Writing NUnit test code - nunit

How can I write code for the below method so that it can be tested in NUnit? How to handle a Hashtable?
public DataSet MySampleMethod(int param1, string param2, Hashtable ht)
ht = new Hashtable();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
dr["Column1"] = "My column 1";
dr["Column2"] = "My column 2";
dr["Column3"] = "My column 3";
DataRow dr1 = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
dr1["Column1"] = param1.ToString();
dr1["Column2"] = param2;
dr1["Column3"] = ht["testKey"].ToString();
return ds;

First question to ask is: Why do I need to write this method? What's it doing for me?
Give the method a more human-friendly name.
From what I can see, the method takes in an integer, a string and a hashtable. The method is then expected to return a dataset containing a solitary table with 3 columns,
the first row contains values like {"My Column {ColumnNo}"..}
the second row of which contains the [ intParam.ToString(), stringParam, hashtable["testKey"] ]
Testing this method should be trivial,
Arrange : Create known inputs (an int I , string S, a hashtable with some "testData"=> Y)
Act : Call the method and obtain the resulting dataset
Assert : Query the dataset to see if it has the single table with 2 records. Inspect the contents of the records of the table to see if they contain the header row and the row with [I, S, Y].
Similar to above test, except that you pass in null for the hashtable parameter.
That's all I could see based on the snippet you posted.
Update: Not sure what you mean here by "handle hashtable" or "write test fixture code for hashtable" ? The hashtable is just a parameter to your function.. so I reckon the test would look something like this (Forgive the bad naming and lack of constants... can't name them unless I know what this function is used for in real life)
public void Test_NeedsABetterName()
int intVal = 101; string stringVal = "MyString"; string expectedHashValue = "expectedValue";
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("testKey", expectedHashValue);
Dataset ds = MySampleMethod(intVal, stringVal, ht);
Assert.AreEqual(1, ds.Tables.Count);
Assert.AreEqual(2, ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count);
// check header Row1.. similar to Row2 as shown below
DataRow row2 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[1];
Assert.AreEqual(intVal.ToString(), row2["Column1"]);
Assert.AreEqual(stringVal, row2["Column2"]);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedHashValue, row2["Column3"])
I'd recommend getting a good book like Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit or one from the list here to speed you up here.


I can't display parameter value in report header in crystal reports

I'm developing a small application in c# and I'm using Crystal Reports for reporting. I want to display parameter values in report header but I can't. How can i display parameter values in report header?
ClassParams.EMANET_KITAP_ID = txtKitapID.Text;
ParameterFields From = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField KID = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue val = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
val.Value = ClassParams.EMANET_KITAP_ID;
crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = From;
class ClassParams
public static string KID;
public static string EMANET_KITAP_ID
get { return KID; }
set { KID = value; }
Most likely, you have a multi-value parameter.
Since such a parameter stores the values as an array, you need to "flatten" the array.
If it's a String parameter, you can simply create a formula like this:
Join({?yourStringParameter}, ', ' );
If the data type is not string, loop through the array and concatenate the values to a string variable.

How to assure the return StringList will be ordered : Scala

I am using Scala 2.11.8
I am trying to read queries from my Property File. Each Query Set has multiple parts (explained below)
And i have certain sequence in which these queries must execute.
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
object ReadProperty {
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val queryRead = ConfigFactory.load("testqueries.properties").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseInc").toArray()
val localRead = ConfigFactory.load("testqueries.properties").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseLocal").toArray.toSet
PropertyFile Content :
select.caseInc.2 = Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select.caseLocal.1 = select one
select.caseLocal.3 = select three
select.caseRemote.2 = Select e1.emp_name, d1.dept_name, e1.salary from emp_1 e1 join dept_1 d1 on(e1.emp_dept_id = d1.dept_id)
select.caseRemote.1 = Select * from departments
select.caseInc.1 = Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
select.caseLocal.2 = select two
select.caseLocal.4 = select four
Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select one
select two
select three
select four
As we can see in output, The result is Sorted . In the property if you see i have tried numbering the queries in the sequence it should run.(passing the caseInc, caseLocal as arguments).
With getStringList() i am always getting the Sorted List on the basis of the sequence number i am providing.
Even when i tried using toArray() & toArray().toSet i am getting sorted output.
So far its Good
But how to be sure that it will always return in Sorted Order which i have provided in the property file. I am confused because somehow i am not able to find the API which says that the returned List will be Sorted.
I think you can rely on this fact. Looking into the code of DefaultTransformer you can see following piece of logic:
} else if (requested == ConfigValueType.LIST && value.valueType() == ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
// attempt to convert an array-like (numeric indices) object to a
// list. This would be used with .properties syntax for example:
// -Dfoo.0=bar -Dfoo.1=baz
// To ensure we still throw type errors for objects treated
// as lists in most cases, we'll refuse to convert if the object
// does not contain any numeric keys. This means we don't allow
// empty objects here though :-/
AbstractConfigObject o = (AbstractConfigObject) value;
Map<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> values = new HashMap<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>();
for (String key : o.keySet()) {
int i;
try {
i = Integer.parseInt(key, 10);
if (i < 0)
values.put(i, o.get(key));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>> entryList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>(
// sort by numeric index
new Comparator<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> a,
Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> b) {
return Integer.compare(a.getKey(), b.getKey());
// drop the indices (we allow gaps in the indices, for better or
// worse)
ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue> list = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> entry : entryList) {
return new SimpleConfigList(value.origin(), list);
Note how keys are parsed as integer values and then sorted using Integer.compare

Sort/Order an Undetermined Number of Columns (LINQ\Entity Framework)

Need to sort/order a list of data based on an undetermined number of columns (1 or more).
What i'm trying to do is loop through the desired columns and add an OrderBy or ThenBy based on their number to the query'd list, but i'm unsuccessful...
Done this, but it doesn't compile:
var query = GetAllItems(); //returns a IQueriable list of items
//for each selected column
for (int i = 0; i < param.Columns.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
query = query.OrderBy(x => x.GetType().GetProperty(param.Columns[i].Name));
//ERROR: IQueriable does not contain a definition for "ThenBy" and no extension method "ThenBy"...
query = query.ThenBy(x => x.GetType().GetProperty(param.Columns[i].Data));
How can i resolve this issue? Or any alternative to accomplish this requirement?
SOLUTION: #Dave-Kidder's solution is well thought and resolves the compile errors i had. Just one problem, OrderBy only executes (actually sorts the results) after a ToList() cast. This is an issue because i can't convert a ToList back to an IOrderedQueryable.
So, after some research i came across a solution that resolve all my issues.
Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic language functionality: https://github.com/kahanu/System.Linq.Dynamic
using System.Linq.Dynamic; //need to install this package
Updated Code:
var query = GetAllItems(); //returns a IQueriable list of items
List<string> orderByColumnList = new List<string>(); //list of columns to sort
for (int i = 0; i < param.Columns.Length; i++)
string column = param.Columns[i].Name;
string direction = param.Columns[i].Dir;
//ex.: "columnA ASC"
string orderByColumn = column + " " + direction;
//add column to list
//convert list to comma delimited string
string orderBy = String.Join(",", orderByColumnList.ToArray());
//sort by all columns, yay! :-D
The problem is that ThenBy is not defined on IQueryable, but on the IOrderedQueryable interface (which is what IQueryable.OrderBy returns). So you need to define a new variable for the IOrderedQueryable in order to do subsequent ThenBy calls. I changed the original code a bit to use System.Data.DataTable (to get a similar structure to your "param" object). The code also assumes that there is at least one column in the DataTable.
// using System.Data.DataTable to provide similar object structure as OP
DataTable param = new DataTable();
IQueryable<DataTable> query = new List<DataTable>().AsQueryable();
// OrderBy returns IOrderedQueryable<TSource>, which is the interface that defines
// "ThenBy" so we need to assign it to a different variable if we wish to make subsequent
// calls to ThenBy
var orderedQuery = query.OrderBy(x => x.GetType().GetProperty(param.Columns[0].ColumnName));
//for each other selected column
for (int i = 1; i < param.Columns.Count; i++)
orderedQuery = orderedQuery.ThenBy(x => x.GetType().GetProperty(param.Columns[i].ColumnName));
you should write ThenBy after OrderBy like this:
query = query
.OrderBy(t=> // your condition)
.ThenBy(t=> // next condition);

Support for basic datatypes in H5Attributes?

I am trying out the beta hdf5 toolkit of ilnumerics.
Currently I see H5Attributes support only ilnumerics arrays. Is there any plan to extend it for basic datatypes (such as string) as part of the final release?
Does ilnumerics H5 wrappers provide provision for extending any functionality to a particular
ILNumerics internally uses the official HDF5 libraries from the HDF Group, of course. H5Attributes in HDF5 correspond to datasets with the limitation of being not capable of partial I/O. Besides that, H5Attributes are plain arrays! Support for basic (scalar) element types is given by assuming the array stored to be scalar.
Strings are a complete different story: strings in general are variable length datatypes. In terms of HDF5 strings are arrays of element type Char. The number of characters in the string determines the length of the array. In order to store a string into a dataset or attribute, you will have to store its individual characters as elements of the array. In ILNumerics, you can convert your string into ILArrray or ILArray (for ASCII data) and store that into the dataset/ attribute.
Please consult the following test case which stores a string as value into an attribute and reads the content back into a string.
Disclaimer: This is part of our internal test suite. You will not be able to compile the example directly, since it depends on the existence of several functions which may are not available. However, you will be able to understand how to store strings into datasets and attributes:
public void StringASCIAttribute() {
string file = "deleteA0001.h5";
string val = "This is a long string to be stored into an attribute.\r\n";
// transfer string into ILArray<Char>
ILArray<Char> A = ILMath.array<Char>(' ', 1, val.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; i++) {
A.SetValue(val[i], 0, i);
// store the string as attribute of a group
using (var f = new H5File(file)) {
f.Add(new H5Group("grp1") {
Attributes = {
{ "title", A }
// check by reading back
// read back
using (var f = new H5File(file)) {
// must exist in the file
// check size
var attr = f.Get<H5Group>("grp1").Attributes["title"];
Assert.IsTrue(attr.Size == ILMath.size(1, val.Length));
// read back
ILArray<Char> titleChar = attr.Get<Char>();
ILArray<byte> titleByte = attr.Get<byte>();
// compare byte values (sum)
int origsum = 0;
foreach (var c in val) origsum += (Byte)c;
Assert.IsTrue(ILMath.sumall(ILMath.toint32(titleByte)) == origsum);
StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(attr.Size[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < titleChar.Length; i++) {
Assert.IsTrue(title.ToString() == val);
This stores arbitrary strings as 'Char-array' into HDF5 attributes and would work just the same for H5Dataset.
As an alternative solution you may use HDF5DotNet (http://hdf5.net/default.aspx) wrapper to write attributes as strings:
Uri destination = new Uri(#"C:\yourFileLocation\FileName.h5");
//Create an HDF5 file
H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(destination.LocalPath, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);
//Add a group to the file
H5GroupId groupId = H5G.create(fileId, "groupName");
string myString = "String attribute";
byte[] attrData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(myString);
//Create an attribute of type STRING attached to the group
H5AttributeId attrId = H5A.create(groupId, "attributeName", H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.STRING, attrData.Length),
//Write the string into the attribute
H5A.write(attributeId, H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.STRING, attrData.Length), new H5Array<byte>(attrData));

Cannot WriteXML for DataTable because Windows Search Returns String Array for Authors Property

The System.Author Windows property is a multiple value string. Windows Search returns this value as an array of strings in a DataColumn. (The column's data-type is string[] or String().) When I call the WriteXML method on the resulting data-table, I get the following InvalidOperationException exception.
Is there a way to specify the data-table's xml-serializer to use for specific columns or specific data-types?
Basically, how can I make WriteXML work with this data-table?
Type System.String[] does not
implement IXmlSerializable interface
therefore can not proceed with
You could easily copy your DataTable changing the offending Authors column to a String and joing the string[] data with a proper delimiter like "|" or "; ".
DataTable xmlFriendlyTable = oldTable.Clone();
xmlFriendlyTable.Columns["Author"].DataType = typeof(String);
xmlFriendlyTable.Columns["Author"].ColumnMapping = MappingType.Element;
foreach(var row in oldTable.Rows) {
object[] rowData = row.ItemArray;
object[] cpyRowData = new object[rowData.Length];
for(int i = 0; i<rowData.Length; i++) {
if(rowData[i] != null && rowData[i].GetType() == typeof(String[])) {
cpyRowData[i] = String.Join("; ", (rowData[i] as String[]));
} else {
cpyRowData[i] = rowData[i];
xmlFriendlyTable.WriteXml( ... );
NOTE Wrote the above in the web browser, so there may be syntax errors.