Netbeans debugging remotely (Xdebug) - netbeans

I have created a remote sourced php project on an Amazon ec2 server, which I am editing the source code from netbeans from my local windows 7 machine and uploading to the ec2 instance with SFTP.
Uploading the code is working fine and the application itself is working fine. However when I try to debug the code netbeans will NOT stop at any breakpoints.
I have mapped the server path and project path in the Run Configuration category on netbeans as specified in the documentation here.
I have also tried adding the following to my php.ini on my ec2 server
xdebug.remote_host=<ip address>
Where the ip address = my server's IP address.

The remote_host setting should be the IP address of the machine that runs the IDE. You need to make sure that the EC2 instance with Xdebug can connect to port 9000 on the network interface that talks to the EC2 instance. If you do this from a local LAN with NAT, then you would need to setup a tunnel. There might be some hints at to help you with tunnels.


Can't connect to AWS EC2 server via vscode sftp extension on Ubuntu 22.04 OS

I used to connect remote servers provided by Linode and GCP and I use Visual Studio Code via Sftp extension and all works just fine. However, with the same set of configurations, I couldn't connect to my Aws EC2 server.
The following is the sftp.json (with sensitive information changed)
And the aws security setting is as following
The strange thing is that I can ssh connect to the server on the terminal and I can use filezilla to send file with the same credential as well. But somehow I can't connect to it via Visual Studio Code sftp or SSH remote extension.
I searched the anwser on the internet and found an answer that worked for me.
The problem has to do with the Ubuntu 22.04 default server default key setting and not with the VSCode.
The solution is adding
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
and then restart the service on the server with the following command
sudo systemctl restart sshd
The source of the answer comes from under the user windware-ono's answer.

no internet on cloned virtual machine (Vmware workstation)

so i setup a centOS vm in VMware workstation, installed qradar..everything ran fine. I call this vm as QR1.
I was able to use qradar console on QR1 from my host machine, the internet works perfectly fine in QR1.
I make a full clone of QR1 called it QR2.
I boot it up and only running QR2 vm (QR1 is closed) but there is no internet on this vm. Even though all the network setting are same as QR1 and QR1 works just fine(i double checked).
QR2 has same adapter, same ip, same gateway and dns as of QR1 but it doesnt work...
previously i was thinking that i cannot have them both running at same time but QR2 just doesnt connect.
I am also not able to ping QR2 from my host and other way around.
What could be causing this ?
According to this vmware link reference, try these steps:
To change the MAC address of the Linux operating system:
Connect to vCenter Server using the vSphere Client Right-click the
virtual machine and click Edit Settings. Click Network adapter and
note the MAC Address.
For example, you see a MAC Address similar to:
1.Power on the Linux virtual machine.
2.Open a console and log in as root.
3.Change directory to etc/sysconfig/network-scripts.
4.Edit ifcfg-eth0 using a plain text editor and update the MAC address to reflect the MAC address in Step 3.

Docker Tooling for Eclipse - how to connect to docker daemon running inside VM

I have a docker daemon/engine running inside guest (Ubuntu) virtual machine
and as per Docker Tooling for Eclipse instruction I had downloaded and setup the plugin in Eclipse Mars on my host Mac OS machine.
How do I connect to Docker running in guest VM from the host machine IDE.
As per instructions, I would need to enter TCP and authentication so how do I get these details to setup the connection?
I had tried with guest OS IP (i.e. tcp:// output of ifconfig command with local host IP) but was not able to connect.
Here are the steps I used to get Docker Tooling working in Eclipse Neon on Windows.
Open the Docker Quickstart Terminal
Execute docker-machine ls
Copy the URL (e.g. tcp://
Click the Add Connection button in the toolbar for Docker Explorer
Provide a Connection name:
Select TCP Connection
Paste the above URL into the URI: edit box
Change tcp to https in the edit box
Select Enable authentication
Set the path to C:\Users\username\.docker\machine\certs
Click on Test Connection to verify
There are two parts to this. First, enabling the TCP socket (which I'll answer). Then, setting TLS authentication on the socket (which I'll link to but won't cover). The first part should get you up.
You'll need to edit the DOCKER_OPTS settings in /etc/default/docker in the VM. Edit this file and set DOCKER_OPTS to something like:
DOCKER_OPTS="-H tcp:// -H unix://"
Then, restart Docker (sudo service docker restart). This should get you a TCP connection that you can put in your Eclipse settings as:
The second part (which is optional at this point) would be setting up the CA and certificates per But I'd actually recommend just installing Docker Machine and provisioning your VM that way as it will create the needed certificates for you. Then, if your machine was named dev, you just point the authentication dir to ~/.docker/machine/machines/dev.
If Docker Daemon is running(i.e docker desktop running) in window task bar , not inside the VM , just get the URI from its context menu setting. In eclipse docker tooling perspective , we can connect to running docker daemon only by providing the URI.

How to use RDC with VirtualBox and OSX

I'm trying to do some local RDC testing using VirtualBox. The host is OSX.8, the VM is ubuntu, and VirtualBox is version 4.1.22.
The VM starts fine without any problems. I shut it down and choose "Enable Server" from the Remote Display section of the Display options and start again, and again it starts fine. Note that the port is left default and the authentication is "null".
I start Microsoft's RDC (v2.1.0) and type in 'localhost' and get: You were disconnected from the Windows-based computer because of network problems.
I try and get the same error. Then I type in the IP of my (host) computer and get the same error. I know the loopback address avoids the firewall but I turned it off anyway and got the same error.
I get the same error whether I'm using NAT networking or bridged. What am I doing wrong?
I should note that this is a vanilla install of VirtualBox and I haven't added any extensions or guest additions or anything like that.
Seems I'm doing everything right. What am I missing? Thanks for the help!
Problem Solved! You have to install the "VirtualBox 4.1.22 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack" (available on the VB download page) to make RDC work. I wish it would tell you this when you click "enable server" but I guess that's asking too much. I hope this helps someone else.

Accessing documents on a http server running in a virtual machine

I run Windows 7 as my main OS, and for development work I installed CentOS on a virtual machine under VirtualBox. Everything is installed, including httpd and php with mysql, but I can't figure out what IP to use to gain access to the server.
For example, I used to have XAMPP installed on 7 and I just used "localhost" to get to the servers document root, but I have no clue what it is for the virtual machine.
I have tried "locahost", "" (my address on the network) and my own IP address and I can't seem to get it working.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. :)
I don't know VirtualBox, but can you do an ifconfig from the terminal window to your VM. If it doesn't give you a terminal window, your CentOS setup probably does DHCP to get an address. Browse to the web interface of your home router ( and check the DHCP clients table to see if it registered and get its address.