How to Inherited multiple class from different model in Flutter - flutter

I have Card Model and it have three different classes in there, App, Figures and Item.
I have another model called Favorite Model which is going have similar classes like Card Model but there will be just extra 2 variable.
I'm trying not to copy the whole classes and paste it inside Favorite Model because it'll look like duplicated so I'm just trying to texted it from Favorite Model but some reason I'm not allow to extends only one class but not three.
Card Model
class App {
String name;
int id;
bool showCards = false;
List<Item> items;
class Figures {
class Item {
Favorite Model
class Favorite extends InheritedModel<App, Figures, Item>{
I'm getting this error so just wondering if there is a way to declare 3 paremeters.
The type 'InheritedModel' is declared with 1 type parameters, but 3 type arguments were given.
Try adjusting the number of type arguments to match the number of type parameters.da
I'm not really sure the way I'm trying to do is logically correct so let me know and correct me.

I'm likely not understanding how your model hierarchy is set up, but maybe you could try some composition, such as:
class CardModel {
App app;
Figures figures;
Item item;
class FavoriteModel {
App app;
Figures figures;
class InheritedCard extends InheritedModel<CardModel> {}
class InheritedFavorite extends InheritedModel<FavoriteModel> {}


How to define a class that is exactly the same as another class in Dart/Flutter

I'm defining some custom Exceptions in Dart.
I want in my logic to check the type of exception and base my processing on that, so I want to create distinct classes for each, for example like this :
class FailedToLoadCriticalDataException implements Exception { } // app cannot continue
class FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException implements Exception { } // app can continue
However I also want to pass 2 parameters when I create these types of exceptions, the type of API call, and the API url, and the definition for that would look like this :
class UrlCallFailedException implements Exception {
String _dataTypeName;
String _urlEndpoint;
UrlCallFailedException([this._dataTypeName, this._urlEndpoint]);
String toString() {
return "(${this.runtimeType.toString()}) Failed to fetch $_dataTypeName ($_urlEndpoint)";
Now what I want to do is (replace the initial definitions I made earlier and re)define my FailedToLoadCriticalDataException and FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException classes so that they are exactly the code that is in the UrlCallFailedException class.
Is there any way to simply say something like class FailedToLoadCriticalDataException **is** UrlCallFailedException; and not need to duplicate the code that defines UrlCallFailedException ?
class FailedToLoadCriticalDataException implements UrlCallFailedException{ } is wrong because it is "Missing concrete implementations of 'getter UrlCallFailedException._dataTypeName',.."
class FailedToLoadCriticalDataException extends UrlCallFailedException{ } is wrong because when I got to throw FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException("Foo", url); it's expectation is that there are no params ("Too many positional arguments: 0 expected, but 2 found.").
Is there a way to create multiple classes that behave exactly the same as another type and differ only in their class, without duplicating all the code ?
I've come up with this as a decent compromise :
class FailedToLoadCriticalDataException extends UrlCallFailedException {
FailedToLoadCriticalDataException([dataTypeName, urlEndpoint]) {
super._dataTypeName = dataTypeName;
super._urlEndpoint = urlEndpoint;
class FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException extends UrlCallFailedException {
FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException([dataTypeName, urlEndpoint]) {
super._dataTypeName = dataTypeName;
super._urlEndpoint = urlEndpoint;
Some, but minimal, code duplication, and I can now call throw FailedToLoadNonCriticalDataException("Foo", url); in my code later.

how to pass any class object to a stateful class in flutter(genetic type)

i have several stateful classes such as income , expenses, debit, events etc and each class has its own set of attributes(int,double,string) i have another class that i want to share among all the stateful classes because the code are similar. instead of coding a different class for income, expenses etc to do a specific task, i would like to create one class which is common among all classes
here is partial code for my common class
class CheckBoxAlertDialog extends StatefulWidget {
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
final T anyobjectype;
final AppDatabase database;
CheckBoxAletDialogState createState() {
return new CheckBoxAletDialogState();
class CheckBoxAletDialogState extends State<CheckBoxAlertDialog> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
If(anyobjectype is type income)
print(anyobjectype.amount) //assume income class has type double income
If(anyobjectype is type expense)
print(anyobjectype.paid_amount) //assume expense class has type double paid_amount
If(anyobjectype is type event)
print(anyobjectype.event_date) //assume event class has type date event_date
//and so on
i want to be able to call CheckBoxAlertDialog and pass any object of class income , expenses, debit, events. for example, i want to be able to call as follow
income = new income();
CheckBoxAlertDialog(anyobjectype : income, database: database,);
expense = new expense();
CheckBoxAlertDialog(anyobjectype : expense, database: database,);
debit = new debit();
CheckBoxAlertDialog(anyobjectype : debit, database: database,);
basically, i want to be able to pass any class object to CheckBoxAlertDialog and be able to access the class's data types in CheckBoxAlertDialog class. see build function in CheckBoxAlertDialog
i heard genetic data type can help but i am new to that. can someone show me how i can pass any class object to CheckBoxAlertDialog and be able to access the class data types in CheckBoxAlertDialog like the example above? thanks in advance
Try using a InheritedWidget. It allows your child widgets to access the members of the parent class. Check the docs at:
This website is also quite helpful:

Need help understand interfaces and/or abstract classes in angular2

I am new to the angular2 world. I am trying to create interfaces for certain components and then implement these interfaces in my models so I can make sure they will be able to work properly.
One thing I have noticed is that if I create new instances of these objects they work fine but when I pull data from a restful call, I use the type casting to turn the data into the type of object I expect. The following code is a pseudo example.
I come from a Java/C++ background so I am hoping someone can see what I'm trying to do and explain to me how to get this working correctly.
Thanks In Advance!
Doesn't work ---
private vehicles: Vehicle[];
vehicles => this.vehicles = <Vehicle[]>vehicles);
Does Work ---
vehicles : Vehicle[];
vehicles.push(new Vehicle(1, 'Old Junker'));
vehicles.push(new Vehicle(2, 'Old Junker2'));
Example class/interface setup.
export class SelectableComponent {
options : Selectable[]
// Access options.label and options.value
export interface Selectable {
label(): string;
value(): any;
export class Vehicle implements Selectable {
constructor (
public id: number,
public description: string,
get label() : any {
return this.description;
get value() : any {
What happens here is that the object retrieved from the backend is just a plain Javascript object that gets cast to a Vehicle:
vehicles => this.vehicles = <Vehicle[]>vehicles);
Objects in this array will have all the data of a Vehicle, but none of the behavior of an instance of the Vehicle class, which can be quite confusing as you mention.
The simplest is instead of casting them, calling new and creating an instance of Vehicle immediately while retrieving them from the backend.
But using a long constructor call can be cumbersome, especially if Vehicle has a lot of properties and you need to pass them all to the constructor one by one.
A way to fix this is to create an auxiliary method in the Vehicle class:
class Vehicle {
constructor(private name, private year) {
static fromJson({name,year}) {
return new Vehicle(name, year);
And then use it in return from the backend to create an array of Vehicles, instead of casting them:
vehicles => this.vehicles =;
This way the vehicles in the result will have not only all the data of a vehicle, but also the behavior of the Vehicle class, because they are instances on Vehicle.
The main difference between classes and interfaces in TypeScript is that interfaces don't exist at runtime. They are "only" there for compilation and type checking.
Casting an element to an interface / class "only" tells TypeScript that the object follows the structure of it but it's not actually an instance of the type. It's a bit disturbing at a first sight. The main consequence (in the case of a class) is that casting doesn't allow you to use methods of the class.
I already casted this way:
private vehicles: Vehicle[];
vehicles => this.vehicles = <Vehicle[]>vehicles);
What is the exact compilation error you have?

How to use CellTable<T> when T is an interface

in my current project I have to render items in a CellTable received via a RPC call. The columns must be created dynamically and the column types are unknown at compile time.
From the server side, I send a list of the following class to define a row in the table:
public class TableRowDTO implements IsSerializable {
private List<IsTableItemDTO> tableItemDTOs;
public TableRowDTO() {
tableItemDTOs = new ArrayList<IsTableItemDTO>();
// getters & setters ...
Where each row will contain an item implementing IsTableItemDTO which is a marker interface:
public interface IsTableItemDTO extends IsSerializable {}
Implementing classes depict the actual controls/information to be shown in cells like:
public class TableDateTimeDTO extends IsTableItemDTO {
private Date valueDate;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
Or also:
public class TableCheckBoxDTO extends AbstractTableItemDTO {
private boolean checked;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
And also:
TablePasswordDTO extends AbstractTableItemDTO {
private String valueText;
// ... other fields not necessary for the table
Therefore, what I want to do for example in the case I receive a List with {TableCheckBoxDTO, TableDateTimeDTO, TablePasswordDTO} is to render a CellTable with the corresponding widgets.
I've seen this and this, but I don't see how to apply any of the examples to my case especially because I cannot use thigs like Column as I don't have my ContactInfo before hand.
You can use the marker interface IsTableItemDTO together with instanceof() and dynamic casts to have a generic Column/Cell.
There are 2 ways:
Create a Composite Cell and add all possible cell types and then display based on what specific sub-type your isTableItemDTO is.
Create a custom cell and render the input (checkbox, text) based on the specific type of your marker interface
I used Jet table ( in one of my earlier projects. I believe it has the features you are looking for.

How do you refactor a God class?

Does anyone know the best way to refactor a God-object?
Its not as simple as breaking it into a number of smaller classes, because there is a high method coupling. If I pull out one method, i usually end up pulling every other method out.
It's like Jenga. You will need patience and a steady hand, otherwise you have to recreate everything from scratch. Which is not bad, per se - sometimes one needs to throw away code.
Other advice:
Think before pulling out methods: on what data does this method operate? What responsibility does it have?
Try to maintain the interface of the god class at first and delegate calls to the new extracted classes. In the end the god class should be a pure facade without own logic. Then you can keep it for convenience or throw it away and start to use the new classes only
Unit Tests help: write tests for each method before extracting it to assure you don't break functionality
I assume "God Object" means a huge class (measured in lines of code).
The basic idea is to extract parts of its functions into other classes.
In order to find those you can look for
fields/parameters that often get used together. They might move together into a new class
methods (or parts of methods) that use only a small subset of the fields in the class, the might move into a class containing just those field.
primitive types (int, String, boolean). They often are really value objects before their coming out. Once they are value object, they often attract methods.
look at the usage of the god object. Are there different methods used by different clients? Those might go in separate interfaces. Those intefaces might in turn have separate implementations.
For actually doing these changes you should have some infrastructure and tools at your command:
Tests: Have a (possibly generated) exhaustive set of tests ready that you can run often. Be extremely careful with changes you do without tests. I do those, but limit them to things like extract method, which I can do completely with a single IDE action.
Version Control: You want to have a version control that allows you to commit every 2 minutes, without really slowing you down. SVN doesn't really work. Git does.
Mikado Method: The idea of the Mikado Method is to try a change. If it works great. If not take note what is breaking, add them as dependency to the change you started with. Rollback you changes. In the resulting graph, repeat the process with a node that has no dependencies yet.
According to the book "Object Oriented Metrics in Practice" by Lanza and Marinescu, The God Class design flaw refers to classes that tend to centralize the intelligence of the system. A God Class performs too much work on its own, delegating only minor details to a set of trivial classes and using the data from other classes.
The detection of a God Class is based on three main characteristics:
They heavily access data of other simpler classes, either directly or using accessor methods.
They are large and complex
They have a lot of non-communicative behavior i.e., there is a low
cohesion between the methods belonging to that class.
Refactoring a God Class is a complex task, as this disharmony is often a cumulative effect of other disharmonies that occur at the method level. Therefore, performing such a refactoring requires additional and more fine-grained information about the methods of the class, and sometimes even about its inheritance context. A first approach is to identify clusters of methods and attributes that are tied together and to extract these islands into separate classes.
Split Up God Class method from the book "Object-Oriented Reengineering Patterns" proposes to incrementally redistribute the responsibilities of the God Class either to its collaborating classes or to new classes that are pulled out of the God Class.
The book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code" presents some techniques such as Sprout Method, Sprout Class, Wrap Method to be able to test the legacy systems that can be used to support the refactoring of God Classes.
What I would do, is to sub-group methods in the God Class which utilize the same class properties as inputs or outputs. After that, I would split the class into sub-classes, where each sub-class will hold the methods in a sub-group, and the properties which these methods utilize.
That way, each new class will be smaller and more coherent (meaning that all their methods will work on similar class properties). Moreover, there will be less dependency for each new class we generated. After that, we can further reduce those dependencies since we can now understand the code better.
In general, I would say that there are a couple of different methods according to the situation at hand. As an example, let's say that you have a god class named "LoginManager" that validates user information, updates "OnlineUserService" so the user is added to the online user list, and returns login-specific data (such as Welcome screen and one time offers)to the client.
So your class will look something like this:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class LoginManager {
public void handleLogin(String hashedUserId, String hashedUserPassword){
String userId = decryptHashedString(hashedUserId);
String userPassword = decryptHashedString(hashedUserPassword);
if(!validateUser(userId, userPassword)){ return; }
public String decryptHashedString(String hashedString){
String userId = "";
//TODO Decrypt hashed string for 150 lines of code...
return userId;
public boolean validateUser(String userId, String userPassword){
//validate for 100 lines of code...
List<String> userIdList = getUserIdList();
if(!isUserIdValid(userId,userIdList)){return false;}
if(!isPasswordCorrect(userId,userPassword)){return false;}
return true;
private List<String> getUserIdList() {
List<String> userIdList = new ArrayList<>();
//TODO: Add implementation details
return userIdList;
private boolean isPasswordCorrect(String userId, String userPassword) {
boolean isValidated = false;
//TODO: Add implementation details
return isValidated;
private boolean isUserIdValid(String userId, List<String> userIdList) {
boolean isValidated = false;
//TODO: Add implementation details
return isValidated;
public void updateOnlineUserService(String userId){
//TODO updateOnlineUserService for 100 lines of code...
public void sendCustomizedLoginMessage(String userId){
//TODO sendCustomizedLoginMessage for 50 lines of code...
public void sendOneTimeOffer(String userId){
//TODO sendOneTimeOffer for 100 lines of code...
Now we can see that this class will be huge and complex. It is not a God class by book definition yet, since class fields are commonly used among methods now. But for the sake of argument, we can treat it as a God class and start refactoring.
One of the solutions is to create separate small classes which are used as members in the main class. Another thing you could add, could be separating different behaviors in different interfaces and their respective classes. Hide implementation details in classes by making those methods "private". And use those interfaces in the main class to do its bidding.
So at the end, RefactoredLoginManager will look like this:
public class RefactoredLoginManager {
IDecryptHandler decryptHandler;
IValidateHandler validateHandler;
IOnlineUserServiceNotifier onlineUserServiceNotifier;
IClientDataSender clientDataSender;
public void handleLogin(String hashedUserId, String hashedUserPassword){
String userId = decryptHandler.decryptHashedString(hashedUserId);
String userPassword = decryptHandler.decryptHashedString(hashedUserPassword);
if(!validateHandler.validateUser(userId, userPassword)){ return; }
public class DecryptHandler implements IDecryptHandler {
public String decryptHashedString(String hashedString){
String userId = "";
//TODO Decrypt hashed string for 150 lines of code...
return userId;
public interface IDecryptHandler {
String decryptHashedString(String hashedString);
public class ValidateHandler implements IValidateHandler {
public boolean validateUser(String userId, String userPassword){
//validate for 100 lines of code...
List<String> userIdList = getUserIdList();
if(!isUserIdValid(userId,userIdList)){return false;}
if(!isPasswordCorrect(userId,userPassword)){return false;}
return true;
private List<String> getUserIdList() {
List<String> userIdList = new ArrayList<>();
//TODO: Add implementation details
return userIdList;
private boolean isPasswordCorrect(String userId, String userPassword)
boolean isValidated = false;
//TODO: Add implementation details
return isValidated;
private boolean isUserIdValid(String userId, List<String> userIdList)
boolean isValidated = false;
//TODO: Add implementation details
return isValidated;
Important thing to note here is that the interfaces () only has to include the methods used by other classes. So IValidateHandler looks as simple as this:
public interface IValidateHandler {
boolean validateUser(String userId, String userPassword);
public class OnlineUserServiceNotifier implements
IOnlineUserServiceNotifier {
public void updateOnlineUserService(String userId){
//TODO updateOnlineUserService for 100 lines of code...
public interface IOnlineUserServiceNotifier {
void updateOnlineUserService(String userId);
public class ClientDataSender implements IClientDataSender {
public void sendCustomizedLoginMessage(String userId){
//TODO sendCustomizedLoginMessage for 50 lines of code...
public void sendOneTimeOffer(String userId){
//TODO sendOneTimeOffer for 100 lines of code...
Since both methods are accessed in LoginHandler, interface has to include both methods:
public interface IClientDataSender {
void sendCustomizedLoginMessage(String userId);
void sendOneTimeOffer(String userId);
There are really two topics here:
Given a God class, how its members be rationally partitioned into subsets? The fundamental idea is to group elements by conceptual coherency (often indicated by frequent co-usage in client modules) and by forced dependencies. Obviously the details of this are specific to the system being refactored. The outcome is a desired partition (set of groups) of God class elements.
Given a desired partition, actually making the change. This is difficult if the code base has any scale. Doing this manually, you are almost forced to retain the God class while you modify its accessors to instead call new classes formed from the partitions. And of course you need to test, test, test because it is easy to make a mistake when manually making these changes. When all accesses to the God class are gone, you can finally remove it. This sounds great in theory but it takes a long time in practice if you are facing thousands of compilation units, and you have to get the team members to stop adding accesses to the God interface while you do this. One can, however, apply automated refactoring tools to implement this; with such a tool you specify the partition to the tool and it then modifies the code base in a reliable way. Our DMS can implement this Refactoring C++ God Classes and has been used to make such changes across systems with 3,000 compilation units.