Unable to Name Excel Tabs when created in a function - powershell

My Goal:
Create a new tab and name it within a function.
My Issue:
When I create the new tab inside of the function I cannot name the tab.
When I create the tab outside of the function it gets named correctly.
My Code:
Function Function_CreateWorksheets($Worksheets) {
ForEach ($Worksheet in $Worksheets) {
If ($Excel_Count_Worksheet -gt 3) {$Script:Excel.Worksheets.Add() |Out-Null}
$Script:Excel.Worksheets.Item($Excel_Count_Worksheet).Name = $Worksheet
#Load-Module -Module grouppolicy -Reload
Get-Variable Excel_* |Remove-Variable -Force
#Create Excel Com Object
$Excel = New-Object -com Excel.Application
# Make the Excel Application Visible to the end user
$Excel.visible = $True
# Create a WorkBook inside the Excel application
# that we can start manipulating.
$Excel_Workbook = $Excel.Workbooks.Add()
$Action_CreateWorksheet =
# Now that we have a workbook we need to create some
# additional worksheets (Tabs) beyond that initial 3
# that are created when the workbook is opened.
#$Temp_MakeWorkSheet = $Excel.Worksheets.Add()
# Once all the sheets are created each of the worksheets
# need to be assigned to a variable so they can be
# manipulated.
Function_CreateWorksheets -Worksheets "System Summary","Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4"

The problem is that you're assuming that the new worksheet is added as the last worksheet, but by default the Add method adds the new worksheet at the beginning. The script as you have it works for up to three worksheets, but after that it adds new worksheets with default names at the beginning and keeps renaming the last worksheet. You need to add the worksheets at the end.
$Script:Excel.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $Script:Excel.Worksheets.Item($Script:Excel.Worksheets.Count))
How that works:
The Add method takes four arguments: Before, After, Number, and Type.
$Excel.Worksheets.Item($Excel.Worksheets.Count)) gets the object representing the last worksheet. You want to supply that as the After argument in order to add the new worksheet after the last worksheet.
[System.Reflection.Missing]::Value is a placeholder for the missing Before argument (it can't be null)
As an afterthought...although it works for this specific script, I find it a little iffy to rely on the default initial configuration of three worksheets, have the function change behavior based on that assumption (rename three worksheets, then start adding more), and rely on a counter variable to determine which worksheet you're renaming rather than renaming the active sheet you just added. Since the function inherits a preexisting workbook rather than creating a new one, I think it's "cleaner" to write a function that will give you a workbook that has blank worksheets with the specified names regardless of the initial configuration.
Maybe it's just my personal philosophical inclination to write functions in ways that are more generally applicable (read: reusable) rather than ad hoc, but I prefer functions that make as few assumptions as possible. Here's how I'd do it:
function Function_CreateWorksheets {
param (
[string[]] $WorkSheets,
[object] $Excel
for ($i = 1; $i -le $Excel.Worksheets.Count; $i++) {
$Excel.Worksheets.Item($i).Name = "DeleteMe$i"
foreach ($Worksheet in $Worksheets) {
$Excel.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value,$Excel.Worksheets.Item($Excel.Worksheets.Count)) | Out-Null
$Excel.ActiveSheet.Name = $Worksheet
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
while ($Excel.Worksheets.Count -gt $Worksheets.Count) {
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $true
The while loop at the end deletes all the preexisting worksheets. All new worksheets are added at the end, so the loop removes worksheets from the beginning until the number of worksheets in the workbook ($Excel.Worksheets.Count) matches the number of new worksheets ($Worksheets.Count). This needs to come at the end because a workbook has to have at least one worksheet, so you'll get an error if you try to delete all the worksheets before creating any new ones.
The initial for loop renames all the preexisting worksheets so that the function won't break if any of the new names match names that are already in use. You're going to get rid of them anyway, so you don't care what their names are.
By passing the Application object to the function as an argument, you can avoid the need to keep scoping it. You can call the function like this:
Function_CreateWorksheets -Worksheets "System Summary","Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4" -Excel $Excel
(Of course, you can leave off the parameter names -Worksheets and -Excel as long as you maintain the correct order.)

Thanks to your post I was able to get the result I needed. I did a slight variation to make the function reusable.
Function Function_CreateWorksheets {
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)][object] $Excel,
[string[]] $WorkSheets
ForEach ($Worksheet in $Worksheets) {
If ($Excel_Count_Worksheet -gt $Excel.Worksheets.Count) {$Excel.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $Excel.Worksheets.Item($Script:Excel.Worksheets.Count)) |Out-Null}
$Excel.Worksheets.Item($Excel_Count_Worksheet).Name = $Worksheet
While ($Excel.Worksheets.Count -gt $Script:Excel_Count_Worksheet) {


Set ContextMenu items from a string list

Basically I'm trying to create a ContextMenu that shows a list of mounted network drive, so the user can click on one and access it.
The problem is : the list is not fix, but depend on a string list extracted from a DataGrid.
In my mind, I could just create the menu items by looping on that string list.
Here is the code sample :
$Main_Tool_Icon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms
# Add menu entries
$contextmenu = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu
$Main_Tool_Icon.ContextMenu = $contextmenu
foreach ($nameTag in $dataGrid[$DATAGRID_COLUMN_NAME]){
$menuEntry = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
$menuEntry.Text = $nameTag
# Add separator
# Last one to show main form
$displayMainform = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
$displayMainform.Text = "Edit"
It appears that's wrong and only shows the separator and last "Edit" line.
Is there a way to populate a contextual menu with a list ?
Or I should look for a better way to do the job ?
EDIT #Mathias R. Jessen
You're right about AddRange(), it's just a mistake.
I can't show everything since it's quite big. I'll try to synthesize an answer properly.
The data grid is created/populated by my script and is just a table of strings from a csv file.
$DATAGRID_COLUMN_NAME = 'NAME' it's one of constants defined for my datagrid headers.
Here is the setup
# set datagrid
$dataGrid = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView
$dataGrid.Columns[0].DataPropertyName = $dataGrid.Columns[0].Name
Then some databinding
# initiate the data table
$table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
[...]loop on csv file[...]
# bind data table to data grid
$dataGrid.DataSource = $table
EDIT #SantiagoSquarzon
You were right for pointing out $dataGrid[$DATAGRID_COLUMN_NAME]. The syntax was bad and returned something null. Instead, I looped over the $dataGrid.Rows like so:
foreach ($row in $dataGrid.Rows){
$nameTag = $row.Cells[$DATAGRID_COLUMN_NAME].Value
if ($nameTag -ne $null){
$menuEntry = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem
$menuEntry.Text = $nameTag
Now I just have to figure out how to invoke there click event.

evaluate condition assigned to a variable

i am using module Excel::Writer::XLSX and i need to evaluate this condition to check if the sheet was created or not (i need to only execute certain actions if the sheet already exists)
my $sheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});
how can i do that please ?
knowing that if the sheet already exists, the add_worksheet method "dies" with an error like :
Worksheet name 'All Users', with case ignored, is already used. at ./xxxx.pl line 203.
naturlly, doing something like this doesn't work as i believe it evaluates the variable assignment :
if (my $sheet = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});) {
# good, sheet doesn't already exists and was created
# i can place my code here to insert header rows etc./ colors
} else {
# program fires a message like :
# Worksheet name 'XXXXXX', with case ignored, is already used. at XXX
# no need to place code for column headers etc., sheet already exists
You could use
my $name = $filters{$filter}{description};
my $sheet =
$workbook->get_worksheet_by_name( $name ) ||
$workbook->add_worksheet( $name );
nvm, i used a hash and i'm checking the hash
if (!$sheets{$filter}) {
$sheets{$filter} = $workbook->add_worksheet($filters{$filter}{description});
works nicely

Is there a "function-like-thing" that can act as a template?

I have a code like this that is repeated multiple times in each of my conditional statements/cases. i have 3 conditions...for now, and everything works perfectly, but im mulling reformatting the script for easier reading.
One of the ways ive thought is to make a function, but the problem is that, i have a while loop that is intended for a specific scenario in each conditional statement that dequeues from a Queue containing some column names from a file.
so based on the code below that i want to put in some sort of template, i cant think of how this could work because as you can see, $tb stands for $table, which is what im opening prior to the conditional statements in my code.
if i were to include everything regarding the server connection and table in a function, that means when i pass the "function" containing the code to the while loops, it will be creating/instantiating the table every iteration, which wont make sense and wont work anyways.
so i am thinking of using something like annotations, something like a template which wont expect to return anything or need reasonable arguments like a function otherwise would. The question is, does something like that exist?
This is the code that is the same across all my while loops that i would like to "store" somewhere and just pass it to them:
$dqHeader = $csvFileHeadersQueue.Dequeue()
$column = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($tb, $dqHeader, $DataType1)
if ($dqHeader -in $PrimaryKeys)
# We require a primary key.
$column.Nullable = $false
#$column.Identity = $true #not needed with VarChar
#$column.IdentitySeed = 1 #not needed with VarChar
$primaryKey = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Index($tb, "PK_$csvFileBaseName")
$primaryKey.IndexType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexType]::ClusteredIndex
$primaryKey.IndexKeyType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexKeyType]::DriPrimaryKey #Referential Integrity to prevent data inconsistency. Changes in primary keys must be updated in foreign keys.
$primaryKey.IndexedColumns.Add((New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.IndexedColumn($primaryKey, $dqHeader)))
think of it like a puzzle piece that would fit right in when requested to do so in the while loops to complete that "puzzle"
As per comment:
you can share a (hardcoded) [ScriptBlock] ($template = {code in post goes here}) with a While loop (or function) and invoke it with e.g. Invoke-Command $template or the call operator: &$template. Dynamically modifying an expression and using commands like Invoke-Expression or [ScriptBlock]::Create() is not a good idea due to risk of malicious code injections (see: #1454).
You might even add parameters to your shared [ScriptBlock], like:
$Template = {
[CmdletBinding()]Param ($DataType)
$column = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($tb, $dqHeader, $DataType)
ForEach ($MyDataType in #('MyDataType')) {
Invoke-Command $Template -ArgumentList $MyDataType
But the counter-question remains: Why not just creating a "helper" function?:
Function template($DataType) {
$column = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Column($tb, $dqHeader, $DataType)
ForEach ($MyDataType in #('MyDataType')) {
template $MyDataType

How do I populate an unknown number of variables from user input dynamically in powershell?

I am trying to figure out how to populate an unknown number of variables based on user input (writing a script that obtains certificates from a CA, and sometimes these certificates contain more than one name (SANs) and it is impossible to know how many so this needs to be dynamic).
I know I start with setting up params like this:
And then I need to somehow take those values and assign them to $san1, $san2, $san3 and so on.
Being new to programming, I am not even sure what to call this. Would you use a foreach loop to somehow populate these variables?
ForEach ($SAN in $SANs) {
what do I do here?
The end result is a need to populate a string with these variables like dns=$san1&dns=$san2&dns=$san3 etc...
Functions and scripts can take parameters. The parameter block in your example looked like...
function foo {
That parameter, $SANs, is an array of strings. A single string would look like this...
$stuff = 'barf'
An array of strings looks like this...
$stuff = #('barf', 'toot', 'ruff', 'meow')
So far so good? If you need to get each of the things in the array, you'd use a loop...
foreach ($thing in $stuff) { write-output $thing }
...for example...
foreach ($thing in $stuff) {
if ($san_declaration.length -eq 0) {
$san_declaration = "dns=${thing}"
} else {
$san_declaration += "&dns=${thing}"
Now, if you (not that you asked) happen to be calling Get-Certificate, just remember the SANs parameter is a string array. In that case, you'd just pass in the string array instead of creating the string like you were doing.
Get-Certificate -DnsName $stuff

Need a powershell script to use a parameter to manipulate/read in fields from another csv file

I have and existing PowerShell script (not written by me!) which is designed to use a passed-in parameter (SCOM Alert ID) to then set additional information in the alert, e.g. $alert.CustomField1 = $alert.PrincipleName etc etc.
I am looking to add functionality to this script to be able to add additional 'custom' information which is stored in a separate text/CSV file. The text/CSV file has header line
ServerName,ServiceOwner,Application Tier
so a row in the file would be
There will be one unique row for each server in our environment (over 600 rows).
So what I need to do is using the passed-in alert ID. I can use $alert.PrincipleName to find the corresponding row in the text file and pull in the additional details stored in field 2 and 3, i.e. ServiceOwner and ApplicationTier.
This logic holds for the majority of alerts but IF server name is a specific value (e.g. MYSTSERVER.CONTOSO.COM) then instead of using $alert.PrincipleName to match servername in text file, I need to match on another alert property $alert.MonitoringObjectDisplayName. However, the server name in this field is part of a larger string in the format, e.g. User Services Watcher for Pool [MYTARGETSERVER.CONTOSO.COM] - so I need to extract the severname from between the square brackets of the string to then perform the match with the text file.
Hopefully I have explained what I'm trying to do clearly - if not I'm happy to provide further clarification and can also post up the existing PS Script I'm trying to modify if thats any help.
You can react to the server name like this:
$csv = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv'
if ( $alert.PrincipalName -eq 'MYSTSERVER.CONTOSO.COM' ) {
if ( $alert.MonitoringObjectDisplayName -match '.*\[(.*?)\]' ) {
$targetserver = $matches[1]
} else {
$targetserver = $alert.PrincipalName
$newdata = $csv | ? { $_.ServerName -eq $targetserver } `
| select ServiceOwner, 'Application Tier'
$alert.CustomField2 = $newdata.ServiceOwner
$alert.CustomField3 = $newdata.'Application Tier'