Given the conventions here:
Constant names should be in upper camel case. That is, if the member is final, immutable and it belongs to a package object or an object, it may be considered a constant (similar to Java’s static final members)
Does that mean that a def should fall in that category too? Especially if functionally pure. For example a Parse method:
object Parser{def Parse(string: String): AnyRef = ??? }
No, it shouldn't.
That explanation is mostly a simplification of the concept of a stable value. A stable value is something that you can trust to always have the same value, and it is how Scala introduces dependent types (aka, in Scala, as path-dependent types).
There are a number of rules for what is a stable value, which is why a simpler explanation is resorted to in the style guide. One specific rule is that it has to be a val -- var and def are not acceptable. A var is not acceptable because the value can change at any time, and a def is not acceptable because it may return different values each time it is called (even if it receives no parameters).
Also related to this is the fact that you can override a def with a val, but not vice versa.
So only val qualifies as constants.
Also of interest, Scala optimizes final val declarations when you do not declare a type, like this:
object Constants {
final val Zero = 0
That will cause Scala to replace instances of Zero with 0. In fact, if you recompile Constant changing the value of Zero from 0 to something else, any code making reference to Constants.Zero that has been compiled before will still use 0.
If, on the other hand, you had declared it as final val Zero: Int = 0, that would not happen.
No. Method names should start with a lowercase letter.
Refering to the naming conventions:
Textual (alphabetic) names for methods should be in the camelCase
style with the first letter lower-case:
def myFairMethod = ...
Upper case names are meant for constants.
Method, Value and variable names should be in lower camel case:
val myValue = ...
def myMethod = ...
var myVariable
So in your case it'll be:
object Parser {
def parse(string: String): AnyRef = ???
I came across this function in Scala def nullable: Boolean = true. I understand what does this function do, but I want to know is there specific name for this kind of function, and what's the motivation not using var
Firstly, I would be very precise in scala: use the word Function to only ever mean an instance of FunctionN and use the word Method when talking about a def (which may have zero or more parameter lists). Secondly, this most definitely does have a body (albeit not enclosed in braces). Its body is the expression true (i.e. a boolean literal).
I assume that you really mean to ask: "why use a method with no parameter lists over a val?"
When deciding whether to represent some property of your class, you can choose between a method and a value (advice: avoid using var). Often, if the property involves no side effects, we can use a def with no parameter lists (the scala idiom is that a def with a single, empty parameter list implies side-effects).
Hence we may choose any of the following, all of which are semantically equivalent at the use-site (except for performance characteristics):
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Eager - we calculate and store the value regardless of whether
// it is ever used
val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Lazy - we calculate and store the value when it
// it is first used
lazy val isEmpty = s.isEmpty
case class Foo(s: String) {
//Non-strict - we calculate the value each time
// it is used
def isEmpty = s.isEmpty
Hence we might take the following advice
If the value is computationally expensive to calculate and we are sure we will use it multiple times, use val
If the value is computationally expensive and we may use it zero or many times, use lazy val
If the value is space-expensive and we think it will be generally used a most once, use def
However, there is an additional consideration; using a val (or lazy val) is likely to be of benefit to debugging using an IDE which generally can show you in an inspection window the value of any in-scope vals
The primary difference of the use of def or var/val is the when the value will be executed.
the def defines a name for a value, the value on the right will be executed when it is called (called by name), meaning it is lazy
and var defines a name for a value, and it is execute it's evaluated, eagerly upon definition
I wonder why Arbitrary is needed because automated property testing requires property definition, like
val prop = forAll(v: T => check that property holds for v)
and value v generator. The user guide says that you can create custom generators for custom types (a generator for trees is exemplified). Yet, it does not explain why do you need arbitraries on top of that.
Here is a piece of manual
implicit lazy val arbBool: Arbitrary[Boolean] = Arbitrary(oneOf(true, false))
To get support for your own type T you need to define an implicit def
or val of type Arbitrary[T]. Use the factory method Arbitrary(...) to
create the Arbitrary instance. This method takes one parameter of type
Gen[T] and returns an instance of Arbitrary[T].
It clearly says that we need Arbitrary on top of Gen. Justification for arbitrary is not satisfactory, though
The arbitrary generator is the generator used by ScalaCheck when it
generates values for property parameters.
IMO, to use the generators, you need to import them rather than wrapping them into arbitraries! Otherwise, one can argue that we need to wrap arbitraries also into something else to make them usable (and so on ad infinitum wrapping the wrappers endlessly).
You can also explain how does arbitrary[Int] convert argument type into generator. It is very curious and I feel that these are related questions.
forAll { v: T => ... } is implemented with the help of Scala implicits. That means that the generator for the type T is found implicitly instead of being explicitly specified by the caller.
Scala implicits are convenient, but they can also be troublesome if you're not sure what implicit values or conversions currently are in scope. By using a specific type (Arbitrary) for doing implicit lookups, ScalaCheck tries to constrain the negative impacts of using implicits (this use also makes it similar to Haskell typeclasses that are familiar for some users).
So, you are entirely correct that Arbitrary is not really needed. The same effect could have been achieved through implicit Gen[T] values, arguably with a bit more implicit scoping confusion.
As an end-user, you should think of Arbitrary[T] as the default generator for the type T. You can (through scoping) define and use multiple Arbitrary[T] instances, but I wouldn't recommend it. Instead, just skip Arbitrary and specify your generators explicitly:
val myGen1: Gen[T] = ...
val mygen2: Gen[T] = ...
val prop1 = forAll(myGen1) { t => ... }
val prop2 = forAll(myGen2) { t => ... }
arbitrary[Int] works just like forAll { n: Int => ... }, it just looks up the implicit Arbitrary[Int] instance and uses its generator. The implementation is simple:
def arbitrary[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[T] = a.arbitrary
The implementation of Arbitrary might also be helpful here:
sealed abstract class Arbitrary[T] {
val arbitrary: Gen[T]
ScalaCheck has been ported from the Haskell QuickCheck library. In Haskell type-classes only allow one instance for a given type, forcing you into this sort of separation.
In Scala though, there isn't such a constraint and it would be possible to simplify the library. My guess is that, ScalaCheck being (initially written as) a 1-1 mapping of QuickCheck, makes it easier for Haskellers to jump into Scala :)
Here is the Haskell definition of Arbitrary
class Arbitrary a where
-- | A generator for values of the given type.
arbitrary :: Gen a
And Gen
newtype Gen a
As you can see they have a very different semantic, Arbitrary being a type class, and Gen a wrapper with a bunch of combinators to build them.
I agree that the argument of "limiting the scope through semantic" is a bit vague and does not seem to be taken seriously when it comes to organizing the code: the Arbitrary class sometimes simply delegates to Gen instances as in
/** Arbirtrary instance of Calendar */
implicit lazy val arbCalendar: Arbitrary[java.util.Calendar] =
and sometimes defines its own generator
/** Arbitrary BigInt */
implicit lazy val arbBigInt: Arbitrary[BigInt] = {
val long: Gen[Long] =
Gen.choose(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue).map(x => if (x == 0) 1L else x)
val gen1: Gen[BigInt] = for { x <- long } yield BigInt(x)
/* ... */
Arbitrary(frequency((5, gen0), (5, gen1), (4, gen2), (3, gen3), (2, gen4)))
So in effect this leads to code duplication (each default Gen being mirrored by an Arbitrary) and some confusion (why isn't Arbitrary[BigInt] not wrapping a default Gen[BigInt]?).
My reading of that is that you might need to have multiple instances of Gen, so Arbitrary is used to "flag" the one that you want ScalaCheck to use?
Is it possible for a pattern match to detect if something is a Numeric? I want to do the following:
class DoubleWrapper(value: Double) {
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case o: Numeric => value == o.toDouble
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = value ##
But of course this doesn't really work because Numeric isn't the supertype of things like Int and Double, it's a typeclass. I also can't do something like def equals[N: Numeric](o: N) because o has to be Any to fit the contract for equals.
So how do I do it without listing out every known Numeric class (including, I guess, user-defined classes I may not even know about)?
The original problem is not solvable, and here is my reasoning why:
To find out whether a type is an instance of a typeclass (such as Numeric), we need implicit resolution. Implicit resolution is done at compile time, but we would need it to be done at runtime. That is currently not possible, because as far as I can tell, the Scala compiler does not leave all necessary information in the compiled class file. To see that, one can write a test class with a method that contains a local variable, that has the implicit modifier. The compilation output will not change when the modifier is removed.
Are you using DoubleWrapper to add methods to Double? Then it should be a transparent type, i.e. you shouldn't be keeping instances, but rather define the pimped methods to return Double instead. That way you can keep using == as defined for primitives, which already does what you want (6.0 == 6 yields true).
Ok, so if not, how about
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o == value
If you construct equals methods of other wrappers accordingly, you should end up comparing the primitive values again.
Another question is whether you should have such an equals method for a stateful wrapper. I don't think mutable objects should be equal according to one of the values they hold—you will most likely run into trouble with that.
OK, #Drexin brings up a good point re: loss of type safety/surprising results when using implicit converters.
How about a less common conversion, where conflicts with PreDef implicits would not occur? For example, I'm working with JodaTime (great project!) in Scala. In the same controller package object where my implicits are defined, I have a type alias:
type JodaTime = org.joda.time.DateTime
and an implicit that converts JodaTime to Long (for a DAL built on top of ScalaQuery where dates are stored as Long)
implicit def joda2Long(d: JodaTime) = d.getMillis
Here no ambiguity could exist between PreDef and my controller package implicits, and, the controller implicits will not filter into the DAL as that is in a different package scope. So when I do
dao.getHeadlines(articleType, Some(jodaDate))
the implicit conversion to Long is done for me, IMO, safely, and given that date-based queries are used heavily, I save some boilerplate.
Similarly, for str2Int conversions, the controller layer receives servlet URI params as String -> String. There are many cases where the URI then contains numeric strings, so when I filter a route to determine if the String is an Int, I do not want to stringVal.toInt everytime; instead, if the regex passes, let the implicit convert the string value to Int for me. All together it would look like:
implicit def str2Int(s: String) = s.toInt
get( """/([0-9]+)""".r ) {
show(captures(0)) // captures(0) is String
def show(id: Int) = {...}
In the above contexts, are these valid use cases for implicit conversions, or is it more, always be explicit? If the latter, then what are valid implicit conversion use cases?
In a package object I have some implicit conversions defined, one of them a simple String to Int:
implicit def str2Int(s: String) = s.toInt
Generally this works fine, methods that take an Int param, but receive a String, make the conversion to Int, as do methods where the return type is set to Int, but the actual returned value is a String.
Great, now in some cases the compiler errors with the dreaded ambiguous implicit:
both method augmentString in object Predef of type (x: String)
scala.collection.immutable.StringOps and method str2Int(s: String) Int
are possible conversion functions from java.lang.String to ?{val
toInt: ?}
The case where I know this is happening is when attempting to do manual inline String-to-Int conversions. For example, val i = "10".toInt
My workaround/hack has been to create an asInt helper along with the implicits in the package object: def asInt(i: Int) = i and used as, asInt("10")
So, is implicit best practice implicit (i.e. learn by getting burned), or are there some guidelines to follow so as to not get caught in a trap of one's own making? In other words, should one avoid simple, common implicit conversions and only utilize where the type to convert is unique? (i.e. will never hit ambiguity trap)
Thanks for the feedback, implicits are awesome...when they work as intended ;-)
I think you're mixing two different use cases here.
In the first case, you're using implicit conversions used to hide the arbitrary distinction (or arbitrary-to-you, anyway) between different classes in cases where the functionality is identical. The JodaTime to Long implicit conversion fits in that category; it's probably safe, and very likely a good idea. I would probably use the enrich-my-library pattern instead, and write
class JodaGivesMS(jt: JodaTime) { def ms = jt.getMillis }
implicit def joda_can_give_ms(jt: JodaTime) = new JodaGivesMS(jt)
and use .ms on every call, just to be explicit. The reason is that units matter here (milliseconds are not microseconds are not seconds are not millimeters, but all can be represented as ints), and I'd rather leave some record of what the units are at the interface, in most cases. getMillis is rather a mouthful to type every time, but ms is not too bad. Still, the conversion is reasonable (if well-documented for people who may modify the code in years to come (including you)).
In the second case, however, you're performing an unreliable transformation between one very common type and another. True, you're doing it in only a limited context, but that transformation is still liable to escape and cause problems (either exceptions or types that aren't what you meant). Instead, you should write those handy routines that you need that correctly handle the conversion, and use those everywhere. For example, suppose you have a field that you expect to be "yes", "no", or an integer. You might have something like
val Rint = """(\d+)""".r
s match {
case "yes" => println("Joy!")
case "no" => println("Woe!")
case Rint(i) => println("The magic number is "+i.toInt)
case _ => println("I cannot begin to describe how calamitous this is")
But this code is wrong, because "12414321431243".toInt throws an exception, when what you really want is to say that the situation is calamitous. Instead, you should write code that matches properly:
case object Rint {
val Reg = """([-]\d+)""".r
def unapply(s: String): Option[Int] = s match {
case Reg(si) =>
try { Some(si.toInt) }
catch { case nfe: NumberFormatException => None }
case _ => None
and use this instead. Now instead of performing a risky and implicit conversion from String to Int, when you perform a match it will all be handled properly, both the regex match (to avoid throwing and catching piles of exceptions on bad parses) and the exception handling even if the regex passes.
If you have something that has both a string and an int representation, create a new class and then have implicit conversions to each if you don't want your use of the object (which you know can safely be either) to keep repeating a method call that doesn't really provide any illumination.
I try not to convert anything implicitly just to convert it from one type to another, but only for the pimp my library pattern. It can be a bit confusing, when you pass a String to a function that takes an Int. Also there is a huge loss of type safety. If you would pass a string to a function that takes an Int by mistake the compiler could not detect it, as it assumes you want to do it. So always do type conversion explicitly and only use implicit conversions to extend classes.
To answer your updated question: For the sake of readability, please use the explicit getMillis. In my eyes valid use cases for implicits are "pimp my library", view/context bounds, type classes, manifests, builders... but not being too lazy to write an explicit call to a method.
I'm asking a slight different question than this one. Suppose I have a code snippet:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
val s = i.toString + "!" //using val
s :: Nil
This is functionally equivalent to the following:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
def s = i.toString + "!" //using def
s :: Nil
Why would I choose one over the other? Obviously I would assume the second has a slight disadvantages in:
creating more bytecode (the inner def is lifted to a method in the class)
a runtime performance overhead of invoking a method over accessing a value
non-strict evaluation means I could easily access s twice (i.e. unnecesasarily redo a calculation)
The only advantage I can think of is:
non-strict evaluation of s means it is only called if it is used (but then I could just use a lazy val)
What are peoples' thoughts here? Is there a significant dis-benefit to me making all inner vals defs?
One answer I didn't see mentioned is that the stack frame for the method you're describing could actually be smaller. Each val you declare will occupy a slot on the JVM stack, however, the whenever you use a def obtained value it will get consumed in the first expression you use it in. Even if the def references something from the environment, the compiler will pass .
The HotSpot should optimize both these things, or so some people claim. See:
Since the inner method gets compiled into a regular private method behind the scene and it is usually very small, the JIT compiler might choose to inline it and then optimize it. This could save time allocating smaller stack frames (?), or, by having fewer elements on the stack, make local variables access quicker.
But, take this with a (big) grain of salt - I haven't actually made extensive benchmarks to backup this claim.
In addition, to expand on Kevin's valid reply, the stable val provides also means that you can use it with path dependent types - something you can't do with a def, since the compiler doesn't check its purity.
For another reason you might want to use a def, see a related question asked not so long ago:
Functional processing of Scala streams without OutOfMemory errors
Essentially, using defs to produce Streams ensures that there do not exist additional references to these objects, which is important for the GC. Since Streams are lazy anyway, the overhead of creating them is probably negligible even if you have multiple defs.
The val is strict, it's given a value as soon as you define the thing.
Internally, the compiler will mark it as STABLE, equivalent to final in Java. This should allow the JVM to make all sorts of optimisations - I just don't know what they are :)
I can see an advantage in the fact that you are less bound to a location when using a def than when using a val.
This is not a technical advantage but allows for better structuring in some cases.
So, stupid example (please edit this answer, if you’ve got a better one), this is not possible with val:
def foo(i : Int) : List[String] = {
def ret = s :: Nil
def s = i.toString + "!"
There may be cases where this is important or just convenient.
(So, basically, you can achieve the same with lazy val but, if only called at most once, it will probably be faster than a lazy val.)
For a local declaration like this (with no arguments, evaluated precisely once and with no code evaluated between the point of declaration and the point of evaluation) there is no semantic difference. I wouldn't be surprised if the "val" version compiled to simpler and more efficient code than the "def" version, but you would have to examine the bytecode and possibly profile to be sure.
In your example I would use a val. I think the val/def choice is more meaningful when declaring class members:
class A { def a0 = "a"; def a1 = "a" }
class B extends A {
var c = 0
override def a0 = { c += 1; "a" + c }
override val a1 = "b"
In the base class using def allows the sub class to override with possibly a def that does not return a constant. Or it could override with a val. So that gives more flexibility than a val.
Edit: one more use case of using def over val is when an abstract class has a "val" for which the value should be provided by a subclass.
abstract class C { def f: SomeObject }
new C { val f = new SomeObject(...) }