PayPal GetUserLimits Explanation - paypal

PayPal AdaptivePayments API has method GetUserLimits can anyone explain its purpose?
We have already tried to make the call but it throws "Internal Error (520002)"

The GetUserLimits API is used to get the various deposit/withdrawal limits of a specified account. This API requires special permission as it's use is not granted to everyone.


How to send transactions to the sandbox paypal using paypal API?

I am trying to create some payments with transactions on my sandbox API. I followed the doc here and inserted the request body in postman but I get a 404 error. I am not using the deprecated endpoint. Can someone help?
v1/payments is a deprecated API.
Use the current v2/checkout/orders API, documented here.
Impossible to advise on the reason for the 404 without seeing a log of your request and response, but make sure you are successfully obtaining an access token first. There is a postman collection at

Google Classroom API Error Code 403 The caller does not have permission PERMISSION_DENIED

I followed the qucikstart tutorial on for creating a course. However, I got the Error 404 PERMISSION_DENIED. I also tried the request on the API Explorer and got the same error. Can someone please advice me on how to create the credentials sufficient for creating a Classroom Course. Appreciate all help.
Check if the user you are using is using the correct scope for Creating Course. I guess the user should specify the scope - (Manage your Google Classroom classes). Also there is a API which you can invoke for a user to know if he has permission to create course. Check this documentation-

Rest PayPal API Internal Service Error

Were getting a lot of #INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR's through the rest PayPal API. To get more details about the error we have been going the PayPal Tech Support. We've been able to fix some of the issues but it is taking us a lot longer than we would like. I was wondering if there was an API call that I could make that would give me the full details of the error or DebugID?
I am not sure how you are currently consuming the API, but specs the error object which has the debug_id, the PayPal internal identifier used for correlation purposes. The error object has information link and error_details object which has the detailed reasons for the error
If you are using an sdk to consume, it is possible to get the debug_id in your logs: and show ways to do that in Python and Node.
I myself am looking for the same information. But it appears the debug ID is only so Paypal support can correlate the error to a transaction event. Technically there is no other information associated with the Debug ID.

Error when reading from mailbox

My application, created today, runs fine when I use it with my account. On any other account however, the following error is sent back as a response:
message: "(#298) You must be a developer of the application"
type: "OAuthException"
The exact code I'm using to send the request is this:
FB.api('/me/threads', {limit: 1000}, function(response){ ....
I have found someone experiencing the same problem, but the response he accepted didn't really provide any useful information. ( Reading over inbox, I get error #298).
Anyone have a clue on how to solve this? Would be greatly appreciated!
I'm guessing you have the read_mailbox permission?
Try accessing the /me/inbox connection instead?
Facebook tells you (from
Please note: We are in the process of making the new messages system
available to all users, at which point this API will replace the
/inbox/ Graph API endpoint. We are providing early access to this API
for registered developer accounts only until the new messaging system
is broadly available. You should use the /inbox endpoint for
production applications at the current time.
That is, only the current apps developers will be able to use the threads-connection for now (but it will be available later).
It looks like your other account doesn't have a developer license/flag/attribute, thus failing the authentication check.

DotNetOpenAuth: No OpenID endpoint found

I've read the following manual:
Am I correct that nothing special is required to be done to use google API for user SSO?
But when I tried to launch "Hello World" for marketplace application it returned me an error:
Blockquote> No OpenID endpoint found. Blockquote
IAuthenticationRequest request = relyingParty.CreateRequest(openIdBox.Text);
was called. The value of "openIdBox.Text" is my google email.
P.S. My investigation of stackoverflow topics linked to the same error gives nothing.
Please advise!
Any thoughts are welcome!
You can't use your Google email as your OpenID. Instead, when using Google, you typically use as your OpenID; Google will then guide you to ask for your email address. The relying party may not be able to find out what your email address is (depending on whether you approve releasing this data).