I'm getting this error when i try to access my phpmyadmin databases from my site at 000webhost
Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: NO)
but when i type localhost in URL and enter my login details through adminer's login, i could access phphmyadmin panel, but when tried using the site,i get the error..Any suggestions
My site is http://salon.host56.com/salonadmin.php
Maybe is the file permission? if the server is unix-like try chmod 644 salonadmin.php
Try sudo mysql_secure_installation to setup password for root user
Hi everyone I am facing some issues on solaris 11.4 implementing RBAC. I created user and role and giving profiles for the roles, but I can execute the command. I drop my RBAC Configuration below.
$useradd -m test
$passwd test
$roleadd -c "User Administrator role,User Management role local" \-m -K profiles="User Security,User Management" sec1
$passwd sec1
$usermode -R +sec1 test
I login by my new test user and my role sec1 successfully. I can create user, give password, delete user and password. The role can not add new role.
sec1#:~$ usermod -R +sec1 test
/usr/lib/passmgmt: Permission denied. Cannot set roles to sec1, requires sec1 role.
UX: usermod: ERROR: Permission denied.
UX: usermod: ERROR: Cannot update system - login cannot be modified.
How can I use usermod and rolemod for the user? If any one can help me? To which solaris profiles can have access to role related to the user?
Seems that it is some bug in usermod command while it is running from role (not user). I was succeed to delegate this privilege via user-to-user (without role)
As root user give privilege to test user directly:
/usr/sbin/usermod -K profiles="User Security,User Management" test
Also create an other user for testing
useradd -m testuseradm
Then login as test and use this privilege:
pfexec /usr/sbin/usermod -K profiles="User Security,User Management" testuseradm
Optionally you could add -K auth_profiles="User Security,User Management" to ask testuseradm to enter his password again.
The main difference of user and role - the role could not login directly. So you may create some shared user account and introduce it as role to your colleges as workaround.
I'm trying to use Keycloak in order to success a login configuration with Kerberos. (Which is a big failure)
I've made a mistake which is Kerberos : Required.
In other word I opened Authentication > Select Browser > Requirement : Required on Kerberos
So I can't connect anymore, I got a "Invalid username or password" when logging on "http://localhost:8080/auth"
Has someone had an issue to resolve this without deleting and reconfiguring the server?
Found something which help me a lot. I solved my problem so, i will explain how
I've used in my bin directory : kcadmin.bat (or .sh)
Opened in a CMD
Login with kcadmin
kcadm.bat config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin
Next, i get the ID i need to update the flow (master) :
kcadmin.bat get authentication/flows/{FLOW}/executions
Next, i put in a JSON file {"id":"ID_of_my_flow", "requirement":"ALTERNATIVE"}
Save my file and finaly just wrote
kcadmin.bat update authentication/flows/master/executions -r REALM -f myfile.json
I'm running grafana locally on my windows 10 computer using the grafana-8.0.2.windows-amd64 installer.
I'm having issues resetting my password - username: admin password: admin doesn't work and I don't remember what I set it to. I've navigated to the /GrafanaLabs/grafana/bin/ folder in the command prompt and run the command: grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password 'admin'
which returns ←[31mError←[0m: ←[31m✗←[0m failed to load configuration: failed to initialize file handler: open C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\log\grafana.log: Access is denied.
I've read so many potential solutions and tried the SQLite one referenced here - https://community.grafana.com/t/how-do-i-reset-admin-password/23/2 and while this doesn't give me an error message, it does not allow me to log in even after restarting the Grafana in "Services" through the OS.
Very simply, you need to run the command prompt as an administrator. The above instructions will work as is but the password will literally be 'admin' rather than admin. Use double quotes if you wish to have spaces in your password as shown below.
grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password "admin password"
I got “Permission denied (publickey)" using:
ssh $USERNAME#my-ip
Things I’ve done:
Using Public/Private Key authentication, I can login to the server as root.
I created a user in the sudo group
I confirmed that my created user has sudo priveleges as I viewed auth.log successfully (sudo cat /var/log/auth.log)
I thought it was possibly because my server was unable to identify which key to use, as I have created multiple keys, so I specified which key to use:
ssh -i /path/to/key/id_rsa $USERNAME#my-ip
I got "Permission denied (publickey)" again.
I figured it out! Turns out I was missing an 's' in 'ssh' at the beginning of my authorized_keys file in my user. :) I also matched the permissions between the root and user authorized_keys files, though not sure if this helped truly.
After setting up Windows SSO authentication using kerberos and OPEN AM.. When i tried to log into my default Admin Page of OPEN AM using Username: amAdmin and my default password which i have given during the installation of OPEN AM in Windows Server 2008 R2, the main Login page of OPEN AM is Telling me the amAdmin Password is invalid and fails (Username or password invalid and sometimes Bad request error) open the main console page of OPEN AM Please HELP!
Try appending module=DataStore to the login url