Cannot login to amAdmin Account in OPEN AM after kerberos setup - kerberos

After setting up Windows SSO authentication using kerberos and OPEN AM.. When i tried to log into my default Admin Page of OPEN AM using Username: amAdmin and my default password which i have given during the installation of OPEN AM in Windows Server 2008 R2, the main Login page of OPEN AM is Telling me the amAdmin Password is invalid and fails (Username or password invalid and sometimes Bad request error) open the main console page of OPEN AM Please HELP!

Try appending module=DataStore to the login url


Keycloak deactivate Kerberos auth without been auth

I'm trying to use Keycloak in order to success a login configuration with Kerberos. (Which is a big failure)
I've made a mistake which is Kerberos : Required.
In other word I opened Authentication > Select Browser > Requirement : Required on Kerberos
So I can't connect anymore, I got a "Invalid username or password" when logging on "http://localhost:8080/auth"
Has someone had an issue to resolve this without deleting and reconfiguring the server?
Found something which help me a lot. I solved my problem so, i will explain how
I've used in my bin directory : kcadmin.bat (or .sh)
Opened in a CMD
Login with kcadmin
kcadm.bat config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin
Next, i get the ID i need to update the flow (master) :
kcadmin.bat get authentication/flows/{FLOW}/executions
Next, i put in a JSON file {"id":"ID_of_my_flow", "requirement":"ALTERNATIVE"}
Save my file and finaly just wrote
kcadmin.bat update authentication/flows/master/executions -r REALM -f myfile.json

Unable to authenticate to Azure Devops Server on premise with Macos selft hosted agent

On my mac, I have a VM with Windows server 2019 and Azure Devops Server 2020 (update 1.1).
I can go to my dashboard ( correctly from Chrome on my mac, using the Windows server's admin login (Administrator) and password (IWontTellYou).
When I try to configure a self hosted agent (2.190.0) on my mac, I run ./ in a terminal but I cannot validate the authentication process...
I cannot use PAT nor Alternate because my server is not on HTTPS.
I cannot use Integrated because I am on mac.
I use Negotiate, but I can't get authenticated :
Enter server URL >
Enter authentication type (press enter for Negotiate) > Negotiate
Enter user name > Administrator
Enter password > *************
VS30063: You are not authorized to access
Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit
Why does it works on Chrome but mot with the self hosted agent ?
How can I authenticate please ?
Thanks for any help... I have reinstalled Windows Server and Azure Devops Server several times to try several configuration, including activating HTTPS using a self signed ssl certificate to use PAT, but nothing works :(
Edit : I've tryed with a Windows self hsoted agent on the server, here is the powershell output :
Enter server URL >
Enter authentication type (press enter for Integrated) > Negotiate
Enter user name > Administrator
Enter password > *************
Error reported in diagnostic logs. Please examine the log for more details.
- C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\vsts-agent-win-x64-2.181.2\_diag\Agent_20210820-064419-utc.log
TF400813: Resource not available for anonymous access. Client authentication required.
Failed to connect. Try again or ctrl-c to quit
Enter server URL >
Enter authentication type (press enter for Integrated) >
Connecting to server ...

Maximum allowed number of characters FTP command prompt [duplicate]

I am trying to connect by FTP to an Azure Web App. I downloaded the publish profile and copied the login to my FTP client and can connect successfully. But when i use ftp.exe from Windows then i am not able to connect to the same host with the same credentials.
I have read Connecting to Azure website via FTP but those solutions do not fix my problem.
This is the output:
ftp> open
Connected to
220 Microsoft FTP
Service 200 OPTS UTF8 command successful - UTF8 encoding now ON.
User ( firstserver\$firstserver
331 Password required
530 User cannot log in.
Login failed.
Invalid command.
Also tried with username firstserver from the Windows command prompt, no difference. Do not forget: when logging in via commercial FTP client software I CAN login successfully.
I tried backslashing the backslash and/or the dollar sign, but nothing helps. What is going wrong, how do i login from the command prompt using the Windows default ftp.exe?
If you run ftp in debug mode (-d switch), you will see that it truncates the password to 32 characters. That's why the connection fails.
Try using a shorter password. Otherwise you will have to use another command-line FTP client.

Can't login to ejabberd admin panel

I downloaded ejabberd for Windows, and during the setup process created the admin name and password. I'm attempting to access the admin control panel (localhost:5280/admin), and am attempting to login with the username (admin#MyServer) and password, but each time it just asks me to log in again. The server is running too, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
ejabberd 16.09 will be released shortly and will include that fix.
Ref: Here.
for now start ejabberd with this command ejabberdctl live and see the log when you try to login.
if it says in-existed account than you have to download xmpp client software from here.
After Installing this creat the admin account from this client after you have does this you will be successful is logging in the admin control.
Settings for Pidgin:
1. Protocol : xmpp
2. Username : admin
3. Domain : MyServer
4. Password : asyouwant
1. Connect Server : localhost
donot forget to check the create this account on the server checkbox.
I used admin#nabin-pc instead of admin#NABIN-PC and got logged in successfully.

Ssh and sftp login via perl

I have Perl script which is doing ssh and sftp on remote server,i am getting error while running the script. Error says You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized users allowed.
How is it possible to ignore these messages while doing ssh or sftp from Perl program?
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl ->new($remote_host,options ==> ["BatchMode yes"], protocol ==>2);
$ssh->login($remote_user, $remote_password)
$sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new($remote_host, user=>$remote_user,password =>$remote_password)
./ You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed.
Manually ssh and sftp
$ ssh pocsoc#<ip> You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed. pocsoc#<ip> password:
sftp pocsoc#<ip> Connecting to You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed. pocsoc#<ip> password
You cannot just ignore these messages. These messages means that you need to provide username and password while doing ssh or sftp and also those username and password which are authorized to access the server. When you start providing them you will get access otherwise no access.