A(:,k),A(:,j));
[b(i),b(k)] = deal(b(k),b(i));
[p(k),p(j)] = deal(p(j),p(k));
temp = (k+1):n;
l(temp) = A(temp,k)/A(k,k);
b(temp) = b(temp)-l(temp).*b(k);
A(temp,temp) = A(temp,temp)-l(temp).*A(k,temp);
x(n) = b(n)/A(n,n);
for k = (n-1):-1:1
s = 0;
for h = (k+1):n
s = s+A(k,h)*x(h);
x(k) = (b(k)-s)/A(k,k);
x(p) = x;
And it is called like this:
N = 5; A = randn(N); b = randn(N,1); x = gecp(A,b)
Unfortunately all lines containing deal function (used for swapping rows of columns of matrices), give me following (or similar) error: "Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-5 and the size of the right side is 0-by-5."
Unfortunately I have no idead why would the width of these vectors be changed to 0 as I wrote excatly the same thing on both sides.

Creating a table from a variable inside a for loop

I am writing a for loop to calculate the value of four different variables. The first variable is M. M increases from 10^2 to 10^5,
M = [10^2,10^3,10^4,10^5];
The other three variables needed for the table are shown in the code below.
I first create a for loop to iterate through the four different values of M. I then create the table outside of the for loop.
How could I adjust the implementation so that the table displays all four values of M?
%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%%%
S = 5; E = 6; sigma = 0.3; r = 0.05; T = 1;
Dt = 1e-2; N = T/Dt; M = [10^2,10^3,10^4,10^5];
for k=1:numel(M)
%%%%%%%%% Geom Asian exact mean %%%%%%%%%%%%
sigsqT= sigma^2*T*(N+1)*(2*N+1)/(6*N*N);
muT = 0.5*sigsqT + (r - 0.5*sigma^2)*T*(N+1)/(2*N);
d1 = (log(S/E) + (muT + 0.5*sigsqT))/(sqrt(sigsqT));
d2 = d1 - sqrt(sigsqT);
N1 = 0.5*(1+erf(d1/sqrt(2)));
N2 = 0.5*(1+erf(d2/sqrt(2)));
geo = exp(-r*T)*( S*exp(muT)*N1 - E*N2 );
Spath = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt+sigma*sqrt(Dt)*randn(M(k),N)),2);
% Standard Monte Carlo
arithave = mean(Spath,2);
Parith = exp(-r*T)*max(arithave-E,0); % payoffs
Pmean = mean(Parith);
Pstd = std(Parith);
confmc = [Pmean-1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)), Pmean+1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k))];
confmcSize = [(Pmean+1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)))-(Pmean-1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)))];
% Control Variate
geoave = exp((1/N)*sum(log(Spath),2));
Pgeo = exp(-r*T)*max(geoave-E,0); % geo payoffs
Z = Parith + geo - Pgeo; % control variate version
Zmean = mean(Z);
Zstd = std(Z);
confcv = [Zmean-1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)), Zmean+1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k))];
confcvSize = [(Zmean+1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)))-(Zmean-1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)))];
T = table(M,confmc,confcv,confmcSize/confcvSize)
The current code returns
T =
1×4 table
M confmc confcv Var4
_____ ____________________ ____________________ ______
1e+05 0.096756 0.1007 0.097306 0.097789 8.1622
How could I change my implementation so that all four values of M are computed?
I just modified few things.Take a look at the following code.
%%%%%% Problem and method parameters %%%%%%%%%
S = 5; E = 6; sigma = 0.3; r = 0.05; T = 1;
Dt = 1e-2; N = T/Dt; M = [10^2,10^3,10^4,10^5];
confmc = zeros(numel(M), 2);
confcv = zeros(numel(M), 2);
confmcSize = zeros(numel(M), 1);
confcvSize = zeros(numel(M), 1);
for k=1:numel(M)
%%%%%%%%% Geom Asian exact mean %%%%%%%%%%%%
sigsqT= sigma^2*T*(N+1)*(2*N+1)/(6*N*N);
muT = 0.5*sigsqT + (r - 0.5*sigma^2)*T*(N+1)/(2*N);
d1 = (log(S/E) + (muT + 0.5*sigsqT))/(sqrt(sigsqT));
d2 = d1 - sqrt(sigsqT);
N1 = 0.5*(1+erf(d1/sqrt(2)));
N2 = 0.5*(1+erf(d2/sqrt(2)));
geo = exp(-r*T)*( S*exp(muT)*N1 - E*N2 );
Spath = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt+sigma*sqrt(Dt)*randn(M(k),N)),2);
% Standard Monte Carlo
arithave = mean(Spath,2);
Parith = exp(-r*T)*max(arithave-E,0); % payoffs
Pmean = mean(Parith);
Pstd = std(Parith);
confmc(k,:) = [Pmean-1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)), Pmean+1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k))];
confmcSize(k,1) = [(Pmean+1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)))-(Pmean-1.96*Pstd/sqrt(M(k)))];
% Control Variate
geoave = exp((1/N)*sum(log(Spath),2));
Pgeo = exp(-r*T)*max(geoave-E,0); % geo payoffs
Z = Parith + geo - Pgeo; % control variate version
Zmean = mean(Z);
Zstd = std(Z);
confcv(k,:) = [Zmean-1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)), Zmean+1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k))];
confcvSize(k,1) = [(Zmean+1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)))-(Zmean-1.96*Zstd/sqrt(M(k)))];
T = table(M',confmc,confcv,confmcSize./confcvSize)
In short, I just used a matrix instead of a vector or scalar as the members of the table. In your code, the variables (confmc, confcv, confmcSize, confcvSize) were getting overwritten.

MATLAB - Adaptive Step Size Runge-Kutta

I've programmed in MATLAB an adaptive step size RK4 to solve a system of ODEs. The code runs without error, however it does not produce the desired curve when I try to plot x against y. Instead of being a toroidal shape, I simply get a flat line. This is evident from the fact that r is outputting a constant value. After checking the outputs of each line, they are not outputting constants or errors or inf or NaN, rather they are outputting both a real and imaginary component (complex numbers). I have no idea as to why this is occurring and I believe it to be the source of my trouble.
function AdaptRK4()
parsec = 3.08*10^18;
r_1 = 8.5*1000.0*parsec; % in cm
theta_1 = 0.0;
a = 0.5*r_1;
gam = 1;
grav = 6.6720*10^-8;
amsun = 1.989*10^33;
amg = 1.5d11*amsun;
gm = grav*amg;
u_1 = 20.0*10^5;
v = sqrt(gm/r_1);
time = 0.0;
epsilon = 0.00001;
m1 = 0.5;
m2 = 0.5;
m3 = 0.5;
i = 1;
nsteps = 50000;
deltat = 5.0*10^12;
angmom = r_1*v;
angmom2 = angmom^2.0;
e = -2*10^5.0*gm/r_1+u_1*u_1/2.0+angmom2/(2.0*r_1*r_1);
for i=1:nsteps
deltat = min(deltat,nsteps-time);
fk3_1 = deltat*u_1;
fk4_1 = deltat*(-gm*r_1*r_1^(-gam)/(a+r_1)^(3- gam)+angmom2/(r_1^3.0));
fk5_1 = deltat*(angmom/(r_1^2.0));
r_2 = r_1+fk3_1/4.0;
u_2 = u_1+fk4_1/4.0;
theta_2 = theta_1+fk5_1/4.0;
fk3_2 = deltat*u_2;
fk4_2 = deltat*(-gm*r_2*r_2^(-gam)/(a+r_2)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_2^3.0));
fk5_2 = deltat*(angmom/(r_2^2.0));
r_3 = r_1+(3/32)*fk3_1 + (9/32)*fk3_2;
u_3 = u_1+(3/32)*fk4_1 + (9/32)*fk4_2;
theta_3 = theta_1+(3/32)*fk5_1 + (9/32)*fk5_2;
fk3_3 = deltat*u_3;
fk4_3 = deltat*(-gm*r_3*r_3^(-gam)/(a+r_3)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_3^3.0));
fk5_3 = deltat*(angmom/(r_3^2.0));
r_4 = r_1+(1932/2197)*fk3_1 - (7200/2197)*fk3_2 + (7296/2197)*fk3_3;
u_4 = u_1+(1932/2197)*fk4_1 - (7200/2197)*fk4_2 + (7296/2197)*fk4_3;
theta_4 = theta_1+(1932/2197)*fk5_1 - (7200/2197)*fk5_2 + (7296/2197)*fk5_3;
fk3_4 = deltat*u_4;
fk4_4 = deltat*(-gm*r_4*r_4^(-gam)/(a+r_4)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_4^3.0));
fk5_4 = deltat*(angmom/(r_4^2.0));
r_5 = r_1+(439/216)*fk3_1 - 8*fk3_2 + (3680/513)*fk3_3 - (845/4104)*fk3_4;
u_5 = u_1+(439/216)*fk4_1 - 8*fk4_2 + (3680/513)*fk4_3 - (845/4104)*fk4_4;
theta_5 = theta_1+(439/216)*fk5_1 - 8*fk5_2 + (3680/513)*fk5_3 - (845/4104)*fk5_4;
fk3_5 = deltat*u_5;
fk4_5 = deltat*(-gm*r_5*r_5^(-gam)/(a+r_5)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_5^3.0));
fk5_5 = deltat*(angmom/(r_5^2.0));
r_6 = r_1-(8/27)*fk3_1 - 2*fk3_2 - (3544/2565)*fk3_3 + (1859/4104)*fk3_4-(11/40)*fk3_5;
u_6 = u_1-(8/27)*fk4_1 - 2*fk4_2 - (3544/2565)*fk4_3 + (1859/4104)*fk4_4-(11/40)*fk4_5;
theta_6 = theta_1-(8/27)*fk5_1 - 2*fk5_2 - (3544/2565)*fk5_3 + (1859/4104)*fk5_4-(11/40)*fk5_5;
fk3_6 = deltat*u_6;
fk4_6 = deltat*(-gm*r_6*r_6^(-gam)/(a+r_6)^(3-gam)+angmom2/(r_6^3.0));
fk5_6 = deltat*(angmom/(r_6^2.0));
fm3_1 = m1 + 25*fk3_1/216+1408*fk3_3/2565+2197*fk3_4/4104-fk3_5/5;
fm4_1 = m2 + 25*fk4_1/216+1408*fk4_3/2565+2197*fk4_4/4104-fk4_5/5;
fm5_1 = m3 + 25*fk5_1/216+1408*fk5_3/2565+2197*fk5_4/4104-fk5_5/5;
fm3_2 = m1 + 16*fk3_1/135+6656*fk3_3/12825+28561*fk3_4/56430-9*fk3_5/50+2*fk3_6/55;
fm4_2 = m2 + 16*fk4_1/135+6656*fk4_3/12825+28561*fk4_4/56430-9*fk4_5/50+2*fk4_6/55;
fm5_2 = m3 + 16*fk5_1/135+6656*fk5_3/12825+28561*fk5_4/56430-9*fk5_5/50+2*fk5_6/55;
R3 = abs(fm3_1-fm3_2)/deltat;
R4 = abs(fm4_1-fm4_2)/deltat;
R5 = abs(fm5_1-fm5_2)/deltat;
err3 = 0.84*(epsilon/R3)^(1/4);
err4 = 0.84*(epsilon/R4)^(1/4);
err5 = 0.84*(epsilon/R5)^(1/4);
if R3<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm3 = fm3_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err3*deltat;
if R4<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm4 = fm4_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err4*deltat;
if R5<= epsilon
time = time+deltat;
fm5 = fm5_1;
i = i+1;
deltat = err5*deltat;
plot(x,y, '-k');
TeXString = title('Plot of Orbit in Gamma Potential Obtained Using RK4')
You are getting complex values because at some point npts - time < 0. You may want to print out the values of deltat to check the error.
Also, your code doesn't seem to take into account the case when the error estimate is larger than your tolerance. When your error estimate is greater than your tolerance you have to:
Shift back the time AND solution
calculate a new step-size based on a formula, and
recalculate your solution and error estimate.
The fact that you don't know how many iterations you will have to go through makes the use of a for-loop for adaptive runge Kutta a bit awkward. I suggest using a while loop instead.
You are using "i" in your code. "i" returns the basic imaginary unit. "i" is equivalent to sqrt(-1). Try to use another identifier in your loops and only use "i" or "j" in calculations where complex numbers are involved.

Make matlab code more efficient

Just started to code in matlab because I am studying the book An Introduction to Financial Option Valuation by Higham. One of the example codeblocks he gives (this is the source) is:
V = zeros(M,1);
Vanti = zeros(M,1);
for i = 1:M
samples = randn(N,1);
% standard Monte Carlo
Svals = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt+sigma*sqrt(Dt)*samples));
Smax = max(Svals);
if Smax < B
V(i) = exp(-r*T)*max(Svals(end)-E,0);
% antithetic path
Svals2 = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt-sigma*sqrt(Dt)*samples));
Smax2 = max(Svals2);
V2 = 0;
if Smax2 < B
V2 = exp(-r*T)*max(Svals2(end)-E,0);
Vanti(i) = 0.5*(V(i) + V2);
I am trying to get this loop more efficient, so I am trying to remove the for loop. This is what I wrote so far:
V = zeros(M,1);
Vanti = zeros(M,1);
samples = randn(N,M);
Svals = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt+sigma*sqrt(Dt)*samples));
Svals2 = S*cumprod(exp((r-0.5*sigma^2)*Dt-sigma*sqrt(Dt)*samples));
Send = Svals(end,:);
Send2 = Svals2(end,:);
Smax = max(Svals);
Smax2 = max(Svals2);
V2 = zeros(M,1);
for i = 1:M
if Smax(i) < B
V(i) = exp(-r*T)*max(Send(i)-E,0);
if Smax2(i) < B
V2(i) = exp(-r*T)*max(Send2(i)-E,0);
Vanti = 0.5*(V + V2);
aM = mean(V); bM = std(V);
conf = [aM - 1.96*bM/sqrt(M), aM + 1.96*bM/sqrt(M)]
aManti = mean(Vanti); bManti = std(Vanti);
confanti = [aManti - 1.96*bManti/sqrt(M), aManti + 1.96*bManti/sqrt(M)]
This already made the code significantly quicker, because there aren't any randn variables generated inside the loop. I don't know however, how I am able to remove the other part of the loop. Is it even possible?

Why are the final image dimensions in my perspective projection not in (-1,-1) to (1,1)?

I have implemented a perspective projection algorithm according to chapter 6 Computer Graphics Principles and Practices (CGP&P) by Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes (2nd edition). I have
N'per = M * Sper * Spar * T (-prp) * R * T (-vrp).
As I understand it, the final image should be in canonical form size of (-1,-1) to (1,1) and z in (0,-1). However, the final image X-Y dimensions (see Figure 1) do not seem correct. I'm mostly trying to understand how the final image size is determined. I have included the matlab code below. My frustum (f) is defined by eyepoint (EP) at a specified lat/lon that has been converted to ECEF; distances: near plane (nDist) = 300; view plane (vDist) = 900; and far plane (fDist) = 25000. A line of sight (LOS) vector created at the EP is the center of projection. The frustum correctly finds and returns the buildings that within it along the LOS. Field of View is (10 deg x 10 deg). Now I'm just trying to project those buildings onto a defined window so that I can "quantize" (paint?) the grid and indicate which building is located at which x,y pair in the view plane. Unfortunately, because the window is not returning at the indicated size, it makes the painting more difficult for me. And besides, I'd just like to know what I'm doing wrong to not end up with the correct dimensions.
Matlab code (no attempts at optimizations or anything. just brute-force implementation!
function iPersProj = getPersProj(bldg, bi, f, plotpersp, fPersPlot)
color = [rand rand rand];
face = eFaces.bottom;
iPersProjBtm = persproj(f, bldg, face);
face =;
iPersProjTop = persproj(f, bldg, face);
iPersProj = [iPersProjTop;iPersProjBtm];
hold on;
scatter3(iPersProjTop(:,1), ...
iPersProjTop(:,2), ...
scatter3(iPersProjBtm(:,1), ...
iPersProjBtm(:,2), ...
iPersProjTop(1,:); ...
iPersProjBtm; ...
iPersProjBtm(1,:); ...
iPersProjBtm(2,:); ...
iPersProjTop(4,:); ...
iPersProjTop(3,:); ...
iPersProjBtm(3,:); ...
iPersProjBtm(4,:); ...
iPersProjTop(2,:); ...
line (pPersProj(:,1), pPersProj(:,2),'Color',color);
text (pPersProj(1,1), pPersProj(1,2), int2str(bi));
function proj = persproj(f, bldg, face)
vrp = f.vC; %center view plane
vpn = f.Z; % LOS for frustum
cop = -f.EP;
F = f.vDist - f.nDist;
B = f.vDist - f.fDist;
umin = -5;
vmin = -5;
umax = 5;
vmax = 5;
R = getrotation (f);
Tvrp = gettranslation(-vrp);
ed = R * Tvrp * [f.EP 1]'; %translate eyepoint to camera?
prp = [0 0 ed(3)];
sh = getsh(prp, umax, umin, vmax, vmin);
Tprp = gettranslation(-prp);
vrpp = -prp(3); %(sh * Tprp * [0;0;0;1]); %vrp-prime per CGP&P
zmin = -(vrpp + F)/(vrpp+B);
zmax = -(vrpp + B)/(vrpp+B);
zprj = -vrpp/(vrpp+B);
sper = getsper(vrpp, B, umax, umin, vmax, vmin);
M=[ 1 0 0 0; ...
0 1 0 0; ...
0 0 1/(1+zmin) -zmin/(1+zmin); ...
0 0 -1 0];
proj = zeros(4,4);
for i=1:4
uvdw = M * sper * sh * Tprp * R * Tvrp * [Q';1];
proj (i,1) = uvdw(1);
proj (i,2) = uvdw(2);
proj (i,3) = uvdw(3);
function sper = getsper (vrpz, B, umax, umin, vmax, vmin)
sper(1,1) = 2*vrpz/(dx*(vrpz+B));
sper(2,2) = 2*vrpz/(dy*(vrpz+B));
sper(3,3) = -1/(vrpz+B);
sper(4,4) = 1;
function sh = getsh (prp, umax, umin, vmax, vmin)
cw = [sx/2 sy/2 0 1]';
dop = cw - [prp 1]';
shx = - dop(1)/dop(3);
shy = - dop(2)/dop(3);
sh(1,1) = 1;
sh(2,2) = 1;
sh(3,3) = 1;
sh(4,4) = 1;
sh(1,3) = shx;
sh(2,3) = shy;
function R = getrotation (f)
rz = f.Z;
rx=cross(f.Y, rz);
R(1,1:3) = rx;
R(2,1:3) = ry;
R(3,1:3) = rz;
R(4,4) = 1;
function T = gettranslation(p)
T = zeros(4,4);
T(1:3,4) = p';
T(1,1) = 1;
T(2,2) = 1;
T(3,3) = 1;
T(4,4) = 1;
Figure 1: Prospective Projection but dimensions are not (-1,-1) to (1,1)1