Alembic / Flask-migrate migration on Heroku runs but does not create tables - postgresql

I am attempting to deploy a Flask app to Heroku. I have pushed to Heroku and can access my login page but any call to the db gives an OperationalError:
2014-01-29T12:12:31.801772+00:00 app[web.1]: OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such table: projects_project u'SELECT
Using Flask-migrate I can successfully run local migrations and upgrades:
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade None -> 4b56d58e1d4c, empty message
When I try to upgrade on Heroku using heroku run python db upgrade the upgrade appears to happen, but the Context impl. is now SQLite?:
(dev01)Toms-MacBook-Pro:dev01 kt$ heroku run python db upgrade
Running `python db upgrade` attached to terminal... up, run.9069
INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade None -> 4b56d58e1d4c, empty message
Running Heroku pg:info gives:
Plan: Dev
Status: available
Connections: 0
PG Version: 9.3.2
Created: 2014-01-27 18:55 UTC
Data Size: 6.4 MB
Tables: 0
Rows: 0/10000 (In compliance)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
Rollback: Unsupported
The relevant logs for the Heroku upgrade are:
2014-01-29T12:55:40.112436+00:00 heroku[api]: Starting process with command `python db upgrade` by
2014-01-29T12:55:44.638957+00:00 heroku[run.9069]: Awaiting client
2014-01-29T12:55:44.667692+00:00 heroku[run.9069]: Starting process with command `python db upgrade`
2014-01-29T12:55:44.836337+00:00 heroku[run.9069]: State changed from starting to up
2014-01-29T12:55:46.643857+00:00 heroku[run.9069]: Process exited with status 0
2014-01-29T12:55:46.656134+00:00 heroku[run.9069]: State changed from up to complete
Also, heroku config gives me:
(dev01)Toms-MacBook-Pro:dev01 kt$ heroku config
=== myapp Config Vars
DATABASE_URL: postgres://
where [xxx == xxx]
How is the Context impl. set? Apart from this obvious difference between working local and heroku, I can't work out what's happening or how I should debug. Thanks.

The URL for the database is taken from the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration in your Flask app instance. This happens in the configuration for Alembic that was created in the migrations folder.
Are you storing the value of os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] in the configuration before you hand over control to Flask-Migrate and Alembic? It seems you have a default SQLite based database that never gets overwritten with the real one provided by Heroku.


Hyperledger iroha - schema error while connecting to postgres database

I am trying to deploy Hyperledger Iroha on MacOS (BigSUr) locally, and while running the following command
./build/bin/irohad --config example/config.postgres.sample --genesis_block example/genesis.block --keypair_name example/node0
I get the error
Storage initialization failed: Cannot execute query. Fatal error. ERROR: relation "schema_version" does not exist LINE 1: ... test, iroha_major, iroha_minor, iroha_patch from schema_ver... ^ while executing "select 1 test, iroha_major, iroha_minor, iroha_patch from schema_version;".
I have installed Postgresql DB locally and created the iroha_data database.
Is there a schema that i must load additionally or does it get auto created ?
I was able to overcome this issue by adding -drop_state while starting iroha daemon.

Unable to execute Liquibase update commands via Docker run

I am using docker here to build Liquibase and trying to execute Liquibase commands on fly.
Here is the Dockerfile:-
FROM liquibase/liquibase
RUN lpm add mysql --global
I am using below command on fly
docker run --rm -v ${}/:/liquibase/changelog liquibase/liquibase --url="jdbc:postgresql://" --changeLogFile=sql/changelog/db.changelog-master.xml --username=username --password=password update
I am getting below error:-
error 04-May-2022 22:08:38 Starting Liquibase at 05:08:38 (version 4.9.1 #1978 built at 2022-03-28 19:39+0000)
error 04-May-2022 22:08:38 Liquibase Version: 4.9.1
error 04-May-2022 22:08:38 Liquibase Community 4.9.1 by Liquibase
error 04-May-2022 22:08:48
error 04-May-2022 22:08:48 Unexpected error running Liquibase: Connection could not be created to jdbc:postgresql:// with driver org.postgresql.Driver. The connection attempt failed.
Please suggest
From this October 2021 GitHub issue, you need to use single quotes around your JDBC driver URL instead of double-quotes. Try entering it as edited below.
docker run --rm -v ${}/:/liquibase/changelog liquibase/liquibase --url='jdbc:postgresql://' --changeLogFile=sql/changelog/db.changelog-master.xml --username=username --password=password update

IllegalStateException: Can not connect to database. Please check connectivity and settings

CentOS 7
Docker 20.10.5
In my machine run PostgreSQL 9.5 and success open my db:
And success open DB by PGAdmin
Now in Docker I installed SonarQube 4.5. And want to connect to my db.
I try this:
sudo docker run -e SONARQUBE_JDBC_USERNAME=sonar -e SONARQUBE_JDBC_PASSWORD=sonar -e SONARQUBE_JDBC_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sonar sonarqube:4.5.7
But I get error:
2021.04.20 11:47:55 INFO web[o.s.s.p.ServerImpl] SonarQube Server / 4.5.7 / e2afb0bff1b8be759789d2c1bc9348de6f519f83
2021.04.20 11:47:55 INFO web[o.s.c.p.Database] Create JDBC datasource for jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sonar
2021.04.20 11:47:55 ERROR web[o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.sonar.server.platform.PlatformServletContextListener
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not connect to database. Please check connectivity and settings (see the properties prefixed by 'sonar.jdbc.').
at org.sonar.core.persistence.DefaultDatabase.checkConnection( ~[sonar-core-4.5.7.jar:na]
at org.sonar.core.persistence.DefaultDatabase.start( ~[sonar-core-4.5.7.jar:na]

wal-g restore error - Failed to fetch backup: failed to fetch sentinel: context canceled

I am using zolando postgres-operator to setup back up and restore in Kubernetes cluster. The backups are done using wal-g and uploaded into gcp bucket. The backups are running fine
wal-g backup-list
name last_modified wal_segment_backup_start
base_000000020000000000000007 2019-12-19T03:56:22Z 000000020000000000000007
base_00000003000000000000000A 2019-12-19T04:34:41Z 00000003000000000000000A
base_000000010000000000000003 2019-12-19T04:40:01Z 000000010000000000000003
However when I try to restore, I get the below error
wal-g backup-fetch /home/postgres/pgdata/pgroot/data LATEST
INFO: 2019/12/19 10:06:24.765611 LATEST backup is: 'base_000000010000000000000003'
ERROR: 2019/12/19 10:06:25.062066 Failed to fetch backup: failed to fetch sentinel: context canceled
Patroni 1.6.0
Postgres 11
wal-g 0.2.11
This was an error in wal-g version 0.2.11. This is fixed in 0.2.14

Heroku can't connect with Postgres DB/Knex/Express

I have an Express API deployed to Heroku, but when I attempt to run the migrations, it throws the following error:
heroku run knex migrate:latest Running knex migrate:latest on ⬢
bookmarks-node-api... up, run.9925 (Free) Using environment:
production Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1117:14)
In my knexfile.js, I have:
production: {
client: 'postgresql',
connection: {
database: process.env.DATABASE_URL
pool: {
min: 2,
max: 10
migrations: {
directory: './database/migrations'
I also tried assigning the migrations directory to tableName: 'knex_migrations' which throws the error:
heroku run knex migrate:latest Running knex migrate:latest on ⬢
bookmarks-node-api... up, run.7739 (Free) Using environment:
production Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
Here is the config as set in Heroku:
-node-api git:(master) heroku pg:info
Plan: Hobby-dev
Status: Available
Connections: 0/20
PG Version: 10.7
Created: 2019-02-21 12:58 UTC
Data Size: 7.6 MB
Tables: 0
Rows: 0/10000 (In compliance)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported
Rollback: Unsupported
I think the issue is that for some reason, it is looking at localhost for the database, as if the environment is being read as development though the trace shows Using environment: production.
When you provide an object as your connection you're providing individual parts of the connection information. Here, you're saying that the name your database is everything contained in process.env.DATABASE_URL:
connection: {
database: process.env.DATABASE_URL
Any keys you don't provide values for fall back to defaults. An example is the host key, which defaults to the local machine.
But the DATABASE_URL environment variable contains all of the information that you need to connect (host, port, user, password, and database name) in a single string. That whole value should be your connection setting:
connection: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
You should check to see if the Postgres add-on is setup as described in these docs since the DATABASE_URL is automatically set for you as stated here.