Using sqlalchemy, how transform 1 & 0 to boolean in postgres? - postgresql

I'm getting some data in JSON, where boolean values are 0 & 1.
In the postgres table is a boolean field, and expect true & false.
I try this when loading the table:
class PGBool(types.TypeDecorator):
impl = types.BOOLEAN
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
#print value
if value is not None:
return bool(value)
return value
def listen(self, table, column_info):
type_ = column_info['type']
print column_info['name'], type_
if str(type_).split('.')[-1] == 'BOOLEAN':
column_info['type'] = PGBool
return column_info
def getTable(self, name):
return sq.Table(
('column_reflect', listen)
def saveRecord(self, table, data):
if exist:
table.update().where( == theGuid),
But the data is not converted, and still try to insert 0 & 1.

when you use TypeDecorator, there's two sides to the data to be concerned with. One is the data going into the database, and the other is the data coming out. The side going in is referred to as the "bind parameters" and the side going out is the "result" data. Since you want here to deal with an INSERT, you're on the bind side, so the TypeDecorator would look like:
from sqlalchemy.types import TypeDecorator, Boolean
class CoerceToBool(TypeDecorator):
impl = Boolean
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is not None:
value = bool(value)
return value


Upsert statement with Flask-SQLAlchemy

I have a Flask app that parses a CSV of public election data and inserts the results into a Postgres database. It's a port of an old, not-Flask, Python 2 app that uses various libraries that no longer work. I'm mostly trying to base the application's structure on this tutorial. I've been using Flask-SQLAlchemy to construct some models for the database tables and populate the data from the CSV.
In this case I'm working with an Area model, which corresponds to a geographic area that might have an election (house district, school board district, etc). Here's what I've got in my basic blueprint route:
election = None
def scrape_areas():
area = Area()
sources = area.read_sources()
election = area.set_election()
if election not in sources:
# Get metadata about election
election_meta = sources[election]['meta'] if 'meta' in sources[election] else {}
for i in sources[election]:
source = sources[election][i]
if 'type' in source and source['type'] == 'areas':
rows = area.parse_election(source, election_meta)
count = 0
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
# this shows the generated string of area_id
# which is a UNIQUE key in the database
count = count + 1
return count
And here's the
import logging
import os
import json
import re
import csv
import urllib.request
import calendar
import datetime
from flask import current_app
from app import db
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
scraper_sources_inline = None
class ScraperModel(object):
nonpartisan_parties = ['NP', 'WI', 'N P']
def __init__(self, group_type = None):
# this is where scraperwiki was creating and connecting to its database
# we do this in the imported sql file instead
def read_sources(self):
Read the scraper_sources.json file.
if scraper_sources_inline is not None:
self.sources = json.loads(scraper_sources_inline)
#sources_file = current_app.config['SOURCES_FILE']
sources_file = os.path.join(current_app.root_path, '../scraper_sources.json')
data = open(sources_file)
self.sources = json.load(data)
return self.sources
def set_election(self):
# Get the newest set
newest = 0
for s in self.sources:
newest = int(s) if int(s) > newest else newest
newest_election = str(newest)
election = newest_election
# Usually we just want the newest election but allow for other situations
election = election if election is not None and election != '' else newest_election
return election
def parse_election(self, source, election_meta = {}):
# Ensure we have a valid parser for this type
parser_method = getattr(self, "parser", None)
if callable(parser_method):
# Check if election has base_url
source['url'] = election_meta['base_url'] + source['url'] if 'base_url' in election_meta else source['url']
# Get data from URL
response = urllib.request.urlopen(source['url'])
lines = [l.decode('latin-1') for l in response.readlines()]
rows = csv.reader(lines, delimiter=';')
return rows
except Exception as err:
LOG.exception('[%s] Error when trying to read URL and parse CSV: %s' % (source['type'], source['url']))
def from_dict(self, data, new=False):
for field in data:
setattr(self, field, data[field])
class Area(ScraperModel, db.Model):
__tablename__ = "areas"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
area_id = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
areas_group = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
ward_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precinct_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precinct_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
state_senate_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
state_house_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
county_commissioner_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
district_court_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
soil_water_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
school_district_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
school_district_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
mcd_id = db.Column(db.String(255))
precincts = db.Column(db.String(255))
name = db.Column(db.String(255))
updated = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
def __repr__(self):
return '<Area {}>'.format(self.area_id)
def parser(self, row, group):
# General data
parsed = {
'area_id': group + '-',
'areas_group': group,
'county_id': None,
'county_name': None,
'ward_id': None,
'precinct_id': None,
'precinct_name': '',
'state_senate_id': None,
'state_house_id': None,
'county_commissioner_id': None,
'district_court_id': None,
'soil_water_id': None,
'school_district_id': None,
'school_district_name': '',
'mcd_id': None,
'precincts': None,
'name': ''
if group == 'municipalities':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0] + '-' + row[2]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['county_name'] = row[1]
parsed['mcd_id'] = "{0:05d}".format(int(row[2])) #enforce 5 digit
parsed['name'] = row[1]
if group == 'counties':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['county_name'] = row[1]
parsed['precincts'] = row[2]
if group == 'precincts':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0] + '-' + row[1]
parsed['county_id'] = row[0]
parsed['precinct_id'] = row[1]
parsed['precinct_name'] = row[2]
parsed['state_senate_id'] = row[3]
parsed['state_house_id'] = row[4]
parsed['county_commissioner_id'] = row[5]
parsed['district_court_id'] = row[6]
parsed['soil_water_id'] = row[7]
parsed['mcd_id'] = row[8]
if group == 'school_districts':
parsed['area_id'] = parsed['area_id'] + row[0]
parsed['school_district_id'] = row[0]
parsed['school_district_name'] = row[1]
parsed['county_id'] = row[2]
parsed['county_name'] = row[3]
return parsed
So Areas is an extension of my default model class because it allows me to set up the fields that are specific to a given area based on the CSV.
Where this code fails is a (relatively) rare case in the CSV data where there might be multiple rows that, in the old application, correspond to the same row in the table. That old application had an array (usually with just one item, representing a UNIQUE column in the database) to instruct the code to run an UPDATE on those rows.
It returns an error like this:
sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (psycopg2.errors.UniqueViolation) duplicate key value violates unique constraint "areas_area_id_key"
DETAIL: Key (area_id)=(counties-01) already exists.
An example of how it runs when I'm just logging my UNIQUE key value from the model instead of inserting it:
<Area precincts-87-0140>
<Area precincts-87-0145>
<Area precincts-87-0150>
<Area precincts-87-0155>
<Area precincts-87-0160>
<Area precincts-87-0165>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0001>
<Area school_districts-0002>
<Area school_districts-0004>
<Area school_districts-0006>
<Area school_districts-0012>
<Area school_districts-0013>
<Area school_districts-0014>
So I've been looking at different methods that Flask can use to run an UPSERT statement because I'd need to update all of the fields, and they'd be different based on both which type of area it is, and also in the other models (election contests or results, for example). Most of what I'm finding uses SQLAlchemy rather than Flask-SQLAlchemy.
I found this answer that looked promising. Here's what I added to my model:
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Insert
Then I modified the ScraperModel class like this:
class ScraperModel(object):
def compile_upsert(insert_stmt, compiler, **kwargs):
converts every SQL insert to an upsert i.e;
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a')
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a') ON CONFLICT(foo) DO UPDATE SET (bar =
(assuming foo is a primary key)
:param insert_stmt: Original insert statement
:param compiler: SQL Compiler
:param kwargs: optional arguments
:return: upsert statement
pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key
insert = compiler.visit_insert(insert_stmt, **kwargs)
ondup = f'ON CONFLICT ({",".join( for c in pk)}) DO UPDATE SET'
updates = ', '.join(f"{}=EXCLUDED.{}" for c in insert_stmt.table.columns)
upsert = ' '.join((insert, ondup, updates))
return upsert
I'm clearly misunderstanding how the insert_stmt works because of how the query comes out, but here's the error that it generates:
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError) syntax error at or near "ON"
[SQL: INSERT INTO areas (area_id, areas_group, county_id, county_name, ward_id, precinct_id, precinct_name, state_senate_id, state_house_id, county_commissioner_id, district_court_id, soil_water_id, school_district_id, school_district_name, mcd_id, precincts, name, updated) VALUES (%(area_id)s, %(areas_group)s, %(county_id)s, %(county_name)s, %(ward_id)s, %(precinct_id)s, %(precinct_name)s, %(state_senate_id)s, %(state_house_id)s, %(county_commissioner_id)s, %(district_court_id)s, %(soil_water_id)s, %(school_district_id)s, %(school_district_name)s, %(mcd_id)s, %(precincts)s, %(name)s, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) RETURNING ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET, area_id=EXCLUDED.area_id, areas_group=EXCLUDED.areas_group, county_id=EXCLUDED.county_id, county_name=EXCLUDED.county_name, ward_id=EXCLUDED.ward_id, precinct_id=EXCLUDED.precinct_id, precinct_name=EXCLUDED.precinct_name, state_senate_id=EXCLUDED.state_senate_id, state_house_id=EXCLUDED.state_house_id, county_commissioner_id=EXCLUDED.county_commissioner_id, district_court_id=EXCLUDED.district_court_id, soil_water_id=EXCLUDED.soil_water_id, school_district_id=EXCLUDED.school_district_id, school_district_name=EXCLUDED.school_district_name, mcd_id=EXCLUDED.mcd_id, precincts=EXCLUDED.precincts,, updated=EXCLUDED.updated]
[parameters: {'area_id': 'counties-01', 'areas_group': 'counties', 'county_id': '01', 'county_name': 'Aitkin', 'ward_id': None, 'precinct_id': None, 'precinct_name': '', 'state_senate_id': None, 'state_house_id': None, 'county_commissioner_id': None, 'district_court_id': None, 'soil_water_id': None, 'school_district_id': None, 'school_district_name': '', 'mcd_id': None, 'precincts': '54', 'name': ''}]
(Background on this error at:
I'm hoping I didn't paste too much to be helpful there.
I also found this answer that I read as creating its own insert statement instead of compiling the built in one. Here's what I changed. In the blueprint's imports:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
And in the blueprint's loop:
for i in sources[election]:
source = sources[election][i]
if 'type' in source and source['type'] == 'areas':
rows = area.parse_election(source, election_meta)
count = 0
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
stmt = insert(Area.__table__).values(parsed)
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
# Let's use the constraint name which was visible in the original posts error msg
# The columns that should be updated on conflict
count = count + 1
return count
It results in a different error:
TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'
All that to say, I'm currently at a loss. It's clear to me that I need to modify the INSERT statement, but it's not clear to me which route I should take to modify it, how to make sure that it matches on the correct field (which is called area_id and the key is called areas_id_unique), or how to make sure it updates the correct fields when it does find a match.
What I think I'm finding is that none of this would work because I wasn't matching on a primary key, but on a unique key. What I've done is change the unique key area_id to a primary key. Then, I can use the upsert statement from above.
def compile_upsert(insert_stmt, compiler, **kwargs):
converts every SQL insert to an upsert i.e;
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a')
INSERT INTO test (foo, bar) VALUES (1, 'a') ON CONFLICT(foo) DO UPDATE SET (bar =
(assuming foo is a primary key)
:param insert_stmt: Original insert statement
:param compiler: SQL Compiler
:param kwargs: optional arguments
:return: upsert statement
pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key
insert = compiler.visit_insert(insert_stmt, **kwargs)
ondup = f'ON CONFLICT ({",".join( for c in pk)}) DO UPDATE SET'
updates = ', '.join(f"{}=EXCLUDED.{}" for c in insert_stmt.table.columns)
upsert = ' '.join((insert, ondup, updates))
return upsert
I had been trying to change the pk = insert_stmt.table.primary_key line to check for the unique key with no success, but it works just like this if I change that field.
Changing the primary key also fixed the other solution I was trying:
group = []
for row in rows:
parsed = area.parser(row, i)
area = Area()
area.from_dict(parsed, new=True)
insert(db.session, Area, group)
def insert(session, model, rows):
table = model.__table__
stmt = insert(table)
primary_keys = [ for key in inspect(table).primary_key]
update_dict = { c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
if not update_dict:
raise ValueError("insert_or_update resulted in an empty update_dict")
stmt = stmt.on_conflict_do_update(
So both solutions were (relatively) workable, but only with a primary key instead of a unique key and that just hadn't been clear to me.

How to assure the return StringList will be ordered : Scala

I am using Scala 2.11.8
I am trying to read queries from my Property File. Each Query Set has multiple parts (explained below)
And i have certain sequence in which these queries must execute.
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
object ReadProperty {
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val queryRead = ConfigFactory.load("").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseInc").toArray()
val localRead = ConfigFactory.load("").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseLocal").toArray.toSet
PropertyFile Content :
select.caseInc.2 = Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select.caseLocal.1 = select one
select.caseLocal.3 = select three
select.caseRemote.2 = Select e1.emp_name, d1.dept_name, e1.salary from emp_1 e1 join dept_1 d1 on(e1.emp_dept_id = d1.dept_id)
select.caseRemote.1 = Select * from departments
select.caseInc.1 = Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
select.caseLocal.2 = select two
select.caseLocal.4 = select four
Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select one
select two
select three
select four
As we can see in output, The result is Sorted . In the property if you see i have tried numbering the queries in the sequence it should run.(passing the caseInc, caseLocal as arguments).
With getStringList() i am always getting the Sorted List on the basis of the sequence number i am providing.
Even when i tried using toArray() & toArray().toSet i am getting sorted output.
So far its Good
But how to be sure that it will always return in Sorted Order which i have provided in the property file. I am confused because somehow i am not able to find the API which says that the returned List will be Sorted.
I think you can rely on this fact. Looking into the code of DefaultTransformer you can see following piece of logic:
} else if (requested == ConfigValueType.LIST && value.valueType() == ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
// attempt to convert an array-like (numeric indices) object to a
// list. This would be used with .properties syntax for example:
// -Dfoo.0=bar -Dfoo.1=baz
// To ensure we still throw type errors for objects treated
// as lists in most cases, we'll refuse to convert if the object
// does not contain any numeric keys. This means we don't allow
// empty objects here though :-/
AbstractConfigObject o = (AbstractConfigObject) value;
Map<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> values = new HashMap<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>();
for (String key : o.keySet()) {
int i;
try {
i = Integer.parseInt(key, 10);
if (i < 0)
values.put(i, o.get(key));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>> entryList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>(
// sort by numeric index
new Comparator<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> a,
Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> b) {
return, b.getKey());
// drop the indices (we allow gaps in the indices, for better or
// worse)
ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue> list = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> entry : entryList) {
return new SimpleConfigList(value.origin(), list);
Note how keys are parsed as integer values and then sorted using

Play Scala Anorm dynamic SQL for UPDATE query

My Google-fu is letting me down, so I'm hoping you can help
I'm building some webservices is the play framework using scala and anorm for database access
One of my calls is to update an existing row in a database - i.e run a query like
UPDATE [Clerks]
SET [firstName] = {firstName}
,[lastName] = {lastName}
,[login] = {login}
,[password] = {password}
WHERE [id] = {id}
My method receives a clerk object BUT all the parameters are optional (except the id of course) as they may only wish to update a single column of the row like so
UPDATE [Clerks]
SET [firstName] = {firstName}
WHERE [id] = {id}
So I want the method to check which clerk params are defined and build the 'SET' part of the update statement accordingly
It seems like there should be a better way than to go through each param of the clerk object, check if it is defined and build the query string - but I've been unable to find anything on the topic so far.
Does anyone have any suggestions how this is best handled
As the commenters mentioned it appears to not be possible - you must build the query string yourself.
I found that examples around this lacking and it took more time to resolve this than it should have (I'm new to scala and the play framework, so this has been a common theme)
in the end this is what I implemented:
override def updateClerk(clerk: Clerk) = {
var setString: String = "[modified] = {modified}"
var params: collection.mutable.Seq[NamedParameter] =
NamedParameter("modified", toParameterValue(System.currentTimeMillis / 1000)),
NamedParameter("id", toParameterValue(
if (clerk.firstName.isDefined) {
setString += ", [firstName] = {firstName}"
params = params :+ NamedParameter("firstName", toParameterValue(clerk.firstName.getOrElse("")))
if (clerk.lastName.isDefined) {
setString += ", [lastName] = {lastName}"
params = params :+ NamedParameter("lastName", toParameterValue(clerk.lastName.getOrElse("")))
if (clerk.login.isDefined) {
setString += ", [login] = {login}"
params = params :+ NamedParameter("login", toParameterValue(clerk.login.getOrElse("")))
if (clerk.password.isDefined) {
setString += ", [password] = {password}"
params = params :+ NamedParameter("password", toParameterValue(clerk.password.getOrElse("")))
if (clerk.supervisor.isDefined) {
setString += ", [isSupervisor] = {supervisor}"
params = params :+ NamedParameter("supervisor", toParameterValue(clerk.supervisor.getOrElse(false)))
val result = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("UPDATE [Clerks] SET " + setString + " WHERE [id] = {id}").on(params:_*).executeUpdate()
it likely isn't the best way to do this, however I found it quite readable and the parameters are properly handled in the prepared statement.
Hopefully this can benefit someone running into a similar issue
If anyone wants to offer up improvements, they'd be gratefully received
Since roughly 2.6.0 this is possible directly with anorm using their macros,
Here is my example:
case class UpdateLeagueFormInput(transferLimit: Option[Int], transferWildcard: Option[Boolean], transferOpen: Option[Boolean])
val input = UpdateLeagueFormInput(None, None, Some(true))
val toParams: ToParameterList[UpdateLeagueFormInput] = Macro.toParameters[UpdateLeagueFormInput]
val params = toParams(input)
val dynamicUpdates = => {
val snakeName = camelToSnake(
s"$snakeName = CASE WHEN {${}} IS NULL THEN l.$snakeName ELSE {${}} END"
val generatedStmt = s"""UPDATE league l set ${dynamicUpdates.mkString(", ")} where league_id = ${league.leagueId}"""
SQL(generatedStmt).on(params: _*).executeUpdate()
UPDATE league l set transfer_limit = CASE WHEN null IS NULL THEN l.transfer_limit ELSE null END, transfer_wildcard = CASE WHEN null IS NULL THEN l.transfer_wildcard ELSE null END, transfer_open = CASE WHEN true IS NULL THEN l.transfer_open ELSE true END where league_id = 26;
The camelToSnake function is just my own (There is an obvious ColumnNaming.SnakeCase available for parser rows, but I couldn't find something similar for parameter parsing)
My example string interpolates {league.leagueId}, when it could treat this as a parameter as well
Would be nice to avoid the redundant sets for null fields, however I don't think it's possible, and in my opinion clean code/messy auto-generated sql > messy code/clean auto-generated sql

How to return updated row or None when no row was updated?

I'm trying to return the row I updated in Slick 2.1.0, but I am unsure of how to do so. The default return type is just an integer. Is there a way of returning the actual updated row?
I want to have a method of this signature type:
* #param address the address to be updated in a database
* #return the future value of the address if it exists, else none
override def update(address: Future[Address]): Future[Option[Address]] = {
val updatedRow = for (
addr <- address;
q = addresses.filter(_.address === addr.address)
) yield addresses returning queryToUpdateInvoker(q).update(addr)
If the row is found, it returns the newly updated row, if it is not found we return none. I tried to do something similar to inserting a row, and then returning it to no avail.

Writing NUnit test code

How can I write code for the below method so that it can be tested in NUnit? How to handle a Hashtable?
public DataSet MySampleMethod(int param1, string param2, Hashtable ht)
ht = new Hashtable();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
dr["Column1"] = "My column 1";
dr["Column2"] = "My column 2";
dr["Column3"] = "My column 3";
DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
dr1["Column1"] = param1.ToString();
dr1["Column2"] = param2;
dr1["Column3"] = ht["testKey"].ToString();
return ds;
First question to ask is: Why do I need to write this method? What's it doing for me?
Give the method a more human-friendly name.
From what I can see, the method takes in an integer, a string and a hashtable. The method is then expected to return a dataset containing a solitary table with 3 columns,
the first row contains values like {"My Column {ColumnNo}"..}
the second row of which contains the [ intParam.ToString(), stringParam, hashtable["testKey"] ]
Testing this method should be trivial,
Arrange : Create known inputs (an int I , string S, a hashtable with some "testData"=> Y)
Act : Call the method and obtain the resulting dataset
Assert : Query the dataset to see if it has the single table with 2 records. Inspect the contents of the records of the table to see if they contain the header row and the row with [I, S, Y].
Similar to above test, except that you pass in null for the hashtable parameter.
That's all I could see based on the snippet you posted.
Update: Not sure what you mean here by "handle hashtable" or "write test fixture code for hashtable" ? The hashtable is just a parameter to your function.. so I reckon the test would look something like this (Forgive the bad naming and lack of constants... can't name them unless I know what this function is used for in real life)
public void Test_NeedsABetterName()
int intVal = 101; string stringVal = "MyString"; string expectedHashValue = "expectedValue";
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("testKey", expectedHashValue);
Dataset ds = MySampleMethod(intVal, stringVal, ht);
Assert.AreEqual(1, ds.Tables.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(2, ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count);
// check header Row1.. similar to Row2 as shown below
DataRow row2 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[1];
Assert.AreEqual(intVal.ToString(), row2["Column1"]);
Assert.AreEqual(stringVal, row2["Column2"]);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedHashValue, row2["Column3"])
I'd recommend getting a good book like Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit or one from the list here to speed you up here.