reveal editor when debug with breakpoint step - visual-studio-code

is possible to auto-reveal a window when track step in debug mode ?
When i do next step and the instance is in other sheet, the window no open automatically.
"workbench.editor.revealIfOpen": true,
will work fine for ctrl click reference, but seem not affect the debug mode with breakPoint tracking.
So the issue is when i push next step, if the step is in other files, i need search the file and open manually.
I made a little sketch to show the behavior i want.
sorry for my poor english guys.
thanks for help

fixed thanks ............................


go to definition in vscode preview window ruins the edito

This annoying window when you go to definition is impossible to disable and has been a blemish on an otherwise first rate code editor.
For some reason it picks up .d.ts files and I get the window even when there is only one definiton. I would love to remove this feature but it does not seem possible.
Below is a screen shot of it picking up a definition and for some reason a react index.d.ts file. So annoying, I can never go to the definition, I've got to click about until the preview window decides it wants to close:
What finally cured it for me was:
"editor.gotoLocation.multiple": "goto"

Visual Studio Code window is not appearing

I've encountered a very strange bug with Microsoft Visual Studio Code. I've been using VSCode for a few months now and never had this issue. When I open VSCode, the window just doesn't appear. The app is definitely open, because when I hover over the icon on my taskbar I can see what is being displayed in the app:
Unfortunately, when I click on it, the window does not appear.... I've uninstalled and reinstalled, deleted cache, tried older versions and nothing has worked. Has anyone else encountered this and fixed it? Any advice?
hover over VSCode icon in taskbar
right click on it
click on "New Window"
That should do it.
I had something similar. It appears that the window is just off-screen. I've used my DisplayFusion display manager - to move windows to center/top where I could handle it myself. I expect it'll also work using <Win> + <←> (maximize window to left side of screen).
In my case, the issue went away when uninstalling the GlassIt-VSC extension. I tried modifying the opacity of the window and then it disappeared. I highly suggest you try uninstalling this extension.
In my case I had connected HDMI cable but due to power off my monitor was off, but when I disconnected hdmi cable; VS code visible on my screen.
Got the answer since no one was helping.
Go to view.
Click solution explorer.
It should show the name of your project.
Click the small arrow at the beginning of the heading of your project.
Click source files.
Click yourproject.cpp.
Thank you.
I encountered a similar issue with a plugin called GlassIt while I was playing with a property called "glassit.alpha" somehow it went to 1 (possibly I changed it accidentally) and nothing showed up. (here's an image where you can slightly see that I set alpha to 20)
what i did was to just edit the %appdata%\..\Roaming\Code\User\Settings.json and set "glassit.alpha": 1, to 255
UPDATE I just realised there was already an answer I didn't see while I was writing this post
I had this issue during a remote desktop session and could bring the VSC window back via hitting F11 (via the onscreen keyboard in my case, since the F11 key on my keyboard was being captured by the host system).
In my case, I have a dual monitor setup, and the laptop was in clamshell mode. However, the laptop's built-in monitor was recognized as a third monitor, and VsCode was going there.

VSCode: I want to remove annoying info message bar

Is there any way to completely remove this message popup or move it to somewhere?
I already know why this message comes, but I do not want to disturb my activity with annoying info popup.
When it pops up it hides the document tab, so I have to close it every single time. (I do not want to know how to fix this particular error message, this screenshot is just an example.)
It's very annoying and I've searched around for a way to remove it, but the answers keep saying how to fix that particular error and not how to hide the popup itself.
Press ESC.
I agree that this is really annoying. VS Code is all about high-speed workflow and not having to interact with anything except your code via keyboard. Everything has key chords, e.g. CTRL-P and CTRL-SHIFT-P. So having to stop what I'm doing, go to the mouse, and dismiss this popup, whenever a background task feels like completing (and not even really then, because the popup actually appears some short time later) just so I can get visual confirmation of which file I'm currently coding in, to refocus my work after being distracted by the same popup, is really awkward. They are in a stupid location and don't even fade away after time like well-behaved toasts.
That said, I think that's really two parts; the distraction, and relatively high workflow cost to dismiss.
It helped me a lot to learn that it can be dismissed quickly and easily with the ESC key. The other half the problem I still haven't solved, but hope that helps you.
In the screenshot it shows trying to validate PHP.
In a VS Code window select File > Preferences > User Settings
An editor will open on the left called Default Settings and on the right with a file called settings.json
In the right side editor you can add settings that will override those found in the left-hand-side one.
Between the braces type:
// Whether php validation is enabled or not.
"php.validate.enable": false,
Then save the document.
VS Code will no longer attempt to validate PHP files.
You can override any of the defaults using this method.
You can use the same technique for each Workspace (or project folder) using File > Preferences > Workspace Settings
You can't disable the alert bar in general as VS Code needs to tell you things and doesn't (thankfully) use modal dialogs to communicate.
Go to File > preferences > settings
Then add this to your user settings
"editor.parameterHints": false
You may want to try adding the line
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true
to your VS Code settings file (which you can easily reach with the keystroke (CMD + ,) on a Mac OS X or macOS system.)
Solution: User Preferences > change "editor.parameterHints": true to "editor.parameterHints": false
This will at least remove the obstructive boxes that appear above the cursor.

Eclipse shows Debug Window over the code

I started to use the Eclipse Kepler this week and there is a new feature which is annoying me a lot.
When I'm in a Debug Perspective with the source screen maximized, some times, the Debug Screen opens over the source code. This behaviour bother me because the Debug Screen covers the code making it impossible to see.
Anybody knows what do I need to do to disable this feature?
I agree that it's annoying but the behavior as been in eclipse for many years...
You have two options; restore the Debug stack (just hit the restore button on the element in the Trim) or drag the trim element to the right side trim. If you do the latter then even though the Debug view will still open it's less likely to obscure the code.

Eclipse (3.4): how to get Problems to appear automatically if one has errors?

When I build my projects in FlexBuilder, I want to see any errors immediately; I don't want to have to hover or open the Problem pane every time, nor do I want to always leave it open.
Any ideas?
I do not think this is a problem.
As far as I know the Eclipse settings and there is no such.
You can use shortcut keys SHIFT+ALT+Q and press X to fast open the problem panel.