Use BBedit to replace CR with LF - bbedit

I have a text file where I would like to change all the Carriage Return to Line Feed. I am working on a Mac, and it seems like BBedit should be able to easily do this. However, in the search function it does not appear to differentiate between CR (\r) and LF (\n). Searching for either character gets the same hits, and a search for "\r" to replace with "\n" does not work.
Is there some other way to represent CR and LF, so that BBedit can differentiate between them?

A possibly simpler way to do this is to make sure you enable "Line Break Types" in BBedit's Preferences -> Appearance.
This will add a Line Types popup menu at the bottom of the window.
Not only does it show you what the current format is, but it makes it trivial to switch between them.
(I also turn on "Text Encoding" as well, in case I need to switch between UTF8 and UFT16 and others.)

For a single file:
Text -> Apply Text Transform
Select Change Line Endings
Click the Configure button and choose your desired line endings
For multiple files:
File -> New -> Text Factory
Select Change Line Endings
Click the Options button and choose your desired line endings
Save the Text Factory and apply it to the files you want changed through the Choose and Options buttons


VSCode auto format on paste removes leading new lines

Whenever I paste copied text in vscode, it removes all leading newlines.
Copied Text:
Cursor Position:
Pasted Result:
I can't seem to tell VSCode to preserve the leading newlines. I know I can add a new line before I paste, but that is dumb and I shouldn't have to do that. I still want auto format on to fix my indentation and such.
Everything I search for brings up questions on trailing spaces and other stuff like that. No one else else seems to have issue.
This 'feature' you've mentioned is part of "Format On Paste" option.
The whole feature can be turned off in File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Text Editor -> Formatting -> Format On Paste
As far as I know sadly there is no option of disabling only newline removal from "Format On Paste" feature.

How to convert embedded CRLF codes to their REAL newlines in Vscode?

I searched everywhere for this, the problem is that the search criteria is very similar to other questions.
The issue I have is that file (script actually) is embedded in another file. So when I open the parent file I can see the script as massive string with several \n and \r\n codes. I need a way to convert these codes to what they should be so that it formats the code correctly then I can read said code and work on it.
Quick snippet:
\n\n\n\n\nlocal scriptingFunctions\n\n\n\n\nlocal measuringCircles = {}\r\nlocal isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
Should covert to:
local scriptingFunctions
local measuringCircles = {}
local isCurrentlyCheckingCoherency
perform a Regex Find-Replace
Find: (\\r)?\\n
Replace: \n
If you don't need to reconvert from newlines to \n after you're done working on the code, you can accomplish the trick by simply pressing ctrl-f and substituting every occurrence of \n with a new line (you can type enter in the replace box by pressing ctrl-enter or shift-enter).
See an example ctrl-f to do this:
If after you're done working on the code you need to reconvert to \n, you can add an invisible char to the replace string (typing it like ctrl-enter invisibleChar), and after you're done you can re-replace it with \n.
There's plenty of invisible chars, but I'd personally suggest [U+200b] (you can copy it from here); another good one is [U+2800] (⠀), as it renders as a normal whitespace, and thus is noticeable.
A thing to notice is that recent versions of vscode will show a highlight around invisible chars, but you can easily disable it by clicking on Adjust settings and then selecting Exclude from being highlighted.
If you need to reenable highlighting in the future, you'll have to look for "editor.unicodeHighlight.allowedCharacters" in the settings.

Changing the default display of line breaks in search window?

I recently switched from Textwrangler to BBEdit. I use these editors to perform large multi-file GREP-search mainly. But in BBEdit I noticed that line breaks automatically get converted to \n in the search window, and that makes in very hard for me to get an overview of the search I'm about to perform, when everything is on one line.
When I copy a text with line breaks, for example
and paste it in the search window, it looks like this:
In TextWrangler I was able to see the line breaks as line breaks, not \n. How can I change that in BBEdit?

sublime text / ms word delete misc line breaks in code

I have a csv file that has random line breaks throughout the file. (probably load errors when the file was created where the loader somehow managed to put a carriage return into the field)
How do I go in and remove all carriage returns / line breaks where the last character is not "
I have word and sublime text available for text editors
I have tried ^p with a letter infront and find and replace, but that doesnt seem to work for some of the lines for some reason
"3203","Shelving Units
instead of
"3203","Shelving Units",".033"
instead of
Menu > Find > Replace... or Ctrl+H
Select "Regular Expression" (probably a .* icon in the bottom left, depending on your theme).
Use \n to select newlines (LF) or \r\n (CRLF).
As #GerardRoche said you can use search and replace in Sublime Text. Open it via ctrl+h and press alt+r to toggle regex to enable it. (You may want to create a backup of your file before doing such changes.)
Search for (?<=[^"\n])\n+ and replace it with nothing, press Replace All or ctrl+alt+enter to replace it.
The regex just mean: search for alt least one (+) newlines (\n), that are preceded by something different than a quotation mark or a newline (?<=[^"\n]).
You don't need to worry about carriage returns, because ST only uses them when reading and writing the file and not in the editor.

Copy Lines including carriage return linefeed in notepad++

Using Notepad++ I want to select individual, non-contiguous lines, copy them, and past them and include the CR/LF at the end. Preferrably, I would hold Ctrl, then click the line numbers I want, then press Ctrl+C or right click and select copy; however doing this selects all text (which is frustrating and doesn't make much sense). Furthermore, only selecting the line partially includes the line below it, so that if i press Ctrl+Shift+Up(or down) the line below it also moves up or down.
In summary, I want to copy non-contiguous lines and past them with their respective EOL characters.
Use Ctrl+F2 to mark desired lines.
Menu Search > Bookmarks > Copy bookmarked lines will copy these lines into clipboard.
As option for step 1, you can use Mark tab of Find dialog (Ctrl+F) with Mark Line option checked.