Deploying and managing Java EE applications on remote machine - eclipse

I have a VPS machine running Ubuntu 12.04 and I want to deploy and run my local Eclipse projects (mostly wicket projects) on this machine. I installed and started Jetty server on it but could not figure out what to do next. Should I just copy my project files to the /webapps folder and edit configurations? I can sense it is not that easy (Consider me as a noob). Any help would be appreciated

Generate a war and copy it to webapps folder. Then startup server.
If you need further details, take a look at this:


Eclipse Luna with JBoss Tools does not export libraries

I'm attempting to upgrade our environment to Eclipse Luna w/ JBoss Tools from our current Indigo instance. Most things are sorted well enough, but I'm running into a wall when deploying our application to a JBoss server within Eclipse.
As far as I can see, the lib/ directory of the .ear file generated contains none of the transitive dependencies from maven that we would normally expect to see, and as a result the application does not deploy or run correctly on the server. For clarity, we use the 'use workspace metadata' deployment option on the JBoss server within Eclipse.
By contrast, if I right click on the relevant project within Eclipse and say Export... .ear file, the resulting .ear contains all the .jars that I'd expect inside the lib/ folder (there's over 50 of these things, so it's pretty easy to spot the difference). Subsequently dropping the .ear into the deploy directory of JBoss and starting a server manually has the application working fine.
Has anyone ever encountered this sort of issue within JBoss Tools / Luna, and if so what steps were taken to try and remediate it?
Cheers for any help.
EDIT: For what it's worth, this is a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5.x server instance, and we're using JBoss EAP 5.2

Running Maven project on glassfish server

I want to run web based Maven project on glassfish server. I am totally new on maven. However, i have successfully build the maven project and glassfish server is up and running also. Moreover, there is WAR file also in target folder but i am confused what is the next step to run that project on glassfish ?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You have different options to solve this task:
If you are new to Eclipse I suggest to change to NetBeans. It comes with integrated support for application server deployments. You just add your maven (or nearly any other type of project like WAR, EJB and EAR) project and your desired application server instance (Glassfish) and you are ready: Right-click your project and choose Deploy and it'll get deployed to your server. NetBeans also supports hot-deployment.
You can deploy your WAR file manually in GLASSFISH_ROOT/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy and it'll get deployed if your server is running. But this is not very efficient during development.
If you want to stay with Eclipse you can use the maven-glassfish-plugin or this maven plugin to do the deployment for you. I'm not sure which one is better but this topic is also discussed in this question and this question.

Connecting eclipse to my server

I'm not sure if this is possible, but we are doing a dynamic web project in school, (java,html,css,mysql) and we have a home server running (apache, tomcat, php, mysql) is there a way to connect Eclipse to that server so that i dont always have to pack a new war file and upload it through tomcat manager ? It would be easier if the result could be seen instantly on the server.
Eclipse supports local tomcat deployment. To deploy to a remote tomcat you can either use Maven or Ant.
There is a cargo plugin as well but personally I have not used. My preference is maven plugin.

What need to do to copy Netbeans project on server?

I have problem regarding on netbeans project. I had build the project using netbeans on localhost. It run smoothly on localhost, but when I try copy this netbeans project to the company server it cannot be run as like on localhost. On the server, not has netbeans. Is it possible to run my netbeans project on server that have no netbeans?
If yes, how is it?Please help me..
On my local machine I have netbeans, use tomcat and database postgres and at company server have java, jdk and database postgres.
Thank You.
Though the question is vague I will try to answer it.
First of all, if you are creating a standard web project using netbeans then you should be able to right click on your project name and create a war file. In the output window you will see where the war file is created.
Now move your war file on the server, server will need a tomcat.
Copy the war file in TOMCAT_HOME\webapps dir and restart the tomcat.
If you see a new dir created under webapps with the same name as you war file then you have successfully deployed your project.
Still there are no guarantees that it will work there because you might have other issues related to db connection etc.

Remote deploy from Eclipse to JBoss AS and integration Eclipse with remote JBoss

I have the following situation. My JBoss server runs on the remote server under some bound address. I would like to run Eclipse on my local machine and deploy results of work to the remote server where I could test it and debug it. I'm working on enterprise Java project and I'm normally deploying one ear file.
I know how to provide remote debugging but what possibilities exist for integrating remove deploy in Eclipse?
I was trying for first the JBoss tools plugin. There is a deploy-only server for the only deploying the project. I'm connected on the network disk on the remote server where JBoss instance runs.
But this plugin deploys ear exploded and afterwards because of the one persistence.xml in my project where tag defines what jars contain entities and instead of the jar there are something.jar directories. Then hibernate isn't able to load entities.
Is there some possibility how to easily make a remote deploy directly from Eclipse? Or better is there possibility how to integrate work on remote JBoss server in Eclipse (I mean run JBoss server, stop it.)?