incorrect exitCode in custom script of TeamCity - scala

We have a Scala project and we use SBT as its build tool.
our CI tool is TeamCity, and we build the project using the command line custom script option with the following command:
call %system.SBT_HOME%\bin\sbt clean package
The build process works fine when the build succeeds, however, when compilation fails - TeamCity thinks that the script exited with exitCode 0 and not 1 as expected, this cause TeamCity build to succeed although the compilation failed.
when we run the same commands on local cmd we see that the errorLevel is 1.
the relevant part of the build log:
[11:33:44][Step 1/3] [error] trait ConfigurationDomain JsonSupport extends CommonFormats {
[11:33:44][Step 1/3] [error] ^
[11:33:44][Step 1/3] [error] one error found
[11:33:45][Step 1/3] [error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
[11:33:45][Step 1/3] [error] Total time: 12 s, completed Jan 9, 2014 11:33:45 AM
[11:33:45][Step 1/3] Process exited with code 0
how can we make TeamCity recognize the failure of the build?

Try explicitly exit with:
call %system.SBT_HOME%\bin\sbt clean package
echo the exit code is %errorlevel%
exit /b

If you can't get the process to output a non-zero exit code then you could use a build failure condition based on specific text in the build log. See this page for the documentation but in essence you can get the build to fail if it finds the text error found in the build log.


Unknown command error in Jenkins when running Cake script using Powershell

Our Jenkins server has been successfully building projects for years using Powershell to run a cake script. Out of the blue today, we started getting the following error on multiple projects:
12:10:46 Running build script...
12:10:46 Error: Unknown command 'Default'.
12:10:46 .\scripts\build.cake -target=Default -configuration=Release
12:10:46 -verbosity=Verbose -environment=dev -certificatePath=C:/Program Files
12:10:46 (x86)/xxxxx/Verisign Certificate -certificateName=xxxxxxxx_cert.pfx
12:10:46 -certificatePassword=xxxxxxxxxxx
12:10:46 ^^^^^^^ No such command
12:10:47 Build step 'Windows PowerShell' marked build as failure
The build.ps1 script has not changed. The build.cake script has not changed. Jenkins was not updated since the last successful builds nor any of the add-ins.
If I remove "-target=Default" from the argument list, I just get the same error on "-configuration=Release" indicating unknown command: "Release".
Has anyone else experienced this?
The possible root cause of this failure is the cake version update (0.38.x --> 1.0)
You have two ways to fix this issue
Change the Argument Syntex - arguments should always be called with multi-dash syntax (e.g. --target=Foo) instead of (e.g. -target=Foo)
Pinning the cake version
Specified the version of Cake in the tools/packages.config file

Allure plugin for VSTS returns error: Unknown Test Runner

The VSTS task: Generate Allure Report is failed.
The error is :
Unable to process command '##vso[results.publish type=Allure;mergeResults=true;publishRunAttachments=true;resultFiles=D:\a\1\s\allure-report\34;]' successfully. Please reference documentation (
Unknown Test Runner.
Question: can it be a bug or problem connected to configs?
.Net version: 4.6.1, Nunit3, Nunit3 allure adapter
Task to run tests is a Command Line task where I used nunit3-console.exe to run test.
Configurations for Allure plugin:
Results directory : allure-results
Target directory : allure-report/$(Build.BuildNumber)
The output logs:
****************************************************************************** Starting: Generate Allure Report
============================================================================== Task : Generate Allure Report Description : Generates Allure
report based on the test results Version : 1.0.0 Author :
Molecula Help : More
============================================================================== C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe
generate --output D:\a\1\s\allure-report\34 D:\a\1\s\allure-results
Command aborted due to exception {}.
org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an
error: 1 (Exit value: 1) at
org.apache.commons.exec.ExecuteException: Process exited with an
error: 1 (Exit value: 1) at
at at
Exception in thread "main" Could not
find any allure results at
Unable to process command '##vso[results.publish
successfully. Please reference documentation
( Unknown Test Runner.
The default setting directory "allure-results" in the Allure task usually does not point to the actual path to result directory correctly since the path is different in different projects and environment. You need to update the setting to configure it to the actual path to the result directory manually.
According to the information you provided, the path to the result could be like this:

crosstool-ng build fails: CT_TARGET command not found

I am trying to build a cross compiler for raspberry pi. I am using crosstool-ng to build this compiler. I am following this link for reference. I have made all configurations as told in the link. But when i tried to build, I am getting "CT_TARGET command not found" error. I tried googling about the error couldn't able to find any hits. Could someone help me in overcoming this issue? Here is the complete build output.
/opt/cross/bin$ sudo ct-ng build
/opt/cross/bin/.config.2: line 30: CT_TARGET: command not found
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> Build failed in step '(top-level)'
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> Error happened in: source[/opt/cross/bin/.config.2#30]
[ERROR] >> called from: main[scripts/]
[ERROR] >>
[ERROR] >> There is a list of known issues, some with workarounds, in:
[ERROR] >> '/opt/cross/share/doc/crosstool-ng/ct-ng.1.21.0/B - Known issues.txt'
[ERROR] (elapsed: 24087567:26.24)
make: *** [build] Error 127
It seems you made a mistake entering the configuration options.
You need to make sure that you put a $ symbol in front of CT_TARGET:
or else it thinks it is a command that will return the value it wants.
Posting your exact config instead of the website you got the instructions from would provide much more details to solve your specific issue.

error on Teamcity running command line custom script

I'm trying to run command line -custom script on Teamcity and getting this error (127):
[02:22:25][Step 1/1] /mnt/teamcity/temp/agentTmp/custom_script8657691082445726475: 1: /mnt/teamcity/temp/agentTmp/custom_script8657691082445726475: ./ not found
[02:22:25][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 127
[02:22:26][Step 1/1] Step run protractor test (Command Line) failed
any ideas?
It looks like some dependency of your script is not found where it expects it:
./ not found
Is that the actual script you are running? or is your script trying to call that script?
what solved it was adding 'Agent Requirements' (under build Configuration Settings) saying that '' equals to the name of the Agent we use.

Hudson failing build w/o revealing cause

Every build has failed as of Tuesday. I'm not exactly sure what happened. The Phing targets (clean/prepare) are being executed properly. Additionally, the unit tests are passing with flying colors, with only a warning for duplicate code (not a reason for a fail). I tried removing the phpDoc target to see if that was causing the error, but the build still failed.
Started by user chris Updating
At revision 234 no change for
since the previous build [trunk] $
/opt/phing/bin/phing clean prepare
-logger phing.listener.NoBannerLogger Buildfile:
IPS > clean:
[echo] Clean... [delete] Deleting directory
IPS > prepare:
[echo] Prepare...
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build/logs
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build/logs/coverage
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build/logs/coverage-html
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build/docs
[mkdir] Created dir: /var/lib/hudson/.hudson/jobs/IPS/workspace/build/app
Total time: 1.0244 second
[workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe
+ cd trunk/tests
+ /usr/local/bin/phpunit --verbose -d memory_limit=512M --log-junit
--coverage-clover ../../build/logs/coverage/clover.xml
--coverage-html ../../build/logs/coverage-html/
PHPUnit 3.5.0 by Sebastian Bergmann.
IPS Default_IndexControllerTest .
Default_AuthControllerTest ......
Manage_UsersControllerTest .....
testDeleteInvalidUserId ..
testGetPermissionsForInvalidUserId .. Audit_OverviewControllerTest
Time: 14 seconds, Memory: 61.00Mb
[30;42m[2KOK (28 tests, 198
assertions) [0m[2K Writing code
coverage data to XML file, this may
take a moment.
Generating code coverage report, this
may take a moment.
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
Warning: Unknown: Error occured while
closing statement in Unknown on line 0
[workspace] $ /bin/bash -xe
+ /usr/local/bin/phpcpd --log-pmd ./build/logs/cpd.xml ./trunk phpcpd
1.3.2 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Found 1 exact clones with 6 duplicated
lines in 2 files:
0.04% duplicated lines out of 16585 total lines of code.
Time: 4 seconds, Memory: 19.50Mb [DRY]
Skipping publisher since build result
is FAILURE Publishing Javadoc [xUnit]
[INFO] - Starting to record. [xUnit]
[WARNING] - Can't create the path
Maybe the directory already exists.
[xUnit] [INFO] - Processing
PHPUnit-3.4 (default) [xUnit] [INFO] -
[PHPUnit-3.4 (default)] - 1 test
report file(s) were found with the
pattern 'build/logs/phpunit.xml'
relative to
for the testing framework 'PHPUnit-3.4
(default)'. [xUnit] [INFO] -
. [xUnit] [INFO] - Stopping recording.
Publishing Clover coverage report...
Publishing Clover XML report...
Publishing Clover coverage results...
Finished: FAILURE
What changed since Tuesday? Try to manually run exactly the same commands that Hudson tries to run from the same directory that Hudson starts it from (usually the jobs workspace directory). Of course with the user account that Hudson is started under.
There are several possibilities. ranging from standard groups for a directory, to permission, or other things outside of Hudson. Was Hudson upgraded? Was a plugin upgraded? Was the OS or php upgraded? Was there a change in the default or user .profile or .env (or the equivalent files)? Does another process accesses the workspace? ......
Once I had the problem that all of the sudden my deployment scripts did not run anymore. The mystery was, that I could still run the script from command line with the Hudson user account. The reason was simple but took a while to uncover. There was a java upgrade from 5 to 6. Both versions were available. After comparing the environment variables, there was a difference in the path. The problem was that the new path was set in the global .profile. But Hudson does not open an interactive shell, therefore the .profile will not be executed. If you have a problem like this, you can put the initialization in the .env file (or whatever the filename is for your system), because this will be run regardless if it is a interactive shell or not. Alternatively you can configure Hudson to set it on master or node/slave level.
if you want a command to not break the 'build' as a failure you have to add #! in front of the command to prevent the flags -xe which produce this behaviour.