Reciprocal cost allocation between units servicing each other (typical managerial accounting problem) in T-SQL - tsql

I am desperately searching for an efficient way - if there is one - to solve some kind of a recursive task in T-SQL (I could successfully model it in excel and on paper with an iterative solution - as many CMAs would for a small example, re-allocating shares of cost between pairs of support units serving each other in iterations and minimising the balancing unit's unallocated cost leftover to a reasonably small number to stop iterations/recursion).
Now I am trying to find a good scalable solution (or at least a feasible approach to it) how to achieve the same in T-SQL for this typical computational task in the managerial accounting area: when some internal support units service each other (and incur periodic costs, like salary etc) to produce at the end let's say 2 or 3 final products together as a firm, and as a result their respective shares of internally generated support overheads need to be reasonably (according to some physical base distribution, lets say - man hrs spent in each) allocated to these products' cost at the end of the costing exercise.
It would be quite simple if there was no reciprocal services: one support unit providing some service to other support units during the period (and a need to allocate respective costs too alongside this service qty flow) and the second and third support units doing the same thing to other support peers, before all their costs get properly berried into production costs and spread between respective products they jointly serviced (not equally for all support units, I'm using activity-based-costing approach here)... And in a real case there could be many more than just 2-3 units one could manually solve in excel or on paper. So, it really needs some dynamic parameters algorithm (X number of support units servicing X-1 peers and Y products in the period serviced based on some qty-measure/% square matrix allocation table) to spread their periodic cost to one unit of each product at the end. Preferably, somehow natively in SQL without using external .NET or other assembly references.
Some numeric example:
each of 3 support units A,B,C incurred $100, $200, $300 of expenses in the period and worked 50 man hrs each, respectively
A-unit serviced B-unit for 10 hrs and C-unit for 5 hrs, B-unit serviced A-unit for 5 hrs, C-unit serviced A-unit for 3 hrs and B-unit for 10 hrs
The rest of the support units' work time (A-unit 35 hrs: 30% for P1 and 70% for P2, B-unit 45 hrs: 35% for P1 and 65% for P2, C-unit 37 hrs for P2 for 100%) they spent servicing the output of two products (P1 and P2); this portion of their direct time/effort easily allocates to products - but due to reciprocal services to each other some share of support units' cost needs to be shifted to a respective product cost pool unequal to their direct time to product allocation (needs an adjusted mix coefficient for step 2 effects).
I could solve this in excel with iterating algorithm and use of VBA arrays:
(a) vector of period costs by each support unit (to finally reallocate to products and leave 0),
(b) 2dim array/matrix of coefficients of self-service between support units (based on man hrs - one to another),
(c) 2dim array/matrix of direct hrs service for each product by support units,
(d) minimal tolerable error of $1 (leftover of unallocated cost in a unit to stop iteration)
For just 2 or 3 elements (while still manually provable on paper) it is a feasible approach, but this becomes impossible to manually prove for a correct solution once I have 10-20+ support units and many products in a matrix; and I want to switch from excel and VBA to MS SQL server and t-sql for other reasons.
Since this business case as such is not new at all, I was hoping more experienced colleagues could throw an advise how to best solve this - I believed there must have been a solution to this task before (not in pure programming environment/external code).
I am thinking to combine CTE(recursive), table variables and aggregate window functions - but hesitate/struggle how to best/exactly put all puzzle elements together so it is truly scalable for my potentially growing unit/product matrix dimensions.
For my current level it's a little mind blowing, so I'd be grateful for an advice.


Relation between CPI and number of execution units when looking at SIMD intrinsics [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
latency vs throughput in intel intrinsics
(1 answer)
What considerations go into predicting latency for operations on modern superscalar processors and how can I calculate them by hand?
(1 answer)
How many CPU cycles are needed for each assembly instruction?
(5 answers)
Closed 10 days ago.
I understand that the term Cycle Per Instruction closely relates to the superscalarity of the processor, a term which I have not fully understood. According to Wikipedia, "...a superscalar processor can execute more than one instruction during a clock cycle by simultaneously dispatching multiple instructions to different execution units on the processor". In the same article, there is a hint that superscalarity is not necessarily related to instruction pipelining, a concept with which I'm fairly familiar.
Now, let's get concrete by taking the example of _mm256_shuffle_ps, which, according to,AVX2,FMA, has a CPI of 0.5 for the Alder Lake micro-architecture.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Thanks in advance for the transfer of knowledge.
Superscalar is usually a term you'd apply to CPU's of old, e.g. the original pentium. Back in those days, you'd have two seperate pipes, the U (primary) and V (secondary) pipe, which would allow you to potentially dispatch two instructions at the same time (i.e. it had 2 execution units). It was effectively a way of getting slightly better performance from an in-order processor core (although that came with caveats - e.g. pipeline bubbles could be an issue)
These days processors tend to use Out of Order Execution (OOOE) backed by a larger number of execution units. Alder Lake CPU's have 12 execution units, however those execution units tend to be specialised to some extent - e.g. load/store, pointer arithmetic, SIMD FPU units, etc. That's why you won't see 12 execution units capable of performing a shuffle. It can dispatch 12 micro-ops per cycle, but those ops can't all be the same instruction.
Can I assume that there are exactly 2 identical execution units which execute _mm256_shuffle_ps in all Alder Lake chips?
No, you can't assume that. You can assume that there are two execution units which are capable of executing _mm256_shuffle_ps, but that doesn't mean those two units are identical. For example, we can see there are 3 execution units that can work on 256bit YMM registers, and we can see from the instruction timings that all 3 can perform _mm_add_epi32. However, only 2 can perform _mm_shuffle_ps, and only 1 can perform _mm_div_ps, so they are clearly not the same....
How can a programmer know which separate instructions involve the same executions units?
Unless the manufacturer explicitly states the capabilities of each execution port (sometimes you'll find that info in the technical manual for the CPU), you're pretty much limited to making educated guesses (e.g. the Apple M1)
If there are different numbers of execution units for different instructions (such as _mm256_shuffle_ps), how does the statement "X is a 4-way superscalar processor" make sense, seeing as no one number could describe the distinct multiplicities of each execution unit?
Modern Intel processors are not superscalar, therefore describing them as such makes no sense at all.
Alder Lake is able to dispatch 12 instructions per clock, using Out-Of-Order-Execution. The types of instruction the execution units can handle, is typically geared up to cover a range of common cases. For example, consider this code:
void func(float* r, float* a, float* b) {
// basic integer ops: increment and less-than
for(int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// 2 address manipulation instructions
float* addr_a = a + i * 4;
float* addr_b = b + i * 4;
// 2 load instructions
__m128 A = _mm_load_ps(addr_a);
__m128 B = _mm_load_ps(addr_b);
// an addition
__m128 R = _mm_add_ps(A, B);
// another address manipulation op
float* addr_r = r + i * 4;
// a store instruction
_mm_store_ps(addr_r, R);
Providing 12 execution units that are all capable of executing an _mm_add_ps instruction doesn't really make any sense. It makes more sense to balance the number of SIMD execution units with all those other common tasks (e.g. address manipulation, looping, etc).

How can a Neural Network learn from testing outputs against external conditions which it can not directly control

In order to simplify the question and hopefully the answer I will provide a somewhat simplified version of what I am trying to do.
Setting up fixed conditions:
Max Oxygen volume permitted in room = 100,000 units
Target Oxygen volume to maintain in room = 100,000 units
Maximum Air processing cycles per sec == 3.0 cycles per second (min is 0.3)
Energy (watts) used per second is this formula : (100w * cycles_per_second)SQUARED
Maximum Oxygen Added to Air per "cycle" = 100 units (minimum 0 units)
1 person consumes 10 units of O2 per second
Max occupancy of room is 100 person (1 person is min)
inputs are processed every cycle and outputs can be changed each cycle - however if an output is fed back in as an input it could only affect the next cycle.
Lets say I have these inputs:
A. current oxygen in room (range: 0 to 1000 units for simplicity - could be normalized)
B. current occupancy in room (0 to 100 people at max capacity) OR/AND could be changed to total O2 used by all people in room per second (0 to 1000 units per second)
C. current cycles per second of air processing (0.3 to 3.0 cycles per second)
D. Current energy used (which is the above current cycles per second * 100 and then squared)
E. Current Oxygen added to air per cycle (0 to 100 units)
(possible outputs fed back in as inputs?):
F. previous change to cycles per second (+ or - 0.0 to 0.1 cycles per second)
G. previous cycles O2 units added per cycle (from 0 to 100 units per cycle)
H. previous change to current occupancy maximum (0 to 100 persons)
Here are the actions (outputs) my program can take:
Change cycles per second by increment/decrement of (0.0 to 0.1 cycles per second)
Change O2 units added per cycle (from 0 to 100 units per cycle)
Change current occupancy maximum (0 to 100 persons) - (basically allowing for forced occupancy reduction and then allowing it to normalize back to maximum)
The GOALS of the program are to maintain a homeostasis of :
as close to 100,000 units of O2 in room
do not allow room to drop to 0 units of O2 ever.
allows for current occupancy of up to 100 people per room for as long as possible without forcibly removing people (as O2 in room is depleted over time and nears 0 units people should be removed from room down to minimum and then allow maximum to recover back up to 100 as more and more 02 is added back to room)
and ideally use the minimum energy (watts) needed to maintain above two conditions. For instance if the room was down to 90,000 units of O2 and there are currently 10 people in the room (using 100 units per second of 02), then instead of running at 3.0 cycles per second (90 kw) and 100 units per second to replenish 300 units per second total (a surplus of 200 units over the 100 being consumed) over 50 seconds to replenish the deficit of 10,000 units for a total of 4500 kw used. - it would be more ideal to run at say 2.0 cycle per second (40 kw) which would produce 200 units per second (a surplus of 100 units over consumed units) for 100 seconds to replenish the deficit of 10,000 units and use a total of 4000 kw used.
NOTE: occupancy may fluctuate from second to second based on external factors that can not be controlled (lets say people are coming and going into the room at liberty). The only control the system has is to forcibly remove people from the room and/or prevent new people from coming into the room by changing the max capacity permitted at that next cycle in time (lets just say the system could do this). We don't want the system to impose a permanent reduction in capacity just because it can only support outputting enough O2 per second for 30 people running at full power. We have a large volume of available O2 and it would take a while before that was depleted to dangerous levels and would require the system to forcibly reduce capacity.
My question:
Can someone explain to me how I might configure this neural network so it can learn from each action (Cycle) it takes by monitoring for the desired results. My challenge here is that most articles I find on the topic assume that you know the correct output answer (ie: I know A, B, C, D, E inputs all are a specific value then Output 1 should be to increase by 0.1 cycles per second).
But what I want is to meet the conditions I laid out in the GOALS above. So each time the program does a cycle and lets say it decides to try increasing the cycles per second and the result is that available O2 is either declining by a lower amount than it was the previous cycle or it is now increasing back towards 100,000, then that output could be considered more correct than reducing cycles per second or maintaining current cycles per second. I am simplifying here since there are multiple variables that would create the "ideal" outcome - but I think I made the point of what I am after.
For this test exercise I am using a Swift library called Swift-AI (specifically the NeuralNet module of it :
So if you want to tailor you response in relation to that library it would be helpful but not required. I am more just looking for the logic of how to setup the network and then configure it to do initial and iterative re-training of itself based on those conditions I listed above. I would assume at some point after enough cycles and different conditions it would have the appropriate weightings setup to handle any future condition and re-training would become less and less impactful.
This is a control problem, not a prediction problem, so you cannot just use a supervised learning algorithm. (As you noticed, you have no target values for learning directly via backpropagation.) You can still use a neural network (if you really insist). Have a look at reinforcement learning. But if you already know what happens to the oxygen level when you take an action like forcing people out, why would you learn such a simple facts by millions of evaluations with trial and error, instead of encoding it into a model?
I suggest to look at model predictive control. If nothing else, you should study how the problem is framed there. Or maybe even just plain old PID control. It seems really easy to make a good dynamical model of this process with few state variables.
You may have a few unknown parameters in that model that you need to learn "online". But a simple PID controller can already tolerate and compensate some amount of uncertainty. And it is much easier to fine-tune a few parameters than to learn the general cause-effect structure from scratch. It can be done, but it involves trying all possible actions. For all your algorithm knows, the best action might be to reduce the number of oxygen consumers to zero permanently by killing them, and then get a huge reward for maintaining the oxygen level with little energy. When the algorithm knows nothing about the problem, it will have to try everything out to discover the effect.

Alert in RAM/CPU Usage Detection in e-Commerce Server

Currently I'm building my monitoring services for my e-commerce Server, which mostly focus on CPU/RAM usage. It's likely Anomaly Detection on Timeseries data.
My approach is building LSTM Neural Network to predict next CPU/RAM value on chart trending and compare with STD (standard deviation) value multiply with some number (currently is 10)
But in real life conditions, it depends on many differents conditions, such as:
1- Maintainance Time (in this time "anomaly" is not "anomaly")
2- Sales time in day-off events, holidays, etc., RAM/CPU usages increase is normal, of courses
3- If percentages of CPU/RAM decrement are the same over 3 observations: 5 mins, 10 mins & 15 mins -> Anomaly. But if 5 mins decreased 50%, but 10 mins it didn't decrease too much (-5% ~ +5%) -> Not an "anomaly".
Currently I detect anomaly on formular likes this:
isAlert = (Diff5m >= 10 && Diff10m >= 15 && Diff30m >= 40)
where Diff is Different Percentage in Absolute value.
Unfortunately I don't save my "pure" data for building neural network, for example, when it detects anomaly, I modified that it is not an anomaly anymore.
I would like to add some attributes to my input for model, such as isMaintenance, isPromotion, isHoliday, etc. but sometimes it leads to overfitting.
I also want to my NN can adjust baseline over the time, for example, when my Service is more popular, etc.
There are any hints on these aims?
I would say that an anomaly is an unusual outcome, i.e. a outcome that's not expected given the inputs. As you've figured out, there are a few variables that are expected to influence CPU and RAM usage. So why not feed those to the network? That's the whole point of Machine Learning. Your network will make a prediction of CPU usage, taking into account the sales volume, whether there is (or was) a maintenance window, etc.
Note that you probably don't need an isPromotion input if you include actual sales volumes. The former is a discrete input, and only captures a fraction of the information present in the totalSales input
Machine Learning definitely needs data. If you threw that away, you'll have to restart capturing it. As for adjusting the baseline, you can achieve that by overweighting recent input data.

Data transmission using RF with raspberryPi

I have a project that consisted of transmitting data wirelessly from 15 tractors to a station, the maximum distance between tractor and station is 13 miles. I used a raspberry pi 3 to collect data from tractors. with some research I found that there is no wifi or GSM coverage so the only solution is to use RF communication using VHF. so is that possible with raspberry pi or I must add a modem? if yes, what is the criterion for choosing a modem? and please if you have any other information tell me?
and thank you for your time.
I had a similar issue but possibly a little more complex. I needed to cover a maximum distance of 22 kilometres and I wanted to monitor over 100 resources ranging from breeding stock to fences and gates etc. I too had no GSM access plus no direct line of sight access as the area is hilly and the breeders like the deep valleys. The solution I used was to make my own radio network using cheap radio repeaters. Everything was battery operated and was driven by the receivers powering up the transmitters. This means that the units consume only 40 micro amps on standby and when the transmitters transmit, in my case they consume around 100 to 200 milliamps.
In the house I have a little program that transmits a poll to the receivers every so often and waits for the units to reply. This gives me a big advantage because I can, via the repeater trail (as each repeater, the signal goes through, adds its code to the returning message) actually determine were my stock are.
Now for the big issue, how long do the batteries last? Well each unit has a 18650 battery. For the fence and gate controls this is charged by a small 5 volt solar panel and after 2 years running time I have not changed any of them. For the cattle units the length of time between charges depends solely on how often you poll the units (note each unit has its own code) with one exception (a bull who wants to roam and is a real escape artist) I only poll them once or twice a day and I swap the battery every two weeks.
The frequency I use is 433Mhz and the radio transmitters and receivers are very cheap ( less then 10 cents a pair if you by them in Australia) with a very small Attiny (I think) arduino per unit (around 30 cents each) and a length on wire (34.6cm long as an aerial) for the cattle and 69.2cm for the repeaters. Note these calculations are based on the frequency used i.e. 433Mhz.
As I had to install lots of the repeaters I contacted an organisation in China (sorry they no longer exist) and they created a tiny waterproof and rugged capsule that contained everything, while also improving on the design (range wise while reducing power) at a cost of $220 for 100 units not including batterys. I bought one lot as a test and now between myself and my neighbours we bought another 2000 units for only $2750.
In my case this was paid for in less then three months when during calving season I knew exactly were they were calving and was on site to assist. The first time I used it we saved a mother who was having a real issue.
To end this long message I am not an expert but I had an idea and hired people who were and the repeater approach certainly works over long distances and large areas (42 square kilometres).
Following on from the comments above, I'm not sure where you are located but spectrum around the 400mhz range is licensed in many countries so it would be worth checking exactly what you can use.
If this is your target then this is UHF rather than VHF so if you search for 'Raspberry PI UHF shield' or 'Raspberry PI UHF module' you will find some examples of cheap hardware you can add to your raspberry pi to support communication over these frequencies. Most of the results should include some software examples also.
There are also articles on using the pins on the PI to transmit directly by modulating the voltage them - this is almost certainly going to interfere with other communications so I doubt it would meet your needs.

Economy Producer/Consumer Simulation

Hello wonderful community!
I'm currently writing a small game in my spare time. It takes place in a large galaxy, where the player has control of some number of Stars. On these stars you can construct Buildings, each of which has some number (0..*) of inputs, and produce some number of outputs. These buildings have a maximum capacity/throughput, and scaling down it's inputs scales down it's outputs by an equal amount. I'd like to find a budgeting algorithm that optimizes (or approximates) the throughput of all the buildings. It seems like some kind of max-flow problem, but none of the flow optimization algorithms I've read have differing types of inputs or dependent outputs.
The toy "tech tree" I've been playing with is:
Solar plant - None => 2 energy output.
Extractor - 1 energy => 1 ore output
Refinery - 1 energy, 1 ore => 1 metal
Shipyard - 1 metal, 2 energy => 1 ship
I'm willing to accept sub-optimal algorithms, and I'm willing to make the guarantee that the inputs/outputs have no cycles (they form a DAG from building to building). The idea is to allow reasonable throughput and tech tree complexity, without player intervention, because on the scale of hundreds or thousands of stars, allowing the player to manually define the budgeting strategy isn't fun and gives players who no-life it a distinct advantage.
My current strategy is to build up a DAG, and give the resources a total ordering (Ships are better than Metal is better than Ore is better than energy), then, looping through each of the resources, find the most "descendant" building which produces that resource, allow it to greedily grab from it's inputs recursively (a shipyard would take 2 energy, and 1 metal, and then the refinery would grab 1 energy and 1 ore, etc), then find any "liars" in the graph (the solar plant is providing 4 energy, when it's maximum is 2), scale down their production and propagate the changes forward. Once everything is resolved for the DAG, remove the terminal element (shipyard) from the graph and subtract the "current thruoghput" of each edge from the maximum throughput of the building, and then repeat the process for the next type of resource. I thought I'd ask people far more intelligent than me if there's a better way. :)