Add ClickHandler to every button - gwt

I am trying to implement a click logging system in GWT, so I know where people are going around my app.
I want to be able to do this automatically with out adding the handler to every single Button?
I tried in a Composite class:
this.addDomHandler(new ClickHandler() {...}, ClickEvent.getType());
But the ClickEvent didn't give me any specifics on what had been clicked. The below didn't work as well.
NodeList<Element> elements = Document.get().getElementsByTagName("a");
EventListener el = new EventListener() {
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
for (int i = 0; i < elements.getLength(); i++) {
Element e = elements.getItem(i); castedElem = ( e;
DOM.sinkEvents(castedElem, Event.ONCLICK);
DOM.setEventListener(castedElem, el);
Any tips?

Take a look here:
Notice every click in a gwt application
This will be called on every click in your applilcation.
So, if you have this code:
Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new NativePreviewHandler() {
public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) {
if (event.getNativeEvent().getType().equals("click")) {
Element eventTarget = DOM.eventGetTarget(;
// check if eventTarget is an a-tag
Any time the mouse is clicked, you will get an event. Exame the event to see, if an a-tag is clicked.
Hope that helps.


GWT - enable button on KeyDownEvent in RichTextArea

I have following handler
textArea.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {
public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {
I need to enable save button with id "idsave", but I am not able to refer the button.
I am new to GWT, any help would be appreciated.
Typically, you do not use element ids in GWT. If you created a button, you can simply use it:
private Button saveButton;
saveButton = new Button("Save");
textArea.addKeyDownHandler(new KeyDownHandler() {
public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) {
If you don't have the reference of the button then try with the id.
// get element by id
Element saveButtonElement = RootPanel.get("idsave").getElement();
// remove disabled attribute to make it enable

Double Click event for DataGrid

I added double click event for DataGrid, but it doesn't work correctly. The code handles a single click, but it does not handle double click.
Please help.
private DataGrid<Contract> table = new DataGrid<Contract>();
table.addCellPreviewHandler(new Handler<Contract>() {
public void onCellPreview(final CellPreviewEvent<Contract> event) {
if (BrowserEvents.DBLCLICK.equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
//it doesn't handle
if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals(event.getNativeEvent().getType())) {
//it handles
DataGrid has many things in common with CellTable. So solutions from this question must work for you too:
Using CellPreviewHandler count time between two clicks
Or you can add DoubleClickHandler using addDomHandler method
dataGrid.addDomHandler(new DoubleClickHandler() {
public void onDoubleClick(DoubleClickEvent event) {
DataGrid<YourDataProviderType> grid = (DataGrid<YourDataProviderType>) event.getSource();
int row = grid.getKeyboardSelectedRow();
YourDataProviderType item = grid.getVisibleItem(row);
Window.alert("Do Something Here");
}, DoubleClickEvent.getType());

GXT3 - Editable Grid: display the row to edit in a popup

GXT3 - Grid: Adding a column with a button to modify row in Editable Grid
In the example the line is editable automatically when line is selected.
I want the line to be changed when I click on the edit button that would appear in a popup.
TextButtonCell button = new TextButtonCell();
button.addSelectHandler(new SelectHandler() {
public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) {
Context c = event.getContext();
Info.display("Event", "Call the popup here.");
There is a way do get this?
Thanks in advance for your help.
First of all you have yo create a column with TextBoxCell which may you already created.
Then you have to disable default onclick editable behavior of grid.
For that as per Sencha example's file you can override onClick event and prevent to fire default code.
public class RowEditingGridExample extends AbstractGridEditingExample {
protected GridEditing<Plant> createGridEditing(Grid<Plant> editableGrid) {
return new GridRowEditing<Plant>(editableGrid){
protected void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
And when you click on textBoxCell click handler you can start editing manually.
TextButtonCell button = new TextButtonCell();
button.addSelectHandler(new SelectHandler() {
public void onSelect(SelectEvent event) {
Context c = event.getContext();
//Here you can pass a new GridCell like with proper cell index and row index.
GridCell cell = new GridCell(getRowIndex(), getCellIndex());
If you want to appear row editor in separate popup you have to design it manually.

Using drag mouse handlers with GWT canvas

I am currently developing a paint-like application for GWT. I would like to add a mouse handler that runs when the user drags the mouse across the canvas(like making a square,etc;), the problem is that I'm not surewhat handler to use. Looking through the handlers implemented in canvas has lead me to some hints, but the documentation as to what event the apply to is scant.
Does anyone know how I should implement it? Thanks.
There is no "dragging" handler. You imlement "dragging" with MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events.
class YourWidget extends Composite
Canvas yourCanvas;
private boolean dragging;
private HandlerRegistration mouseMove;
void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) {
dragging = true;
// do other stuff related to starting of "dragging"
mouseMove = yourCanvas.addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler(){
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e) {
// stuff that you need when "dragging"
void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) {
if (dragging){
// do other stuff related to stopping of "dragging"
dragging = false;
mouseMove.remove(); // in earlier versions of GWT
//mouseMove.removeHandler(); //in later versions of GWT
I've messed around with this as well and produced this little thing awhile ago:
I basically wrapped whatever I needed with a FocusPanel. In my case it was a FlowPanel.
From that program in my UiBinder:
<g:FocusPanel ui:field="boxFocus" styleName="{style.boxFocus}">
<g:FlowPanel ui:field="boxPanel" styleName="{style.boxFocus}"></g:FlowPanel>
How I use the focus panel (display.getBoxFocus() seen below just gets the FocusPanel above):
display.getBoxFocus().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() {
public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() {
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseUpHandler(new MouseUpHandler() {
public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) {
// etc!
To answer your question about what handler to use for "dragging" I haven't found a single handler to do that for me. Instead I used a MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, and a MouseUpHandler.
Use the MouseDownHandler to set a flag that determines when the users mouse is down. I do this so that when MouseMoveHandler is called it knows if it should do anything or not. Finally use MouseUpHandler to toggle that flag if the user has the mouse down or not.
There have been some flaws with this method (if the user drags their mouse off of the FocusPanel), but because my application was just a fun side project I haven't concerned myself with it too much. Add in other handlers to fix that if it becomes a big issue.

gwt get array button value

My gwt project have flexTable show data of image and button on each row and coll.
But my button won't work properly. this is my current code:
private Button[] b = new Button[]{new Button("a"),...,new Button("j")};
private int z=0;
public void UpdateTabelGallery(JsArray str){
for(int i=0; i str.length(); i++){
public void UpdateTabelGallery(GalleryData str){
Image img = new Image();
HTML himage= new HTML("a href="+str.geturl()+">"+ img +"/a>" + b[z] );
TabelGaleri.setWidget(y, x, himage);
//is here th right place?
b[z].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Window.alert("I wan to show the clicked button text" + b[z].getText());
I'm still confuse where I should put my button handler. With this current code seems the clickhandler didn't work inside a looping. And if I put it outside loop its not working because I need to know which button clicked. I need to get my index button.but how? Is there any option than array button?
I was using this method me too, then I've created a new Button with an additional argument.
When I add the ButtonArg I set also the argument:
Panel.add(new ButtonArg("B1", i));
// Create a handler for the A-Z buttons
class MyHandler implements ClickHandler {
public void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
ButtonArg btn=(ButtonArg) e.getSource();
Window.alert("Button Text="+btn.getArgument());
public class ButtonArg extends Button {
int argument;
public ButtonArg(String html, int arg) {
public int getArgument() {
return argument;
public void setArgument(int argument) {
this.argument = argument;
The problem is that you refer to 'z' in your click handler, but the value of z changes, so that when your click handler is actually called the value of z is wrong.
You need a local final variable in UpdateTabelGallery which you assign the current value of z to to allow it to be captured by the handler you create. Even better, get rid of z entirely and pass i to UpdateTableGallery:
public void updateTableGallery(GalleryData str, final int i){
Image img = new Image();
HTML himage= new HTML("a href="+str.geturl()+">"+ img +"/a>" + b[i] );
TabelGaleri.setWidget(y, x, himage);
//is here th right place?
b[i].addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
Window.alert("I wan't to show the clicked button text" + b[i].getText());
But what do you expect:
HTML himage= new HTML("a href="+str.geturl()+">"+ img +"/a>" + b[i] );
to do? Aside from the incorrect HTML syntax, I don't think adding ypur button to the string will work.
I know this is old, but it didn't look answered and I was looking to do the same thing. Here's one solution:
public void onModuleLoad() {
Button[] b=new Button[26];
RootPanel rp=RootPanel.get("body");
// Create a handler for the A-Z buttons
class MyHandler implements ClickHandler {
public void onClick(ClickEvent e) {
Button btn=(Button) e.getSource();
Window.alert("Button Text="+btn.getText());
MyHandler handler = new MyHandler();
for(int i=0;i<26;i++) {
b[i] = new Button(String.valueOf((char)(65+i)));
SimplePanel sPanel = new SimplePanel();