How to draw a transition system in promela? - promela

I am new to promela. I have a programming which is written in promela:
bit signal [2];
active [2] proctype proc() {
l1: signal[_pid]=1;
l2: !signal[1-_pid] ->
l3: signal[_pid]=0;
#define sig0 (signal[0]==0)
#define sig1 (signal[0]==1)
Does anybody know how to draw transition system for this program?

You have to compute all possible interleavings of your promela model. In your case there are two active processes, so this still be doable; however, you still get a picture with 20 nodes. To get some inspiration, I would suggest to apply the spinspider tool:
spinspider -p2 -vsignal[0] -vsignal[1] yourProgram.pml
The result is the following image: Transition System
spinspider is part of the JSpin distribution, which should be still usable although JSpin is deprecated by now.


Setting up openai gym

I've been given a task to set up an openai toy gym which can only be solved by an agent with memory. I've been given an example with two doors, and at time t = 0 I'm shown either 1 or -1. At t = 1 I can move to correct door and open it.
Does anyone know how I would go about starting out? I want to show that a2c or ppo can solve this using an lstm policy. How do I go about setting up environment, etc?
To create a new environment in gym format, it should have the 5 functions mentioned in the gym.core file.
To lay this down in steps-
Define observation space and action space for your environment, preferably using gym.spaces module.
Write down the step function which performs agent's action and returns a 4 tuple containing - next set of observations from the environment , reward ,
done - a boolean indicating whether the episode is over , and some extra info if you want.
Write a reset function for the environment to reinitialise the episode to a random start state and return a 4 tuple similar to step.
These functions are enough to be able to run an RL agent on your environment.
You can skip the render, seed and close functions if you want.
For the task you have defined,you can model the observation and action space using Discrete(2). 0 for first door and 1 for second door.
Reset would return in it's observation which door has the reward.
Then agent would choose either of the door - 0 or 1.
Then perform a environment step by calling step(action), which will return agent's reward and done flag as true - signifying that the episode is over.
Frankly, the problem you describe seems too simple to accomplish for any reinforcement learning algorithm, but I assume you have provided that as an example.
Remembering for longer horizons is usually harder.
You can read their documentation and toy environments to understand how to create one.

Spark::KMeans calls takeSample() twice?

I have many data and I have experimented with partitions of cardinality [20k, 200k+].
I call it like that:
from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans, KMeansModel
C0 = KMeans.train(first, 8192, initializationMode='random', maxIterations=10, seed=None)
C0 = KMeans.train(second, 8192, initializationMode='random', maxIterations=10, seed=None)
and I see that initRandom() calls takeSample() once.
Then the takeSample() implementation doesn't seem to call itself or something like that, so I would expect KMeans() to call takeSample() once. So why the monitor shows two takeSample()s per KMeans()?
Note: I execute more KMeans() and they all invoke two takeSample()s, regardless of the data being .cache()'d or not.
Moreover, the number of partitions doesn't affect the number takeSample() is called, it's constant to 2.
I am using Spark 1.6.2 (and I cannot upgrade) and my application is in Python, if that matters!
I brought this to the mailing list of the Spark devs, so I am updating:
Details of 1st takeSample():
Details of 2nd takeSample():
where one can see that the same code is executed.
As suggested by Shivaram Venkataraman in Spark's mailing list:
I think takeSample itself runs multiple jobs if the amount of samples
collected in the first pass is not enough. The comment and code path
at GitHub
should explain when this happens. Also you can confirm this by
checking if the logWarning shows up in your logs.
// If the first sample didn't turn out large enough, keep trying to take samples;
// this shouldn't happen often because we use a big multiplier for the initial size
var numIters = 0
while (samples.length < num) {
logWarning(s"Needed to re-sample due to insufficient sample size. Repeat #$numIters")
samples = this.sample(withReplacement, fraction, rand.nextInt()).collect()
numIters += 1
However, as one can see, the 2nd comment said it shouldn't happen often, and it does happen always to me, so if anyone has another idea, please let me know.
It was also suggested that this was a problem of the UI and takeSample() was actually called only once, but that was just hot air.

Any way to block while reading an XBox 360 controller other than HID API?

I'm trying to read from my XBox 360 controller without polling it. (To be precise, I'm actually using a Logitech F310, but my Windows 10 PC sees it as an XBox 360 controller.) I've written some rather nasty HID code that uses overlapping I/O to block in a thread on two events, one that indicates there is a report ready to read from the HID device, the other indicating the UI thread has requested the HID thread to exit. That works fine, but the HID driver behaves somewhat differently than XInput does. In particular, it consolidates the two triggers into a single value, only passing their difference (on the curious claim that games expect HID values to be 0x80 when the player's finger is off the control). XInput treats them as two distinct values, which is a big improvement. Also, XInput reports the hat switches as four bits, which means you can actually get ten states out of it: unpressed, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, and all-down (that last might be hard to use successfully, but at least it's there if you want it; I've been using it to exit my polling loop).
The downside, to me, of XInput is that there appears to be no way to block on a read request until the controller changes one of its values or buttons. As an HID device, the ReadFile call will block (more exactly, WaitForMultipleEvents blocks until there is data available). XInput seems to anticipate polling. For a game that would naturally be written to poll the controller as often as it updated the game state (maybe once for each new video frame displayed, for example), that makes sense. But if you want to use the controller for some other purpose (I'm working on a theatrical application), you might want a purely asynchronous system like the HID API supplies. But, again, the HID API combines the two value triggers.
Now, when you read the device with XInput, not only do you get the state of all the controls, you also get a packet number. MSDN says the packet number only changes when the state of a control changes. That way, if consecutive packet numbers are the same, you don't have to bother with any processing after the first one, because you know the controller state hasn't changed. But you are still polling which, to me, is somewhat vulgar.
What intrigues me, however, is that when I put a big delay in between my polls (100ms) I can see that the packet numbers go up by more than one when the value controls (the triggers or sticks) are being moved. This, I think, suggests that the device is sending packets without waiting to be polled, and that I am only getting the most recent packet each time I poll. If that is the case, it seems that I ought to be able to block until a packet is sent, and react only when that happens, rather than having to poll at all. But I can't find any indication that this is an option. Because I can block with the HID API, I don't want to give up without trying (including asking for advice here).
Short of writing my own driver for the controller (which I'm not sure is even an option without proprietary documentation), does anyone know how I can use overlapping I/O (or any other blocking method) to read the XBox 360 controller the way XInput does, with the triggers as separate values, and the hat as four buttons?
Below is some code I wrote that reads the controller and shows that the packet numbers can jump by more than one between reads:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Xinput.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
DWORD userIndex;
// Which one are we?
for (userIndex = 0; userIndex < XUSER_MAX_COUNT; ++userIndex)
if (XInputGetState(userIndex, &xs) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (userIndex == XUSER_MAX_COUNT)
printf("Couldn't find an Xbox 360 controller.\n");
return -1;
printf("Using controller #%1d.\n", userIndex);
while (TRUE)
DWORD res = XInputGetState(userIndex, &xs);
printf("%5d %6d: %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d 0x%04X\n",
xs.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger & 0xFF,
xs.Gamepad.bRightTrigger & 0xFF,
xs.Gamepad.sThumbLX & 0xFF,
xs.Gamepad.sThumbLY & 0xFF,
xs.Gamepad.sThumbRX & 0xFF,
xs.Gamepad.sThumbRY & 0xFF,
if (xs.Gamepad.wButtons == 0x000F) // mash down the hat
return 0;
Please note that DirectInput isn't much help, as it also combines the triggers into one value.
Not sure there is any advantage to this, but could you write a thread that polls on a regular interval and then sets a semaphore (or some other signal) when the state has changed. Then your main thread could block waiting for the signal from the polling thread. But potentially there might not be any advantage to this system because on some controllers the values of the thumbsticks change slightly ever frame whether you move them or not. (Noise) You could of course ignore small changes and only signal your semaphore when a large change occurred.

Controlling light using midi inputs

I currently am using Max/MSP to create an interactive system between lights and sound.
I am using Philips hue lighting which I have hooked up to Max/MSP and now I am wanting to trigger an increase in brightness/saturation on the input of a note from a Midi instrument. Does anyone have any ideas how this might be accomplished?
I have built this.
I used the shell object. And then feed an array of parameters into it via a javascipt file with the HUE API. There is a lag time of 1/6 of a second between commands.
Javascript file:
var bridge="";
var hash="newdeveloper";
var bulb= 1;
var brt= 200;
var satn= 250;
var hcolor= 10000;
var bulb=1;
function list(bulb,hcolor,brt,satn,tran) {
execute('PUT','http://'+bridge+'/api/'+hash+'/lights/'+bulb+'/state', '"{\\\"on\\\":true,\\\"hue\\\":'+hcolor+', \\\"bri\\\":'+brt+',\\\"sat\\\":'+satn+',\\\"transitiontime\\\":'+tran+'}"');
function execute($method,$url,$message){
outlet(0,"curl --request",$method,"--data",$message,$url);
To control Philips Hue you need to issue calls to a restful http based api, like so:, using the [jweb] or [maxweb] objects:
Generally however, to control lights you use DMX, the standard protocol for professional lighting control. Here is a somewhat lengthy post on the topic:, scroll down to my post from APRIL 11, 2014 | 3:42 AM.
To change the bri/sat of your lights is explained in the following link (Registration/Login required)
You will need to know the IP Address of your hue hue bridge which is explained here: and a valid username.
Also bear in mind the performance limitations. As a general rule you can send up to 10 lightstate commands per second. I would recommend having a 100ms gap between each one, to prevent flooding the bridge (and losing commands).
Are you interested in finding out details of who to map this data from a MIDI input to the phillips HUE lights within max? or are you already familiar with Max.
Using Tommy b's javascript (which you could put into a js object), You could for example scale the MIDI messages you want to use using midiin and borax objects and map them to the outputs you want using the scale object. Karlheinz Essl's RTC library is a good place to start with algorithmic composition if you want to transform the data at all
+1 for DMX light control via Max. There are lots of good max-to-dmx tutorials and USB-DMX hardware is getting pretty cheap. However, as someone who previously believed in dragging a bunch of computer equipment on stage just to control a light or two with an instrument, I'd recommend researching and purchasing a simple one channel "color organ" circuit kit (e.g., Velleman MK 110). Controlling a 120/240V light bulb via audio is easier than you might think; a computer for this type of application is usually overkill. Keep it simple and good luck!

Problems using a MCP3008 and a MCP23S17 on SPI with WebIOPi

I'm very new to WebIOPi and I'm trying my first tests. First of all I apologize for my english.
I'm trying to get to work a RPi with a MCP3008 on CE0 and a MCP23S17 on CE1 with SPI bus.
My problem is that devices only work when connected on CE1 (so, when 23017 is on CE0 I am not able to set pins to be inputs or outputs and to set it on 1 or 0, but 3008 is on CE1 and I see its levels changing. When - vice versa - 23017 is on CE1 it is fully functional, but 3008 outputs stay still).
Due to this, I think it is not an hardware issue (I don't have much expertise in electronics, but luckily I don't build my circuits by myself :) ), I think it is a problem in WebIOPi config. Here is my WebIOPi config:
mcp1 = MCP23S17 chip:1 slave:0x27
adc0 = MCP3008 chip:0
I only added these two lines to my config file.
I did not touch anything else of my original WebIOPi installation.
In this case (adc0 fully functional, mcp1 not working), when loading the WebIOPi devices monitor I see adc0 levels working good and mcp1 pins randomly changing between being a input and an output and from 0 and 1.
May it be a config error?
Use python and spidev module instead! Look my answer on another thread for function for the mcp3008 chip.