Facebook graph event date time for users acceptance - facebook

I'm trying to find a way to get the order in which people decided to attend some Facebook events, using Graph.
I can see who is attending the event, who declined, who "maybe", but I didn't find a way to get the date time when people accepted or declined the invite.
Is there a way to do so?

I could see a downgrade in the evaluation of my question. Does this mean that there is a simple way to solve it which I didn't find ?
Having a look here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/event_member/, I found that event_member contains a date time, which is the one of the event, not of the relation between event and user.
This is what I'm interested in, finding when the user accepted the invite.
Thanks for your comments ;-)


Retrieving friend count delta

I've been looking through the Facebook-graph API for a way to get a kind of 'delta' of friend changes since a given date. it looks like the /<id>/friends end point will give me a total count at the current time. What I'd like is that same value but for a historic date (i.e. where the date is this time last year, so that I can see how many friends someone has made/lost since then).
(I was originally hoping Facebook would just let me see when people became friends, but it looks like a user's friends list, and all the related details, are off limits).
Unfortunately I can't just rely on the use of future dates, though that may be the solution I end up with (as in, I request the count at the current date, and then at some point in the future request it again and compare the difference).
I can see from my own Facebook account that they do track when a friend/connection was made, and I'm not looking to dig up details on the friend/connection. Ideally I'm looking for something like /<id>/friends?asat=<date>
As a follow up question assuming this feature isn't available through the facebook-graph API, how would I go about requesting this feature for a future version?
There is no way to get the history, you can only call the API endpoint on a regular basis and store the difference with date on your own.
Feature requests can be sent here: https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/268228883256323
...although, i doubt that they will implement this, to be honest. Those kind of "insights" are usually only available for Pages, but not for User Profiles.

Facebook User vs Event (get RSVP status for user on event)

Is there any better way of checking RSVP status of user (logged in our application) vs. specific Event through Graph API, than calling /v2.3/{user_id}/events and going through all events to find the one we're interested into and get the rsvp_status field there?
What I've tried, and what didn't work:
calling all of them, to find out if user is in any of RSVP groups: /v2.3/{event_id}/{attending|invited|maybe|declined|noreply}?user={user_id}
Also FQL is not a solution, if anybody wants to C&P existing FQL answers, because that's deprecated since API v2.0
This related answer is also wondering about efficiency on using Graph API, because pulling all user's events and going through them is both time and resource expensive operation
Ok, so I found the answer, which is quite simple:
Currently this method will
return nothing, if user is not yet part of event (was never invited and never attended/maybe himself)
return one object, with user object and his rsvp_status
/invited (what we've seen from testing) contains both users that were invited to the event, and users that joined the event themselves (so don't get confused by the word invited, at least unless facebook changes the API again)

Facebook Graph API: Get Events by Venue

Is there a way to query all the events for a specific venue?
I noticed that there is no such entity Venue - it is a structure inside the event object.
Assuming there isn't, what do you think about the following solution?
Query all the events in the proximity of the Venue (I got the venue coordinates)
Filter all events that do not match the Venue ID.
Unfortunately you are right. The only way forward being to filter all the events by venue.
As of right now there is not a way via pure SQL. It'll get pretty ugly having to track all the events, and there are no assurances you got every event. There may that one facebook user who invites his 30 best friends for a birthday party, though I presume that is not much a worry.

Facebook APIs using checkins as an entry to raffle

I've been exploring ways that it might be possible to promote the business of a friend of mine. One of these ways is by encouraging users to check in to his business, the incentive for this being that they go into the draw to win some kind of prize.
I've been trying to find if the code for this already exists but I might be looking in the wrong places. If it doesn't what would be the best way to do it using the graph APIs.
You can use Facebook app to check-in to your page/business.
All page check-ins can be fetched using following request by your code
If you want to get only specific time period check-ins use since and until params in query.
You have to parse the json response and store in an array and randomly select the winner.
you can contact the winner using their facebook id and send them a message.
You will have to write the code yourself, but it would essentially work like this:
Get the user to allow access to the "Raffle" application and get their email address and permissions to look at their check-ins. Email is required to contact the winner.
Use a scheduled script (cronjob) to periodically check if the user has checked-in anywhere (in particular, the business you want to promote).
Award a raffle ticket for each unique check-in within a 24 hour period.
Hold a draw between all the users who checked in on that day or week and award the prize to someone randomly.
Pretty simple flow, but complex code.

Adwords Impressions, Clicks and Cost, how to get these?

I'm developer for marketing company and I need some help with facebook ads. I've been trying to find method for getting data AUTOMATICALLY from facebook campaign that's created by the user.
I'm trying to create script that would get data for server.
So basically I need to get Impressions, Clicks and "Cost of clicks" from each day from facebook-ad-campaigns just by having user login data (username,password) and maybe the id-number of campaign being targeted.
Also if possible I'd like to know how you can shut down campaign(when cost of clicks is greater than budged used).
Are these operations possible? Can I use PHP/FQL for it? Can I get these via Url? If I need to use FQL, what tables I need to fetch data? Anything that can be performed without manually logging to facebook? If so, could I get some example code to do it for me? If it has something to do with Access Tokens, what kind of access rights do I need to grant for it?
Can it be possible to ask more questions in one question than you just did? Wow.
Answers are in order of them asked above. But I will not be answering any followup questions in this thread.
For most of your information can be found at: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/
In your code, set a trigger when it has reached that value in the adstatistics, then use the Ads API to shut it down using the pause feature
Yes, use the Ads API. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/
For some parts of it you can, for other parts you'll use Graph API object.
Yes, that's how the graph works.
Tables are listed in the documentation at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/
Yep, example codes are there.
Yes, it sure does.
see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/permissions