custom absolute function is not working for large long values in Scala - scala

I have written custom function to get absolute value for long number. Below is the
def absolute(x:Long):Long= x match {
case y:Long if(y<0) => -1 * y
case y if(y>=0) => y
Below is the output of above program
I am not sure why it is working for very big long values. Ang suggestions on the same.

This is just a case of integer overflow:
scala> Long.MaxValue
res0: Long = 9223372036854775807
scala> Long.MinValue
res1: Long = -9223372036854775808
Thus when you negate -9223372036854775808 you are overflowing the Long by 1 unit, causing it to wrap around (to itself!).
Also there is no need for a match here:
scala> def abs(x: Long): Long = if (x < 0) -x else x
abs: (x: Long)Long

Why not use scala.math.abs?
See scala.math


scala can't make an add on a long

I'm not able to do an add on long type.
scala or the processor doesn't manage correctly the sign
scala> var i="-1014570924054025346".toLong
i: Long = -1014570924054025346
scala> i=i+92233720368547758L
i: Long = -922337203685477588
scala> var i=9223372036854775807L
i: Long = 9223372036854775807
scala> i=i+5
i: Long = -9223372036854775804
The first test where a negative number doesn't pass to a positive one is a problem for me
I have not fully understood the question, but for the first example, you get the expected result. What happens in the second example, the Long number happens to be the maximum value for a Long (i.e Long.MaxValue) so essentially when you had another positive number, it's overflowing:
scala> Long.MaxValue
res4: Long = 9223372036854775807L
scala> Long.MaxValue + 1
res7: Long = -9223372036854775808L // which is Long.MinValue
scala> Long.MinValue + 4
res8: Long = -9223372036854775804L // which is the result that you get
In other words:
9223372036854775807L + 5
is equivalent to:
Long.MaxValue + 5
which is equivalent to:
Long.MinValue + 4 // because (Long.MaxValue + 1) = Long.MinValue
which is equals to -9223372036854775804L
If you really need to use such big numbers, you might try using BigInt
scala> val x = BigInt(Long.MaxValue)
x: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775807
scala> x + 1
res6: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775808
scala> x + 5
res11: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775812
scala> x + 10
res8: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775817
scala> x * 1000
res10: scala.math.BigInt = 9223372036854775807000
scala> x * x
res9: scala.math.BigInt = 85070591730234615847396907784232501249
scala> x * x * x * x
res13: scala.math.BigInt = 7237005577332262210834635695349653859421902880380109739573089701262786560001
The documentation on BigInt is rather, err, small. However, i believe that it is basically an infinite precision integer (can support as many digits as you need). Having said that, there will probably at some point be a limit. There is a comment on BigDecimal - which has more documentation - that at about 4,934 digits there might be some deviation between BigDecimal and BigInt.
I will leave it to someone else to work out whether or not x ^ 4 is the value shown above.
Oh, I almost forgot your negative number test, I aligned the sum with the initialisation, to make it easier to visualise that the result appears to be correct:
scala> val x = BigInt("-1014570924054025346")
x: scala.math.BigInt = -1014570924054025346
scala> x + 92233720368547758L
res15: scala.math.BigInt = -922337203685477588
As for Ints, Longs and similar data types, they are limited in their size due to the number of bits they are constrained to. Int's are typically 32 bit and longs are typically 64 bits.
It is easier to visualise when you look at them in hexadecimal. A signed Byte (at 8 bits) has a maximum positive value of 0x7F (127). When you add one to it, you get 0x80 (-128). This is because we use the "Most Significant Bit" as an indicator of whether the number is positive or negative.
If the same byte was interpreted as unsigned, then 0x7F (127) would still become 0x80 when 1 is added to it. However, since we are interpreting it as unsigned, this would be equivalent to 128. We can keep adding one until we get to 0xFF (255) at which point if we add another 1 we will end up at 0x00 again which is of course 0.
Here are some references that explain this in much more detail:
Wikipedia - Twos complement
Cornell University - what is twos complement
Stack Overflow - what is 2s complement

How can I check whether a Double value overflows?

I want to check if adding some value to a double value exceed the Double limits or not. I tried this:
object Hello {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var t = Double.MaxValue
var t2 = t+100000000
if(t2 > 0) {
println("t2 > 0: " + t2)
} else
println("t2 <= 0: " + t2)
The output I get is
t2 > 0: 1.7976931348623157E308
What I actually want is to sum billions of values and check whether or not the running sum overflows at any time.
The first part of your question seems to stem from a misunderstanding of floating-point numbers.
IEEE-754 floating-point numbers do not wrap around like some finite-size integers would. Instead, they "saturate" at Double.PositiveInfinity, which represents mathematical (positive) infinity. Double.MaxValue is the largest finite positive value of doubles. The next Double after that is Double.PositiveInfinity. Adding any double (other than Double.NegativeInfinity or NaNs) to Double.PositiveInfinity yields Double.PositiveInfinity.
scala> Double.PositiveInfinity + 1
res0: Double = Infinity
scala> Double.PositiveInfinity - 1
res1: Double = Infinity
scala> Double.PositiveInfinity + Double.NaN
res2: Double = NaN
scala> Double.PositiveInfinity + Double.NegativeInfinity
res3: Double = NaN
Floating-point numbers get fewer and farther between as their magnitude grows. Double.MaxValue + 100000000 evaluates to Double.MaxValue as a result of roundoff error: Double.MaxValue is so much larger than 100000000 that the former "swallows up" the latter if you try to add them. You would need to add a Double of the order of math.pow(2, -52) * Double.MaxValue to Double.MaxValue in order to get Double.PositiveInfinity:
scala> math.pow(2,-52) * Double.MaxValue + Double.MaxValue
res4: Double = Infinity
Now, you write
What I actually want is to sum billions of values and check whether or not the running sum overflows at any time.
One possible approach is to define a function that adds the numbers recursively but stops if the running sum is an infinity or a NaN, and wraps the result in an Either[String, Double]:
import scala.collection.immutable
def sumToEither(xs: immutable.Seq[Double]): Either[String, Double] = {
def go(ys: immutable.Seq[Double], acc: Double): Double =
if (ys.isEmpty || acc.isInfinite || acc.isNaN) acc
else go(ys.tail, ys.head + acc)
go(xs, 0.0) match {
case x if x.isInfinite => Left("overflow")
case x if x.isNaN => Left("NaN")
case x => Right(x)
In response to your question in the comments:
Actually, I want to get the total of billions of values and check if the total overflows anytime or not. Could you please tell a way to check that?
If the total overflows, the result will be either an infinity (either positive or negative), or NaN (if at some point you have added a positive and negative infinity): the easiest way is to check total.isInfinity || total.isNaN.

when testing for convergence using successive approximation technique, why does this code divide by the guess twice?

While working through the coursera class on scala I ran into the code below (from another question asked here by Sudipta Deb.)
import scala.math.abs
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object FixedPoint {
println("Welcome to the Scala worksheet") //> Welcome to the Scala worksheet
val tolerance = 0.0001 //> tolerance : Double = 1.0E-4
def isCloseEnough(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean = {
abs((x - y) / x) / x < tolerance
} //> isCloseEnough: (x: Double, y: Double)Boolean
def fixedPoint(f: Double => Double)(firstGuess: Double): Double = {
def iterate(guess: Double): Double = {
val next = f(guess)
if (isCloseEnough(guess, next)) next
else iterate(next)
} //> fixedPoint: (f: Double => Double)(firstGuess: Double)Double
def myFixedPoint = fixedPoint(x => 1 + x / 2)(1)//> myFixedPoint: => Double
myFixedPoint //> res0: Double = 1.999755859375
def squareRoot(x: Double) = fixedPoint(y => (y + x / y) / 2)(1)
//> squareRoot: (x: Double)Double
squareRoot(2) //> res1: Double = 1.4142135623746899
def calculateAverate(f: Double => Double)(x: Double) = (x + f(x)) / 2
//> calculateAverate: (f: Double => Double)(x: Double)Double
def myNewSquareRoot(x: Double): Double = fixedPoint(calculateAverate(y => x / y))(1)
//> myNewSquareRoot: (x: Double)Double
myNewSquareRoot(2) //> res2: Double = 1.4142135623746899
My puzzlement concerns the isCloseEnough function.
I understand that for guesses which are large numbers, the difference between a guess and
the large value that the function returns could potentially be very big all the time, so we may never converge.
Conversely, if the guess is small, and if what f(x) produces is small then we will likely converge too quickly.
So dividing through by the guess like this:
def isCloseEnough(x: Double, y: Double): Boolean = {
abs((x - y) / x) / x < tolerance
makes perfect sense. (here is 'x' is the guess, and y is f_of_x.)
My question is why do why does the solution given divide by the guess TWICE ?
Wouldn't that undo all the benefits of dividing through by the guess the first time ?
As an example... let's say that my current guess and the value actually returned by the
function given my current x is as shown below:
import math.abs
var guess=.0000008f
var f_of_x=.00000079999f
And lets' say my tolerance is
var tolerance=.0001
These numbers look pretty close, and indeed, if i divide through by x ONCE, i see that the result
is less than my tolerance.
( abs(guess - f_of_x) / guess)
res3: Float = 1.2505552E-5
However, if i divide through by x TWICE the result is much greater than my tolerance, which would suggest
we need to keep iterating.. which seems wrong since guess and observed f(x) are so close.
scala> ( abs(guess - f_of_x) / guess) / guess
res11: Float = 15.632331
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
You are completely right, it does not make sense. Further, the second division is outside of the absolute value rendering the inequality true for any negative x.
Perhaps someone got confused with testing for quadratic convergence.

Why does scala return an out of range value in this modulo operation?

This is a piece of code to generate random Long values within a given range, simplified for clarity:
def getLong(min: Long, max: Long): Long = {
if(min > max) {
throw new IncorrectBoundsException
val rangeSize = (max - min + 1L)
val randValue = math.abs(Random.nextLong())
val result = (randValue % (rangeSize)) + min
I know the results of this aren't uniform and this wouldn't work correctly for some values of min and max, but that's beside the point.
In the tests it turned out, that the following assertion isn't always true:
getLong(-1L, 1L) >= -1L
More specifically the returned value is -3. How is that even possible?
As it turns out, math.abs(x: Long): Long isn't guaranteed to always return non-negative values! There is no Long value that could represent math.abs(Long.MinValue), so instead of throwing an exception, math.abs returns Long.MinValue:
scala> Long.MinValue
res27: Long = -9223372036854775808
scala> math.abs(Long.MinValue)
res28: Long = -9223372036854775808
scala> math.abs(Long.MinValue) % 3
res29: Long = -2
scala> math.abs(Long.MinValue) % 3 + (-1)
res30: Long = -3
Which is, in my opinion, a very good example of why one should be using ScalaCheck to test at least parts of their codebase.

call a def within a block

If there is any way to call a def from a block
def factor (n: Int) : Int = if (n == 0 ) 1 else n * factor(n-1)
val i = 1000
i.toString.foreach ( x => sum += factor(x.toInt) )
at the end I want to get the sum of factorial of every digit
But it seems like def doesn't return a value, everytime is 0
How to fix it?
The problem actually has nothing to do with Scala per se; your code and your def are fine. The issue is with toInt:
scala> '3'.toInt
res7: Int = 51
toInt doesn't actually convert it as a decimal digit, but as a unicode (ish?) character value. These are producing very large numbers which go beyond what factor can handle:
scala> factor(6)
res8: Int = 720
scala> factor(20)
res9: Int = -2102132736
scala> factor(100)
res10: Int = 0
So instead use (thanks to Luigi)