How to use CellTable<T> when T is an interface - gwt

in my current project I have to render items in a CellTable received via a RPC call. The columns must be created dynamically and the column types are unknown at compile time.
From the server side, I send a list of the following class to define a row in the table:
public class TableRowDTO implements IsSerializable {
private List<IsTableItemDTO> tableItemDTOs;
public TableRowDTO() {
tableItemDTOs = new ArrayList<IsTableItemDTO>();
// getters & setters ...
Where each row will contain an item implementing IsTableItemDTO which is a marker interface:
public interface IsTableItemDTO extends IsSerializable {}
Implementing classes depict the actual controls/information to be shown in cells like:
public class TableDateTimeDTO extends IsTableItemDTO {
private Date valueDate;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
Or also:
public class TableCheckBoxDTO extends AbstractTableItemDTO {
private boolean checked;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
And also:
TablePasswordDTO extends AbstractTableItemDTO {
private String valueText;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
Therefore, what I want to do for example in the case I receive a List with {TableCheckBoxDTO, TableDateTimeDTO, TablePasswordDTO} is to render a CellTable with the corresponding widgets.
I've seen this and this, but I don't see how to apply any of the examples to my case especially because I cannot use thigs like Column as I don't have my ContactInfo before hand.

You can use the marker interface IsTableItemDTO together with instanceof() and dynamic casts to have a generic Column/Cell.
There are 2 ways:
Create a Composite Cell and add all possible cell types and then display based on what specific sub-type your isTableItemDTO is.
Create a custom cell and render the input (checkbox, text) based on the specific type of your marker interface

I used Jet table ( in one of my earlier projects. I believe it has the features you are looking for.


How to Inherited multiple class from different model in Flutter

I have Card Model and it have three different classes in there, App, Figures and Item.
I have another model called Favorite Model which is going have similar classes like Card Model but there will be just extra 2 variable.
I'm trying not to copy the whole classes and paste it inside Favorite Model because it'll look like duplicated so I'm just trying to texted it from Favorite Model but some reason I'm not allow to extends only one class but not three.
Card Model
class App {
String name;
int id;
bool showCards = false;
List<Item> items;
class Figures {
class Item {
Favorite Model
class Favorite extends InheritedModel<App, Figures, Item>{
I'm getting this error so just wondering if there is a way to declare 3 paremeters.
The type 'InheritedModel' is declared with 1 type parameters, but 3 type arguments were given.
Try adjusting the number of type arguments to match the number of type parameters.da
I'm not really sure the way I'm trying to do is logically correct so let me know and correct me.
I'm likely not understanding how your model hierarchy is set up, but maybe you could try some composition, such as:
class CardModel {
App app;
Figures figures;
Item item;
class FavoriteModel {
App app;
Figures figures;
class InheritedCard extends InheritedModel<CardModel> {}
class InheritedFavorite extends InheritedModel<FavoriteModel> {}

PostSharp C# - How to Implement All Fields Required

PostSharp contracts make it easy to label individual fields as Required. But I want a class attribute that makes all of the class fields required. I'm guessing I would have to implement a custom aspect to support this.
It seems like it would be a common need for anyone passing around data containers. Can anyone direct me to some code that implements a custom "AllFieldsRequired" aspect in PostSharp?
You can implement PostSharp.Aspects.IAspectProvider:
public class AllFieldsRequiredAttribute : TypeLevelAspect, IAspectProvider
IEnumerable<AspectInstance> IAspectProvider.ProvideAspects(object targetElement)
Type type = (Type)targetElement;
return type.GetFields().Select(
m => new AspectInstance(m, new ObjectConstruction(typeof(RequiredAttribute))));
public class Foo
public string Bar;
public object Baz;

PropertyAcess : Define condition values for label in PropertyAcess

I have a model called Field which has id and label.
I have defined PropertyAcess as below and it works. I would like to change it in such a way that I can show label based on condition ie if field.getLabel() is null, use field.getId() as label. How can I acheieve that
interface FieldProperties extends PropertyAccess<Field> {
ModelKeyProvider<Field> id();
LabelProvider<Field> label();
ValueProvider<Field, String> labelProp();
The PropertyAccess tool is meant to make it easy to quickly build ValueProvider, ModelKeyProvider, and LabelProvider instances that are based on a specific getter/setter on a bean-like object. If you don't want just access to a single property, then implement the interface directly.
In your case, since you want a LabelProvider that returns getLabel() unless it is null, then getId(), you might do something like this:
public LabelOrIdLabelProvider implements LabelProvider<Field> {
public String getLabel(Object item) {
return item.getLabel() == null ? item.getId() : item.getLabel();
If you want custom behavior, build it out yourself to do exactly what you need. If you just want the simple behavior of reading a single getter, the PropertyAccess is there to help save you a few lines of code.

How to store a unique value into a Panel (GWT)?

This is simple question but there's No answer found on the Internet.
Ok, some widgets such as CheckBox have a method called myCHeckBox.setFormValue(text); so I take advantage of this method to store the unique ID into a CheckBox so that later on I just myCHeckBox.getFormValue(); to retrieve back the unique value.
However, there's no setFormValue on GWT Panel?
So if we want to store a unique value into a Panel (for example, FlowPanel, VerticalPanel)?
Then Which method can i use to do that?
The way I see it what you are really trying is to extend the purpose of the Panel. I cannot see why you would want a unique identifier, as the object of the Panel is as unique as it guess but that's not the point here.
Since you want to extend the Panel do just that. Extend the corresponding class and give it a unique value, implement the corresponding getters and setters and then you are set. It is as simple as that
class AbsolutePanelUnq extends AbsolutePanel
private int uniqueId;
public getUniqueId(){
return uniqueId;
public setUniqueId(int uniqueId)
this.uniqueId = uniqueId;
Then create the object and do whatever you need.
Best way I can suggest:
Public class myPanel extends Panel {
private myUniqueValue;
//Getter setter for myUniqueValue

row specific class

How do I create a Zend_Db_Table which returns a different class for each row.?
UserTable has id,name and type
Type contains class names (admin,client,etc...)
The classes admin, client are all subclasses of user
If I call fetch I need to get a admin or client object depending on the corresponding value in the db.
class Your_Db_Table_Row extends Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract
class Your_Db_Table extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_rowClass = "Your_Db_Table_Row";
new Your_Db_Table(array("rowClass" => "Your_Db_Table_Row");
So whenever you get a rowset from your table subclass, the rows included in it will be your custom class.
To get a custom row based on a value, I would say extend the Zend_Db_Table_Rowset_Abstract class instead and override this method:
getRow(int $position, [bool $seek = false])
You'll also need to override the current method and perhaps some of the other SeekableIterator implemetations which actually creates a row class based on the _rowClass property. You might be able to set the _rowClass before current is called based on your data's row type.
You could instantiate a specific class in current and return it based on the type parameter.
Have you though about maybe just using composition instead? Say just passing in data to a new class if it's an admin type or something?