RubyMine - How to change end of line character to Windows? - rubymine

I changed a RubyMine settings few days back. It was related to changing the end of line character from '\r\n' to something else, so that it is only Mac compatible.
Now, each file I edit is changed completely in git diff. Also, I can't recall which setting
option was it.
Any guesses?

File | Line Separator (or the same in status bar, next to file encoding) which will allow to see and change line ending for current file.
For newly created files check Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Code Style | General -> Line separator (for new files)


Use BBedit to replace CR with LF

I have a text file where I would like to change all the Carriage Return to Line Feed. I am working on a Mac, and it seems like BBedit should be able to easily do this. However, in the search function it does not appear to differentiate between CR (\r) and LF (\n). Searching for either character gets the same hits, and a search for "\r" to replace with "\n" does not work.
Is there some other way to represent CR and LF, so that BBedit can differentiate between them?
A possibly simpler way to do this is to make sure you enable "Line Break Types" in BBedit's Preferences -> Appearance.
This will add a Line Types popup menu at the bottom of the window.
Not only does it show you what the current format is, but it makes it trivial to switch between them.
(I also turn on "Text Encoding" as well, in case I need to switch between UTF8 and UFT16 and others.)
For a single file:
Text -> Apply Text Transform
Select Change Line Endings
Click the Configure button and choose your desired line endings
For multiple files:
File -> New -> Text Factory
Select Change Line Endings
Click the Options button and choose your desired line endings
Save the Text Factory and apply it to the files you want changed through the Choose and Options buttons

How can i hinder Eclipse from inserting CRLFs?

I just reinstalled Eclipse Juno.
The problem i have is when i create a new file and start writing, CRLFs are inserted on Return.
Second case: When i fully mark the text of a file (without CRLFs) ans COPY them into another file (i use CRTL+A and DEL to get rid of the file contents and then PASTE i get the file content with CRLFs!)
The resulting file looks like:
Test blah CRLF
Line two ... CRLF
How can i get rid of them?
Solution to this is to configure Eclipse accordingly.
In the right lower corner there is a setting called "New text fiel line delimiter" which i had to switch from Windows to Unix.
The already CRLF prensent i had to remove using Eclispe->File->Convert line delimiters to ->Unix .

How to remove empty line from the end of new class - Eclipse

I currently work on Eclipse Juno 4.2 (but problem is connected with older versions of eclipse as well) and I found an irritating issue. When we try to create new class with a default formatter settings, eclipse put an empty line at the end of file.
I tried to figure out by myself how to remove this annoying line and search in formatter options. I found option that could help solve my problem but i found it's disable by default.
My question is: How to get rid of this line?
It's not really an empty line. It just appears that way in Eclipse.
When you see the blank line in Eclipse, it means that the last line of the file is terminated by a new line character. That is, the last characters in your Java file are probably }\n (on *nix, with LF line endings) or }\r\n (CRLF line endings on Windows), followed in each case by the end of the file.
You can prove this to yourself using tail or cat on *nix. If the prompt appears on the same line as the last line of code, then there's no trailing new line. If the prompt appears on a separate line, then there is a trailing new line character. If there's a blank line before the prompt, then there's an empty line in the file.
If the above doesn't convince you, use a hex editor. :o) An empty line would appear as two consecutive line endings: \n\n or \r\n\r\n (on *nix and windows respectively).
There's nothing wrong with the last line of your file having a new line character at the end. In fact, it's a good idea to leave it there, because some tools will warn if it's not there. These tools include Checkstyle (there's an Eclipse Checkstyle plugin) and diff.
Eclipse allows you to put the cursor there in case you want to add new content to the end of the file. (This isn't often needed in Java, because most people don't put more than one top-level type in a file.)
Best just to leave it there, and get used to Eclipse showing it.

Automatic EOL conversion in Eclipse

Need to keep EOL format consistent in all resources under Eclipse workspace.
I know about Eclipse preference that sets new line style for newly created files, but I would like to have automatic conversion for already existing files. Is there some settings/plugins?
I want just setup once and be sure that all line endings are in the same format.
In addition to the Window > Preferences > General > Workspace setting for new files that you already know about, there is a File > Convert Line Delimiters To option. I don't know of any existing plugin/tool that will do this automatically when you save, but you could certainly write one or make converting the line ending part of your process.
To make it easier on yourself, you can bind keyboard shortcuts to the conversion commands by going to Window > Preferences > General > Keys and filtering using "delimiter":
In Eclipse, to convert the line endings for existing files:
Go to the file browser view, and click on the project/folder/file that you wish to convert.
From the menu bar, select File > Convert Line Delimiters To > Windows / Unix / MacOS 9.
You can Search your resources with the Search-Dialog and go to the tab File Search. There you can enter a Regular expression. Enter \r\n or whatever line ending you want to change.
Then hit the Replace .. Button instead of Search.
I want just setup once and be sure that all line endings are in the same format.
... ok, my answer does not consider this.
You might get usefull results with Eclipse save actions: If the eclipse formatter also converts the EOL style, you could use it to modify EOL style only for the files you are modifying.
Unfortunately I don't have eclipse here, so I can't test if this actually works. Worth a try, however.

How can I clean source code files of invisible characters?

I have a bizarre problem: Somewhere in my HTML/PHP code there's a hidden, invisible character that I can't seem to get rid of. By copying it from Firebug and converting it I identified it as  or 'Zero width no-break space'. It shows up as non-empty text node in my website and is causing a serious layout problem.
The problem is, I can't get rid of it. I can't see it in my files even when turning Invisibles on (duh). I can't seem to find it, no search tool seems to pick up on it. I rewrote my code around where it could be, but it seems to be somewhere deeper in one of the framework files.
How can I find characters by charcode across files or something like that? I'm open to different tools, but they have to work on Mac OS X.
You don't get the character in the editor, because you can't find it in text editors. #FEFF or #FFFE are so-called byte-order marks. They are a Microsoft invention to tell in a Unicode file, in which order multi-byte characters are stored.
To get rid of it, tell your editor to save the file either as ANSI/ISO-8859 or as Unicode without BOM. If your editor can't do so, you'll either have to switch editors (sadly) or use some kind of truncation tool like, e.g., a hex editor that allows you to see how the file really looks.
On googling, it seems, that TextWrangler has a "UTF-8, no BOM" mode. Otherwise, if you're comfortable with the terminal, you can use Vim:
:set nobomb
and save the file. Presto!
The characters are always the very first in a text file. Editors with support for the BOM will not, as I mentioned, show it to you at all.
If you are using Textmate and the problem is in a UTF-8 file:
Open the file
File > Re-open with encoding > ISO-8859-1 (Latin1)
You should be able to see and remove the first character in file
File > Save
File > Re-open with encoding > UTF8
File > Save
It works for me every time.
It's a byte-order mark. Under Mac OS X: open terminal window, go to your sources and type:
grep -rn $'\xFEFF' *
It will show you the line numbers and filenames containing BOM.
In Notepad++, there is an option to show all characters. From the top menu:
View -> Show Symbol -> Show All Characters
I'm not a Mac user, but my general advice would be: when all else fails, use a hex editor. Very useful in such cases.
See "Comparison of hex editors" in WikiPedia.
I know it is a little late to answer to this question, but I am adding how to change encoding in Visual Studio, hope it will be helpfull for someone who will be reading this sometime:
Go to File -> Save (your filename) as...
And in File Explorer window, select small arrow next to the Save button -> click Save with Encoding...
Click Yes (on Do you want to replace existing file dialog)
And finally select e.g. Unicode (UTF-8 without signature) - that removes BOM