Dependency Injection in iOS - ios5

Basically, I am trying to write the Test cases using XCTest Framework available in the iOS. So I came across this DI and was exploring it on Google where I came across Stack Overflow and Objection. But I am unable to understand as how to integrate this into the project. Could anybody guide me as how can achieve this?
Is it necessary to use DI or is there any work around on it?
May be is there any other available DI Framework available for iOS we can use as I am not able to understand how to implement the Objection Framework?


Best Practices in Flutter/Dart and Clean Architecture (maintaining separation of concerns between data, domain and presentation layers)

I'm a backend developer with background of Java and Python. I've started with Flutter 3 months ago. I find Dart an easy language to learn and fun to write code in. Google did a good job there.
What is challenging for me is figuring out best practices when working with flutter. The official documentation ( is good and it's also interesting to look at the Dart code powering the framework. But I haven't seen a resource that goes over best practices for design/architecture of a Flutter application.
In particular, I'm interested in how to maintain separation of concerns between Database , Domain and Presentation layers.
I'm using Firebase Store for my (realtime) database. The API provides the data in the form of a JSON object (Map). This is fine, but I want to translate this into my own domain model instances (for data validation, enrichment and enforcing other business rules). What I don't know is how to bridge the gap between database and UI (Widgets). I want to keep a Clean Architecture, and would like to learn how to do this correctly. I should also add that I don't have prior experience with Asynchronous code, which seems to be an important skill to gain.
I've experimented in using InheritedWidgets to try and expose my data to the UI/Presentation layer as model instances, without the UI knowing about the specifics of the database, but ran into difficulties because I don't understand the Flutter framework and Dart async programming very well. I also know there are frameworks like Bloc that are supposed to solve data/state management issues. But as much as possible I want to stick to the basics before I start using more elaborate and heavier tools.
What recommended resources are out there that I'm missing, that could help me become a better Dart/Flutter developer?

data persistence on remote server

I'm trying to understand some basic things. I'm a php programmer and I'm interested in flutter. If anyone can answer, I would really appreciate it...
I use mysql in my projects, which are on hostgator. I heard that sqlite is only for local storage and in my case the entire web project will be hosted on the remote server. Can I use sqlite to save my customers' data? Or is there something native better? A big concern of mine!
Is flutter mature enough for robust commercial applications?
Does the documentation indicate when something applies to an earlier version? Or is the information all mixed up and it's up to the programmer to identify when something is only valid for versions prior to flutter 3?
thank you for any guidance
You can use Sqlite, but I would recommend Firestore/Firebase for stuff like that. It's very easy to implement it and they have great solutions for many thigs.
Yes it is! Many commercial applications are running on flutter now. For example the Google Ads app is built with flutter.
I don't really know for sure, but I know that the one time I had a problem with it, it was declared.
I'd prefer saving user's data on the cloud. I personally like Google's firebase which helps with authentication and storage using RealTime Database. It's pretty easy to sync your user's data into the DB and even stores data using cache in case the user is offline and syncs to DB once device is online. You can find more about firebase and their products here.
Flutter is a really great framework to get your apps done for multiple platforms at once, thanks to its cross platform compatibility! If you don't want to spend time creating app for multiple devices, flutter's the way to go. I personally think flutter web is yet to grow, but it will overtime, afterall, it's opensource framework by Google. I'd suggest this idea 8.5/10
Flutter docs are pretty well written and an beginner could get through it with some video examples (included in documentation) as well. In case something you want to use isn't supported in newer version of flutter, the text editor will show a line over the code meaning that it is deprecated and wouldn't be supported. There's always an alternative, which you could find using flutter docs or YouTube. Flutter docs are optimised for beginners 9/10
Ad 1. There is the official package repository for Dart and Flutter. You can find many interesting packages there. They give you possibilities that the native Flutter doesn't give.
For example mysql1- driver for MySQL and MariaDB.

Choosing backend framework for flutter application

I am using flutter as my main framework for building cross-platform apps.
Until this very day, I used Firebase and it was wonderful but I want to expand my knowledge and learn to build full-stack mobile apps.
I was roaming around the web for several days now, and I can't seem to set my mind on backend language to go with flutter.
I am looking for a language that is up to date and much needed in the industry, so don't worry if it is overkill for small apps (I just want to practice for now). and in addition, I need it to go well with the bloc pattern recommended by Google.
I have heard that scala and play are great backend services. also, that ruby on rails is going well with the bloc pattern.
I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions about the situation, what would you choose and why? (In general, not between scala play and RoR)
Thanks a lot in advance!
IMHO, you should to define target tasks, that you will solve.
For example, our company engaged in computer vision and deep learning problems. We choose flask or fastapi python frameworks to build our backend rest-api prototypes, because it`s easy to integrate with tensorflow or pytorch solutions. If we have bottleneck somewhere, that microservices are rewriting in .Net.
If you looking for the most demanded language or framework, see upwork jobs or similar sites to understand, what does the market need today.

OSS projects that use "swiftest" ReactiveCocoa 3 API

Evidently, in a process of wrapping my head around this FRP concept I need something more than a bare documentation. It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm struggling developing mental way of managing problems using the paradigm after I've been writing applications in imperative way for the last 4 years.
Could someone give me a few links on projects that use Swift RAC3 API? I'd be grateful if it were some iOS projects specifically.

What are the advantages of using Framework over Library or other way round while developing Software?

What are the advantages of using Framework over Library or other way around while developing Web Applications or different types of Software.
I understand using Framework we can make use of basic functionality and then add upon functionality which we require but I am having hard time understanding the advantages of it as if we develop using Library than also we get some basic functionality and then add upon them the functionality as we need and so where in comes the actual advantages of using Framework.
I think it's important to distinguish between a framework and a library when answering.
A framework follows the Hollywood principle: "Don't call us; we'll call you." You plug your code into the framework according to its API. The framework acts as a constraint that solves the particular problem it was designed to solve (e.g., web application development).
A framework will use a combination of your code and 3rd party libraries to solve a particular problem. It will treat your code as one of those 3rd party libraries.
If you eschew a framework, the roles are reversed. Now you and your code are in charge: "I'll do the calling, thank you." A library is a self-contained piece that plugs into the software that you write.
So why prefer a framework? Use one that is written better than the scaffolding that you would be able to write yourself. A framework is likely to be tested more thoroughly and have a wider user base than code you'll write.
You'd write an application without a framework if you're working on a specialized problem, you have deep knowledge of the domain, and there are no frameworks available that demonstrate deeper insight than you have.
A library is just something that solves a problem but it is your job to integrate it the project. Basically it offers some feature that are context-free.
A framework will provide the features plus an infrastructure for them - you will have to develop according to the framework's rules. So you might have less control and freedom but you save time.