Source Code for Entity framework 6.0.2 - entity-framework

Why is there no source code history for entity framework:
We can download and build the latest release 6.1 (alpha) which we dont want to do but we cannot download and build earlier releases 6.0.2 (stable) which we do want to do?
Can anyone point me in the direction of finding that source code?

You can download source code directly from the Git repository.
The revision 7648d33dfb53589d9c32b605c61758a5a6c0b80b is tagged with 6.0.2 tag.


An exotic problem happens when the entity framework gets installed by NuGet

I just simply want to install Entity-Framework 6.3.0, but an exotic exception is thrown by NuGet package manager. it says :
Install-Package : The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add
xmlns="" to the element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003
I haven't seen such an exception before, and don't have any idea what it exactly means.
I use
Visual studio 2013
.Net Framework 4.5
I have already tried to resolve the issue. Nonetheless, it didn't work out. Actually, I tried to follow the exception's instruction and add the mentioned attribute into the project tag. It was not useful at all!
Let me tell you that I have actually created a repository on GitHub, cloned the repository, and finally created this project inside it. I don't know if this process is relevant to the problem, though I think you should know that.
I will be glad if you guys tell me what the problem is and how I can resolve it. Thanks.
EF 6.3 requires MSBuild version 15 which ships with Visual Studio 2017. That appears to be your issue. You may be stuck on version 6.2 until you upgrade.
I simply downgraded Entity Framework to the 6.2.0 and the problem was solved! Although NuGet introduces 6.3.0 as a stable version of the EF, it seems that the version has a huge problem with either VS2013 or .Net 4.5

How to upgrade .Net framework 4.6.2 to 4.7

My solution is developed in .net framework 4.6.2 then how to upgrade in .net framework 4.7, please suggest me some references.
Thank You
I was facing the same issue because I was trying to install a nuget package which requires the 4.6.1 version at least (Mine was 4.5.2), so I right clicked to the project and selected the properties option and change the Target Framework as shown in the image and that was enough! Keep in mind that you have to install previously the Net. Framework you are trying to upgrade.
As per this document from Microsoft:
If you created your app using an earlier version of the .NET Framework, you can generally upgrade it to the .NET Framework 4.5 and its point releases (4.5.1 and 4.5.2), the .NET Framework 4.6 and its point releases (4.6.1 and 4.6.2), or the .NET Framework 4.7 and its point releases (4.7.1 and 4.7.2) easily. Open your project in Visual Studio. If your project was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, the Project Compatibility dialog box automatically opens.
You should review the above document to better understand how to migrate your .NET version as required.
For me, the migration guide was not helpful. I needed to:
Open my solution
Right click on my project and choose "Properties"
Change the "Target Framework" to the desired choice of ".NET
Framework 4.7.2"
1.Open Solution
2.Right click on my project
3.Choose "Properties" and Change the "Target Framework" to the desired choice of ". NET Framework 4.7. 2"
It will work

nuget gallery versions and github

If I go to nuget gallery and search for a package e.g. Newtonsoft.Json
And I see a version available e.g. as of today 11.0.1-beta3 (current version)
I then go to github for the project. In this case:
I look at releases and Tags and only see the "latest" which is 10.0.3
My question is where is 11.0.1-beta3 (current version)?
And how do I see what in it? e.g. I want to see if an issue has been fixed and is available
Release Differences
Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.3 is the latest / current Stable Release.
Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.1-beta3 is the latest / current Beta Release.
You can locate the Newtonsoft.Json 11.0.1-beta3 in the Nuget Gallery by scrolling down to the "Version History" section. Or just visit this link.
Source Code
Regarding taking a peek at the code, since it is indeed open-source software, you can view the release notes and download the source-code from the Github Release page, as you saw. But of course only release versions will be listed here -- beta versions, still being a work-in-progress, will not.
Other than just installing the 11.0.1-beta3 package and inspecting the Newtonsoft.Json files in your IDE, you may be able to step through the source code in the Nuget Package following this method. Not sure why you would, but if that's what you need go for it!

Visual Studio 2017 NugetPackageManager not syncing with private repository

I have a TeamCity hosted Nuget package repository. I see the package in the repo xml,'MyCompany.MyPackage',Version='1.0.21')
But when I look to reference the package in my visual studio project, it still says the previous version is the latest one. I attempt to click refresh, doesn't show the latest version. I confirmed the 1.0.21 is listed as absolute latest version by going directly to the package and checking the xml.
I have attempted to use the report a problem in the upper right of the IDE, but it's unresponsive. hopefully someone from Microsoft sees this.

Where to download Android 2.2 Froyo source code?

I want to download android 2.2 froyo source code, but actually here is available android 2.3 gingerbread. How can I switch to previous version?
You'll want to pick a project and select the 'froyo' branch or use one of the 'android-2.2' tags to pull the 2.2 source after cloning the project's repo.