Avoiding Overflow - scala

This Stackoverflow post discusses the potential problem of a numeric overflow if not appending L to a number:
Here's an example from the REPL:
scala> 100000 * 100000 // no type specified, so numbers are `int`'s
res0: Int = 1410065408
One way to avoid this problem is to use L.
scala> 100000L * 100000L
res1: Long = 10000000000
Or to specify the number's types:
scala> val x: Long = 100000
x: Long = 100000
scala> x * x
res2: Long = 10000000000
What's considered the best practice to properly specify a number's type?

You should always use L if you are using a long. Otherwise, you can still have problems:
scala> val x: Long = 10000000000
<console>:1: error: integer number too large
val x: Long = 10000000000
scala> val x = 10000000000L
x: Long = 10000000000
The conversion due to type ascription happens after the literal has been interpreted as Int.


scala can't make an add on a long

I'm not able to do an add on long type.
scala or the processor doesn't manage correctly the sign
scala> var i="-1014570924054025346".toLong
i: Long = -1014570924054025346
scala> i=i+92233720368547758L
i: Long = -922337203685477588
scala> var i=9223372036854775807L
i: Long = 9223372036854775807
scala> i=i+5
i: Long = -9223372036854775804
The first test where a negative number doesn't pass to a positive one is a problem for me
I have not fully understood the question, but for the first example, you get the expected result. What happens in the second example, the Long number happens to be the maximum value for a Long (i.e Long.MaxValue) so essentially when you had another positive number, it's overflowing:
scala> Long.MaxValue
res4: Long = 9223372036854775807L
scala> Long.MaxValue + 1
res7: Long = -9223372036854775808L // which is Long.MinValue
scala> Long.MinValue + 4
res8: Long = -9223372036854775804L // which is the result that you get
In other words:
9223372036854775807L + 5
is equivalent to:
Long.MaxValue + 5
which is equivalent to:
Long.MinValue + 4 // because (Long.MaxValue + 1) = Long.MinValue
which is equals to -9223372036854775804L
If you really need to use such big numbers, you might try using BigInt
scala> val x = BigInt(Long.MaxValue)
x: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775807
scala> x + 1
res6: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775808
scala> x + 5
res11: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775812
scala> x + 10
res8: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775817
scala> x * 1000
res10: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775807000
scala> x * x
res9: scala.math.BigInt = 85070591730234615847396907784232501249
scala> x * x * x * x
res13: scala.math.BigInt = 7237005577332262210834635695349653859421902880380109739573089701262786560001
The documentation on BigInt is rather, err, small. However, i believe that it is basically an infinite precision integer (can support as many digits as you need). Having said that, there will probably at some point be a limit. There is a comment on BigDecimal - which has more documentation - that at about 4,934 digits there might be some deviation between BigDecimal and BigInt.
I will leave it to someone else to work out whether or not x ^ 4 is the value shown above.
Oh, I almost forgot your negative number test, I aligned the sum with the initialisation, to make it easier to visualise that the result appears to be correct:
scala> val x = BigInt("-1014570924054025346")
x: scala.math.BigInt = -1014570924054025346
scala> x + 92233720368547758L
res15: scala.math.BigInt = -922337203685477588
As for Ints, Longs and similar data types, they are limited in their size due to the number of bits they are constrained to. Int's are typically 32 bit and longs are typically 64 bits.
It is easier to visualise when you look at them in hexadecimal. A signed Byte (at 8 bits) has a maximum positive value of 0x7F (127). When you add one to it, you get 0x80 (-128). This is because we use the "Most Significant Bit" as an indicator of whether the number is positive or negative.
If the same byte was interpreted as unsigned, then 0x7F (127) would still become 0x80 when 1 is added to it. However, since we are interpreting it as unsigned, this would be equivalent to 128. We can keep adding one until we get to 0xFF (255) at which point if we add another 1 we will end up at 0x00 again which is of course 0.
Here are some references that explain this in much more detail:
Wikipedia - Twos complement
Cornell University - what is twos complement
Stack Overflow - what is 2s complement

Count number of Strings that can be converted to Int in a List

For example, my input is:
scala> val myList = List("7842", "abf45", "abd", "56")
myList: List[String] = List(7842, abf45, abd, 56)
7842 and 56 can be converted to Int; therefore, my expected output is 2. We can assume that negative integers don't happen, so -67 is not possible.
This is what I have so far:
scala> myList.map(x => Try(x.toInt).getOrElse(-1)).count(_ > -1)
res15: Int = 2
This should work correctly, but I feel like I am missing a more elegant and readable solution, because all I have to do is count number of successes.
I would caution against using exception handling (like Try) in control flow -- it's very slow.
Here's a solution that uses idiomatic Scala collection operations, performs well, and will not count negative numbers:
scala> val myList = List("7842", "abf45", "abd", "56")
myList: List[String] = List(7842, abf45, abd, 56)
scala> myList.count(_.forall(_.isDigit))
res8: Int = 2
EDIT: #immibis pointed out that this won't detect strings of numbers that exceed Integer.MaxValue. If this is a concern, I would recommend one of the following approaches:
import scala.util.Try
myList.count(x => Try(x.toInt).filter(_ >= 0).isSuccess)
or, if you want to keep the performance of my first answer while still handling this edge case:
import scala.util.Try
myList.count(x => x.forall(_.isDigit) && Try(x.toInt).filter(_ >= 0).isSuccess)
This is a bit shorter:
myList.count(x => Try(x.toInt).isSuccess)
Note that this solution will handle any string that can be converted to integer via .toInt, including negative numbers.
You may consider string.matches method with regex as well, to match only positive integers:
val myList = List("7842", "abf45", "abd", "-56")
// myList: List[String] = List(7842, abf45, abd, -56)
// res18: Int = 1
If negative integers need to be counted (and take into account possible +/- signs):
// res17: Int = 2
Starting Scala 2.13 and the introduction of String::toIntOption, we can count items ("34"/"2s3") for which applying toIntOption (Some(34)/None) is defined (true/false):
List("34", "abf45", "2s3", "56").count(_.toIntOption.isDefined) // 2

custom absolute function is not working for large long values in Scala

I have written custom function to get absolute value for long number. Below is the
def absolute(x:Long):Long= x match {
case y:Long if(y<0) => -1 * y
case y if(y>=0) => y
Below is the output of above program
I am not sure why it is working for very big long values. Ang suggestions on the same.
This is just a case of integer overflow:
scala> Long.MaxValue
res0: Long = 9223372036854775807
scala> Long.MinValue
res1: Long = -9223372036854775808
Thus when you negate -9223372036854775808 you are overflowing the Long by 1 unit, causing it to wrap around (to itself!).
Also there is no need for a match here:
scala> def abs(x: Long): Long = if (x < 0) -x else x
abs: (x: Long)Long
Why not use scala.math.abs?
See scala.math

java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte error with Any type in Scala

I can cast Int data to Byte.
scala> 10.asInstanceOf[Byte]
res8: Byte = 10
However with the same value in Any type, the cast raises an error.
scala> val x : Any = 10
x: Any = 10
scala> x.asInstanceOf[Byte]
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte
at scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToByte(BoxesRunTime.java:98)
at .<init>(<console>:10)
I can cast twice.
scala> val y = x.asInstanceOf[Int]
y: Int = 10
scala> y.asInstanceOf[Byte]
res11: Byte = 10
Are there better ways than this?
In Scala, compiler tries to hide the distinction between primitive types and reference ones (boxed), defaulting to primitives. Sometimes, abstractions leak and you see that kind of problems.
Here, you're pretending that value is Any, which require compiler to fallback to boxed values:
override def set(value:Any) = {
if (check(value.asInstanceOf[Byte])) {
And here, you're not limiting value to be referential, so such casting will be done on primitive types:
In other words:
scala> val x: Any = 10
x: Any = 10
scala> x.asInstanceOf[Byte]
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Byte
at scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxToByte(BoxesRunTime.java:97)
... 32 elided
scala> val y: Int = 10
y: Int = 10
scala> y.asInstanceOf[Byte]
res4: Byte = 10
To overcome this problem, you probably have to go through an extra conversion to, say, String:
scala> x.toString.toInt
res6: Int = 10
scala> x.toString.toByte
res7: Byte = 10
Try converting to int and then to Byte:
scala> val x : Any = 10
x: Any = 10
scala> x.asInstanceOf[Int].asInstanceOf[Byte]
res1: Byte = 10
Or as IonuČ› G. Stan suggested:
scala> x.asInstanceOf[Int].toByte
res4: Byte = 10
Although I cannot explain why this work.
An integer is 32 bits in Java, while a byte is obviously 8 bits. The problem is what bits do you truncate to make an integer a byte? The least significant 24 bits or the most significant 24 bits? The correct answer is in the context of your problem.

call a def within a block

If there is any way to call a def from a block
def factor (n: Int) : Int = if (n == 0 ) 1 else n * factor(n-1)
val i = 1000
i.toString.foreach ( x => sum += factor(x.toInt) )
at the end I want to get the sum of factorial of every digit
But it seems like def doesn't return a value, everytime is 0
How to fix it?
The problem actually has nothing to do with Scala per se; your code and your def are fine. The issue is with toInt:
scala> '3'.toInt
res7: Int = 51
toInt doesn't actually convert it as a decimal digit, but as a unicode (ish?) character value. These are producing very large numbers which go beyond what factor can handle:
scala> factor(6)
res8: Int = 720
scala> factor(20)
res9: Int = -2102132736
scala> factor(100)
res10: Int = 0
So instead use (thanks to Luigi)