Using drag mouse handlers with GWT canvas - gwt

I am currently developing a paint-like application for GWT. I would like to add a mouse handler that runs when the user drags the mouse across the canvas(like making a square,etc;), the problem is that I'm not surewhat handler to use. Looking through the handlers implemented in canvas has lead me to some hints, but the documentation as to what event the apply to is scant.
Does anyone know how I should implement it? Thanks.

There is no "dragging" handler. You imlement "dragging" with MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp events.
class YourWidget extends Composite
Canvas yourCanvas;
private boolean dragging;
private HandlerRegistration mouseMove;
void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e) {
dragging = true;
// do other stuff related to starting of "dragging"
mouseMove = yourCanvas.addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler(){
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent e) {
// stuff that you need when "dragging"
void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e) {
if (dragging){
// do other stuff related to stopping of "dragging"
dragging = false;
mouseMove.remove(); // in earlier versions of GWT
//mouseMove.removeHandler(); //in later versions of GWT

I've messed around with this as well and produced this little thing awhile ago:
I basically wrapped whatever I needed with a FocusPanel. In my case it was a FlowPanel.
From that program in my UiBinder:
<g:FocusPanel ui:field="boxFocus" styleName="{style.boxFocus}">
<g:FlowPanel ui:field="boxPanel" styleName="{style.boxFocus}"></g:FlowPanel>
How I use the focus panel (display.getBoxFocus() seen below just gets the FocusPanel above):
display.getBoxFocus().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() {
public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() {
public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) {
display.getBoxFocus().addMouseUpHandler(new MouseUpHandler() {
public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) {
// etc!
To answer your question about what handler to use for "dragging" I haven't found a single handler to do that for me. Instead I used a MouseDownHandler, MouseMoveHandler, and a MouseUpHandler.
Use the MouseDownHandler to set a flag that determines when the users mouse is down. I do this so that when MouseMoveHandler is called it knows if it should do anything or not. Finally use MouseUpHandler to toggle that flag if the user has the mouse down or not.
There have been some flaws with this method (if the user drags their mouse off of the FocusPanel), but because my application was just a fun side project I haven't concerned myself with it too much. Add in other handlers to fix that if it becomes a big issue.


MouseOutEvent from Sencha GXT Grid?

Need to catch MouseOutEvent when mouse leaves grid. Tried this:
grid.addHandler(new MouseOutHandler() {
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
}, MouseOutEvent.getType());
but it fires on every cell in grid. Any help ?
First, use addDomHandler instead.
grid.addDomHandler(new MouseOutHandler() {
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
}, MouseOutEvent.getType());
The difference is that addHandler does not wire the event up to the dom, but addDomHandler does. This seems to not always be required since once the event is wired up, it need not be done again, but as a good practice, every time you add a dom event handler to a widget, you should always use addDomHandler (or directly call sinkEvents, etc).
Okay, the real question asked was that too many events are going off, instead of just the general 'did the mouse leave the grid' event.
To handle this, check if the eventTarget of the event is the grid's own element. You are getting many events since you are getting all mouseout events for every element that is inside the grid, but just need to filter this down to the specific ones you are interested in.
This will look something like this:
grid.addDomHandler(new MouseOutHandler() {
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
//check event target of the event
Element target = (Element) event.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget();
if (grid.getElement().equals(target) {
// the mouse has left the entire grid
// ...
}, MouseOutEvent.getType());
Solution came from jQuery via JSNI:
private native void addMouseLeaveHandler(Element element) /*-{

GWT MouseOverHandler and MouseOutHandler horrible result, element keeps fire mouse over and mouse out events at the same time?

I have a problem with the GWT MouseHandler events:
This the code:
protected void extend(ServerConnector target) {
final Widget widget = ((ComponentConnector) target).getWidget();
widget.addDomHandler(new MouseOverHandler() {
public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent e) {
}, MouseOverEvent.getType());
widget.addDomHandler(new MouseOutHandler() {
public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) {
}, MouseOutEvent.getType());
I am using Vaadin, this is inside the an extension connector. The hovered element is a simple label. Everything works great when I either use only the MouseOverHandler or the MouseOutHandler, but when I use them together I get this horrible result (please, take a look at the video to understand what I mean):
Why does MouseOverHandler and MouseOutHandler do so when they are together?
This has nothing to do with gwt. You are hiding the widget, when the mouse is over it. When the element hides, the mouse is not over it anymore and so the mouseOut event is triggered, which makes the widget visible again. This will trigger the mouseOver event again and the loop begins again.
It is basically this:
<div onMouseOver="'visibility:hidden;'" onMouseOut="''">blub</div>
Or on jsfiddle to play around:

How to fire an event when a DialogBox got hided in GWT?

I want to call a method whenever my DialogBox is hidden. It doesn't matter how it is hidden, it could be someone click close button or it can be hidden by itself. When that happen the system will call a method.
Look at this code.
public class WishListDialogBox extends DialogBox {
#UiField Button closeButton;
public WishListDialogBox() {
setHTML("Wish List");
closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
public void hide() {
//call some action here;
The above code only work when I click CloseButton, but when the DialogBox was hidden by itself, nothing happened.
There is no onHide event in DialogBox.
In traditional Java, there is addWindowListener to handle his very easily, but that is missing in GWT DialogBox.
So, How to fire an event when a DialogBox is hidden in GWT?
Finally I found a solution
this.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler(){
public void onClose(CloseEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//do some action here

DialogBox in GWT isn't draggable or centred

I'm new to GWT programming. So far I have a DialogBox which is supposed to collect a login and a password, which can if required launch another DialogBox that allows someone to create a new account.
The first of these two DialogBoxes always appears at the top left of the browser screen, and can't be dragged, although part of the definition of a DialogBox is that it can be dragged. However, the second DialogBox can be dragged about the screen without any problem.
What I'd really like is for the first DialogBox to appear in the middle of the screen & be draggable, both of which I thought would happen automatically, but there's not.
So, what things can stop a DialogBox from being draggable? There is nothing on the RootPanel yet. Does that make a difference?
Code fragments available if they help, but perhaps this general outline is enough for some pointers.
Use This will center your DialogBox in the middle of the screen. Normally a DialogBox is by default draggable.
Just tried it out and it doens't matter if your RootPanel is empty our not. When I just show the DialogBox on ModuleLoad it is draggable and it is centered. Probably the problem is situated somewhere else.
This is the example of google itself:
public class DialogBoxExample implements EntryPoint, ClickListener {
private static class MyDialog extends DialogBox {
public MyDialog() {
// Set the dialog box's caption.
setText("My First Dialog");
// DialogBox is a SimplePanel, so you have to set its widget property to
// whatever you want its contents to be.
Button ok = new Button("OK");
ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
public void onModuleLoad() {
Button b = new Button("Click me");
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// Instantiate the dialog box and show it.
new MyDialog().show();
Here more information about the DialogBox.
Without seeing any of your code it's hard to tell what's going wrong. The following code works for me (ignore the missing styling...):
public void onModuleLoad() {
FlowPanel login = new FlowPanel();
Button create = new Button("create");
login.add(new TextBox());
login.add(new TextBox());
create.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
final DialogBox box = new DialogBox();
FlowPanel panel = new FlowPanel();
Button close = new Button("close");
close.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
panel.add(new Label("some content"));
DialogBox firstBox = new DialogBox(false, true);
Both boxes are draggable and shown in the center of your browser window.
Looks like you're overriding this method in Widget:
public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) {
if (handlerManager != null) {
In Widget, handlerManager refers to a private HandlerManager.
Either add super.fireEvent(event) to your method or as you have done rename it.
Well, with vast amounts of trial and error I have found the problem, which was just this: I had a method in an object I'd based on DialogBox called fireEvent, which looked like this:
public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event)
Then, when a button was clicked on the DialogBox, an event would be created and sent off to the handlerManager to be fired properly.
And it turns out that if I change it to this (LoginEvent is a custom-built event):
public void fireEvent(LoginEvent event)
... or to this ....
public void fireAnEvent(GwtEvent<?> event)
the DialogBox is draggable. However, if the method begins with the line
public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event)
then the result is a DialogBox which can't be dragged.
I'm a bit unsettled by this, because I can't fathom a reason why my choice of name of a method should affect the draggability of a DialogBox, or why using a base class (GwtEvent) instead of a custom class that extends it should affect the draggability. And I suspect there are dozens of similar pitfalls for a naive novice like me.
(Expecting the DialogBox to centre itself was simply my mistake.)

GWT 2.2.0 PopupPanel autoHide on TOUCH Events

PopupPanel is a class within GWT written (akhem) a long time ago (which is why it sucks so much) that allows for showing popups with content. One of the options is autoHide where if there's a certain event outside of the popup it closes the popup. It works well on anything EXCEPT Safari Mobil (SM). Reason is SM doesn't fire click events on touch. It fires touch events. PopupPanel is hard coded to look for ClickEvents.
Specifically, the code says:
if (!eventTargetsPopupOrPartner && autoHide) {
Obviously this isn't complete and it should also include Event.ONTOUCHSTART
Problem is, all the methods and fields are private so I cannot add this functionality. That's a big boo-boo on the part of GWT team but not really a concern since I could just make my own class and copy contents of PopupPanel. The big problem is that nativeEventPreview doesn't capture Touch Events!
I tried adding the following to Event Preview the following:
private static NativePreviewHandler nativePreviewHandler = new NativePreviewHandler() {
public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) {
Event nativeEvent =;
switch (nativeEvent.getTypeInt()) {
EventTarget target = nativeEvent.getEventTarget();
if (! || !popup.getElement().isOrHasChild( {
} break;
Where 'popup' is the PopupPanel I'm trying to get to close on outside touch events.
Sad thing is it works for mouse down when testing in any other browser on Earth, but not on iPad.
Another thing I tried was adding a TouchStartHandler to the glass of the PopupPanel (the gray looking thing behind it). I war hoping that I could catch the touch events that way, but I was unable to get events to fire on glass since it's attached to DOM in some funny way. My code:
private static class ProperPopupPanel extends PopupPanel {
public ProperPopupPanel() {
void setHideOnGlassTouch() {
TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap glass = new TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap(getGlassElement());
glass.addTouchStartHandler(new TouchStartHandler() {
public void onTouchStart(TouchStartEvent event) {
glass.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
private class TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap extends Label {
public TouchableLabeThatDoesntCrashOnWrap(Element element) {
In my mind this should work, but it doesn't. I don't know why. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
Not enough GWT users here... well I made my own class that adds touch handlers through JSNI ...
* Overwrite of the usual PopupPanel with a modification that this one
* works well on touch-enabled browsers.
* #author McTrafik
public class ProperPopupPanel extends PopupPanel {
/////////// OVERRIDES //////////////////////////////////////
public ProperPopupPanel() {
public void hide() {
public void show() {;
/////////// NANDLERS ///////////////////////////////////////
protected JavaScriptObject touchHandler;
* Handle a touch event that happened while the popup is open.
* #param event - The event to handle
protected void handleTouchEvent(Event event) {
// Check to see if the events should be firing in the first place.
if (!isShowing()) {
// Check if the event happened within the popup
EventTarget target = event.getEventTarget();
if (! || !getElement().isOrHasChild( {
// Stop event if the popup is modal
if (isModal()) event.preventDefault();
// Close the popup if the event happened outside
if (isAutoHideEnabled()) {
* Create a touchHandler that knows how to point to this instance.
* Without it there's a cast exception that happens.
protected native void setTouchListener() /*-{
var caller = this;
this.#[package].ProperPopupPanel::touchHandler = function(event) {
* Add a touch listener that will listen to touch events.
protected native void addTouchListener() /*-{
* Remove the touch listeners
protected native void removeTouchListener() /*-{