Working on Separable Gabor filters in matlab - matlab

A filter g is called separable if it can be expressed as the multiplication of two vectors grow and gcol . Employing one dimensional filters decreases the two dimensional filter's computational complexity from O(M^2 N^2) to O(2M N^2) where M and N are the width (and height) of the filter mask and the image respectively.
In this stackoverflow link, I wrote the equation of a Gabor filter in the spatial domain, then I wrote a matlab code which serves to create 64 gabor features.
According to the definition of separable filters, the Gabor filters are parallel to the image axes - theta = k*pi/2 where k=0,1,2,etc.. So if theta=pi/2 ==> the equation in this stackoverflow link can be rewritten as:
The equation above is extracted from this article.
Note: theta can be extented to be equal k*pi/4. By comparing to the equation in this stackoverflow link, we can consider that f= 1 / lambda.
By changing my previous code in this stackoverflow link, I wrote a matlab code to make the Gabor filters separable by using the equation above, but I am sure that my code below is not correct especially when I initialized the gbp and glp equations. That is why I need your help. I will appreciate your help very much.
Let's show now my code:
function [fSiz,filters1,filters2,c1OL,numSimpleFilters] = init_gabor(rot, RF_siz)
image_gray=imresize(image_gray, [100 100]);
rot = [0 45 90 135]; % we have four orientations
RF_siz = [7:2:37]; %we get 16 scales (7x7 to 37x37 in steps of two pixels)
minFS = 7; % the minimum receptive field
maxFS = 37; % the maximum receptive field
sigma = 0.0036*RF_siz.^2 + 0.35*RF_siz + 0.18; %define the equation of effective width
lambda = sigma/0.8; % it the equation of wavelength (lambda)
G = 0.3; % spatial aspect ratio: 0.23 < gamma < 0.92
numFilterSizes = length(RF_siz); % we get 16
numSimpleFilters = length(rot); % we get 4
numFilters = numFilterSizes*numSimpleFilters; % we get 16x4 = 64 filters
fSiz = zeros(numFilters,1); % It is a vector of size numFilters where each cell contains the size of the filter (7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,11,11,11,11,......,37,37,37,37)
filters1 = zeros(max(RF_siz),numFilters);
filters2 = zeros(numFilters,max(RF_siz));
for k = 1:numFilterSizes
for r = 1:numSimpleFilters
theta = rot(r)*pi/180;
filtSize = RF_siz(k);
center = ceil(filtSize/2);
filtSizeL = center-1;
filtSizeR = filtSize-filtSizeL-1;
sigmaq = sigma(k)^2;
for x = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
fx = exp(-(x^2)/(2*sigmaq))*cos(2*pi*x/lambda(k));
f1(x+center,1) = fx;
for y = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
gy = exp(-(y^2)/(2*sigmaq));
f2(1,y+center) = gy;
f1 = f1 - mean(mean(f1));
f1 = f1 ./ sqrt(sum(sum(f1.^2)));
f2 = f2 - mean(mean(f2));
f2 = f2 ./ sqrt(sum(sum(f2.^2)));
p = numSimpleFilters*(k-1) + r;
convv1=imfilter(image_double, filters1(1:filtSize,p),'conv');
convv2=imfilter(double(convv1), filters2(p,1:filtSize),'conv');

I think the code is correct provided your previous version of Gabor filter code is correct too. The only thing is that if theta = k * pi/4;, your formula here should be separated to:
fx = exp(-(x^2)/(2*sigmaq))*cos(2*pi*x/lambda(k));
gy = exp(-(G^2 * y^2)/(2*sigmaq));
To be consistent, you may use
f1(1,x+center) = fx;
f2(y+center,1) = gy;
or keep f1 and f2 as it is but transpose your filters1 and filters2 thereafter.
Everything else looks good to me.
My answer above works for theta = k * pi/4;, with other angles, based on your paper,
x = i*cos(theta) - j*sin(theta);
y = i*sin(theta) + j*cos(theta);
fx = exp(-(x^2)/(2*sigmaq))*exp(sqrt(-1)*x*cos(theta));
gy = exp(-(G^2 * y^2)/(2*sigmaq))*exp(sqrt(-1)*y*sin(theta));

The final code will be:
function [fSiz,filters1,filters2,c1OL,numSimpleFilters] = init_gabor(rot, RF_siz)
image_gray=imresize(image_gray, [100 100]);
rot = [0 45 90 135];
RF_siz = [7:2:37];
minFS = 7;
maxFS = 37;
sigma = 0.0036*RF_siz.^2 + 0.35*RF_siz + 0.18;
lambda = sigma/0.8;
G = 0.3;
numFilterSizes = length(RF_siz);
numSimpleFilters = length(rot);
numFilters = numFilterSizes*numSimpleFilters;
fSiz = zeros(numFilters,1);
filters1 = zeros(max(RF_siz),numFilters);
filters2 = zeros(numFilters,max(RF_siz));
for k = 1:numFilterSizes
for r = 1:numSimpleFilters
theta = rot(r)*pi/180;
filtSize = RF_siz(k);
center = ceil(filtSize/2);
filtSizeL = center-1;
filtSizeR = filtSize-filtSizeL-1;
sigmaq = sigma(k)^2;
for x = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
fx = exp(-(x^2)/(2*sigmaq))*exp(sqrt(-1)*x*cos(theta));
f1(1, x+center) = fx;
for y = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
f2(y+center,1) = gy;
f1 = f1 - mean(mean(f1));
f1 = f1 ./ sqrt(sum(sum(f1.^2)));
f2 = f2 - mean(mean(f2));
f2 = f2 ./ sqrt(sum(sum(f2.^2)));
p = numSimpleFilters*(k-1) + r;
convv1=imfilter(image_double, filters1(1:filtSize,p),'conv');
convv2=imfilter(double(convv1), filters2(p,1:filtSize),'conv');


Frank - Wolfe Algorithm in matlab

I'm trying to solve the following question :
maximize x^2-5x+y^2-3y
x+y <= 8
x,y>= 0
By using Frank Wolf algorithm ( according to ).
But after running of the following program:
syms x y t;
f = x^2-5*x+y^2-3*y;
fdx = diff(f,1,x); % f'x
fdy = diff(f,1,y); % y'x
x0 = [0 0]; %initial point
A = [1 1;1 0]; %constrains matrix
b = [8;2];
lb = zeros(1,2);
eps = 0.00001;
i = 1;
X = [inf inf];
Z = zeros(2,200); %result for end points (x1,x2)
rr = zeros(1,200);
options = optimset('Display','none');
while( all(abs(X-x0)>[eps,eps]) && i < 200)
c1 = subs(fdx,x,x0(1));
c1 = subs(c1,y,x0(2));
c2 = subs(fdy,x,x0(1));
c2 = subs(c2,y,x0(2));
%optimization point of linear taylor function
ys = linprog((-[c1;c2]),A,b,[],[],lb,[],[],options);
%parametric representation of line
xt = (1-t)*x0(1)+t*ys(1,1);
yt = (1-t)*x0(2)+t*ys(2,1);
ft = subs(f,x,xt);
ft = subs(ft,y,yt);
ftd = diff(ft,t,1);
%f't(x=xt,y=yt)=0 -> for max point
[t1] = solve(ftd); % (t==theta)
X = double(x0);%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% [ xt(t=t1) yt(t=t1)]
xnext(1) = subs(xt,t,t1) ;
xnext(2) = subs(yt,t,t1) ;
x0 = double(xnext);
Z(1,i) = x0(1);
Z(2,i) = x0(2);
i = i + 1;
x_point = Z(1,:);
y_point = Z(2,:);
% Draw result
hold on;
% Print results
fprintf('The answer is:\n');
fprintf('x = %.3f \n',x0(1));
fprintf('y = %.3f \n',x0(2));
res = x0(1)^2 - 5*x0(1) + x0(2)^2 - 3*x0(2);
fprintf('f(x0) = %.3f\n',res);
I get the following result:
x = 3.020
y = 0.571
f(x0) = -7.367
And this no matter how many iterations I running this program (1,50 or 200).
Even if I choose a different starting point (For example, x0=(1,6) ), I get a negative answer to most.
I know that is an approximation, but the result should be positive (for x0 final, in this case).
My question is : what's wrong with my implementation?
Thanks in advance.
i changed a few things, it still doesn't look right but hopefully this is getting you in the right direction. It looks like the intial x0 points make a difference to how the algorithm converges.
Also make sure to check what i is after running the program, to determine if it ran to completion or exceeded the maximum iterations
lb = zeros(1,2);
ub = [2,8]; %if x+y<=8 and x,y>0 than both x,y < 8
eps = 0.00001;
i_max = 100;
i = 1;
X = [inf inf];
Z = zeros(2,i_max); %result for end points (x1,x2)
rr = zeros(1,200);
options = optimset('Display','none');
while( all(abs(X-x0)>[eps,eps]) && i < i_max)
c1 = subs(fdx,x,x0(1));
c1 = subs(c1,y,x0(2));
c2 = subs(fdy,x,x0(1));
c2 = subs(c2,y,x0(2));
%optimization point of linear taylor function
[ys, ~ , exit_flag] = linprog((-[c1;c2]),A,b,[],[],lb,ub,x0,options);
so here is the explanation of the changes
ub, uses our upper bound. After i added a ub, the result immediately changed
x0, start this iteration from the previous point
exit_flag this allows you to check exit_flag after execution (it always seems to be 1 indicating it solved the problem correctly)

How to create 64 Gabor features at each scale and orientation in the spatial and frequency domain

Normally, a Gabor filter, as its name suggests, is used to filter an image and extract everything that it is oriented in the same direction of the filtering.
In this question, you can see more efficient code than written in this Link
Assume 16 scales of Filters at 4 orientations, so we get 64 gabor filters.
scales=[7:2:37], 7x7 to 37x37 in steps of two pixels, so we have 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 13x13, 15x15, 17x17, 19x19, 21x21, 23x23, 25x25, 27x27, 29x29, 31x31, 33x33, 35x35 and 37x37.
directions=[0, pi/4, pi/2, 3pi/4].
The equation of Gabor filter in the spatial domain is:
The equation of Gabor filter in the frequency domain is:
In the spatial domain:
function [fSiz,filters,c1OL,numSimpleFilters] = init_gabor(rot, RF_siz)
image_gray=imresize(image_gray, [100 100]);
rot = [0 45 90 135]; % we have four orientations
RF_siz = [7:2:37]; %we get 16 scales (7x7 to 37x37 in steps of two pixels)
minFS = 7; % the minimum receptive field
maxFS = 37; % the maximum receptive field
sigma = 0.0036*RF_siz.^2 + 0.35*RF_siz + 0.18; %define the equation of effective width
lambda = sigma/0.8; % it the equation of wavelength (lambda)
G = 0.3; % spatial aspect ratio: 0.23 < gamma < 0.92
numFilterSizes = length(RF_siz); % we get 16
numSimpleFilters = length(rot); % we get 4
numFilters = numFilterSizes*numSimpleFilters; % we get 16x4 = 64 filters
fSiz = zeros(numFilters,1); % It is a vector of size numFilters where each cell contains the size of the filter (7,7,7,7,9,9,9,9,11,11,11,11,......,37,37,37,37)
filters = zeros(max(RF_siz)^2,numFilters); % Matrix of Gabor filters of size %max_fSiz x num_filters, where max_fSiz is the length of the largest filter and num_filters the total number of filters. Column j of filters matrix contains a n_jxn_j filter (reshaped as a column vector and padded with zeros).
for k = 1:numFilterSizes
for r = 1:numSimpleFilters
theta = rot(r)*pi/180; % so we get 0, pi/4, pi/2, 3pi/4
filtSize = RF_siz(k);
center = ceil(filtSize/2);
filtSizeL = center-1;
filtSizeR = filtSize-filtSizeL-1;
sigmaq = sigma(k)^2;
for i = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
for j = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
if ( sqrt(i^2+j^2)>filtSize/2 )
E = 0;
x = i*cos(theta) - j*sin(theta);
y = i*sin(theta) + j*cos(theta);
E = exp(-(x^2+G^2*y^2)/(2*sigmaq))*cos(2*pi*x/lambda(k));
f(j+center,i+center) = E;
f = f - mean(mean(f));
f = f ./ sqrt(sum(sum(f.^2)));
p = numSimpleFilters*(k-1) + r;
% Rebuild all filters (of all sizes)
nFilts = length(fSiz);
for i = 1:nFilts
sqfilter{i} = reshape(filters(1:(fSiz(i)^2),i),fSiz(i),fSiz(i));
%if you will use conv2 to convolve an image with this gabor, so you should also add the equation below. But if you will use imfilter instead of conv2, so do not add the equation below.
sqfilter{i} = sqfilter{i}(end:-1:1,end:-1:1); %flip in order to use conv2 instead of imfilter (%bug_fix 6/28/2007);
convv=imfilter(image_double, sqfilter{i}, 'same', 'conv');
phi = ij*pi/4; % ij = 0, 1, 2, 3
theta = 3;
sigma = 0.65*theta;
filterSize = 7; % 7:2:37
G = zeros(filterSize);
for i=(0:filterSize-1)/filterSize
for j=(0:filterSize-1)/filterSize
xprime= j*cos(phi);
yprime= i*sin(phi);
K = exp(2*pi*theta*sqrt(-1)*(xprime+ yprime));
G(round((i+1)*filterSize),round((j+1)*filterSize)) =...
As of R2015b release of the Image Processing Toolbox, you can create a Gabor filter bank using the gabor function in the image processing toolbox, and you can apply it to an image using imgaborfilt.
In the frequency domain:
for u = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
for v = -filtSizeL:filtSizeR
if ( sqrt(u^2+v^2)>filtSize/2 )
E = 0;
v_theta = u*cos(theta) - v*sin(theta);
u_theta = u*sin(theta) + v*cos(theta);
E=(1/2*pi*sigma_u*sigma_v)*((exp((-1/2)*(((u_theta-u0)^2/sigma_u^2))+((v_theta-v0)^2/sigma_v^2))) + (exp((-1/2)*(((u_theta+u0)^2/sigma_u^2))+((v_theta+v0)^2/sigma_v^2))));
f(v+center,u+center) = E;

Application of Neural Network in MATLAB

I asked a question a few days before but I guess it was a little too complicated and I don't expect to get any answer.
My problem is that I need to use ANN for classification. I've read that much better cost function (or loss function as some books specify) is the cross-entropy, that is J(w) = -1/m * sum_i( yi*ln(hw(xi)) + (1-yi)*ln(1 - hw(xi)) ); i indicates the no. data from training matrix X. I tried to apply it in MATLAB but I find it really difficult. There are couple things I don't know:
should I sum each outputs given all training data (i = 1, ... N, where N is number of inputs for training)
is the gradient calculated correctly
is the numerical gradient (gradAapprox) calculated correctly.
I have following MATLAB codes. I realise I may ask for trivial thing but anyway I hope someone can give me some clues how to find the problem. I suspect the problem is to calculate gradients.
Many thanks.
Main script:
close all
clear all
L = #(x) (1 + exp(-x)).^(-1);
NN = #(x,theta) theta{2}*[ones(1,size(x,1));L(theta{1}*[ones(size(x,1),1) x]')];
% theta = [10 -30 -30];
x = [0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1];
y = [0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1]';
theta0 = 2*rand(9,1)-1;
options = optimset('gradObj','on','Display','iter');
thetaVec = fminunc(#costFunction,theta0,options,x,y);
theta = cell(2,1);
theta{1} = reshape(thetaVec(1:6),[2 3]);
theta{2} = reshape(thetaVec(7:9),[1 3]);
Cost function:
function [jVal,gradVal,gradApprox] = costFunction(thetaVec,x,y)
persistent index;
% 1 x x
% 1 x x
% 1 x x
% x = 1 x x
% 1 x x
% 1 x x
% 1 x x
m = size(x,1);
if isempty(index) || index > size(x,1)
index = 1;
L = #(x) (1 + exp(-x)).^(-1);
NN = #(x,theta) theta{2}*[ones(1,size(x,1));L(theta{1}*[ones(size(x,1),1) x]')];
theta = cell(2,1);
theta{1} = reshape(thetaVec(1:6),[2 3]);
theta{2} = reshape(thetaVec(7:9),[1 3]);
Dew = cell(2,1);
DewApprox = cell(2,1);
% Forward propagation
a0 = x(index,:)';
z1 = theta{1}*[1;a0];
a1 = L(z1);
z2 = theta{2}*[1;a1];
a2 = L(z2);
% Back propagation
d2 = 1/m*(a2 - y(index))*L(z2)*(1-L(z2));
Dew{2} = [1;a1]*d2;
d1 = [1;a1].*(1 - [1;a1]).*theta{2}'*d2;
Dew{1} = [1;a0]*d1(2:end)';
% NNRes = NN(x,theta)';
% jVal = -1/m*sum(NNRes-y)*NNRes*(1-NNRes);
jVal = -1/m*(a2 - y(index))*a2*(1-a2);
gradVal = [Dew{1}(:);Dew{2}(:)];
gradApprox = CalcGradApprox(0.0001);
index = index + 1;
function output = CalcGradApprox(epsilon)
output = zeros(size(gradVal));
for n=1:length(thetaVec)
thetaVecMin = thetaVec;
thetaVecMax = thetaVec;
thetaVecMin(n) = thetaVec(n) - epsilon;
thetaVecMax(n) = thetaVec(n) + epsilon;
thetaMin = cell(2,1);
thetaMax = cell(2,1);
thetaMin{1} = reshape(thetaVecMin(1:6),[2 3]);
thetaMin{2} = reshape(thetaVecMin(7:9),[1 3]);
thetaMax{1} = reshape(thetaVecMax(1:6),[2 3]);
thetaMax{2} = reshape(thetaVecMax(7:9),[1 3]);
a2min = NN(x(index,:),thetaMin)';
a2max = NN(x(index,:),thetaMax)';
jValMin = -1/m*(a2min-y(index))*a2min*(1-a2min);
jValMax = -1/m*(a2max-y(index))*a2max*(1-a2max);
output(n) = (jValMax - jValMin)/2/epsilon;
Below I present the correct version of my costFunction for those who may be interested.
function [jVal,gradVal,gradApprox] = costFunction(thetaVec,x,y)
m = size(x,1);
L = #(x) (1 + exp(-x)).^(-1);
NN = #(x,theta) L(theta{2}*[ones(1,size(x,1));L(theta{1}*[ones(size(x,1),1) x]')]);
theta = cell(2,1);
theta{1} = reshape(thetaVec(1:6),[2 3]);
theta{2} = reshape(thetaVec(7:9),[1 3]);
Delta = cell(2,1);
Delta{1} = zeros(size(theta{1}));
Delta{2} = zeros(size(theta{2}));
D = cell(2,1);
D{1} = zeros(size(theta{1}));
D{2} = zeros(size(theta{2}));
jVal = 0;
for in = 1:size(x,1)
% Forward propagation
a1 = [1;x(in,:)']; % added bias to a0
z2 = theta{1}*a1;
a2 = [1;L(z2)]; % added bias to a1
z3 = theta{2}*a2;
a3 = L(z3);
% Back propagation
d3 = a3 - y(in);
d2 = theta{2}'*d3.*a2.*(1 - a2);
Delta{2} = Delta{2} + d3*a2';
Delta{1} = Delta{1} + d2(2:end)*a1';
jVal = jVal + sum( y(in)*log(a3) + (1-y(in))*log(1-a3) );
D{1} = 1/m*Delta{1};
D{2} = 1/m*Delta{2};
jVal = -1/m*jVal;
gradVal = [D{1}(:);D{2}(:)];
gradApprox = CalcGradApprox(x(in,:),0.0001);
% Nested function to calculate gradApprox
function output = CalcGradApprox(x,epsilon)
output = zeros(size(thetaVec));
for n=1:length(thetaVec)
thetaVecMin = thetaVec;
thetaVecMax = thetaVec;
thetaVecMin(n) = thetaVec(n) - epsilon;
thetaVecMax(n) = thetaVec(n) + epsilon;
thetaMin = cell(2,1);
thetaMax = cell(2,1);
thetaMin{1} = reshape(thetaVecMin(1:6),[2 3]);
thetaMin{2} = reshape(thetaVecMin(7:9),[1 3]);
thetaMax{1} = reshape(thetaVecMax(1:6),[2 3]);
thetaMax{2} = reshape(thetaVecMax(7:9),[1 3]);
a3min = NN(x,thetaMin)';
a3max = NN(x,thetaMax)';
jValMin = 0;
jValMax = 0;
for inn=1:size(x,1)
jValMin = jValMin + sum( y(inn)*log(a3min) + (1-y(inn))*log(1-a3min) );
jValMax = jValMax + sum( y(inn)*log(a3max) + (1-y(inn))*log(1-a3max) );
jValMin = 1/m*jValMin;
jValMax = 1/m*jValMax;
output(n) = (jValMax - jValMin)/2/epsilon;
I've only had a quick eyeball over your code. Here are some pointers.
should I sum each outputs given all training data (i = 1, ... N, where
N is number of inputs for training)
If you are talking in relation to the cost function, it is normal to sum and normalise by the number of training examples in order to provide comparison between.
I can't tell from the code whether you have a vectorised implementation which will change the answer. Note that the sum function will only sum up a single dimension at a time - meaning if you have a (M by N) array, sum will result in a 1 by N array.
The cost function should have a scalar output.
is the gradient calculated correctly
The gradient is not calculated correctly - specifically the deltas look wrong. Try following Andrew Ng's notes [PDF] they are very good.
is the numerical gradient (gradAapprox) calculated correctly.
This line looks a bit suspect. Does this make more sense?
output(n) = (jValMax - jValMin)/(2*epsilon);
EDIT: I actually can't make heads or tails of your gradient approximation. You should only use forward propagation and small tweaks in the parameters to compute the gradient. Good luck!

spiral meshgrid in matlab

I'm trying to produce some computer generated holograms by using MATLAB. I used equally spaced mesh grid to initialize the spatial grid, and I got the following image
This pattern is sort of what I need except the center region. The fringe should be sharp but blurred. I think it might be the problem of the mesh grid. I tried generate a grid in polar coordinates and the map it into Cartesian coordinates by using MATLAB's pol2cart function. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well. One may suggest that using fine grids. It doesn't work too. I think if I can generate a spiral mesh grid, perhaps the problem is solvable. In addition, the number of the spiral arms could, in general, be arbitrary, could anyone give me a hint on this?
I've attached the code (My final projects are not exactly the same, but it has a similar problem).
clc; clear all; close all;
%% initialization
lambda = 1.55e-6;
k0 = 2*pi/lambda;
c0 = 3e8;
eta0 = 377;
scale = 0.25e-6;
GoldenRatio = (1+sqrt(5))/2;
g = 2*pi*(1-1/GoldenRatio);
pntsrc = zeros(NELEMENTS, 3);
phisrc = zeros(NELEMENTS, 1);
for idxe = 1:NELEMENTS
pntsrc(idxe, :) = scale*sqrt(idxe)*[cos(idxe*g), sin(idxe*g), 0];
phisrc(idxe) = angle(-sin(idxe*g)+1i*cos(idxe*g));
phisrc = 3*phisrc/2; % 3 arms (topological charge ell=3)
%% post processing
sigma = 1;
polfilter = [0, 0, 1i*sigma; 0, 0, -1; -1i*sigma, 1, 0]; % cp filter
xboundl = -100e-6; xboundu = 100e-6;
yboundl = -100e-6; yboundu = 100e-6;
xf = linspace(xboundl, xboundu, 100);
yf = linspace(yboundl, yboundu, 100);
zf = -400e-6;
[pntobsx, pntobsy] = meshgrid(xf, yf);
% how to generate a right mesh grid such that we can generate a decent result?
pntobs = [pntobsx(:), pntobsy(:), zf*ones(size(pntobsx(:)))];
% arbitrary mesh may result in "wrong" results
NPNTOBS = size(pntobs, 1);
nxp = length(xf);
nyp = length(yf);
%% observation
Eobs = zeros(NPNTOBS, 3);
matlabpool open local 12
parfor nobs = 1:NPNTOBS
rp = pntobs(nobs, :);
Erad = [0; 0; 0];
for idx = 1:NELEMENTS
rs = pntsrc(idx, :);
p = exp(sigma*1i*2*phisrc(idx))*[1 -sigma*1i 0]/2; % simplified here
u = rp - rs;
r = sqrt(u(1)^2+u(2)^2+u(3)^2); %norm(u);
u = u/r; % unit vector
ut = [u(2)*p(3)-u(3)*p(2),...
u(3)*p(1)-u(1)*p(3), ...
u(1)*p(2)-u(2)*p(1)]; % cross product: u cross p
Erad = Erad + ... % u cross p cross u, do not use the built-in func
ut(3)*u(1)-ut(1)*u(3); ...
Eobs(nobs, :) = Erad; % filter neglected here
matlabpool close
Eobs = Eobs/max(max(sum(abs(Eobs), 2))); % normailized
%% source, gaussian beam
E0 = 1;
w0 = 80e-6;
theta = 0; % may be titled
RotateX = [1, 0, 0; ...
0, cosd(theta), -sind(theta); ...
0, sind(theta), cosd(theta)];
Esrc = zeros(NPNTOBS, 3);
for nobs = 1:NPNTOBS
rp = RotateX*[pntobs(nobs, 1:2).'; 0];
z = rp(3);
r = sqrt(sum(abs(rp(1:2)).^2));
zR = pi*w0^2/lambda;
wz = w0*sqrt(1+z^2/zR^2);
Rz = z^2+zR^2;
zetaz = atan(z/zR);
gaussian = E0*w0/wz*exp(-r^2/wz^2-1i*k0*z-1i*k0*0*r^2/Rz/2+1i*zetaz);% ...
Esrc(nobs, :) = (polfilter*gaussian*[1; -1i; 0]).'/sqrt(2)/2;
Esrc = [Esrc(:, 2), Esrc(:, 3), Esrc(:, 1)];
Esrc = Esrc/max(max(sum(abs(Esrc), 2))); % normailized
%% visualization
fringe = Eobs + Esrc; % I'll have a different formula in my code
normEsrc = reshape(sum(abs(Esrc).^2, 2), [nyp nxp]);
normEobs = reshape(sum(abs(Eobs).^2, 2), [nyp nxp]);
normFringe = reshape(sum(abs(fringe).^2, 2), [nyp nxp]);
close all;
xf0 = linspace(xboundl, xboundu, 500);
yf0 = linspace(yboundl, yboundu, 500);
[xfi, yfi] = meshgrid(xf0, yf0);
data = interp2(xf, yf, normFringe, xfi, yfi);
figure; surf(xfi, yfi, data,'edgecolor','none');
% tri = delaunay(xfi, yfi); trisurf(tri, xfi, yfi, data, 'edgecolor','none');
xlim([xboundl, xboundu])
ylim([yboundl, yboundu])
% colorbar
axis equal
axis off
title('fringe thereo. ', ...
'fontsize', 18)
I didn't read your code because it is too long to do such a simple thing. I wrote mine and here is the result:
the code is
function val = spiral(x,y)
r = sqrt( x*x + y*y);
a = atan2(y,x)*2+r;
x = r*cos(a);
y = r*sin(a);
val = exp(-x*x*y*y);
val = 1/(1+exp(-1000*(val)));
l = 7;
A = zeros(n);
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
A(i,j) = spiral( 2*(i/n-0.5)*l,2*(j/n-0.5)*l);
imshow(A) %don't know if imshow is in matlab. I used octave.
the key for the sharpnes is line
val = 1/(1+exp(-1000*(val)));
It is logistic function. The number 1000 defines how sharp your image will be. So lower it for more blurry image or higher it for sharper.
I hope this answers your question ;)
Edit: It is real fun to play with. Here is another spiral:
function val = spiral(x,y)
s= 0.5;
r = sqrt( x*x + y*y);
a = atan2(y,x)*2+r*r*r;
x = r*cos(a);
y = r*sin(a);
val = 0;
if (abs(x)<s )
val = s-abs(x);
val =max(s-abs(y),val);
%val = 1/(1+exp(-1*(val)));
Edit2: Fun, fun, fun! Here the arms do not get thinner.
function val = spiral(x,y)
s= 0.1;
r = sqrt( x*x + y*y);
a = atan2(y,x)*2+r*r; % h
x = r*cos(a);
y = r*sin(a);
val = 0;
s = s*exp(r);
if (abs(x)<s )
val = s-abs(x);
val =max(s-abs(y),val);
val = val/s;
val = 1/(1+exp(-10*(val)));
Damn your question I really need to study for my exam, arghhh!
I vectorised the code and it runs much faster.
function val = spiral(x,y)
s= 2;
r = sqrt( x.*x + y.*y);
a = atan2(y,x)*8+exp(r);
x = r.*cos(a);
y = r.*sin(a);
val = 0;
s = s.*exp(-0.1*r);
val = r;
val = (abs(x)<s ).*(s-abs(x));
val = val./s;
% val = 1./(1.+exp(-1*(val)));
l = 3;
A = zeros(n);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-l:2*l/n:l);
A = spiral(X,Y);
Sorry, can't post figures. But this might help. I wrote it for experiments with amplitude spatial modulators...
R=70; % radius of curvature of fresnel lens (in pixel units)
A=0; % oblique incidence by linear grating (1=oblique 0=collinear)
B=1; % expanding by fresnel lens (1=yes 0=no)
L=7; % topological charge
Lambda=30; % linear grating fringe spacing (in pixels)
aspect=1/2; % fraction of fringe period that is white/clear
xsize=1024; % resolution (xres x yres number data pts calculated)
ysize=768; %
% define the X and Y ranges (defined to skip zero)
xvec = linspace(-xsize/2, xsize/2, xsize); % list of x values
yvec = linspace(-ysize/2, ysize/2, ysize); % list of y values
% define the meshes - matrices linear in one dimension
[xmesh, ymesh] = meshgrid(xvec, yvec);
% calculate the individual phase components
vortexPh = atan2(ymesh,xmesh); % the vortex phase
linPh = -2*pi*ymesh; % a phase of linear grating
radialPh = (xmesh.^2+ymesh.^2); % a phase of defocus
% combine the phases with appropriate scales (phases are additive)
% the 'pi' at the end causes inversion of the pattern
Ph = L*vortexPh + A*linPh/Lambda + B*radialPh/R^2;
% transmittance function (the real part of exp(I*Ph))
T = cos(Ph);
% the binary version
binT = T > cos(pi*aspect);
% plot the pattern
% imagesc(binT)

Cubic Spline Program

I'm trying to write a cubic spline interpolation program. I have written the program but, the graph is not coming out correctly. The spline uses natural boundary conditions(second dervative at start/end node are 0). The code is in Matlab and is shown below,
clear all
%Function to Interpolate
k = 10; %Number of Support Nodes-1
xs(1) = -1;
for j = 1:k
xs(j+1) = -1 +2*j/k; %Support Nodes(Equidistant)
fs = 1./(25.*xs.^2+1); %Support Ordinates
x = [-0.99:2/(2*k):0.99]; %Places to Evaluate Function
fx = 1./(25.*x.^2+1); %Function Evaluated at x
%Cubic Spline Code(Coefficients to Calculate 2nd Derivatives)
f(1) = 2*(xs(3)-xs(1));
g(1) = xs(3)-xs(2);
r(1) = (6/(xs(3)-xs(2)))*(fs(3)-fs(2)) + (6/(xs(2)-xs(1)))*(fs(1)-fs(2));
e(1) = 0;
for i = 2:k-2
e(i) = xs(i+1)-xs(i);
f(i) = 2*(xs(i+2)-xs(i));
g(i) = xs(i+2)-xs(i+1);
r(i) = (6/(xs(i+2)-xs(i+1)))*(fs(i+2)-fs(i+1)) + ...
e(k-1) = xs(k)-xs(k-1);
f(k-1) = 2*(xs(k+1)-xs(k-1));
r(k-1) = (6/(xs(k+1)-xs(k)))*(fs(k+1)-fs(k)) + ...
%Tridiagonal System
i = 1;
A = zeros(k-1,k-1);
while i < size(A)+1;
A(i,i) = f(i);
if i < size(A);
A(i,i+1) = g(i);
A(i+1,i) = e(i);
i = i+1;
for i = 2:k-1 %Decomposition
e(i) = e(i)/f(i-1);
f(i) = f(i)-e(i)*g(i-1);
for i = 2:k-1 %Forward Substitution
r(i) = r(i)-e(i)*r(i-1);
xn(k-1)= r(k-1)/f(k-1);
for i = k-2:-1:1 %Back Substitution
xn(i) = (r(i)-g(i)*xn(i+1))/f(i);
if (max(xs) <= max(x))
error('Outside Range');
if (min(xs) >= min(x))
error('Outside Range');
P = zeros(size(length(x),length(x)));
i = 1;
for Counter = 1:length(x)
for j = 1:k-1
a(j) = x(Counter)- xs(j);
i = find(a == min(a(a>=0)));
if i == 1
c1 = 0;
c2 = xn(1)/6/(xs(2)-xs(1));
c3 = fs(1)/(xs(2)-xs(1));
c4 = fs(2)/(xs(2)-xs(1))-xn(1)*(xs(2)-xs(1))/6;
t1 = c1*(xs(2)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(2)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
if i < k-1
c1 = xn(i-1+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c2 = xn(i+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c3 = fs(i-1+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i-1+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
c4 = fs(i+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
t1 = c1*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
c1 = xn(i-1+1)/6/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
c2 = 0;
c3 = fs(i-1+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))-xn(i-1+1)*(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1))/6;
c4 = fs(i+1)/(xs(i+1)-xs(i-1+1));
t1 = c1*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter))^3;
t2 = c2*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1))^3;
t3 = c3*(xs(i+1)-x(Counter));
t4 = c4*(x(Counter)-xs(i-1+1));
P(Counter) = t1 +t2 +t3 +t4;
P = P';
P(length(x)) = NaN;
When I run the code, the interpolation function is not symmetric and, it doesn't converge correctly. Can anyone offer any suggestions about problems in my code? Thanks.
I wrote a cubic spline package in Mathematica a long time ago. Here is my translation of that package into Matlab. Note I haven't looked at cubic splines in about 7 years, so I'm basing this off my own documentation. You should check everything I say.
The basic problem is we are given n data points (x(1), y(1)) , ... , (x(n), y(n)) and we wish to calculate a piecewise cubic interpolant. The interpolant is defined as
S(x) = { Sk(x) when x(k) <= x <= x(k+1)
{ 0 otherwise
Here Sk(x) is a cubic polynomial of the form
Sk(x) = sk0 + sk1*(x-x(k)) + sk2*(x-x(k))^2 + sk3*(x-x(k))^3
The properties of the spline are:
The spline pass through the data point Sk(x(k)) = y(k)
The spline is continuous at the end-points and thus continuous everywhere in the interpolation interval Sk(x(k+1)) = Sk+1(x(k+1))
The spline has continuous first derivative Sk'(x(k+1)) = Sk+1'(x(k+1))
The spline has continuous second derivative Sk''(x(k+1)) = Sk+1''(x(k+1))
To construct a cubic spline from a set of data point we need to solve for the coefficients
sk0, sk1, sk2 and sk3 for each of the n-1 cubic polynomials. That is a total of 4*(n-1) = 4*n - 4 unknowns. Property 1 supplies n constraints, and properties 2,3,4 each supply an additional n-2 constraints. Thus we have n + 3*(n-2) = 4*n - 6 constraints and 4*n - 4 unknowns. This leaves two degrees of freedom. We fix these degrees of freedom by setting the second derivative equal to zero at the start and end nodes.
Let m(k) = Sk''(x(k)) , h(k) = x(k+1) - x(k) and d(k) = (y(k+1) - y(k))/h(k). The following
three-term recurrence relation holds
h(k-1)*m(k-1) + 2*(h(k-1) + h(k))*m(k) + h(k)*m(k+1) = 6*(d(k) - d(k-1))
The m(k) are unknowns we wish to solve for. The h(k) and d(k) are defined by the input data.
This three-term recurrence relation defines a tridiagonal linear system. Once the m(k) are determined the coefficients for Sk are given by
sk0 = y(k)
sk1 = d(k) - h(k)*(2*m(k) + m(k-1))/6
sk2 = m(k)/2
sk3 = m(k+1) - m(k)/(6*h(k))
Okay that is all the math you need to know to completely define the algorithm to compute a cubic spline. Here it is in Matlab:
function [s0,s1,s2,s3]=cubic_spline(x,y)
if any(size(x) ~= size(y)) || size(x,2) ~= 1
error('inputs x and y must be column vectors of equal length');
n = length(x)
h = x(2:n) - x(1:n-1);
d = (y(2:n) - y(1:n-1))./h;
lower = h(1:end-1);
main = 2*(h(1:end-1) + h(2:end));
upper = h(2:end);
T = spdiags([lower main upper], [-1 0 1], n-2, n-2);
rhs = 6*(d(2:end)-d(1:end-1));
m = T\rhs;
% Use natural boundary conditions where second derivative
% is zero at the endpoints
m = [ 0; m; 0];
s0 = y;
s1 = d - h.*(2*m(1:end-1) + m(2:end))/6;
s2 = m/2;
s3 =(m(2:end)-m(1:end-1))./(6*h);
Here is some code to plot a cubic spline:
function plot_cubic_spline(x,s0,s1,s2,s3)
n = length(x);
inner_points = 20;
for i=1:n-1
xx = linspace(x(i),x(i+1),inner_points);
xi = repmat(x(i),1,inner_points);
yy = s0(i) + s1(i)*(xx-xi) + ...
s2(i)*(xx-xi).^2 + s3(i)*(xx - xi).^3;
Here is a function that constructs a cubic spline and plots in on the famous Runge function:
function cubic_driver(num_points)
runge = #(x) 1./(1+ 25*x.^2);
x = linspace(-1,1,num_points);
y = runge(x);
[s0,s1,s2,s3] = cubic_spline(x',y');
plot_points = 1000;
xx = linspace(-1,1,plot_points);
yy = runge(xx);
hold on;
You can see it in action by running the following at the Matlab prompt
>> cubic_driver(5)
>> clf
>> cubic_driver(10)
>> clf
>> cubic_driver(20)
By the time you have twenty nodes your interpolant is visually indistinguishable from the Runge function.
Some comments on the Matlab code: I don't use any for or while loops. I am able to vectorize all operations. I quickly form the sparse tridiagonal matrix with spdiags. I solve it using the backslash operator. I counting on Tim Davis's UMFPACK to handle the decomposition and forward and backward solves.
Hope that helps. The code is available as a gist on github
There was a bug in spline function, generated (n-2) by (n-2) should be symmetric:
lower = h(2:end);
main = 2*(h(1:end-1) + h(2:end));
upper = h(1:end-1);