Perl share variables with subclasses - perl

I know this may be a very simple topic but I am trying to get the best logic since I am still new to Perl.
If I do not use OO and just split the code into files, all global variables are accessed among all files.
I am trying to do the same but using OO style. Example is I want a base class say called "BaseSub" that has a hash containing the configuration for the application say called %Config. Now I have a sub class called "DB" for the database connection and I want to access the settings from %Config which lives in "BaseSub" package. How do I do that.

If you're writing OO perl in this day and age, you really should be using Moose. It makes OO code much easier, cleaner and smaller.
The proper way to inherit variables is to make object attributes. Here's a quick example:
package MyBaseClass;
use Moose;
has config => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { {
who => 'World',
} }
package MyClass;
use Moose;
extends qw(MyBaseClass);
sub greet
my $self = shift;
printf("Hello %s!\n", $self->config->{who});
package main;
my $object = MyClass->new();
A great starting point for learning about Moose is the Moose::Manual.
If you want be able to modify the config, you can either just poke the hashref returned from the config accessor directly:
$object->config->{who} = 'Friends';
But a better approach might be to make a config class and make the config attribute hold an instance of that:
package Myconfig;
use Moose;
has who => (is => 'rw', default => 'World');
package MyBaseClass;
use Moose;
has config => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'MyConfig',
default => sub { MyConfig->new },
# inherit, instantiate, etc as before...
Another approach could be Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::Trait::Hash which makes it easy to setup helper methods to work with native Perl datatypes.

Use its full name.
for (keys(%BaseSub::Config)) {
print("$_: $BaseSub::Config{$_}\n");
You could also import it.
our %Config; *Config = \%BaseSub::Config;
for (keys(%Config)) {
print("$_: $Config{$_}\n");


Writing to read-only attributes inside a Perl Moose class

Using Perl and Moose, object data can be accessed in 2 ways.
$self->{attribute} or $self->attribute()
Here is a simple example demonstrating both:
package Person;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose;
has 'name' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str');
has 'age' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int');
my $self = shift;
$self->{age}++; # Age is accessed through method 1
my $self = shift;
my $age = $self->age();
$self->age($age + 1); # Age is accessed through method 2 (this will fail)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Person;
my $person = Person->new(
name => 'Joe',
age => 23,
print $person->age()."\n";
print $person->age()."\n";
print $person->age()."\n";
I know that when you are outside of the file it is better to use the $person->age() version since it prevents you from making dumb mistakes and will stop you from overwriting a read only value, but my question is...
Inside of is it best to use $self->{age} or $self->age()? Is it considered bad practice to overwrite a read-only attribute within the module itself?
Should this attribute be changed to a read/write attribute if its value is ever expected to change, or is it considered acceptable to override the read-only aspect of the attribute by using $self->{age} within the HAPPY_BIRTHDAY function?
When using Moose, the best practice is to always use the generated accessor methods, even when inside the object's own class. Here are a few reasons:
The accessor methods may be over-ridden by a child class that does something special. Calling $self->age() assures that the correct method will be called.
There may be method modifiers, such as before or after, attached to the attribute. Accessing the hash value directly will skip these.
There may be a predicate or clearer method attached to the attribute (e.g. has_age). Messing with the hash value directly will confuse them.
Hash keys are subject to typos. If you accidentally say $self->{aeg} the bug will not be caught right away. But $self->aeg will die since the method does not exist.
Consistency is good. There's no reason to use one style in one place and another style elsewhere. It makes the code easier to understand for newbs as well.
In the specific case of a read-only attribute, here are some strategies:
Make your objects truly immutable. If you need to change a value, construct a new object which is a clone of the old one with the new value.
Use a read-only attribute to store the real age, and specify a private writer method
For example:
package Person;
use Moose;
has age => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', writer => '_set_age' );
my $self = shift;
$self->_set_age( $self->age + 1 );
Here's an example of how you might use a lazy builder to set one attribute based on another.
package Person;
use Moose;
has age => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_age' );
has is_baby => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', required => 1 );
sub _build_age {
my $self = shift;
return $self->is_baby ? 1 : 52
The lazy builder is not called until age is accessed, so you can be sure that is_baby will be there.
Setting the hash element directly will of course skip the builder method.
I don't think $self->{age} is a documented interface, so it's not even guaranteed to work.
In this case I'd use a private writer as described in
has 'weight' => (
is => 'ro',
writer => '_set_weight',
You could even automate this using 'rwp' from
use MooseX::AttributeShortcuts;
has 'weight' => (
is => 'rwp',
Out-of-the-box perl isn't type safe and doesn't have much in the way of encapsulation, so it's easy to do reckless things. Moose imposes some civilization on your perl object, exchanging security and stability for some liberty. If Moose gets too stifling, the underlying Perl is still there so there are ways to work around any laws the iron fist of Moose tries to lay down.
Once you have wrapped your head around the fact that you have declared an attribute read-only, but you want to change it, even though you also said you wanted it to be read-only, and in most universes you declare something read only because you don't want to change it, then by all means go ahead and update $person->{age}. After all, you know what you are doing.

Moose attributes: separating data and behaviour

I have a class built with Moose that's essentially a data container for an article list. All the attributes - like name, number, price, quantity - are data. "Well, what else?", I can hear you say. So what else?
An evil conspiration of unfortunate circumstances now forces external functionality into that package: Tax calculation of the data in this class has to be performed by an external component. This external component is tightly coupled to an entire application including database and dependencies that ruin the component's testability, dragging it into the everything-coupled-together stew. (Even thinking about refactoring the tax component out of the stew is completely out of the question.)
So my idea is to have the class accept a coderef wrapping the tax calculation component. The class would then remain independent of the tax calculation implementation (and its possible nightmare of dependencies), and at the same time it would allow integration with the application environment.
has 'tax_calculator', is => 'ro', isa => 'CodeRef';
But then, I'd have added a non-data component to my class. Why is that a problem? Because I'm (ab)using $self->meta->get_attribute_list to assemble a data export for my class:
my %data; # need a plain hash, no objects
my #attrs = $self->meta->get_attribute_list;
$data{ $_ } = $self->$_ for #attrs;
return %data;
Now the coderef is part of the attribute list. I could filter it out, of course. But I'm unsure any of what I'm doing here is a sound way to proceed. So how would you handle this problem, perceived as the need to separate data attributes and behaviour attributes?
A possible half thought out solution: use inheritance. Create your class as you do today but with a calculate_tax method that dies if called (i.e. a virtual function). Then create subclass that overrides that method to call into the external system. You can test the base class and use the child class.
Alternate solution: use a role to add the calculate_tax method. You can create two roles: Calculate::Simple::Tax and Calculate::Real::Tax. When testing you add the simple role, in production you add the real role.
I whipped up this example, but I don't use Moose, so I may be crazy with respect to how to apply the role to the class. There may be some more Moosey way of doing this:
use warnings;
package Simple::Tax;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'price';
sub calculate_tax {
my $self = shift;
return int($self->price * 0.05);
package A;
use Moose;
use Moose::Util qw( apply_all_roles );
has price => ( is => "rw", isa => 'Int' ); #price in pennies
sub new_with_simple_tax {
my $class = shift;
my $obj = $class->new(#_);
apply_all_roles( $obj, "Simple::Tax" );
my $o = A->new_with_simple_tax(price => 100);
print $o->calculate_tax, " cents\n";
It appears as if the right way to do it in Moose is to use two roles. The first is applied to the class and contains the production code. The second is applied to an object you want to use in testing. It subverts the first method using an around method and never calls the original method:
use warnings;
package Complex::Tax;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'price';
sub calculate_tax {
my $self = shift;
print "complex was called\n";
#pretend this is more complex
return int($self->price * 0.15);
package Simple::Tax;
use Moose::Role;
requires 'price';
around calculate_tax => sub {
my ($orig_method, $self) = #_;
return int($self->price * 0.05);
package A;
use Moose;
has price => ( is => "rw", isa => 'Int' ); #price in pennies
with "Complex::Tax";
my $prod = A->new(price => 100);
print $prod->calculate_tax, " cents\n";
use Moose::Util qw/ apply_all_roles /;
my $test = A->new(price => 100);
apply_all_roles($test, 'Simple::Tax');
print $test->calculate_tax, " cents\n";
A couple of things come to mind:
Implement the tax calculation logic in a separate TaxCalculation class that has the article list and the tax calculator as attributes.
Use a mock object as the tax calculator when you test. The tax calculator could be stored in an attribute that by default creates the real tax calculator. The test passes in a mock object that has the same interface but doesn't do anything.
Actually that's not really an abuse of get_attribute_list since that's rather exactly how MooseX::Storage works[^1]. IF you are going to continue to use get_attribute_list to build your straight data you'll want to do what MooseX::Storage does and set up an attribute trait for "DoNotSerialize"[^2]:
package MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Trait::DoNotSerialize;
use Moose::Role;
# register this alias ...
package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Custom::Trait::DoNotSerialize;
sub register_implementation { 'MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Trait::DoNotSerialize' }
You then can use this in your class like so:
has 'tax_calculator' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'CodeRef', traits => ['DoNotSerialize'] );
and in your serialization code like so:
my %data; # need a plain hash, no objects
my #attrs = grep { !$_->does('MyApp::Meta::Attribute::Trait::DoNotSerialize') } $self->meta->get_all_attributes; # note the change from get_attribute_list
$data{ $_ } = $_->get_value($self) for #attrs; # note the inversion here too
return %data;
Ultimately though you will end up in a solution similar to the Role one that Chas proposes, and I just answered his follow up question regarding it here: How to handle mocking roles in Moose?.
Hope this helps.
[^1]: And since the most basic use-case for MooseX::Storage is doing exactly what you describe, I highly suggest looking at it to do what you're doing by hand here.
[^2]: Or simply re-use the one from MooseX::Storage creates.

programmatically creating a Moose class at run time

I've been playing around with this code:
package Foo;
use Moose;
package main;
my $PACKAGE = "Foo";
no strict 'refs';
my $has = *{"${PACKAGE}::has"}{CODE};
my $with = *{"${PACKAGE}::with"}{CODE};
# Add a instance member to class $PACKAGE
$has->("bar", is => "rw", required => 1);
# Add a role to class $PACKAGE
# Create an instance of $PACKAGE:
$PACKAGE->new(); # error: attribute 'bar' is required means we were successful
This allows me to create a Moose class at run-time, i.e. add instance members to a class, add roles, etc.
My question is: how can I import Moose into package $PACKAGE?
I know I can do this with eval: eval "package $PACKAGE; use Moose"; but I'm wondering if there is a solution along the lines of Moose->import(... $PACKAGE ...).
i.e., a way without using eval. Or is there a completely different way of creating and modifying Moose classes at run time?
You probably want to take a look at Moose::Meta::Class and its create method:
my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create('Foo',
attributes => [attr => Moose::Meta::Attribute->new(is => 'ro'), ...],
roles => [...],
methods => {...},
superclasses => [...],
# Edit: Adding an attribute and method modifiers:
$class->add_attribute(otherattr => (is => 'ro'));
$class->add_around_method_modifier(methodname => sub { ... });
Moose::Meta::Class is a subclass of Class::MOP::Class, so you might want to peek into that one as well. With the above, you can specify roles, superclasses, attributes and methods, or you can first create and then add them via the MOP; whatever fits best.
For the attributes you'll want the Moose kind, which means Moose::Meta::Attribute objects. The constructor to that object is basically the same as using has.
You may want to use Class::MOP, see for example
Call extends, with, has, before, after, around, override and augment in the Moose package instead of the ones exported by Moose, and pass the meta object of the class you are creating as an additional first argument.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use Moose qw( );
{ # Create MyClass on the fly.
my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => 'MyClass' );
# Moose::with( $meta, 'MyRole' );
Moose::has( $meta, foo => (
is => 'ro',
say MyClass->new( foo => "Foo" )->foo; # Foo

Dependency injection for Moose classes

I have a Moose class that needs to send requests of type Foo::Request. I need to make this dependency accessible from the outside, so that I can easily exchange the request implementation in tests. I came up with the following attribute:
has request_builder => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CodeRef',
default => sub {
sub { Foo::Request->new(#_) }
And then in code:
my $self = shift;
my $request = $self->request_builder->(path => …);
And in tests:
my $tested_class = …;
my $request = Test::MockObject->new;
$tested_class->request_builder(sub { $request });
Is there a more simple / more idiomatic solution?
How about applying a role dynamically in your tests with Moose::Util::apply_all_roles? I have been wanting to use this for a while, but haven't had an excuse yet. Here is how I think it would work.
First, modify your original attribute slightly:
package MyClientThing;
has request => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Foo::Request',
builder => '_build_request',
sub _build_request { Foo::Request->new };
Then create a Test::RequestBuilder role:
package Test::RequestBuilder;
use Moose::Role;
use Test::Foo::Request; # this module could inherit from Foo::Request I guess?
sub _build_request { return Test::Foo::Request->new };
Meanwhile in 't/my_client_thing.t' you would write something like this:
use MyClientThing;
use Moose::Util qw( apply_all_roles );
use Test::More;
my $client = MyClientThing->new;
apply_all_roles( $client, 'Test::RequestBuilder' );
isa_ok $client->request, 'Test::Foo::Request';
See Moose::Manual::Roles for more info.
My suggestion, following the model in chromatic's article (comment above by Mike), is this:
In your class:
has request => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'CodeRef',
default => sub {
In your test:
my $request = Test::MockObject->new;
my $tested_class = MyClass->new(request => $request, ...);
Does exactly what your code does, with the following refinements:
make the attribute read-only and set it in the constructor, if possible, for better encapsulation.
your request attribute is a ready-to-use object; no need to dereference the sub ref
Consider this approach:
In your Moose class define an 'abstract' method called make_request. Then define two roles which implement make_request - one which calls Foo::Request->new and another one which calls Test::MockObject->new.
Your main class and the two roles:
package MainMooseClass;
use Moose;
# Note: this class requires a role that
# provides an implementation of 'make_request'
package MakeRequestWithFoo;
use Moose::Role;
use Foo::Request; # or require it
sub make_request { Foo::Request->new(...) }
package MakeRequestWithMock;
use Moose::Role;
use Test::MockRequest; # or require it
sub make_request { Test::MockRequest->new(...) }
If you want to test your main class, mix it with the 'MakeRequestWithMock' role:
package TestVersionOfMainMooseClass;
use Moose;
extends 'MainMooseClass';
with 'MakeRequestWithMock';
package main;
my $test_object = TestVersionOfMainMooseClass->new(...);
If you want to use it with the Foo implementation of 'make_request', mix it in with the 'MakeRequestWithFoo' role.
Some advantages:
You will only load in modules that you need. For instance, the class TestVersionOfMainMooseClass will not load the module Foo::Request.
You can add data that is relevant/required by your implementation of make_request as instance members of your new class. For example, your original approach of using a CODEREF can be implemented with this role:
package MakeRequestWithCodeRef;
use Moose::Role;
has request_builder => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CodeRef',
required => 1,
sub make_request { my $self = shift; $self->request_builder->(#_) };
To use this class you need to supply an initializer for request_builder, e.g.:
package Example;
use Moose;
extends 'MainMooseClass';
with 'MakeRequestWithCodeRef';
package main;
my $object = Example->new(request_builder => sub { ... });
As a final consideration, the roles you write might be usable with other classes.
I know this post is a little old, but for anyone referring to this question now the requester could use a framework like Bread::Board.

Setting Up Perl Module Structure

I'm having trouble figuring out how to structure Perl modules in an object oriented way so I can have one parent module with a number of submodules and only the specific submodules that are needed would be loaded by a calling script. For example I want to be able to make method calls like so:
use Example::API;
my $api = Example::API->new();
my $user = {};
$user->{'id'} = '12345';
$user->{'info'} = $api->Users->Get($user->{'id'});
$user->{'friends'} = $api->Friends->Get($user->{'id'});
In terms of file structure I'd like to have the modules setup as follows or in whatever structure is required to make everything work correctly:
The reason I want to do this in the first place is so that if someone just wants to authenticate against the API they don't have to load all the other modules. Similarly, if someone just wants to get a user's information, they wouldn't have to load the module, just the I'd appreciate it if you could provide the necessary example Perl code for setting up each module as well as explain how the file structure should be setup. If I'm going about this all wrong to accomplish what I'm try to accomplish I'd appreciate an explanation of the best way to do this and some example code on how it should be setup.
From your example, in your main module I assume you will be providing accessor methods to get at the subclasses. So all you have to do is include require Sub::Module; at the top of that method. Nothing will happen at compile time, but the first time that code is run, perl will load the module. After the first load, the line require Sub::Module; will become a no-op.
If all of your code is object oriented, you won't need to worry about importing functions. But if you do, the statement use Module qw(a b c); is interpreted as:
require Module;
Module->import(qw(a b c));
BEGIN makes it happen at compile time, but there is nothing stopping you from using the internals at run time. Any subroutines you import at runtime must be called with parenthesis, and prototypes will not work, so unless you know what you are doing, runtime imports are probably a bad idea. Runtime requires and access via package methods are completely safe though.
So your $api->Users method might work something like this:
# in package 'Example::API' in the file 'Example/'
sub Users {
require Example::API::Users; # loads the file 'Example/API/'
return Example::API::Users->new( #_ ); # or any other arguments
In my examples above, I showed two translations between package names and the files they were in. In general, all :: are changed to / and .pm is added to the end. Then perl will search for that file in all of the directories in the global variable #INC. You can look at the documentation for require for all of the details.
One way to cache this method would be to replace it at runtime with a function that simply returns the value:
sub Users {
require Example::API::Users;
my $users = Example::API::Users->new;
no warnings 'redefine';
*Users = sub {$users};
Here's a big ugly Moose example that selectively applies roles to an API driver instance.
use Example::User;
# User object creates and authenticates a default API object.
my $user = Example::User->new( id => '12345' );
# When user metadata is accessed, we automatically
# * Load the API driver code.
# * Get the data and make it available.
print "User phone number is: ", $user->phone_number, "\n";
# Same thing with Friends.
print "User has ", $user->count_friends, " friends\n";
print "User never logged in\n" unless $user->has_logged_in;
Example/ - the basic protocol driver class:
package Example::API;
use Moose;
has 'host' => (
is => 'ro',
default => '',
sub Authenticate {
return 1;
# Load the user metadata API driver if needed.
# Load user metadata
sub GetUserInfo {
my $self = shift;
require Example::API::Role::UserInfo;
unless $self->does('Example::API::Role::UserInfo');
# Load the friends API driver if needed.
# Load friends data and return an array ref of Friend objects
sub GetFriends {
my $self = shift;
#require Example::API::Role::Friends;
unless $self->does('Example::API::Role::Friends');
The user metadata and friends data drivers are built as 'roles' which are dynamically applied to an API driver instance as needed.
package Example::API::Role::UserInfo;
use Moose::Role;
sub _Get_UserInfo {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $ui = Example::API::User::MetaData->new(
name => 'Joe-' . int rand 100,
phone_number => int rand 999999,
return $ui;
use Moose::Role;
sub _Get_Friends {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my #friends = map {
friend_id => "$id-$_",
name => 'John Smith'
} 1 .. (1 + int rand(5));
return \#friends;
A friend object:
package Example::API::Friend;
use Moose;
has 'friend_id' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
required => 1,
has 'name' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 );
And a user metadata object.
package Example::API::User::MetaData;
use Moose;
has 'name' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
has 'phone_number' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
has 'last_login' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'DateTime',
predicate => 'has_logged_in',
And finally a user object. I've used many Moose features to make this a very capable object with only a small amount of imperative code.
package Example::User;
use Moose;
has 'id' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Int',
required => 1,
has 'server_connection' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Example::API',
builder => '_build_server_connection',
# Work with a collection of friend objects.
has 'friends' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Example::API::Friend]',
traits => ['Array'],
handles => {
all_friends => 'elements',
map_friends => 'map',
filter_friends => 'grep',
find_option => 'first',
get_option => 'get',
join_friends => 'join',
count_friends => 'count',
has_no_friends => 'is_empty',
sorted_friends => 'sort',
lazy_build => 1,
has 'user_info' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Example::API::User::MetaData',
handles => {
name => 'name',
last_login => 'last_login',
phone_number => 'phone_number',
has_logged_in => 'has_logged_in',
lazy_build => 1,
sub _build_server_connection {
my $api = Example::API->new();
return $api;
sub _build_friends {
my $self = shift;
$self->server_connection->GetFriends( $self->id );
sub _build_user_info {
my $self = shift;
$self->server_connection->GetUserInfo( $self->id );
This example makes use of a lot of Moose magic, but you wind up with a very simple interface for those using the objects. While this is close to 200 lines of formatted code, we get a huge amount done.
Adding type coercion would give an even easier interface. Raw string dates can be automatically parsed into DateTime objects. Raw IP addresses and server names can be converted into API servers.
I hope this inspires you to take a look at Moose. The documentation is excellect, check out the Manual and the Cookbooks, in particular.
Managing the exports is tricky, but you could use an AUTOLOAD solution to this problem. If perl doesn't recognize the subroutine name you are trying to call, it can pass it to a sub called AUTOLOAD. Suppose we did this:
use Example::API;
my $api = shift;
eval "require $AUTOLOAD"; # $api->Foo->... sets $AUTOLOAD to "Example::API::Foo"
die $# if $#; # fail if no Example::API::Foo package
Then this code:
$api = new Example::API;
will (assuming we haven't imported Example::API::Foo first) call our AUTOLOAD method, attempt to load the Example::API::Foo module, and then try to call the method Example::API::Foo::bar with the $api object and the other arguments you provide.
Or in the worst case,
causes this code to be invoked
eval "require Example::API::Foo";
die $# if $#;
Depending on how you use this feature, it might be a lot more overhead than just importing everything you need.
There are a number of tools that can be used to quickly build an skeletal structure for your new module development.
h2xs comes with the standard Perl distribution. Its primary focus is on building XS code for interfacing with C libraries. However, it does provide basic support for laying out pure Perl projects: h2xs -AX --skip-exporter -n Example::API
I use Module::Starter to build a beginning layout for my module development. It does a lot that h2xs doesn't do. module-starter --module=Example::API,Example::Friends,Example::Users --author="Russel C"
Dist::Zilla is a new tool that handles many tasks related to maintaining a Perl module distribution. It is amazingly powerful and flexible. But it is new and the docs are a bit rough. The unavoidable complexity that comes with all that power and flexibility means that learning to use it is a project. It looks very interesting, but I haven't taken the time to dive in, yet.
If you need to limit the number of methods loaded, you can use AutoLoader or SelfLoader to load subroutines as they are called. This will lead to a slight overhead when a method is called for the first time. In my experience, this approach is rarely needed.
The best thing is to keep your objects small and strictly defined so that they embody a simple concept. Do not allow ambiguity or half-way concepts into your objects, instead consider using composition and delegation to handle areas of potential confusion. For example, instead of adding date formatting methods to handle a user's last login, assign DateTime objects to the last_login attribute.
In the interest of making composition and delegation easy, consider using Moose to build your objects. It removes much of the drudgery involved in Perl OOP and object composition and delegation in specific.