Connecting eclipse to my server - eclipse

I'm not sure if this is possible, but we are doing a dynamic web project in school, (java,html,css,mysql) and we have a home server running (apache, tomcat, php, mysql) is there a way to connect Eclipse to that server so that i dont always have to pack a new war file and upload it through tomcat manager ? It would be easier if the result could be seen instantly on the server.

Eclipse supports local tomcat deployment. To deploy to a remote tomcat you can either use Maven or Ant.
There is a cargo plugin as well but personally I have not used. My preference is maven plugin.


Deploy and debug application on OC4J in eclipse

I have a tomcat webapp project checked out in eclipse (call it 'xyz'). I use eclipse tomcat plugin with Devloader. Everything runs fine. etc, etc, happy.
Now I want to run the same project on OC4J app server and debug in eclipse. For that, I have downloaded and installed standalone OC4J server. I created a OC4J server instance in eclipse. Question is how do I deploy the earlier checked out project 'xyz' to run on OC4J server in eclipse.
Additionally, is there any plugin for OC4J similar to tomcat in eclipse, that makes life easier.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Package your application in an EAR file and deploy it to OC4J
Start OC4J with VM arguments that enable remote debugging (See
Create a Debug Configuration of type Remote Java Application in Eclipse, and use that to connect to the running VM

Eclipse running a web app on an existing tomcat installation

I have an existing tomcat server running on my local machine that is being started from outside of eclipse. Is there a way to deploy my web app from eclipse to that tomcat instance without having eclipse trying to start that instance of tomcat?
It's possible using ANT scripts in eclipse which will deploy war file into tomcat directory and tomcat will take care rest of the things.
For those ant scripts you can see this below links
How Apache Ant deploys .war file to Tomcat

Deploying GWT app to tomcat in eclipse

I want to use tomcat server in development mode with GWT. When I use embedded Jetty it deploys application to the current directory(where my war folder is located). So it generates all the files there. How can I configure eclipse to use tomcat server and all the deployment stuff to be copied to tomcat webapps directory. I have tried to use -noserver option in Run conigurations, but it doesn't copy any resource from war directory to server deployment directory.
Can I use tomcat server in such manner?
P.S. i want to solve this problem withou ant or maven
Using my own server in development mode instead of GWT's built-in Jetty instance
You will need to copy the contents of the WAR folder over, but only once.
Have you looked at Eclipse WTP? It allows deploying to a server right from within Eclipse.
For a GWT project, you'd then, in addition, follow that recipe:

What steps are necessary to get Eclipse and a Java servlet container integrated on Ubuntu 9.10?

What's the easiest way for me to get Eclipse running with a Java servlet container on Ubuntu 9.10?
I've tried a number of things, hitting dead ends each time. The best setup would use Ubuntu packages as much as possible, not require running Eclipse as root, and be able to debug running servlets.
Dead ends so far include run-jetty-run, the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin, and Eclipse WTP with tomcat6.
A big part of the problem is that the Ubuntu tomcat6 installation is non-standard, splitting directories such that they're not all in TOMCAT_HOME. Eclipse is also non-standard, and the usual plugin installation methods don't work. I got close by installing the WTP through a PPA, but I stumbled when trying to get it to recognize tomcat.
Ubuntu recently includes a pretty full Eclipse package that you can install via Synaptic or such. But I prefer to download my own.
I download from the Eclipse download site. If I choose Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers then I have server environments for all Web app containers already built in. If I set up one for Tomcat (in Eclipse), Eclipse will download and install Tomcat for me. It's quite convenient, although I sometimes have trouble finding Tomcat or its files. Eclipse squirrels them away somewhere.
The server setup menus become accessible to you once you create a Web project (not plain Java project).
You should "apt-get install sun-java6-jdk", download and use the Java EE version of Eclipse, and then create a dynamic web project. In the web project create a jsp page, and right click -> "Run -> Run on server" where you may then install a server connector.
Some connectors are included in Java EE, some must be downloaded. Choose the one corresponding to the server you have downloaded and unpacked, and point Eclipse to the directory.
If all succeedes, the JSP page should then show up in a browser served from the started server.

Remote deploy from Eclipse to JBoss AS and integration Eclipse with remote JBoss

I have the following situation. My JBoss server runs on the remote server under some bound address. I would like to run Eclipse on my local machine and deploy results of work to the remote server where I could test it and debug it. I'm working on enterprise Java project and I'm normally deploying one ear file.
I know how to provide remote debugging but what possibilities exist for integrating remove deploy in Eclipse?
I was trying for first the JBoss tools plugin. There is a deploy-only server for the only deploying the project. I'm connected on the network disk on the remote server where JBoss instance runs.
But this plugin deploys ear exploded and afterwards because of the one persistence.xml in my project where tag defines what jars contain entities and instead of the jar there are something.jar directories. Then hibernate isn't able to load entities.
Is there some possibility how to easily make a remote deploy directly from Eclipse? Or better is there possibility how to integrate work on remote JBoss server in Eclipse (I mean run JBoss server, stop it.)?