Calculate the performance of a multicore architecture? - cpu-architecture

Cal a multicore architecture with 10 computing cores: 2 processor cores and 8 coprocessors. Each processor core can deliver 2.0 GFlops, while each coprocessor can deliver 1.0 GFlops. All computing cores can perform calculation simultaneously. Any instruction can execute in either processor or coprocessor cores unless there are any explicit restrictions.
If 70% of dynamic instructions in an application are parallelizable, what is the maximum average performance (Flops) you can get in the optimal situation? Please note that the remaining 30% instructions can be executed only after the execution of the parallel 70% is over.
Consider another application where all the dynamic instructions can be partitioned into 6 groups (A, B, C, D, E, F) with the following dependency. For example, A --> C implies that all the instructions in A need to be completed before starting the execution of instructions in C. Each of the first four groups (A, B, C and D) contains 20% of the dynamic instructions whereas each of the remaining two groups (E and F) contains 10% of the dynamic instructions. All the instructions in each group must be executed sequentially on the same processor or coprocessor core. How to schedule them on the multicore architecture to achieve the best possible performance? What is the maximum average performance (Flops) now?
A(20%) --> C(20%) -->
B(20%) --> d(20%) -->

For the first part, you need to use Amdahl's Law, which is:
max speed-up = 1/(1-p+p/n)
where p is the parallelizable part. n is the improvement factor in executing the parallel portion.
(Note that the Amdahl's Law formula can be used for first order estimates on other types of changes. E.g., given a factor of N reduction in ALU energy use and P fraction of energy used by the ALU, one can find the improvement in total energy use.)
In your case, since the serial portion would be executed on the higher performance (2 GFLOPS) processor core, n is 6 ([8 coprocessor cores * 1 GFLOPS/core + 2 processor cores * 2 GFLOPS/core]/ 2 GFLOPS/processor core).
A quick calculation shows the max speed-up you can get is 2.4 related to 1 processor core. The maximum FLOPS would therefore be the speed-up times the speed if the whole program was executed serially on one processor core, i.e., 2.4 * 2 GFLOPS = 4.8 GFLOPS.
For the second part, note that initially there are two independent instruction streams: A -> C and B -> C. Since the system has two processor cores, both can be executed in parallel on the higher performance processor cores. Furthermore, both have the same amount of work (40% of total for each stream), so one the same performance core they will complete at the same time.
Since E depends on results from both C and D, it must be started after both finish. E and F would execute on a processor core (which core is arbitrary since E must wait for the tasks running on both processor cores to complete).
As you can see 80% of the program (40% for A+C; 40% for B+D) can be parallelized by a factor of 2 and 20% of the program (E+F) is serial. You can then just plug the numbers into the Amdahl's Law formula (p=0.8, n=2).


Relation between CPI and number of execution units when looking at SIMD intrinsics [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics
(1 answer)
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
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How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
(5 answers)
Closed 10 days ago.
I understand that the term Cycle Per Instruction closely relates to the superscalarity of the processor, a term which I have not fully understood. According to Wikipedia, "...a superscalar processor can execute more than one instruction during a clock cycle by simultaneously dispatching multiple instructions to different execution units on the processor". In the same article, there is a hint that superscalarity is not necessarily related to instruction pipelining, a concept with which I'm fairly familiar.
Now, let's get concrete by taking the example of _mm256_shuffle_ps, which, according to,AVX2,FMA, has a CPI of 0.5 for the Alder Lake micro-architecture.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Thanks in advance for the transfer of knowledge.
Superscalar is usually a term you'd apply to CPU's of old, e.g. the original pentium. Back in those days, you'd have two seperate pipes, the U (primary) and V (secondary) pipe, which would allow you to potentially dispatch two instructions at the same time (i.e. it had 2 execution units). It was effectively a way of getting slightly better performance from an in-order processor core (although that came with caveats - e.g. pipeline bubbles could be an issue)
These days processors tend to use Out of Order Execution (OOOE) backed by a larger number of execution units. Alder Lake CPU's have 12 execution units, however those execution units tend to be specialised to some extent - e.g. load/store, pointer arithmetic, SIMD FPU units, etc. That's why you won't see 12 execution units capable of performing a shuffle. It can dispatch 12 micro-ops per cycle, but those ops can't all be the same instruction.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
No, you can't assume that. You can assume that there are two execution units which are capable of executing _mm256_shuffle_ps, but that doesn't mean those two units are identical. For example, we can see there are 3 execution units that can work on 256bit YMM registers, and we can see from the instruction timings that all 3 can perform _mm_add_epi32. However, only 2 can perform _mm_shuffle_ps, and only 1 can perform _mm_div_ps, so they are clearly not the same....
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
Unless the manufacturer explicitly states the capabilities of each execution port (sometimes you'll find that info in the technical manual for the CPU), you're pretty much limited to making educated guesses (e.g. the Apple M1)
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Modern Intel processors are not superscalar, therefore describing them as such makes no sense at all.
Alder Lake is able to dispatch 12 instructions per clock, using Out-Of-Order-Execution. The types of instruction the execution units can handle, is typically geared up to cover a range of common cases. For example, consider this code:
void func(float* r, float* a, float* b) {
// basic integer ops: increment and less-than
for(int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// 2 address manipulation instructions
float* addr_a = a + i * 4;
float* addr_b = b + i * 4;
// 2 load instructions
__m128 A = _mm_load_ps(addr_a);
__m128 B = _mm_load_ps(addr_b);
// an addition
__m128 R = _mm_add_ps(A, B);
// another address manipulation op
float* addr_r = r + i * 4;
// a store instruction
_mm_store_ps(addr_r, R);
Providing 12 execution units that are all capable of executing an _mm_add_ps instruction doesn't really make any sense. It makes more sense to balance the number of SIMD execution units with all those other common tasks (e.g. address manipulation, looping, etc).

Reciprocal cost allocation between units servicing each other (typical managerial accounting problem) in T-SQL

I am desperately searching for an efficient way - if there is one - to solve some kind of a recursive task in T-SQL (I could successfully model it in excel and on paper with an iterative solution - as many CMAs would for a small example, re-allocating shares of cost between pairs of support units serving each other in iterations and minimising the balancing unit's unallocated cost leftover to a reasonably small number to stop iterations/recursion).
Now I am trying to find a good scalable solution (or at least a feasible approach to it) how to achieve the same in T-SQL for this typical computational task in the managerial accounting area: when some internal support units service each other (and incur periodic costs, like salary etc) to produce at the end let's say 2 or 3 final products together as a firm, and as a result their respective shares of internally generated support overheads need to be reasonably (according to some physical base distribution, lets say - man hrs spent in each) allocated to these products' cost at the end of the costing exercise.
It would be quite simple if there was no reciprocal services: one support unit providing some service to other support units during the period (and a need to allocate respective costs too alongside this service qty flow) and the second and third support units doing the same thing to other support peers, before all their costs get properly berried into production costs and spread between respective products they jointly serviced (not equally for all support units, I'm using activity-based-costing approach here)... And in a real case there could be many more than just 2-3 units one could manually solve in excel or on paper. So, it really needs some dynamic parameters algorithm (X number of support units servicing X-1 peers and Y products in the period serviced based on some qty-measure/% square matrix allocation table) to spread their periodic cost to one unit of each product at the end. Preferably, somehow natively in SQL without using external .NET or other assembly references.
Some numeric example:
each of 3 support units A,B,C incurred $100, $200, $300 of expenses in the period and worked 50 man hrs each, respectively
A-unit serviced B-unit for 10 hrs and C-unit for 5 hrs, B-unit serviced A-unit for 5 hrs, C-unit serviced A-unit for 3 hrs and B-unit for 10 hrs
The rest of the support units' work time (A-unit 35 hrs: 30% for P1 and 70% for P2, B-unit 45 hrs: 35% for P1 and 65% for P2, C-unit 37 hrs for P2 for 100%) they spent servicing the output of two products (P1 and P2); this portion of their direct time/effort easily allocates to products - but due to reciprocal services to each other some share of support units' cost needs to be shifted to a respective product cost pool unequal to their direct time to product allocation (needs an adjusted mix coefficient for step 2 effects).
I could solve this in excel with iterating algorithm and use of VBA arrays:
(a) vector of period costs by each support unit (to finally reallocate to products and leave 0),
(b) 2dim array/matrix of coefficients of self-service between support units (based on man hrs - one to another),
(c) 2dim array/matrix of direct hrs service for each product by support units,
(d) minimal tolerable error of $1 (leftover of unallocated cost in a unit to stop iteration)
For just 2 or 3 elements (while still manually provable on paper) it is a feasible approach, but this becomes impossible to manually prove for a correct solution once I have 10-20+ support units and many products in a matrix; and I want to switch from excel and VBA to MS SQL server and t-sql for other reasons.
Since this business case as such is not new at all, I was hoping more experienced colleagues could throw an advise how to best solve this - I believed there must have been a solution to this task before (not in pure programming environment/external code).
I am thinking to combine CTE(recursive), table variables and aggregate window functions - but hesitate/struggle how to best/exactly put all puzzle elements together so it is truly scalable for my potentially growing unit/product matrix dimensions.
For my current level it's a little mind blowing, so I'd be grateful for an advice.

Number of workers in Matlab's parfor

I am running a for loop using MATLAB's parfor function. My CPU's specs are
I set preferred number of workers to 24. However, MATLAB sets this number to 6. Is number of workers bounded by the number of cores or by (number of cores)x(number of processors=6x12?
Matlab prefers to limit the number of workers to the number of cores (six in your case).
Your CPU (intel i7-9750H) has hyperthreading, i.e. you can run multiple (here 2) threads per core. However, this is of no use if you want to run them under full-load, which means that there is simply no resources available to switch to a different task (what the additional threads effectively are).
See the documentation.
Restricting to one worker per physical core ensures that each worker
has exclusive access to a floating point unit, which generally
optimizes performance of computational code. If your code is not
computationally intensive, for example, it is input/output (I/O)
intensive, then consider using up to two workers per physical core.
Running too many workers on too few resources may impact performance
and stability of your machine.
Note that Matlab needs to stream data to every core in order to run the distributed code. This is some kind of initialization effort and the reason why you won't be able to cut the runtime in half if you double the number of cores/workers. And that is also the explanation why there is no use for Matlab to make use of hyperthreading. It would just mean to increase the initial streaming effort without any speed-up -- in fact, the core would probably force matlab to save intermediate results and switch to the other task from time to time... which is the same task as before;)

Using Amdahl's law and time to calculate amount of processors?

Let's say I have a program T that has a serial portion that consumes 355 s, and a parallel portion that uses 645 s.
How can I find out how many processors I need so that the program T's parallel run time is less than or equal to 51% of its serial run time?

Amdahl's law example

Can someone help me with this example please and show me how to work the second part?
the question is :
If one third of a weather prediction algorithm is inherently serial and the remainder
parallelizable, what is the minimum number of cores needed to guarantee a 150% speedup over a
single core implementation?
ii. Your boss revises the figure to 200%. What is your new answer?
Thanks very much in advance !!
Guess: If the algorithm is 1/3 serial and 2/3 parallel...I would think that each core you added would give you a 66% increase in performance...So for 150% increase, you'd need 3 more cores, and for a 200% increase, you'd need 4.
This is a guess. Your textbook might be more helpful :)
If the algorithm runs on a single core and takes 90 minutes then 30 minutes is for the serial part and 60 minutes for the parallel part.
Add a CPU:
30 is for the serial part and 30 for the parallel part(half of the 60 overlaps with the serial part).
90 / 60 = 150% increase.
I am a bit late, but here are the answers:
1) 150% increase -> 2 cores at least required as dbasnett said;
2) 200% increase -> 4 cores at least required basing on the Amahld's law:
Here, 90 minutes overall required to perform the calculation. P is the actually enhanced part of the algorithm (the parallelizable part) which is 2/3 of 90, N is the number of cores, so when there's a core only:
You get 1, which means 100%, which is how the algorithm performs the standard way (without multi-core acceleration and therefore no parallelization speedup).
Now, we must find N number of cores for which the previous equation equals 2, where 2 means that the algorithm performs in half time (45 minutes instead of 90 when there's no parallelization) and therefore with a 200% speedup:
We see that:
So with 4 cores computing in parallel the 2/3 of the algoritm you get 200% speedup. The same goes for 150%, you will get 2, as dbasnett already told you.
Pretty simple.
Note that a complex algorithm may imply further divisions of its parallelizable parts (and in theory you can have a different number of processing units per parallelizable part concurrently):
You can further look at Wikipedia (there's also an example):
Anyway, the principle is the same:
Let T be the time an algorithm needs to execute in order to complete, A be the serial part of it, B its parallelizable part and N the number of parallel CPUs, you can divide B in further small sections and perform calculations on each part:
You may for C, D, G e.g. adopt M CPUs instead of N (the speedup will of course differ if M != N).
And at the end, you will arrive at a point when having more CPUs doesn't matter anymore, since:
And your algorithm speedup will at most tend to total execution time (T) divided by the execution time of the Serial part only (A).
Therefore parallel calculation comes really handy only when you have low execution time for the serial part of your algorithm.