Matlab - "Could not extract differential variables to solve for" in dsolve - matlab

I am trying to solve a RLC circuit as a symbolic differential equation in MATLAB using dsolve, the equation being
U(t) = L*Q''(t) + R*Q'(t) + (1/C)*Q(t)
with the initial conditions
Q(0) = 0
Q'(0) = 0
U(t) = 10*sin(2*t)
L = 1
R = 0
C = 1/4
While this works ...
When I implement it explicitly (and using strings) as
Q = dsolve('D2Q(t) + 4*Q(t) = 10*sin(2*t)', 'DQ(0)=0, Q(0)=0');
Q = simplify(Q);
I'll get
Q =
5 sin(2 t) 5 t cos(2 t)
---------- - ------------
4 2
which is correct.
... this does not.
For purely esoteric reasons I tried computing it directly using symbolic equations, as the documentation on dsolve stated it could be done.
So starting with
syms L R C t Q(t)
U = sym('10')*sin(sym('2')*t)
DEQ = L*diff(Q(t),t,2) + R*diff(Q(t),t) + (1/C)*Q(t)
DEQ = subs(DEQ, [L R C], [sym('1'), sym('0'), sym('1/4')])
eqn = (U == DEQ)
I receive
eqn =
10*sin(2*t) == 4*Q(t) + diff(Q(t), t, t)
Which is correct. If I now feed it into dsolve though, using
Q = dsolve(eqn, ...
Q(t) == 0, ...
diff(Q(t),t) == 0);
Matlab throws the error
Error using symengine (line 58)
Could not extract differential variables to solve for. Use 'solve' or 'vpasolve'
to compute the solutions of non-differential equations.
Why is that?

It looks like you're using sym/diff and symfuns incorrectly. Q(t) is what is referred to as an arbitrary (help sym/diff uses the term "abstract" instead) symbolic function, i.e., a function with no definition. Your function's name is Q (think of it as a function handle) and it is represented by the abstract formula Q(t), which just means that it's a function of t. When you want to take the derivative of an abstract function, pass in the name of the function - in your case, Q (the online documentation makes this slightly clearer, but not really). When you want evaluate the function use the formula, e.g., Q(0), the output of which is a sym rather than a symfun.
Here is how I might write the code for your second case:
syms L R C t Q(t)
U = 10*sin(2*t); % No need to wrap integer or exactly-represenable values in sym
dQ = diff(Q,t);
d2Q = diff(dQ,t);
DEQ = L*d2Q + R*dQ + Q/C;
DEQ = subs(DEQ, {L, R, C}, {1, 0, 1/4});
eqn = (U == DEQ);
Q = dsolve(eqn, Q(0) == 0, dQ(0) == 0);
Q = simplify(Q)
which returns
Q =
(5*sin(2*t))/4 - (5*t*cos(2*t))/2
You also forgot to evaluate your initial conditions at zero in the second case so I fixed that too. By the way, in current versions of Matlab you should be using the pure symbolic form for symbolic math (as opposed to strings).


Series expansion of a function about infinity - how to return coefficients of series as a Matlab array?

This question is connected to this one. Suppose again the following code:
syms x
f = 1/(x^2+4*x+9)
Now taylor allows the function f to be expanded about infinity:
ts = taylor(f,x,inf,'Order',100)
But the following code
c = coeffs(ts)
produces errors, because the series does not contain positive powers of x (it contains negative powers of x).
In such a case, what code should be used?
Since the Taylor Expansion around infinity was likely performed with the substitution y = 1/x and expanded around 0, I would explicitly make that substitution to make the power positive for use on coeffs:
syms x y
f = 1/(x^2+4x+9);
ts = taylor(f,x,inf,'Order',100);
[c,ty] = coeffs(subs(ts,x,1/y),y);
tx = subs(ty,y,1/x);
The output from taylor is not a multivariate polynomial, so coeffs won't work in this case. One thing you can try is using collect (you may get the same or similar result from using simplify):
syms x
f = 1/(x^2 + 4*x + 9);
ts = series(f,x,Inf,'Order',5) % 4-th order Puiseux series of f about 0
c = collect(ts)
which returns
ts =
1/x^2 - 4/x^3 + 7/x^4 + 8/x^5 - 95/x^6
c =
(x^4 - 4*x^3 + 7*x^2 + 8*x - 95)/x^6
Then you can use numden to extract the numerator and denominator from either c or ts:
[n,d] = numden(ts)
which returns the following polynomials:
n =
x^4 - 4*x^3 + 7*x^2 + 8*x - 95
d =
coeffs can then be used on the numerator. You may find other functions listed here helpful as well.

Algorithm to find a value that gives the minimum output for two or equations

Suppose I have two equations with only one variable (free parameter) x and that k1 and k2 are constants. I would like to solve for:
f(x) + k1 = 0
g(x) + k2 = 0
h(x) + kn = 0
Of course there is no value of x that satisfies all of these equations. I basically would like the value of x that minimizes the output of each of these equations.
'solve' in matlab looks for an exact answer and returns an error, here's an example to demonstrate:
syms x
solution = solve(0.5*(x-k1)/sqrt(2) == 0, 0.5*(x-k2)/sqrt(2) == 0);
You can try using Unconstrained Optimization method such as fminsearch, for example:
h=#(x) x^2;
g=#(x) x^3;
f = #(x) sum(abs([h(x)+k1; g(x)+k2]));
[x,fval] = fminsearch(f,inital_guess)
Note that I represent both eq in matrix form, and the minimization is by looking at the sum of their absolute values.
For the values I entered the value of x that minmize these eq is given by the output x = -1.5874

Using a function handle with equation and Simpson's rule

I'm working on a problem that applies a luminosity equation:
E = 64.77* T^−4 ∫ x^−5( e^(1.432/Tx) -1 )^−1 dx
Where T = 3500;
to simp son's rule which is a few sums and such.
problem 17.8 here:
What I've done is made a function simpson(fn, a, b, h) that runs simp son's rule correctly.
however, the problem is making that integral equation into a function handle that works. I've gotten it to work for simple function handles like
f = #x x.^2
but when I try and make the integral into a function:
fn = #(x)(64.77/T^4).*integral((x.^(-5)).*((exp(((1.432)./(3500.*x)))).^(-1)), 4e-5, 7e-5);
simp(fn, 5, 15, 1)
function s = simp(fn, a, b, h)
x1 = a + 2*h:2*h:b-2*h;
sum1 = sum(feval(fn, x1));
x2 = a + h:22*h:b-h;
sum2 = sum(feval(fn, x2));
s = h/3*(feval(fn, a) + feval(fn, b) + 4*sum2 + 2*sum1);
it doesn't work. error message is Integral: first input must be function handle.
Any help appreciated.
You're supposed to be evaluating the integral using Simpsons rule, whereas you are using integral to calculate the integral, then fn is not a function of x. You want to do this:
fn = #(x)(x.^(-5)).*((exp(((1.432)./(3500.*x)))).^(-1));

Using inline function with constant arguments in MATLAB

This is a part of my code.
clear all;
p = 50;
t = [-6 : 0.01 : 6];
f = inline('(t+2).*sin(t)', 't')
v = inline('3*f(p*t+2)','t','f','p')
Here I have two questions.
Why I have to pass p into the function v even though p is a constant which has already declared ?
How I can get an expression for v completely in terms of t as 3*[(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2)] or in its simplified form ?
This is an update for the second question
f(x) = 1 + x - x^2
g(x) = sin(x)
If I give f(g(x)), I wanna get the output in words, like this
f(g(x)) = (cos(X))^2 + sin(x)
not in numerical value. Is there any function capable to do that?
1) Why do I have to pass p to v even though p is a constant which has already been declared?
Well, a MATLAB's inline function object has an eval wrapper, so the only variables in its scope are those which were automatically captured from the expression or explicitly specified.
In other words, if you want v to recognize p, you have no other option but declaring it when creating the inline object and passing it to v explicitly. The same goes for f as well!
2) How I can get an expression for v completely in terms of t as 3*[(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2)] or in its simplified form?
Use anonymous functions, like Shai suggested. They are more powerful, more elegant and much faster. For instance:
v = #(t)(3*(50*t+2)*sin(50*t+2))
Note that if you use a name, which is already in use by a variable, as an argument, the anonymous function will treat it as an argument first. It does see other variables in the scope, so doing something like g = #(x)(x + p) is also possible.
EDIT #1:
Here's another example, this time a function of a function:
x = 1:5;
f = #(x)(x .^ 3); %// Here x is a local variable, not as defined above
g = #(x)(x + 2); %// Here x is also a local variable
result = f(g(x));
or alternatively define yet another function that implements that:
h = #(x)f(g(x)); %// Same result as h = #(x)((x + 2) .^ 3)
result = h(x);
The output should be the same.
EDIT #2:
If you want to make an anonymous function out of the expression string, concatenate the '#(x)' (or the correct anonymous header, as you see fit) to the beginning and apply eval, for example:
expr = '(x + 2) .^ 3';
f = eval(['#(x)', expr]) %// Same result as f = #(x)((x + 2) .^ 3)
Note that you can also do char(f) to convert it back into a string, but you'll have to manually get rid of the '#(...)' part.
EDIT #3:
If you're looking for a different solution, you can explore the Symbolic Toolbox. For example, try:
syms x
f(x) = x + 2
g(x) = x ^ 3
or can also use sym, like so:
f(x) = sym('x + 2');
g(x) = sym('x ^ 3');
Use subs to substitute values and evaluate the symbolic expression.
How about using anonymous functions:
p = 50;
t = -6:0.01:6;
f = #(x) (x+2).*sin(x);
v = #(x) 3*f(p*x+2);
subplot(1,2,1); plot( t, f(t) ); title('f(t)');
subplot(1,2,2); plot( t, v(t) ); title('v(t)');
Is this what you wanted?
Adding a constant into an inline can be done during its definition.
Instead of
p = 50;
v = inline('3*f(p*t+2)','t','f','p')
You can write
p = 50;
v = inline( sprintf('3*f(%f*t+2)', p), 't','f')

Matlab: How to solve the system of nonlinear equations with additional parameters?

I would like to create a function that finds the parameters p and q of Bass diffusion model, given the data of two time periods.
The model (equation) is the following:
n(T) = p*m + (q-p)*n(T-1) + q/m*n(T-1)^2
n(T) = number of addoptions occuring in period T
n(T-1) = number of cumulative adoptions that occured before T
p = coefficient of innovation
q = coefficient of imitation
m = number of eventual adopters
for example if m = 3.000.000
and the data for the years below is the following:
2000: n(T) = 820, n(T-1) = 0
2005: n(T) = 25000, n(T-1) = 18000
then the following equation system has to be solved (in order to determine the values of p and q):
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 == 820
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 == 25000
By following Matlab documentation I tried to create a function Bass:
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2;
p*m + (q-p)*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) + q/m*cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2];
Which should be used in fsolve(#Bass,x0,options) but in this case m, p, q, cummulativeAdoptersBefore(1), and cummulativeAdoptersBefore(2) should be given in x0 and all variables would be considered as unknown instead of just the latter two.
Does anyone know how to solve the system of equations such as above?
Thank you!
fsolve() seeks to minimize the function you supply as argument. Thus, you have to change your equations to
p*m + (q-p)*0 + q/3.000.000 * 0^2 - 820 == 0
p*m + (q-p)*18000 + q/3.000.000 * 18000^2 - 25000 == 0
and in Matlab syntax
function F = Bass(m, p, q, cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter)
F = [p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(1).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(1);
p*m + (q-p)*cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2) ...
+ q/m *cumulativeAdoptersBefore(2).^2
- cumulativeAdoptersAfter(2)];
Note: There is a typo in your Bass function (multiplication instead of sum).
Now you have a function, which takes more parameters than there are unkowns.
One option is to create an anonymous function, which only takes the unknowns as arguments and to fix the other parameters via a closure.
To fit the unkowns p and q, you could use something like
cumulativeAdoptersBefore = [0, 1800];
cumulativeAdoptersAfter = [820, 25000];
m = 3e6;
x = [0, 0]; %# Probably, this is no good starting guess.
xopt = fsolve(#(x) Bass(m, x(1), x(2), cumulativeAdoptersBefore, cumulativeAdoptersAfter), x0);
So fsolve() sees a function taking only a single argument (a vector with two elements) and it also returns a vector value.