How to open a website using AutohotKey that contains special characters "%" in the url itself? - autohotkey

I want to open this website with this line of code:
When i try to run this line I get this error:
The following variable name contains an illegal character:
The program will exit.
Im pretty sure that "%" is the issue.

You dont need to encode URL while using Run command.
But if you really need or want to encode, you may try this function:
str := "hello%20world"
MsgBox, % decoded := EncodeDecodeURI(str, false)
MsgBox, % EncodeDecodeURI(decoded)
EncodeDecodeURI(str, encode := true, component := true) {
static Doc, JS
if !Doc {
Doc := ComObjCreate("htmlfile")
Doc.write("<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=9"">")
JS := Doc.parentWindow
( Doc.documentMode < 9 && JS.execScript() )
Return JS[ (encode ? "en" : "de") . "codeURI" . (component ? "Component" : "") ](str)

You want to ditch the usage of legacy syntax, and enter the modern expression syntax by specifying a single % at the start of that parameter.
Then you can explicitly specify a string with "":
Run, % ""
If you for some reason were to want to use the legacy syntax, (there is no valid reason to do so), you'd want to escape the %s with a `.


Pre-compile textual replacement macro with arguments

I am trying to create some kind of a dut_error wrapper. Something that will take some arguments and construct them in a specific way to a dut_error.
I can't use a method to replace the calls to dut_error because to my understanding after check that ... then ... else can only come a dut_error (or dut_errorf). And indeed if I try to do something like:
my_dut_error(arg1: string, arg2: string) is {
dut_error("first argument is ", arg, " and second argument is ", arg2);
check that FALSE else my_dut_error("check1", "check2");
I get an error:
*** Error: Unrecognized exp
[Unrecognized expression 'FALSE else my_dut_error("check1", "check2")']
at line x in main.e
check that FALSE else my_dut_error("check1", "check2");
So I thought about defining a macro to simply do a textual replace from my wrapper to an actual dut_error:
define <my_dut_error'exp> "my_dut_error(<arg1'name>, <arg2'name>)" as {
dut_error("first argument is ", <arg1'name>, " and second argument is ", <arg2'name>)
But got the same error.
Then I read about the preprocessor directive #define so tried:
#define my_dut_error(arg1, arg2) dut_error("first argument is ", arg, " and second argument is ", arg2)
But that just gave a syntax error.
How can I define a pre-compiled textual replacement macro that takes arguments, similar to C?
The reason I want to do that is to achieve some sort of an "interface" to the dut_error so all errors have a consistent structure. This way, different people writing different errors will only pass the arguments necessary by that interface and internally an appropriate message will be created.
not sure i understood what you want to do in the wrapper, but perhaps you can achieve what you want by using the dut_error_struct.
it has set of api, which you can use as hooks (do something when the error is caught) and to query about the specific error.
for example:
extend dut_error_struct {
pre_error() is also {
if source_method_name() == "post_generate" and
source_struct() is a BLUE packet {
out("\nProblem in generation? ", source_location());
// do something for error during generation
write() is first {
if get_mesage() ~ "AHB Error..." {
dut_error accepts one parameter, one string. but you can decide of a "separator", that will define two parts to the message.
e.g. - instruct people to write "XXX" in the message, before "first arg" and "second arg".
check that legal else dut_error("ONE thing", "XXX", "another thing");
check that x < 7 else dut_error("failure ", "XXX", "of x not 7 but is ", x);
extend dut_error_struct {
write() is first {
var message_parts := str_split(get_message(), "XXX");
if message_parts.size() == 2 {
out ("First part of message is ", message_parts[0],
"\nand second part of message is ", message_parts[1]
I could get pretty close to what I want using the dut_errorf method combined with a preprocessor directive defining the format string:
#define DUT_FORMAT "first argument is %s and second argument is %s"
check that FALSE else dut_errorf(DUT_FORMAT, "check1", "check2");
but I would still prefer a way that doesn't require this DUT_FORMAT directive and instead uses dut_error_struct or something similar.

How to cut a string from the end in UIPATH

I have this string: "C:\Procesos\rrhh\CorteDocumentos\Cortados\10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301.pdf" and im trying to get this part : "20190301". The problem is the lenght is not always the same. It would be:
I've tried this: item.ToString.Substring(66,8), but it doesn't work sometimes.
What can I do?.
This is a code example of what I said in my comment.
Sub Main()
Dim strFileName As String = ""
Dim di As New DirectoryInfo("C:\Users\Maniac\Desktop\test")
Dim aryFi As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.pdf")
Dim fi As FileInfo
For Each fi In aryFi
Dim arrname() As String
arrname = Split(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name), "_")
strFileName = arrname(arrname.Count - 1)
End Sub
You could achieve this using a simple regular expressions, which has the added benefit of including pattern validation.
If you need to get exactly eight numbers from the end of file name (and after an underscore), you can use this pattern:
And then this VB.NET line:
Regex.Match(fileName, "_(\d{8})\.pdf").Groups(1).Value
It's important to mention that Regex is by default case sensitive, so to prevent from being in a situations where "pdf" is matched and "PDF" is not, the patter can be adjusted like this:
You can than use it directly in any expression window:
PS: You should also ensure that System.Text.RegularExpressions reference is in the Imports:
You can achieve it by this way as well :)
Returns the file name of the specified path string without the extension.
so with your String it will return to you - 10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301
then Split above String i.e. 10001662-1_20060301_29_1_20190301 based on _ and will return an array of string.
It will return you the last element of an array returned by Split..

Typoscript: how do I add a parameter to all links in the RTE?

I want to add a parameter to all links entered in the RTE by the user.
My initial idea was to do this: {
typolink.parameter.append = TEXT
typolink.parameter.append.value = ?flavor=lemon
So for example:
which sounds great -- as long as the link does not already have a query string!
In that case, I obviously end up with two question marks in the URL
So for example:
Is there any way to add my parameter with the correct syntax, depending on whether the URL already has a query string or not? Thanks!
That would be the solution: {
typolink.additionalParams = &flavor=lemon
Note that it has to start with an &, typo3 then generates a valid link. The parameter in the link also will be parsed with realURL if configured accordingly.
Edit: The above solution only works for internal links as described in the documentation
The only solution that works for all links that I see is to use a userFunc {
typolink.userFunc = user_addAdditionalParams
Then you need to create a php script and include in your TS with:
includeLibs.rteScript = path/to/yourScript.php
Keep in mind that includeLibs is outdated, so if you are using TYPO3 8.x (and probably 7.3+) you will need to create a custom extension with just a few files
function user_addAdditionalParams($finalTagParts) {
// modify the url in $finalTagParts['url']
// $finalTagParts['TYPE'] is an indication of link-kind: mailto, url, file, page, you can use it to check if you need to append the new params
switch ($finalTagParts['TYPE']) {
case 'url':
case 'file':
$parts = explode('#', $finalTagParts['url']);
$finalTagParts['url'] = $parts[0]
. (strpos($parts[0], '?') === false ? '?' : '&')
. 'newParam=test&newParam=test2'
. ($parts[1] ? '#' . $parts[1] : '');
return '<a href="' . $finalTagParts['url'] . '"' .
$finalTagParts['targetParams'] .
$finalTagParts['aTagParams'] . '>'
PS: i have not tested the actual php code, so it can have some errors. If you have troubles, try debugging the $finalTagParts variable
Test whether the "?" character is already in the URL and append either "?" or "&", then append your key-value pair. There's a CASE object available in the TypoScript Reference, with an example you can modify for your purpose.
For anyone interested, here's a solution that worked for me using the replacement function of Typoscript. Hope this helps. {
# Start by "replacing" the whole URL by itself + our string
# For example: becomes
# For example: becomes
typolink.parameter.stdWrap.replacement.10 {
#this matches the whole URL
search = #^(.*)$#i
# this replaces it with itself (${1}) + our string
replace =${1}?flavor=lemon
# in this case we want to use regular expressions
useRegExp = 1
# After the first replacement is done, we simply replace
# the first '?' by '?' and all others by '&'
# the use of Option Split allow this
typolink.parameter.stdWrap.replacement.20 {
search = ?
replace = ? || & || &
useOptionSplitReplace = 1

Reading INI file is not working using IniRead in AHK

I am trying to read a INI file and get the values from it using AHK. However, the read is not successful and I am getting the default value from the call every time.
Here is the code I used :-
ReadIniFile(IniFileName, SectionName, KeyName,ByRef Value)
If FileExist(IniFileName)
MsgBox File found ; this comes
IniRead, Value, IniFileName, SectionName, KeyName , Default
MsgBox %Value% %IniFileName% %KeyName% %SectionName% ; Value comes as 'Default'
The output is :-
Default C:\Users\barmans\Desktop\ECU.h ININame GeneralSettings
The function call is :
ReadIniFile(HeaderFileName, "GeneralSettings", "ININame", AutoTestScript)
The INI is in format :-
KBDiagPath=C:\KBApps\Knorr-Bremse\KB Diag
Any guidance is appreciated.
As you did in MsgBox, you have to enclose your variables with % percent signs.
If the documentation tells you to state a "name", "value" or anything like that, you'll need an actual string or integer. Other than that, sometimes you're asked to state a "variable name", in which case you obviously must not use % - as in function calls.
So, your iniread will look like:
IniRead, Value, %IniFileName%, %SectionName%, %KeyName%, Default
for more detailed information, visit Tho I do not see anything about the use of variables in command there

If Condition followed by a for loop not executing in Xquery

In one of the SOAP responses, I was trying to use the following Xquery code to check a condition followed by for loop. I was trying to get a count of some element and then use the if condition and based on that if condition, it should execute the for loop. However there is an exception that shows up .
Here is my Xquery bit in the SOAP UI.
declare variable $datesList := ("2013-01-01-00.30.00","2013-01-01-01.00.00","2013-01-01-01.30.00","2013-01-01-02.00.00","2013-01-01-02.30.00","2013-01-01-03.00.00","2013-01-01-03.30.00","2013-01-01-04.00.00");
let $mcId1 :=count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/mL)
let $mcId2 :=count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[2]/mL)
for $mlList in //ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/intervals/mL
return(if($mcId1 > $mcId2)
then <text>true</text>
else <text>false</text>)
Here is the exception that appears during run time.
So I want to seek advice from the seniors and gurus, if the piece of Xquery code is correct?
Thanks much in advance.
There are multiple syntax errors in your query:
let clauses have to be part of a FLWOR expression, which always ends with a return clause.
if cannot be used without then and else and does not use curly braces.
The opening tag <res> needs a matching closing tag </res> at the end of the query.
The corrected query looks like this:
declare variable $datesList := (
"2013-01-01-00.30.00", "2013-01-01-01.00.00",
"2013-01-01-01.30.00", "2013-01-01-02.00.00",
"2013-01-01-02.30.00", "2013-01-01-03.00.00",
"2013-01-01-03.30.00", "2013-01-01-04.00.00"
let $mcId1 := count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/mL)
let $mcId2 := count(//ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[2]/mL)
return if($mcId1 = 8) then (
for $mlList in //ZZQAD2UsageTransactionSVC/usagePeriods/usagePeriodsList/SQs/SQsList[1]/intervals/mL
return if($mcId1 > $mcId2)
then <text>true</text>
else <text>false</text>
) else ()