Switching between lexical states in javaCC - netbeans

I am trying to create a javaCC parser that will behave differently in two code blocks for custom NetBeans plugin, however I cant even recognize two states. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
SKIP : {
" "
| "\t"
| "\n"
| "\r"
< A1: "a"> : STATE1
< STATE1 > TOKEN : {
< B2: "b" > : DEFAULT
This simple parser does not parse string "abab..".

There is no rule for "."; so, after parsing "abab", the lexer is stuck. This is why the error message says 'Lexical error at line 1, column 5. Encountered: "." (46), after : ""' If you add
| "."
to the first rule, it will work.


How to open a website using AutohotKey that contains special characters "%" in the url itself?

I want to open this website with this line of code:
When i try to run this line I get this error:
The following variable name contains an illegal character:
The program will exit.
Im pretty sure that "%" is the issue.
You dont need to encode URL while using Run command.
But if you really need or want to encode, you may try this function:
str := "hello%20world"
MsgBox, % decoded := EncodeDecodeURI(str, false)
MsgBox, % EncodeDecodeURI(decoded)
EncodeDecodeURI(str, encode := true, component := true) {
static Doc, JS
if !Doc {
Doc := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
Doc.write("<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=9"">")
JS := Doc.parentWindow
( Doc.documentMode < 9 && JS.execScript() )
Return JS[ (encode ? "en" : "de") . "codeURI" . (component ? "Component" : "") ](str)
Source: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=84825
You want to ditch the usage of legacy syntax, and enter the modern expression syntax by specifying a single % at the start of that parameter.
Then you can explicitly specify a string with "":
Run, % "https://logowanie.uek.krakow.pl/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fe-uczelnia.uek.krakow.pl%2Flogin%2Findex.php%3FauthCAS%3DCAS"
If you for some reason were to want to use the legacy syntax, (there is no valid reason to do so), you'd want to escape the %s with a `.

Trying to match to a typedef value in a receive statement causes "bad node type 44" error message

When I try to match a message in a receive statement I get a "bad node type 44" error message. This happens when the message's type is a typedef. The error message is rather cryptic and doesn't give much insight.
typedef t {
int i
init {
chan c = [1] of {t}
t x;
!(c ?? [eval(x)]) // <--- ERROR
Note: This may, or may not, be a bug in Spin: apparently, the grammar allows using a structure variable as an argument for eval(), but it does not look like this situation is handled correctly (within the extent of my limited understanding). I would encourage you to contact the maintainers of Promela/Spin and submit your model.
Nevertheless, there is a work-around for the issue you reported (see below).
Contrary to what is reported here:
eval - predefined unary function to turn an expression into a constant.
eval( any_expr )
The actual promela grammar for EVAL looks a bit different:
receive : varref '?' recv_args /* normal receive */
| varref '?' '?' recv_args /* random receive */
| varref '?' '<' recv_args '>' /* poll with side-effect */
| varref '?' '?' '<' recv_args '>' /* ditto */
recv_args: recv_arg [ ',' recv_arg ] * | recv_arg '(' recv_args ')'
recv_arg : varref | EVAL '(' varref ')' | [ '-' ] const
varref : name [ '[' any_expr ']' ] [ '.' varref ]
apparently, eval is allowed to take as argument a structure (because name may be the identifier of a typedef structure [?])
eval can also take as argument a structure field
when one aims to apply message filtering to an entire structure, it can expand the relevant fields of the structure itself
typedef Message {
int _filter;
int _value;
chan inout = [10] of { Message }
active proctype Producer()
Message msg;
byte cc = 0;
for (cc: 1 .. 10) {
int id;
select(id: 0..1);
msg._filter = id;
msg._value = cc;
atomic {
printf("Sending: [%d|%d]\n", msg._filter, msg._value);
printf("Sender Stops.\n");
active proctype Consumer()
Message msg;
msg._filter = 0;
bool ignored;
:: atomic {
inout??[eval(msg._filter)] ->
inout??eval(msg._filter), msg._value;
printf("Received: [%d|%d]\n", msg._filter, msg._value);
:: timeout -> break;
printf("Consumer Stops.\n");
simulation output:
~$ spin test.pml
Sending: [1|1]
Sending: [0|2]
Received: [0|2]
Sending: [0|3]
Received: [0|3]
Sending: [0|4]
Received: [0|4]
Sending: [0|5]
Received: [0|5]
Sending: [1|6]
Sending: [0|7]
Received: [0|7]
Sending: [0|8]
Received: [0|8]
Sending: [1|9]
Sending: [1|10]
Sender Stops.
Consumer Stops.
2 processes created
Generating a verifier does not result in a compilation error:
~$ spin -a test.pml
~$ gcc -o run pan.c
Note: when using both message filtering and message polling (like in your model sample), the fields of the structure that are subject to message filtering should be placed at the beginning of it.
Apparently it's a bug, link to github issue: https://github.com/nimble-code/Spin/issues/17
Update: Bug is now fixed.
Update 2: Bug was actually partially fixed, there are still some edge cases where it's behaving weirdly.
Update 3: As far as I can tell bug looks fixed now. The only downside is that it seems that now there is a strict restriction on what you put in the receive args. They have to match exactly the types declared in the channel. No more partial matches or unrolling struct fields.
My guess is that this error is related to the restrictions that structured types have. One restriction is that they can't be handled as a unit, to assign or compare them one must do it one field at a time.
For example, if one writes: x == y, where x and y are variables of a typedef type, the following error is shown: Error: incomplete structure ref 'x' saw 'operator: =='
Under the hood, when trying to compare the channel's queue to match the eval something is triggered that indicates that the comparison can't be done and then raises the "bad node type" message.

OptaPlanner : I tried to print out the justificationList of ConstraintMatch, but got objects of SubnetworkTuple which are not my domain classes

I'm using OptaPlanner to solve a planning problem. I use drools to do score calculation. When I tried to print out the justificationList of each constraintMatch, I got objects which are instances of SubnetworkTuple besides my domain class objects. These seem to be objects that are used in
its internal implementation.
I have not used drools rule engine before :) . And this is my first time to use OptaPlanner. As far I know, justificationList should contain all objects that are involved in that rule.
drools rule:
rule "roomPriority"
EduClassRoomPriority($left : leftEduClass, $right : rightEduClass, $priority : priority)
exists(LectureOfEduClass(eduClass == $left,$room1 : room ) and LectureOfEduClass(eduClass == $right, $room1 != room))
for (ConstraintMatchTotal constraintMatchTotal : constraintMatchTotals) {
String constraintName = constraintMatchTotal.getConstraintName();
Score totalScore = constraintMatchTotal.getScore();
Set<ConstraintMatch> constraintMatchSet = constraintMatchTotal.getConstraintMatchSet();
logger.info(totalScore.toShortString() + " constraint(" + constraintName + ") has " + constraintMatchSet.size() + " matches");
for (ConstraintMatch constraintMatch : constraintMatchSet) {
List<Object> justificationList = constraintMatch.getJustificationList();
Score score = constraintMatch.getScore();
logger.info(score.toShortString() + justificationList.toString());
I wonder what I can do to fix that problem, because these extra objects would confuse users. I can do instance of check. But That shouldn't be the right way to resolve it.
Thank everyone in advance.
Caused and fixed by https://issues.jboss.org/browse/DROOLS-4423 for 7.26.

Selenium IDE - always fail on any 500 error

Is there an easy way to tell Selenium IDE that any action that results in a http 500 response means the test failed?
I have tests that are 75 page requests long. Sometimes, I get a crash and burn somewhere in the middle, but the tests come back green.
Taking a look at selenium-api.js, I saw that there is a parameter ignoreResponseCode in the signature of the doOpen method in selenium-api.js :
Selenium.prototype.doOpen = function(url, ignoreResponseCode) {
This parameter is used by the browserbot object :
if (!((self.xhrResponseCode >= 200 && self.xhrResponseCode <= 399) || self.xhrResponseCode == 0)) {
// TODO: for IE status like: 12002, 12007, ... provide corresponding statusText messages also.
LOG.error("XHR failed with message " + self.xhrStatusText);
e = "XHR ERROR: URL = " + self.xhrOpenLocation + " Response_Code = " + self.xhrResponseCode + " Error_Message = " + self.xhrStatusText;
self.abortXhr = false;
self.isXhrSent = false;
self.isXhrDone = false;
self.xhrResponseCode = null;
self.xhrStatusText = null;
throw new SeleniumError(e);
I've tried calling the open function from selenium IDE with value = false and this results in an error (test failed).
My PHP test page was :
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Simulated 500 error');
And this results in :
For me, this solves the problem of checking HTTP response status.
Make a JavaScript file called "user-extensions.js" and add it to the Selenium-IDE under Options > Options. If you are running Selenium RC, pass it into the parameter when starting up your server in the jar command. There should be a user extensions javascript file attribute.
Then close and restart Selenium-IDE. The User-Extensions file is cached when the IDE starts up.
Add this code to your Selenium user-extensions.js file to make a custom command called "AssertLocationPart". As you know "assertLocation" and "storeLocation" are standard commands. I tried to reduce the extra line of code to storeLocation just by getting the href in the custom function. I wasn't able to get the doAssertValue command to work. I'll have to post my own question for that. That's why it's commented out. For now, just use "this.doStore" instead. And add an extra line to your script after your custom AssertLocationPart command. Since we're not actually doing an assertion in the custom function/command, we should call it "storeLocationPart" (function would be named "doStoreLocationPart"), not "assertLocationPart" (function would be named "doAssertLocationPart"), and just pass in the first parameter. But if you can get the doAssert* to work, please let me know. I'll mess with it another day since I need to do this same thing for work.
Selenium.prototype.doAssertLocationPart = function(partName,assertTo) {
var uri = selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.location.href;
//alert("URI = " + uri);
var partValue = parseUri(uri,partName);
//alert("Part '" + partName + "' = " + partValue);
// Slightly modified function based on author's original:
// http://badassery.blogspot.com/2007/02/parseuri-split-urls-in-javascript.html
// parseUri JS v0.1, by Steven Levithan (http://badassery.blogspot.com)
// Splits any well-formed URI into the following parts (all are optional):
// - source (since the exec() method returns backreference 0 [i.e., the entire match] as key 0, we might as well use it)
// - protocol (scheme)
// - authority (includes both the domain and port)
// - domain (part of the authority; can be an IP address)
// - port (part of the authority)
// - path (includes both the directory path and filename)
// - directoryPath (part of the path; supports directories with periods, and without a trailing backslash)
// - fileName (part of the path)
// - query (does not include the leading question mark)
// - anchor (fragment)
function parseUri(sourceUri,partName){
var uriPartNames = ["source","protocol","authority","domain","port","path","directoryPath","fileName","query","anchor"];
var uriParts = new RegExp("^(?:([^:/?#.]+):)?(?://)?(([^:/?#]*)(?::(\\d*))?)?((/(?:[^?#](?![^?#/]*\\.[^?#/.]+(?:[\\?#]|$)))*/?)?([^?#/]*))?(?:\\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?").exec(sourceUri);
var uri = {};
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
uri[uriPartNames[i]] = (uriParts[i] ? uriParts[i] : "");
if (uriPartNames[i] == partName) {
return uri[uriPartNames[i]]; // line added by MacGyver
// Always end directoryPath with a trailing backslash if a path was present in the source URI
// Note that a trailing backslash is NOT automatically inserted within or appended to the "path" key
if(uri.directoryPath.length > 0){
uri.directoryPath = uri.directoryPath.replace(/\/?$/, "/");
if (partName == "directoryPath") {
return uri.directoryPath; // line added by MacGyver
return uri;
Then add this to your web.config file and make sure customErrors is turned off. Since you have a 500 error, it will redirect the user to the default page. Feel free to add a custom page for a 500 HTTP status code if you want to be specific in your Selenium scripts.
<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="/ErrorHandler.aspx">
<error statusCode="401" redirect="/AccessDenied.aspx" />
<error statusCode="403" redirect="/AccessDenied.aspx" />
<error statusCode="404" redirect="/PageNotFound.aspx" />
This is what your commands will look like in the IDE:
Make sure you're on this page (or something similar) before running the script:
Log shows that it passed!
[info] Executing: |storeLocation | var_URI | |
[info] Executing: |echo | ${var_URI} | |
[info] echo: https://localhost/ErrorHandler.aspx?aspxerrorpath=//path/pathyouweretryingtoviewinwebapp.aspx
[info] Executing: |assertLocationPart | fileName | ErrorHandler.aspx |
[info] Executing: |assertExpression | ${var_fileName} | ErrorHandler.aspx |
Using the error handler from my previous answer:
Command: assertLocation
Target: regexp:^(https://localhost/ErrorHandler.aspx).*$
Or (per your comment) it's inverse if you don't have error handling turned on, use AssertNotLocation. This may require more work on the person writing the scripts. You'd have to keep track of all pages.
More on pattern matching:

How to further improve error messages in Scala parser-combinator based parsers?

I've coded a parser based on Scala parser combinators:
class SxmlParser extends RegexParsers with ImplicitConversions with PackratParsers {
lazy val document: PackratParser[AstNodeDocument] =
((procinst | element | comment | cdata | whitespace | text)*) ^^ {
object SxmlParser {
def parse(text: String): AstNodeDocument = {
var ast = AstNodeDocument()
val parser = new SxmlParser()
val result = parser.parseAll(parser.document, new CharArrayReader(text.toArray))
result match {
case parser.Success(x, _) => ast = x
case parser.NoSuccess(err, next) => {
tool.die("failed to parse SXML input " +
"(line " + next.pos.line + ", column " + next.pos.column + "):\n" +
err + "\n" +
Usually the resulting parsing error messages are rather nice. But sometimes it becomes just
sxml: ERROR: failed to parse SXML input (line 32, column 1):
`"' expected but `' found
This happens if a quote characters is not closed and the parser reaches the EOT. What I would like to see here is (1) what production the parser was in when it expected the '"' (I've multiple ones) and (2) where in the input this production started parsing (which is an indicator where the opening quote is in the input). Does anybody know how I can improve the error messages and include more information about the actual internal parsing state when the error happens (perhaps something like a production rule stacktrace or whatever can be given reasonably here to better identify the error location). BTW, the above "line 32, column 1" is actually the EOT position and hence of no use here, of course.
I don't know yet how to deal with (1), but I was also looking for (2) when I found this webpage:
I'm just copying the information:
A useful enhancement is to record the input position (line number and column number) of the significant tokens. To do this, you must do three things:
Make each output type extend scala.util.parsing.input.Positional
invoke the Parsers.positioned() combinator
Use a text source that records line and column positions
Finally, ensure that the source tracks positions. For streams, you can simply use scala.util.parsing.input.StreamReader; for Strings, use scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader.
I'm currently playing with it so I'll try to add a simple example later
In such cases you may use err, failure and ~! with production rules designed specifically to match the error.